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And she takes cereal bars and uses water bottles for parks so they don’t grab a coffee or different drink for the children yet she spends a ridiculous amount of money on outfits and bags although most of them are now gifted. Her animal kingdom vlog was awful why film an entire ride, just enjoy it with the kids. I let out a fist pump when ‘daddyoffour’ forgot to film Mickey and Minnie bet he got a telling off
I love how unbothered he looked. I wanted to high him. The whole holiday was just for vlogging. They must all be starving. Myself, husband and 6year old would polish off that pizza just us three, and after walking around non stop in the parks!

why is she showing so much of the rides? It’s really weird, no actual useful info. No snacks or info about the food and treats… it’s so strange and unlike any Disney vlogs I’ve seen
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She’s really milking this cruise isn’t she? A video of clips (most of which we’ve already seen) of everything they are on a cruise they took nearly four months ago? 🤔 Weird.
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The reels couldn’t get anymore embarrassing. It’s making me cringe how staged they are. To be able to get 3 children to act at any given opportunity she must be telling them how to pose all day. I’m so glad I don’t to sell my chidlren. It isnt funny anymore, it’s tragic. My children will have memories of mum and dad enjoying Disney world with them and being in the moment; her poor children will only remember their control freak of a mother telling them how to act all day. Idiot.
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Christ alive this woman is so boring. You’d swear her family were the first in the world to be hit with COVID. Part of me feels bad for her because she’s clearly doing it because she’s got nothing else of substance to post but… the pictures of the LFTs are just ridiculous.
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Yet again as a boy mum (my eldest son is the exact same age as Will) I died a bit inside for Will this morning watching him have to prance about with the fluffy ears and pudsey bear cape like a 3 year old. My son was very much like do I/don’t I wear the fluffy Pudsey ears into school this morning - I mean they’re both nearly 10! You can’t blame them for starting to become very conscious of how they look and what they wear especially amongst their peers. It’s a completely natural rite of passage for any almost 10 year old boy. There is not a chance in hell my son would dance about like that in that get up and would be utterly mortified if he did in the privacy of his own home only to have it slapped onto the internet for everyone to see. Surely Will’s classmates must be at an age where a few of them have got access to Insta - a few of my son’s friends have accounts that are monitored by their parents - which means it won’t be long before they start taking the piss out of him for it. It’s so unfair on these insta kids - Will seems so naive and babyish, albeit a lovely boy. Some kids can be so cruel, they’ll rip him to shreds.
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Absolutely this. I have a friend who was caught out by her doctor doing this to her children. Honestly it went on for years, 3 children later, constantly taking them to the doctors because they had this and that, every child who was born had something. Now those children have grown up and are completely lost, they have zero life! Rhi needs to sort herself out and stop damaging her children. This might be a controversial comment aswell but I truly believe this from what I’ve seen on little snippets of their lives!
I know someone like that too,the kids are 20 and 16 now and go everywhere with their mum and have been gaslit into thinking they aren’t able to work/learn to drive/attend school because of their ‘conditions’-it’s horrible to watch. Not saying that Rhi is doing this but she seems hell bent on seeing issues where there might not be any.

is it possible to pay for private autism assessments? She certainly has the financial means for this is if she is so concerned but I don’t know if such a thing exists?

