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My daughter is in the school, they are supposed to wear uniform (apart from PE days, they go dressed ready, Covid still) They are not supposed to wear different clothes, they ask for school uniform (doesn't have to have badge on) so pale blue polo shirt, navy jumper, black, grey, or navy trousers/skirt)
Only kids I see not in uniform are her kids and a few at the nursery
How does she think it’s acceptable to disregard the schools rules? Who does she actually think she is and what example is this showing her kids!!
I would never dream of allowing my kids to break the rules, also what if other children go home in the class and say they want to wear normal clothes because Zara does etc.

she’s awful and her true personality is showing!
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She isn’t really raising awareness. There are many people that are solely dedicated to raising awareness and do a wonderful job and I think it needs to be left to them. I also wouldn’t want to do publically advertise what makes my children vulnerable all over the internet.
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Chatty Member
I find the who adults who are obsessed with Disney thing really creepy anyway. It’s like a cult - “Disney bounding”, “loungefly”, “cast members” etc. it’s just so culty. Being 30 something and liking the Lion King is one thing, but being 30 something and wearing a Cinderella backpack and Mickey Mouse ears while creaming your jeans over an Instagram dedicated to kids films is just bizarre.
I couldn't agree more. I've always been weirded out by adults who like Disney.
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I just feel gutted for those kids just having clothing (costumes galore and pjs) and colouring stuff which they have tons of already.
My kids would be gutted. They got like 1 actual toy those little Lego things (fits in suitcase no doubt).
Also my 8 would die being given a Peter Pan costume at his age let alone 9! He dressed up as Peter Pan once for book day when he was 5.
I used to find her advice really helpful as I’m also a mum to 4 kids but I actually think she’s having some mental health issues because she is so obsessive about things. I don’t doubt she loves her kids but she’s so regimented. I can only think he hubbie works all the time so doesn’t see how much it’s all become in the last 12 months.
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The posing she does with her leg stuck out and her dress pulled out to the sides like a child. How is her husband not mortified.
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I used to like her but find her Disney content so full she said florida is coming up.

In Wales they don't have EHCP they still call them statements.
If will and Bella has a asd diagnosis this doesn't always translate into a statement that = extra support and funding .
The majority ehcp at our school all have tas that help not the class ta but the class would have teacher, class ta and an additional ta to support the child you has ehcp.

Also out the loop on Welsh schools these days but many primary In my area now have s chill out room/ class for when asd kids get overwhelmed.
I know of a few girls with asd that have no ehcp or additional help.
As discussed sometimes presents more obvious in boys and they can be more disruptive thats been my experience over the years of my children having asd classmates they were all so different.
Will seems very well behaved.

A private diagnoses would help secure a ehcps/ statement although most likely involve an appeal.

I am a SEN parent and our school has high% SEN and many ASd all different some were quiet, some disruptive.
Getting a nhs diagnos is very slow and hard as we went through it but my child dident score on ASD pathway .
With covid many appointments been delayed and also thought Welsh NHS was even more backlogged than England.
Teacher in Wales here - you are correct saying a diagnosis doesn’t automatically mean any extra support and definitely not a statement. Some pupils will have a 1:1 if they struggle a lot but most is left to the class teacher to make extra arrangements to support the pupil.

we have many parents trying to play the system and wanting a diagnosis - some want it just so they have a ‘label’, others want the financial aspect unfortunately and some want the label as an excuse for their child’s behaviour.
We also have many pupils that we feel are on the spectrum but their parents don’t want to pursue anything as they are doing fine socially and educationally and they don’t feel a diagnosis will make any difference to them.
Watching her video made me very annoyed, almost like a child not getting their own way! It makes me think the school may not be very supportive of her autism claims or they are not seeing the behaviours she sees or there would be school based evidence. I wonder if any school based observations have taken place at all…
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She’s just posting information that anyone who has ever flown already knows, like the screen tracking your travel time. She is so cringe with it all! Who are these videos meant to benefit? She is so late to the Disney vlogging party!
BA has had that same set up for YEARS. Literally decades. TV in the back of screen, headphones each, plenty of food, unlimited drinks, flight tracker, etc. This is not new information. Just enjoy your fucking holiday.
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I’m really hoping the consultants put her in her place. Don’t get me wrong, disability is something I’m very passionate about and IF Zara is autistic, of course I hope she’s able to access support. But Rhi needs to learn that stamping her feet and throwing a tantrum when things don’t go her way isn’t acceptable. I suppose we know where Zara’s bratty streak comes from.
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man I think Rhi has just bought everything from Disney it’s so boring, do they need a character set to share 2 days before Christmas is just all so much and over the top
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I think she’s twisted the wording to make it sound worse! There is no way someone with high levels of autism would manage to hold conversations with characters, be in unfamiliar environments for full days without breaks! 9 hour plane journey! What we see of Bella I find it hard to believe she has autism at all…and the traits she is doing are learnt behaviour from rhi! I’m glad she doesn’t show any autism meltdowns because these kids need their privacy, but at the same time she shows life perfect and all smiles! If you have an autistic child you know life is not smiles and rainbows all the time!

