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You know she's very dim often but she is besotted with him. It is fresh to see a new Mammy embrace those early weeks and know she can't spoil him!

Nurses do give that advice. They advise around safe co sleeping especially for night 2 to improve chance of establishing breastfeeding. Very common practice now and great they are telling people how to do it safely
I had a baby two years ago and breast fed and not
One nurse advised me of that. Breastfeeding while lying beside you is fine not sleeping beside you. A baby sleeping beside you is not right as it rises the chance of SIDS.
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What do you mean ‘at herself’ is that what I think it is??

I haven’t followed in ages but just thought to look at her page today.
I can’t stand personal pics of kids online it’s so fucked up! You can tell people he had a poonami without showing it! I knew someone who shared her toddler taken a wee on the potty when potty training and naked bath pics, full frontal bath pics. I mean 🤯

Also can’t stand calling it shi# when referring to a baby/child, it’s just so dirty! 😫
Yes it’s what you think it is. Worse again she went into the hosp getting checked out after it … and that’s how we know about it coz she said ‘I just went a bit hard at myself’ … mother of god!!!!
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She couldn’t take the baby out last week for a hospital appointment because the weather was too bad
Was the weather really that bad seems way over the top
That is ridiculous, I don’t even remember it being that bad? He’s not made of sugar, he won’t melt with a bit of rain..
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I'm sure the salt content in all that fast food isn't helping her kidneys either.

Look, none of us do pregnancy perfectly- I'm a case in point! But I try to risk manage along the way- I take chances with some stuff (I can't bear well done steak), and not with others (not eating prawns if it's somewhere I'm unfamiliar with, no 99s despite the lovely weather).

But it just seems like she could make a tad more effort given everything she went through to have this baby. I'm not saying salads every day, but maybe the odd home cooked stir fry with plenty of veg?
Dehydration/issued because of too much salt seem likely to me. Definitely no one does it perfectly, but it doesn't seem like she's even trying to be healthy from her posts. I doubt she's told the hospital about her McDonald's intake or downing the 00 Heineken.
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Agreed about Aine- she seems so genuine and my heart breaks for what she's gone through.

Has Kim just jacked in the 'job' she had? She was off out having breakfast out this morning (healthy chocolate pancakes), as if she's already on mat leave.

I'm 34 weeks and still struggling into the office, wishing I could have her easy life.
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Chatty Member
She can try blame baby brain all she wants but this is not baby brain. I genuinely don’t know how she’s kept that poor baby alive she is so dim. Bad enough to do all these things but to then broadcast it looking for sympathy?!
Fair enough getting one thing wrong. But it sounds like she made a fuck up of every single thing? Suprised she even remembers the baby's name at this point
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Saying she knows her own body yet let herself get severely dehydrated 🙄 you might know your own body but you don’t know your baby! Unless she was just looking for attention or trying to get Robbie to stay in instead of going to poker
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I probably gained the same as her first time round I was miserable all the time and ate for comfort. I think she’s pretty brave for putting her weight out there especially after all the horrible comments here . When has it become the norm to bash pregnant womens bodies ?
Im on my 4th baby now and while I’ve gained the least this time it’s because I literally can’t eat or I’m sick all the time . I can’t walk because I’ve SPD , SI joint dysfunction , tendonitis and other ailments. I would hope nobody thinks that I’m lazy/not taking care of myself because I’m barely surviving over here .. eating what I can - mainly frozen fruit or ice , going straight to bed after work , having my children and husband half dress me every day and my only outings being work , hospital or chiropractor.
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No sorry now she didn’t actually record her partner snoring and put it on her insta for 10 k people to hear?!

No wonder there’s no ring Kim, you big childish pain in the arse!
Imagine he done that to her! 🥴
And calling him names for it! My husband snores but a little nudge stops it. No need for her rude behaviour towards him 🙄
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I can’t get over the massive deal this shower seems to be…party favours like?!!
What a waste of money, time and plastic.
Maybe I’m missing a trick, but I truly do not get it.
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Either she’s not the full shilling or she’s playing for sympathy with that ‘pod’. The photos are creative to say the least. In reality, it is a like a very rough timber tent. There is no shower apart from a make shift outside thing. She would be better off going to a camp site as the facilities would be superior. This is as cheap and basic as you can get. I would imagine a gang of lads crashing here. The thought of a woman who is 37+ weeks using it is just unthinkable. The whole purpose of a mini moon is a little bit of luxury (or comfort at the least). If I couldn’t afford a night in a hotel I would stay at home.
Ya I get what your saying to I would want a nice big hotel room bed and to just crash in it for the weekend I say she got it for free nothing else was offered either . Can ya imagine the heat to in there nothing would cool me down at this stage of pregnancy and I was heavily pregnant to in the summer both times
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That pod thing she’s using looks very deep and he’s very close to the side!! They are 1000% not meant for overnight sleeping that’s for sure, she’s an absolute gobshite 🙄
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I’m the opposite. I’ve been supported by my partner and professionals in breastfeeding but my female relatives, even those who have bf themselves have told me to ‘just give formula’ I don’t know how many times! Every little thing that’s wrong they suggest it. I’ve been told ‘don’t be a hero’, ‘baby doesn’t care’, ‘you’ve done long enough now’. I started to combi feed only when advised by professionals for weight gain (didn’t work!)
I know my relatives are only looking out for me and saw how much I struggled, how exhausted I was etc but I still can’t believe the way given formula has been thrown at me for every little thing. Last month baby started randomly biting me, ‘oh yeah that happened me, so I stopped nursing’. ‘Oh it’s probably time to stop nursing now’… I thought to myself why the f did I say anything to them! Baby stopped after a few days, a few raised ‘no’s’ from me and let him see he hurt me.
I’m Going to feed him till he’s 5 now to piss everyone off! 🤣
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I presume that because most pregnant ladies probably ARE doing too much, then "rest more and eat plenty" is generic advice given if you're unwell during pregnancy.

But if the docs actually figured out what this one's lifestyle is like they'd be telling her to cop on and eat HEALTHILY and get a bit more active for herself.

But people generally hear the advice they want to take anyway, don't they....
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I'm sorry now... "I have always dreamt of being able to have my very own baby shower..."... bit much no? Like, it's just a party, it's not like a wedding (sorry, sore subject for Kim 😅)

Also, I love how she is so focused on the due date (or going early). Chances are it will be closer to 9 weeks. She'll be a wasp the last few days 🙈
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Not loved enough though that they'll drop over to see him apparently, making her haul herself over with a brand new baby after having a csection
It was in the sister’s house so they had to travel anyway. They might as well have gone to her. Maybe she didn’t want to host.

I agree with the previous poster. I’d be terrified having some many holding him and passing him around. He could pick up bugs so easily, the obvious one being covid which is rampant currently. It’s mild for most people because they’ve had 2-3 vaccines. He’s completely vulnerable and unvaccinated. I don’t understand why he had to meet a huge group at once. I would have had a couple of visits a week and she’d have company for the next little while and lots to look forward to.
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Chatty Member
She surely has more than enough ?! Don’t babies only take like tiny drops at the start anyway ?!
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