She should be ashamed of that Children in need video. Bella must have barely stopped crying before being made to do the video. Her cheeks where still red and blotchy.
Very uncomfortable viewing. Of course, Bella could have been crying for a million different reasons and actually really wanted to take part in the video but it didn’t sit well with me,her wee smiling face with the puffy eyes made me feel really sad for her,she seems like a really sweet little girl and Rhi comes across as quite cold.
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I get it for the flight home… I’ve been sat on a flight next to a little Captain Hook because his hat wouldn’t fit in a bag 🙈 but why fly there with so much merch that you’ve bought here… I get it for the children even ears for adults if you’re keen but they’ve never been before. How can you possibly be that into it when you’ve no experience? What do you buy as a souvenir out there when you’ve already bought it prior to the holiday?
Make it make sense
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Her Disney instagram is ridiculous. I don’t follow it but just had a little look around and I can’t believe people are telling her to wear the full on Ariel outfit. She is going to look like an absolute first timer idiotic over grown child. How can her husband not be so embarrassed, never mind her teenager. My youngest is 10 and she would be livid if I tried to wear that out at Disney. Shorts and a Disney T-shirt is perfectly fine. She also on holiday and answering people’s questions on her reel, why can’t she just enjoy her holiday? No one is that desperate for her content.
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She babies Will massively, all the kids really but I think it's most noticeable with him. My daughter is 10 too and no lad in her class would be seen dead in a Peter pan costume.
The video on insta for Bella's birthday looked really staged too. Do her kids really come downstairs hair brushed and styled, teddy in hand? I doubt it.
Also every single thing Bella got for her birthday was Disney’s Belle from Beauty and the Beast. So false and unnatural, find it so hard to even believe that’s what she wants… more what her mum wants her to want. Such a sorry state of affairs. Poor kids.
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I took my daughter for the first time when she was 5, we went all out the first few days, by day 4 she slept for 16 hours, we went out for a few hours then she slept for another 16 hours, we learnt then, we only do half days at the park, the first week we go early because of adjusting to the time difference, second week go middle of the day, last week we go out tea time til late, works for us, we also don't do the parks every day, we do other things as well.
So you responded to how your daughter coped and adjusted your plan to allow her to enjoy the hoilday. Rhi do take note!
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The thing is, one two week trip does not a Disney vlogger make. The actual successful players in the game are doing multiple trips a year, even those from the UK. I don’t doubt they’ve got the money even though she doesn’t work, but it’s just not doable with the kids being school-age. So is she just going to drag this one trip out for as long as she can? Then what?

It’s just so… weird.
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Well-known member
She really is boring. What is with all of the memes she is posting? There is nothing original nor unique about her. She has nothing to say of her own.
“I need to clean so I’ll do a clean with me video for you later”..she isn’t serving her audience she’s serving herself. And she calls it work!!! I seriously do not understand why people create these videos on speed cleans etc and how people can sit and watch them. She’s such an attractive women and loves her children in the ways she knows how, she has so much potential, if she would stop talking down at us rather than to us. Her voice is so false, it’s like she’s acting, she’s like a spoilt teenager who thinks everybody loves her, she is higher than everybody else. That’s probably half of her issue with low views.
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I know Zara's teacher personally, and she is a fantastic teacher, if she is saying there is not enough there for the school to assess her she is right, the school assesses children that need it and push it through, the school has an STF attached to it and the education people are in and out all the time
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VIP Member
I think Will looks very uncomfortable in all the videos and pics. Especially the one of him dressed up in Star Wars outfit
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Tbh since she hasn't confirmed nor even mentioned it, I don't think they have different Dads. She has mentioned fertility issues which would totally explain.
Also the gap was during the recession, at least in Ireland. I'm not sure if the recession was in the UK too? If it was, they would of gotten a shock to the bank balance since builders stopped getting jobs. Less income would influence a stall on having a baby & also getting fertility treatment.
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An interesting line in that blog “my husband constantly rolls his eyes at me trying to capture our lives” my guess he’s fed up from it all but I expect Rhi is a right pain in the arse and get what she wants so he’s probably just given up!!
The joke is Thats she’s not even capturing their lives she is making her kids perform for the camera and that’s so sad. I don’t have enough pictures with my kids but I would rather that than this contrived set up that she has.
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As an ASD parent it’s hard to judge the family thing. Families can be very unaccepting of ASD, it’s a bit of a generational thing, they refuse to believe it’s genes etc.

My mum has told me that she thinks vaccines and gluten caused my child’s ASD and more recently the fact that he bounced so much in the Jumperoo 😩

I don’t pay that close attention to Rhis stories to comment on Zara but some behaviour may be overwhelm. Im sure some people think my child is a little shit too but he’s definitely just being autistic.