Also…..are we going to talk about yet fake crying! That was hysterical and shit acting x
My partner heard her crying and said oh is she off with the crocodile tears now
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Can’t cope with all of this “i’m climbing the walls/desperate for normality and routine” nonsense when all of the disruption has been a result of HER choices. You can’t have it both ways, Rhi my love.
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I don’t like to judge but Rhi really does come across like she knows how to play the system. It’s not a fact but I do have a feeling.
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Is she classing sorting and wrapping presents as her work today? 🙄
She does realise that people who go to actual work have to find spare time to sort and wrap!
Also does she literally buy the kids everything the same??? It’s like they are not allowed their own personality!!!
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Same, I haven’t watched a single video since her channel started to drown in Disney. I came over to watch parenting, organising, routine etc etc so it’s just lost on me and I’m someone who lives Disney and loves going to Disney. It’s just too much and to be able to vlog 28 videos of your holiday in 2 weeks she is never going to be away from the camera. Those poor children must know she’s not interested in them while she’s staging them all day. What a bloody shame!
Also, first time at Disney World with so much to explore and all she cares about is content when there’s a million other vloggers producing the same thing. She should go and enjoy the trip, and maybe just blog about the experience afterwards.
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What a boring life. No fun in finding all the Disney merch in Florida, she has to buy it all before instead. It’s so set up it’s absolutely desperate. What a waste of money, I’m not sure who she’s trying to please? Not the kids because they are just the puppets for her channel and not her viewers because she really hasn’t got that many.

I wish she would just enjoy the experience with the kids, Florida is amazing but she’s going to miss it all through the lens. No one gives a shit if she didn’t put up 28 bloody vlogs.

All those cases are not normal. She’s going to get a massive shock with all those in Disney World
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Yeah, I’ve said it before. People who sit on social media bleating on and on about how busy they are/how much work they have to do are definitely not that busy. I think she’s quite insecure about the value of her *work* so constantly needs to claim to be busy to justify it. We all know it’s a glorified hobby, and she does too. The husband is rge real worker in that house, I reckon.
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Have I understand her stories correctly and read that she has been diagnosed with autism later in life?
I got that impression too. Tbh I'd be quite interested in that sort of content rather than just focusing on (exploiting...) her young children who can't consent to her sharing all their personal information.
I have to admit I'm surprised they're going to Florida now as first timers. There's a lot still missing from the usual WDW experience and as @Ziggzaggz mentioned masks are still required indoors there and on transportation with no exemptions. I also agree a villa would have been a much better option for her family with 3 people on the spectrum, there's barely any benefits to staying onsite at the moment.
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My children’s school allow kids aged 10+ to walk home alone with parents permission. I think I’ll allow my daughter to when she’s close to secondary school age but I’ll be a nervous wreck and I’m not half the control freak Rhi is.
I will never forget, I was still in primary school when Sarah Payne went missing. She was 5 years old playing out with her 11 & 13 year old brothers when she was abducted.
Rhi should be particularly careful; having not been sensible over their location and having previously broadcast pictures of her young children in swimsuits, underwear and on the potty.
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‘i’ve had so many messages asking for X…’

Nope. I don’t buy it. I simply will not believe that she’s inundated with people desperate to
know what her kids are having for Christmas.
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