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Aw I have a bit of a soft spot for Bex, I think she's really quite vulnerable (rather than manipulative like JM) but also would be a friend I'd have on mute rather a lot. She reminds me of pals I had in my 20's who used to use social media to get a 'message' to someone rather than just coming out and actually texting them to tell them they wanted attention/were annoyed/were hungry/needed a wee.

Those boots, however, are quite something. I'd rather wear those boots everyday for a year than be or even be in the vicinity of RoadsideHorror, who is absolutely vile.
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I just want her to wade in, uninvited of course, to ScotsPol twitter. It’s a fucking next level hellscape and she will get her arse sliced, diced, handed to her, taken back, set on fire and then shoved up itself.
Well she's got a great attitude so far. An English person doing massive tweet threads about the impoverished locals. It's hilarious she doesn't realise what a bad look that is. But then again she is one of the least self aware people on twitter.
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Livia Fantasy

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Funny how all these financial woes repeatedly happen to her. Never known anyone whose stuff always breaks, gets cancelled, overcharged, doesn’t arrive, etc.

Karma, eh? What a bitch.
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My aunt is a senior research biochemist 🍉 and not once has she ever asked me to tweet about her work so she get funding. So sorry if you've been patiently waiting for a cure for whatever it is she works on.
The ME Association exists
It has a “research roundup” section on its website
It provides research grants
I read this stuff because it’s relevant to me. There’s a bunch of “potential key to ME /Fibromyalgia/ long covid” research going on all the time. This WEEK there were 12 ME studies and 21 LC studies published.

Theres a number of studies looking at EBV, Herpesviruses, and most studies will look at mitochondria (the power house of the cell!) coz that’s where fatigue starts.

TLDR she’s done the equivalent of announcing a cancer scientist is looking at cells, and this might lead to a cure for cancer.
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At 9/10 years old and in primary school (as in literally in the school at the time this anecdote occurred) surely it’s highly unlikely that the child is actually wearing make up to make them look like a “wotsit” - so LO is dishing out a nice dose of racism/prejudice at the colour of another child’s skin.
The racist apple doesn't fall far from the racist tree.
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I’m a sarcastic asshat but if I had a child and they were snarking about like that at school, they‘d be getting an intervention.
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This is hardly the worst thing she said, but what on earth is wrong with NHS crutches?

After all she said about being judged at that club she sent the kids to she should hang her head in shame talking about other people like she is. Absolute bitch.
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Jelly Bean

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Hi @HotesTilaire

She was enthusiastic about the book project but was also very vague about what was needed. For several reasons, I thought it was dodgy and that they were expecting a lot from contributors who were being asked to submit work without being formally commissioned and the fees were very low. There wasn't clarity about how the editing would work or what the overall shape of the book was -- I foresaw being asked to do a lot of extra work that would be unpaid and that didn't seem right to me, especially since it was to be about poverty.

I didn't like the fact that she was vague about who she really was and it made me feel that I wasn't going to be necessarily as well looked after as I would want on a collaborative project. I think my instincts were right now that it turns out the whole thing is still not complete.

She comes across well, is really well spoken and personable. But also seems chaotic and disorganised. I've seen her picking fights online, too, and I'm glad I stayed away, honestly.

Writing a personal testimony about one's poverty is very tough and potentially traumatising and I didn't trust her or Unbound to look after my best interests on such a project. That's just my opinion but I feel like it's been born out over the process of this non-book.

Luckily I don't have any spare cash so I didn't lose anything and I haven't ever given RSM money.
You did well to avoid it.
From memory at one point she also took to twitter to slag off those who had contributed, crossly saying she had received some testamonies but they weren't good enough in terms of content and style. As you say it probably took a lot for some people to discuss such personal and tough information, so to read on twitter that it wasn't of a good enough standard could be quite harmful.
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This is such garbage.

Even if, hypothetically, the Job Centre points you towards a dodgy business, the first thing you would do is report it back to them, wouldn't you? And make sure the most senior person there knew about it.

There's a reason why illegal enterprises traffic people from other countries to slave away as sex workers, car wash people, dope farmers, cowboy builders etc etc etc. They have no need to recruit through the Job Centre and certainly wouldn't want to draw attention from any agency of the state.
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Must’ve been one hell of a back payment to be able to afford all this, feel financially secure, and fund a spenny wheelchair as a pay it forward?

Lol jk, the spenny wheelchair part has been conveniently forgotten, the money is HERS, ALL HERS.
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When she passed as not a Traveller and was so pleased. When RD was to her a pink gorilla but must be seen, by others, in his t-shirt, as a super hero guerrilla. Roadsidemum loves appearances.

And the very sincere, true and real story of the hunters deciding - based on her appearance - that she wasn't the granddaughter of a Tory councillor
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The point of the book was so she could say for the past two years that she has “a job”. She ranted about how UC changed how working was calculated to ensure you HAD to be earning minimum wage, even if you were classing yourself as self employed. That’s when things seem to grind to a half somewhat. When she had to be honest about her “job” to the Benefits folk.

Clearly every word of it will now be completely out of date. The contributions were submitted before the Ukraine invasion, and the Cost of Living crisis. Before people had their shopping increase by high on 20%. Before rents started going stratospheric.

Luckily, it’s highly unlikely ever to surface. The Poverty Tour (as she so crassly calls it) and the money raised will never be seen again.
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And?? Do you think you are the only one? And why do you think we/anyone gives a shit? Any chance of you doing the Zine now you are back from your weekend away?
Oh god she’s one of those people who thinks liking marmite is actually controversial. No, RSM, it’s not and neither is putting it on toast which is, after all, pretty much what it was designed for. If you were saying you dipped your bourbon biscuits in it, perhaps that would be worthy of a said what I said, but not this.
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