Some people have a “well you still have to control your child” attitude and I’m like “yeah I literally can’t sorry 😂

I can just imagine how she will be if they tell her Zara doesn’t have autism. Obviously we only see a snapshot of things but she has only been discussing Zara having autism in the last couple of months. She wouldn’t have been assessed if the world hadn’t gone crazy because there was no mention of her showing signs before. But now apparently she is showing all the signs? Zara may have autism but she is also a massively spoilt brat and needs to be taught/disciplined appropriately. Having autism and being a wee shit are not mutually exclusive-it seems like if Zara gets a diagnosis that Rhi will use that as an excuse for all poor behaviour when they reality is that she has helped create some of those behaviours by not nipping them in the bud and allowing her to have her way all the time.

I get pushing for your kids to get the help and support they need but her sense of entitlement is gross and her attitude stinks.

In fairness she’ll be pushing to get her support with school. This is kind of why Rhi either needs to not discuss it at all or give the full picture, because drips and drabs are just making it all come across wrong and also not helping the ASD community. I’d image she wants to get a EHCP in place for Zara to help with school support and funding but she should mention WHY Zara is finding school a challenge and why it’s needed, or not say anything.

I bet she is absolutely BURSTING to know who you are! Lol. Great to hear that will is allowed to have a bit of rough play at school as he certainly doesn’t seem to be able to at home
I can just imagine how she will be if they tell her Zara doesn’t have autism. Obviously we only see a snapshot of things but she has only been discussing Zara having autism in the last couple of months. She wouldn’t have been assessed if the world hadn’t gone crazy because there was no mention of her showing signs before. But now apparently she is showing all the signs? Zara may have autism but she is also a massively spoilt brat and needs to be taught/disciplined appropriately. Having autism and being a wee shit are not mutually exclusive-it seems like if Zara gets a diagnosis that Rhi will use that as an excuse for all poor behaviour when they reality is that she has helped create some of those behaviours by not nipping them in the bud and allowing her to have her way all the time.

I get pushing for your kids to get the help and support they need but her sense of entitlement is gross and her attitude stinks.

I bet she is absolutely BURSTING to know who you are! Lol. Great to hear that will is allowed to have a bit of rough play at school as he certainly doesn’t seem to be able to at home
In fairness she’ll be pushing to get her support with school. This is kind of why Rhi either needs to not discuss it at all or give the full picture, because drips and drabs are just making it all come across wrong and also not helping the ASD community. I’d imagine she wants to get a EHCP in place for Zara to help with school support and funding but she should mention WHY Zara is finding school a challenge and why it’s needed, or not say anything.
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Chatty Member
Does she not think the migraines could be the amount of screen time she has?? Between her phone computer and TV at night...even her morning work outs! I never here she's been a walk or read a book?
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Having given this a little more thought, the constant matching clothes, meal plans and even signing little Z up to Karate because that’s what the others do. Nobody in that house really has been given the chance to have their own identity.
It’s easy enough to say Z has autistic tendencies because she struggles with sensory overload or change in routine, but seriously her little life has been so rigid and it’s all she’s ever known. No wonder she doesn’t cope but there’s a lot more evidence to say that her behaviour is the product of her environment.
Sadly, agencies are swamped with a backlog. Lots of children haven’t coped well with lockdowns and more people than ever are after an EHCP. Everywhere is short-staffed, that’s not new! Rhi is right in that respect, it’s not good enough and services needs to funded sufficiently to provide help for those that need it. But crying on Instagram because you disagree with the professionals is wildly unnecessary. And guess what, stamping your feet and demanding a second and third opinion until you get your own way is taking the opportunity away from another parent desperate for support.
I can’t help but think that this smug, privileged madam, grown up adult is going to get her own way purely because a professional is afraid that their name will be dragged through the mud or they’ll be reprimanded by their superiors for the bad press, bet they’re thinking life would be easier to just her have her own way to get her off their backs.
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