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Well-known member
Ugh, I'd forgotten about this godawful woman until I came across her name doing some research for work. Used to follow her a few years ago as I really liked her recipes, but she was wasn't very nice to me in her DMs. She posted something incorrect about a condition I was affected by and I DM'd her to say there wasn't any scientific evidence to support what she'd said and that it could be triggering to someone with that condition. She got very passive-aggressive with me - all "sorry you feel that way" and "don't come into my DMs and criticise" - when all I did was highlight the fact she was giving scientifically incorrect information to her followers about a fairly sensitive topic. She made me feel so awful about myself that I unfollowed her immediately.
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PLEASE TELL ME SHE DIDNT POSITION HERSELF IN THIS CRINGE WAY TO SHOW HOW ‘skinny’ she is. Im dead🤣- poor poor girl, how can you be a nutritionist if you deal with body image this badly. Maybe good she never got a girl because that would be sad for her growing up with an obsessed mum. I know i sound harsh but this is not normal. Also im 100% sure her ‘insta friends’ find her cringe but just dont say anything looool.
If you see photos/content taken by others or posted on her ‘friends’ stories she always appears healthier and just slim - so it’s 100% a choice to use poses/filters to appear skeletal and ill. I thought doing it on Rhi was bad enough as it’s misrepresenting to a mum audience - but posting that on her ‘professional page’ is so strange
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Another cunningly concealed advert….. she never even bothers with # now and I’m fed up of reporting her as nothing ever gets done. 🤷‍♀️🙄
Ive just seen this and it’s awful, you would never know it was an ad. Has anyone ever seen her wearing this? Sounds like quackery to me, I’m really thinking she’s just not the person I thought she was.
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I used to like her before but now she just never shuts up about how much she is multi tasking with the business and being a mother of two. If it’s that much pressure ,delegate some work to others. Also she would look better with a bit more weight on and if she cut her hair nicely. I would be more likely to take nutritional advice from someone who seemed genuinely happy and looked well!
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VIP Member
Exactly this.
She doesn’t even make most of her money from books or clinic. Facts from people in her circle.
Then this proves the point even further. If her husband is well-paid enough for her not to have to bother with jobs that pay particularly well. If they're more vanity projects and there for exposure, that shows beyond any further doubt that she's MORE than comfortable.

Feel like we're probably straying from the original subject but the point still stands - Rhi lives in an ivory tower compared to many mums. She should be extremely grateful for what she has and stop playing up the woe is me act. One borderline nasty message (that had a fair point behind it) is not the end of the world.
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Here's the thing about breastmilk - if you spill some, there is ALWAYS more. Your body makes it on demand! Not saying it's not upsetting when you lose some, especially if you've spent ages expressing it. But if she's expressing, it's likely to be so that she can give the baby to her husband for a feed. Is it really that much of a nightmare to just suck it up and do that feed yourself, or pump some more? These influencers go on about these amazing Elvie pumps that allow you to go about your day - whack one on and get on with it!
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The way she is going on about her book you’d think she was William flipping Shakespeare!! No doubt it’s just plagiarised and regurgitated crap again!
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In the interests of fairness and not because I like her (so much nicer to have unfollowed and not see her on my feed everyday) she may live in a nice house and have her gym membership but she doesn’t appear to live an extravagant lifestyle, don’t think we ever see her shopping and dining out is only occasionally. Maybe she’s just good at presenting an affluent life and we’re assuming there’s more than there actually is? She’s lucky that she can work from home so much, but the downside is no maternity leave/pay and insta is very fickle if you don’t keep a presence up.
Anyway, not a rave post or a defending post, just some thoughts.

Agree. Does she present a particularly affluent life though? Certainly not compared to be people like Alice Liveing at a private members club several times a week and blowing several grand on clothes a month.

As for the size of their house - you just can’t make assumptions about someone’s income on that basis. One of the people I know who lives in an incredible house lost both their parents young and inherited. Tbh some of the comments on here just smack of jealousy.

Anyone, on another note, is anyone else disappointed she isn’t doing a gender reveal this time 🤣
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Her hack for cleaning a pump is to literally use a bottle brush…. Err yes I think every bottle feeding parent would know about this? Revolutionary stuff Rhi 🤦🏻‍♀️
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She is so bad at lying it’s hilarious. She is also the definition of a reckless mother - I’m still really shocked that she thinks it’s ok on any level to let a child or animal climb into a washing machine or dryer 🤷🏻‍♀️
I've had 3 children and 5 cats..and none of them have ever even tried to climb into washing machine or tumble dryer!
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Let’s not forget putting any minor disruption to Zs sleep schedule as teething! Kid must be on to his adult teeth by now
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Well-known member
why are they all so poorly all the time? Crazy for someone promoting her health business! Little Theo is gorgeous though, I have to say!
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Bit disrespectful to get a pedicure and be on your laptop at the same time…
But Rhi is just sooooo busy. She’s the busiest mum there ever was so she cannot simply have a pedicure and not do work at the same time because then how would she be able to moan about how busy she is!
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Chatty Member
I really don’t get why she shows her younger son’s face but not her older one. Her younger kid is readily identifiable, he’s not a baby and hasn’t been for some time.

Other than that does she ever stop moaning about hard her life is?
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Yes I remember the 3 meals a day stage - they're supposed to be tasting and experimenting with food from six months, I found it utterly bizarre that her baby was already on 3 square meals. It felt performative to me - I'm a nutritionist! Look at all this healthy food my baby enjoys! He's never even been under the same roof as a chicken nugget! No way was it in the baby's best interests, they still get all the nutrition they need from breast milk at that point. She's always posting breast milk stuff, you'd think she'd have a bit of confidence that her own was doing the trick rather than trying to shovel three meals a day into her baby's tiny gut!
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She’s got a super anxious personality but apparently not about anything to do with child safety?! Baffles me. Advertising her child in car seat in a pram suit and a hat to all her followers as if it’s good practice is so irresponsible 😬 Your comment sounds so much like her - she’ll be “my child was never in any danger” because a poorly fitting car seat obviously isn’t a genuine safety concern in her eyes…

And it looks like the strap is twisted, she’ll have another story soon to moan about people telling her off and actually this wasn’t how she left him blablabla
Also she’s done a story today describing in depth how bad Theo’s nappy rash is and said it’s because he’s doing so many poos because he’s on THREE meals a day. I’ve just checked and he was born June 13th - so he’s not even 6 months yet. Food is meant to be her area of expertise - my child is about a week older and everything I’ve read says how it should be one meal a day at this point.
Did she wean at 4 months to improve sleep or something, wouldn’t put it past her to follow that myth 😳
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