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Just watched the Christmas eve blog ,has anyone else watched it ? The part where they open the Christmas eve boxes near the beginning looks like poor Bella has been upset again ,her eyes look all puffy and full of tears but the woman still films her 🤦‍♀️
Also, why does she insist on buying Bella and Zara the same things. poor girls have no identity of there own ,no seperate interests its such a shame . I'm sure Will was overjoyed with a Disney princess castle to share with his sisters ! He looked so happy with his Star wars items in his box then to be giving a princess castle
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I watched her vlog last night and at the end of it I thought, you actually call that work??? She barley does anything except dick around at home! It’s absolutely ridiculous that these people can say they are “working”
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There’s definitely things that would support either scenario of Dylan having a different dad or not. The only reason I think he doesn’t is that he has the same surname (although that was just on her phone, doesn’t mean it’s his legal name I guess) and she said all 4 babies slept in the nursery of the house her husband built. Which wouldn’t make sense if she met her husband a couple of year before having Will as the poster above says. However, she’s definitely secretive and has never said how long her and her husband have been together, and that’s possibly because she doesn’t want people to know Dylan isn’t her husbands! Of course she doesn’t have to share what she doesn’t want to, but if she’s lying, I think that’s wrong and like she trying to portray a different image. There’s nothing wrong if he does have a different dad, but she’s giving off the impression there is.
You've been told on good account from someone who knew her that Dylan has a different dad and she lived alone with Dylan before she met her current husband. It's bloody obvious anyway. Don't believe all rhi says, she's a nutter, she never mentions her parents, siblings, very secretive of her former life.
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What annoyed me is the video title “what to wear at …” girl you haven’t been yet, it’s what you are planning to wear and we all know you won’t admit you were wearing something impractical or the overpriced bags were useless. Petty I know, we are not going to hear that the room was small with all the beds out or the kids were overwhelmed with the parks, I would love for her to be honest but she probably won’t as it will take away from the perfect image she’s curated.
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Watching her live now she wants the assesment before she goes to the USA so she doesn't have to wear a mask on the plane, she going to have a shock as the USA don't accept exceptions, Disney included
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10 facts and no mention of being a Disney fanatic. But she taught Mumba never knew that 😂
An interesting line in that blog “my husband constantly rolls his eyes at me trying to capture our lives” my guess he’s fed up from it all but I expect Rhi is a right pain in the arse and get what she wants so he’s probably just given up!!
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MORE Disney only presents for Bella's birthday. Jesus Christ, how many Disney dress up items does one child need? Poor girl, she must be desperate for some LOLs or a Barbie or something. Rhi is seriously obsessed with Disney, such an odd woman.
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I get the whole having 2 children with autism already but Zara hasn't been in nursery long she has spent 18 months in lockdown Rhi needs to realise that there is not enough evidence to assess her. Of course all ASD children are different but having to already she should know how best to support Zara at home ( stop giving in to her would be a good start) She just comes across as so entitled. We fought for 4 years for my son ( Not ASD) and he was eventually diagnosed at the age of 15 ! He went through the while of secondary school undiagnosed but we waited and accepted that other people had the need for the services more urgently than us . She comes across really horrible, completely agree that she is probably the reason for this " behind the scenes drama ". I bet someone said something to her about Zara being spoilt or disagreed with the autism and she's kicked off .
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The overwhelming concern is even if she fights and fights and gets this assessment. If they turnaround and say no she isn’t autistic what will she do then? She definitely started this process by saying oh we need her assessed due to family history. This has rapidly developed into it being very obvious she has self diagnosed her. I don’t think Bella and Zara seem remotely alike. Bella and will do. Zara just seems like a spoilt over-nurtured brat. Arguing with healthcare professionals in order to get a diagnosis you want is not ok

She also has no idea what she is talking about. She’s talking about raising awareness. I’m not being funny, if more people panic that their children have autism does she not realise that the current massive waiting lists will rapidly expand? Who does she think is going to assess these children?!
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I do agree with all the above posts that Rhi is trying to make out Zara is autistic and needs her assessment asap.
I don’t think she is, I just think she’s a spoilt brat that has a tantrum when she doesn’t get her own way and that’s Rhi fault for allowing Zara to behave like that. She’s created a monster!
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So Bella has covid and straight away she’s blamed the school? Or May be the fact she caught it flying back from Florida where covid is very high!!!
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Just started watching her vlog on her normal channel and had to stop. Zara is there crying already on Wills birthday acting a brat cause she wants her un-birthday gift! It is not her birthday and she’s making it all about her. When Zara gets invited to a birthday party for one of her school friends all hell is gonna break loose. Wouldn’t say Wills gifts were great either. That board game is not something he wanted just another Disney gift.
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Aside from the Disney channel, her main channel is all a bit repetitive isn't it ? Hauls (food, clothes), cleaning, organizing, there is only so much of that you can show and not bore your audience with. I think this is why her channel is not growing. If she chose to film more of "a day in our life" type of vlogs, where she would film her family going about their day (and I'm not talking dragging them to Poundland or whatever !), her channel would grow, and people would come back for more as it would more than likely be less repetitive. I guess I know why she wouldn't want to do that, as it would be disclosing more of her private life than what she currently does, but my God, even SHE must be bored with filming her repetitive content ! It can't be worth her time and effort !
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Why are people sending this woman money ‘for a coffee’ she’s just been on a several thousand pounds Disney cruise and is going to Florida in January- she doesn’t need your money 💀💀
This made me cringe and totally embarrassed for her. I can believe she has no shame in taking money like that. It’s unbelievable.

With the excuse to support her content, she gets paid for said content!
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She comes across as one of those people who is a self proclaimed expert at everything she has experience with. Like Disney, she's been on one Disney cruise and now knows it all and when she's been on her first WDW trip you can bet she'll be the same about that too. Its the same with the autism and parenting in general, she knows it all. It's very off putting as a viewer...
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There is some lyrics in the Encanto song - What else can I do - ‘I make perfect, practised poses, so much hides behind my smile’

Remind you of anyone?

The thing is she’s doesn’t have much knowledge of autism…she finds symptoms on Google and makes her kids have them! She defo has Münchausen syndrome by proxy. She needs checked out not Zara! X
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As an ASD mum I do think I would know Will was on the spectrum even if she didn’t say. Not the girls though. Although it’s well known girls are harder to spot it in as they mask.
I'm also a asd and I don't see it in will that much.
That insta post made me so angry. Ok I get girls can hide it but you can't use thr excuse that coz Zara siblings have asd she needs a assessment.
I'm not being rude but I honestly feel like she has drilled it into her kids heads that they all have asd. My son who has asd can never look into the camer for a photo and my daughter who is showing signs is the same.
I do feel that if your talking about being a asd mum show small clips so we can understand it better. I'm sorry but rhi has enough info to make up as much as she wants to say zara has asd
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Why do her stories always involve telling us all about the work she needs to do? Everyday is the same. You don’t see Adele jumping on the stories and telling us about what vocals she has to record,what interviews she needs to do that day,what meetings she has etc or Brad Pitt coming on complaining because he has lines to learn but also has to do a million other things etc. Why do influencers think we care? Is it to make them sound really busy to justify their ‘job’? So annoying anyway-as if we don’t all have busy lives ffs we just don’t put it on Instagram because no one gives a shit!
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