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I’m just trying to work out how they all are managing to carry those cases 🤣 bloody hell, how to make travelling with children even more stressful for yourself
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Absolutely spot on. I commented on her blog that did she have it too. All she said was it ‘could’ be heredity. There is definitely something not quite right with her…

I don’t imagine her to be a great mum. Whilst it’s not for me to judge anyone - it appears her kids aren’t allowed to do anything…., Last Christmas they were having to put their presents in the allocated box soon after opening them!!!! It was awful to see. I accept many aren’t cooks but she buys frozen veg so she isn’t in the kitchen all Christmas Day. She could prepare all the veggies the night before. Indeed the kids could help… she’s always keen to develop their ‘fine motor skills’. Chop a snowman’s nose 🥕.
Putting the presents in the boxes absolutely winds me up farm more than it actually should. I think it’s awful, it’s Christmas Day, part of the joy is having the toys around you while you unwrap more. It sad
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So I know we're (thankfully) past the trouble with getting supermarket slots but it still really bothers me that she took up slots all the way through lockdown, when the people who were most vulnerable and in need couldn't get them. There are two parents in the house. None of them are clinically vulnerable in terms of COVID (we definitely would have been told if they were) and she's clearly very happy to piss about in any other shop that isn't Tesco. I know it's petty, but it really grates on me.
I agree. Just something else to prove how entitled she believes she is. We never ordered a single shop online all the way through lockdowns, because one of us could go and get the things we need. It’s just disgusting.
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Chatty Member
When will she stop with these early morning wake ups and the obsession to work?? She must be shattered and snappy as the day goes on I'm sure any decent person following wouldnt go ape shit if a video didn't go up when expected....surely the luxury of working for yourself is putting your kids first when you have too zero guilt or hassle????
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Seriously, it is borderline abuse. The micromanaging of absolutely everything - from what they wear, to how they act, to what they play with, etc. It's so controlling and suffocating and that's just what we see. She makes her 7-year-old wear a fucking plastic bib when she eats her dinner ffs. Honestly, this woman is not right. Those poor kids are so controlled in every possible way.
Those kids are ending up in therapy when they are older. I wish her husband would step in and stop it all. I watch lots of vloggers but she is by far the worse with the children. They must not get a single minute without being controlled it’s disgusting! If we can see it with what she puts on her husband must definitely see it.
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She has exploited her kids that much that telling you the kids signs and symptoms wouldn’t surprise me as a step to far for her! There is a reason why she hasn’t mentioned them!
If you know the kids dates of birth, things they like, toys they like and activities they do during the week then that’s already way to much information and I’m honestly surprised she doesn’t see that! Why do people need to know that information, that’s not keeping the kids safe! People on the internet should not know these things about your kid! The whole birthday interviews give all that information…if you want to film it then fine, but it should not be on you tube! Kids cannot consent to anything….get them off line!
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It’s only been like 2 days and she’s greeting the stories ‘hi Disney gang’! Well she actually has done pretty well in the Disney influencer world….she got 7 days free park tickets! Lucky lucky family…..
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Its Dylan and will i feel sorry for she couldn't even stay with the boys for the star wars thing in Disney, the girls were bored the girls need to learn their are other members of the family who like different things and should be told that Dylan and will are entitled to have at least 1 day with their mum. The parents should book a camping trip or adventure weekend away with the boys and leave them spoilt girls with family members oooooh yes that would never happen
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Her eating habits are borderline unhealthy (an Exante bar is NOT a meal) so i’m not surprised that they aren’t making the most of the Disney grub.
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All I can see is those dreadful loungefly bags hanging off all the children. It’s awful. The one on Zara is right down her legs. Poor William having to wear a Star Wars themed grown up woman’s bag.

My son is the same age as William and would be mortified to be wearing all that clobber. He’s too old for dressing up, according to him.

Dylan is 17 and Orlando is a great place for all ages but this trip is obviously all for Rhi and the girls (and Wills 1 ‘throw him a bone’ day at Galaxy’s edge). Poor Dylan has to share a room with his parents and 3 young siblings and never get any privacy And probably expected to be thrilled at seeing endless princesses. He probably wants to go to Universal, Hooters, Hard Rock Cafe and the outlet malls for hoody’s and trainers.

I bet there are quite a few autistic meltdowns going on off camera. My children have autism and need calm, quiet, space from each other in their own rooms, private pool in the villa, familiar snacks and quiet meals if theme parks are to be enjoyed.

I am conscious that all children on the spectrum are different however she’s definitely trying to put across a “perfect” family image when it’s not possible even without children on the spectrum.
It would have been great to see how she prepared the children for the potential sensory issues and reality of how things went. Wishful thinking I know.
absolutely. will be really cross if she makes out this is travelling with autism and it’s easy. She really should use this as a platform to show all the prep work required, planning, sensory support and anxiety reducing strategies she uses to ensure 3 autistic children get the most out of any holiday.
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This is my first post but strongly felt the need to comment on the Christmas eve Vlog. As a mum to a child with autism myself, Zara's comments at 15.12 shocked me. She said "oh no they are all lining up" - almost like it has been coached. A child with autism would possibly line things up, but would be instinctive and ordinary to them that they would not need to comment. Just a thought!
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I don’t quite understand why she championed the use of cloth nappies and cheeky wipes, abandoned disposable cleaning materials in favour of cloths, because, the environment

And then goes and buys all manner of crap that will end up in landfill….
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I get the impression that she wants Zara to be autistic 🙄 there is no mention of her saying that she hope Zara isn’t diagnosed with it! It’s so she can excuse her terrible behaviour
It does make me think is she needing the attention (Munchausen syndrome) or money from pip
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I can’t believe she took the girls to fireworks on the first night when they were up at 4.30….

Obviously The dad had to eat crisps for breakfast as the Frosties cereal crap bars weren’t enough

why is she posting stuff like shes a seasoned visitor….’this is where you go for quiet shots’ ‘this is how you order’ - it’s her first bloody day there!
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I particularly enjoy the fact she’s clearly got the girls really cheap shiney Mary poppins outfits and she’s got a really fancy looking one 🙃
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As a parent of an Autistic child, I cannot relate to Rhi at all. I completely get the fight for assessments and support but her entitlement is just astounding.
I do not know how her Autistic children have coped with Disney land for 2 weeks. There is no way my child would be able to cope with the people, noise etc for that long. We go away to Center Parcs for 5 days and he’s utterly exhausted by the end of it and we have quite a chilled week there with lots of down time for him. Obviously all autistic children are different but they must be overloaded by it. Just the journey to get there would be overwhelming for them….even if they are high functioning/able to cope with things better.
There is also not a chance in hell my child would ever dress up in costumes or participate in so many videos or photos.
It seems the Disney obsession has been forced upon them and is made to be their special interest.
Rhi shares things about the Autism journey but doesn’t share anything useful for other parents that may need some help such as strategies for the journey and helping the children cope, how they manage with the change in routine, the children needing down time/space, meeting their sensory needs etc.
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