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The way she says this on the story… so smug. Really Rhi? You never mentioned… 🙄

On that note, how does someone who’s just released a science based book manage to get “accidentally” pregnant not once but twice? Clearly not up to speed on that element of biology are we Rhi…

It does piss me off more than anything when people in long term relationships say that. Just say you relaxed a bit about the idea of falling pregnant and let it happen. You don’t have to say you deliberately intended to have a kid if you’re so against saying that for whatever your bizarre reason is, but don’t make out like you didn’t know unprotected sex could = baby… 🤦🏻‍♀️


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Rhi: I’ll never post a still photo of Z’s face

2 stories later…

A still picture of Z’s face and bare bottom 🤦🏻‍♀️

if she really is worried about her childrens safety that’s great but she’s not doing enough. Don’t post your children AT ALL. Also don’t post your house, your local area, don’t tag the baby groups you are going to and absolutely don’t post pictures of your baby in the bath. How can anyone actually take her seriously talking about childrens safety and then posting that. It’s performative nonsense to suddenly stop showing Z’s face and carry on posting T’s.


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I feel like these people get somewhat ‘famous’, gather a few ‘celeb’ pals and forget who they really are. Keeping up with Lucy meck is obviously higher on the agenda than actually looking after herself. Her post on how often she has been sick is disturbing
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Exactly! He is weeks old, there are no routines or schedules at that age. Imagine rocking a baby to sleep for 2 and a half hours, it’s madness! But it’s the language of ‘nap refusal’ that’s gets to me. It infers that they are doing it on purpose. Like a weeks old baby could decide that they weren’t going to sleep just to spite you or something. She is completely neurotic about feeding and sleeping. She’ll probably do a story about how she’s been on the phone with that baby sleep woman she always goes on about and they’ve diagnosed exactly why he didn’t sleep today.
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Chatty Member
She has a history of competing with other female bloggers with whom she's supposedly friends with. Seems more like frenemies, because Rhi just can't help herself from trying to do one-upmanship with other women. She is definitely not a girls girl and her behavious makes her very unlikeable. Must be exhausting trying to keep up with the Jones'.

Anyone else think she’s weirdly obsessed with Lucy Meck. Even to the point of copying her pregnancy symptoms. As soon as Lucy says she’s sick, Rhi’s nausea makes a sudden return. Really strange woman.
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Honestly moaning about her neighbours building again! If she doesn’t want to deal with neighbours she should move to the middle of nowhere, otherwise she is always going to have neighbours and she can’t expect them to be silent because she has to do a few stories for Instagram. Also what the hell was that reel with Lucy meck all about yesterday? I cringed myself inside out watching that!
Oh god it’s like Lucy Meck is the cool girl at school and Rhi is the try hard hanger on who just doesn’t get the hint 🤣
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Yes, why is she so obsessed with precise timings?!
It's all to do with control....and she's obsessed with pumping .....I don't understand why she so obsessed with using the pump .I breastfed all 3 of mine ( for a total of 5 years) and never used a pump once
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Once again finding yet another excuse to remind the world that she is a super mum because she *clearly* was the only female who gave birth during lockdown...although don't get me wrong I'm all for masks, but you can encourage the world to wear masks without constantly bringing up the fact that you're a mum ya feel!?


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Yeah I couldn’t believe it when I saw that post saying she never thought to read a book to Z when he was younger!
She can try the sweetness and light act all she wants but that is the real Rhi. Condescending, rude and thinks she knows best and is better than everybody else.
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I am no Rhi fan but having had a baby during lockdown it is offensive to say that because she didn’t have to pay for childcare she didn’t have a right to complain. My baby didn’t meet her grandparents till she was 4 months old thanks to the lockdown and even then it was in a service station car park. I think that comment was outrageous tbh!
Erm, same! My baby didn't meet his grandparents til he was 4 months either. But while I was on maternity leave my partner was furloughed so basically got an extended paternity leave on 80% pay. We were incredibly lucky, it's not outrageous to acknowledge that (even if it was also an incredibly difficult time). There were very tough times, but I mean... people were literally forced to work and were dying as a result. Rhi (and me) sat at home raising our babies and got to choose the level of risk we wanted to expose ourselves to.
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Guys LOOK at her house. Ain't nobody paying the mortgage on that on 40k :ROFLMAO:

I suppose there's always the possibility that they've had serious parental help to get the property they have, but privilege is privilege, and they have it either way.
Those shots in that house don’t really tell you how big it is. I’ve noticed it before. She’s always in the same room. Sometimes those shots make it look like it’s just a small little thing with a sky light/nice patio doors.
Typical insta trick

i don’t believe anyones in a big house unless they do a house tour 😄
Either way, either they’re not as well off as we think they are or her hubby doesn’t do that job
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The whole HAES, Lindo Bacon stuff is honestly mind boggling to me and FatDr is one toxic person, basically unless you are fat, black, disabled, queer etc then you have no rights to say anything or have an opinion. The whole situation is horrifically toxic, however we’ve all said many times that going to these rail thin, privileged white women would not be beneficial so I can see their point.

Throughout the last few weeks Rhiannon has been suspiciously quiet, as has Dr Joshua Wolrich, friend of Rhiannon but also fatdr…. He seems to be trying to please everyone and while he isn’t a thin white privileged woman, he is a straight sized white privileged man, yet for some reason is considered an ally.

I honestly find it all utterly baffling.
Fat Doctor needs their own thread on here! Utterly crackers. Im all for body positivity but some of the stuff they spout is just nuts
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Anyone notice that Sophies Healthy Kitchen (an employee at Harley Street) is looking even worse than ever? Extremely skeletal, malnourished and unhealthy. Such an awful role model of healthy eating. Sophie looks like she needs some help. She looks absolutely horrendous and a picture of ill health.I am tempted to complain to Instagram. She looks as if she is promoting anorexia.
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It is what it is

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I hope to god she doesn’t have another one. I can’t even imagine the stress if she does! It will stress me out! How on earth will she cope with all the book deals and podcasts and watching th baby monitors?
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