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She has actually really grown on me, I don’t know why, she harmless really
I have to say im the same. She’s not half wise at times. She is very honest about the newborn phase. She also took a big step back from social media to focus on the baby
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Slept til 12pm today....well for some not having a job to get up for!!

Jesus, I don't think I've slept that late (sober) since I was a teenager.
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I actually pity her from that post in so far as she has opened up and explained that she had some body issues previously. Now she is so happy to be pregnant she doesn’t mind putting on the weight with is a lot. Now I’ve never commented about her weight as everyone is different, her diet is bad let’s face it but there is very little chance of the body issues going away once the baby is born. It’s like she thinks everything is going to be baby baby baby. Eventually the weight will start to upset her and I just hope that with all the other emotions of parenthood that this won’t be the biggest one.

I’m rambling now so I’ll stop but let’s just say poor Robbie when the hype of the new baby has died down 😅
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Ah well if ur from rochestown u probably wouldn't be up to much on the northside 🤣 rochestown being one of the more affluent areas.

Of course there's lovely people, same as in knocknaheeny or any other northside place. They are still classed as being disadvantaged though, there is no denying that! Everyone in cork knows that
I help my friend with her animal charity so am always up in Knocknaheeney, the amount of dogs, horses and cats I've seen so badly abused, there is a minority of people up there that are downright awful but there's a lot of lovely people there too. My aunt lives in Farranree and the neighbours are so good to her, she is 80 and they all look after her as all of her kids are living abroad. You'd never see that in R/town. Our neighbours would barely look at you, I remember one time, my neighbours dog went missing and I found her down in passage, I brought her back and he didn't know who I was 😅😅 I only live two doors down 😅 My parents are in a different part of Rochestown and they are there over 40 years and there is no sense of community.
Kim might not be living where she'd like but she should be grateful to have a roof over her head.

On a serious note though, what happened dog number 2?
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Took me nearly 4 years to get pregnant, I didn’t have a takeaway or McDonald’s the whole 41 weeks, I never ate as well as I did when I was pregnant because I was so grateful to be pregnant and was worried sick something would go wrong. Breastfeeding now and still eating super well to feed him. I don’t want a medal or anything, wouldn’t dream of doing it any other way.
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I sometimes think Kim wants the baby for company (not agreeing with that), she doesn’t seem to be that close to her family and Robbie is never around. I used to think well fair play he’s working hard now to get money for the baby but he seems to have no problem having money for drinks with the lads while she’s alone on the sofa at night.
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Chatty Member
Robbie is well late to the party with the driving lessons! She has less than week to go and he’s starting his EDT lessons now?! Sorry that actually fries my head, this was a meticulously PLANNED pregnancy and not a brain cell in either of their heads to get him on the road 🤯 there’s no hope for this poor baba with these two as parents anyway 🫣
To be fair I wouldn’t criticise Kim on this one. You can guarantee she’s been asking him to learn to drive since she got her positive pregnancy test if not before. He had plenty of time for poker nights with the lads 🫣🙄🤯
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Ah I get how that can look, but I dont think anyone realistically is asking her how to do it!

Interestingly, u never see mom influencers doing a formula feeding Q&A.....
Unfortunately you’ll be tarred and feathered for taking about it. If it’s seen as promotional or advertising you’ll have the breastfeeding brigade out for your blood 🙄
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Her bloods will improve dramatically after a few days of hospital food. I think the root of her poor eating is laziness. She’ll eat the good stuff when it’s dished up to her.
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My 6 month old literally got his 6 month vaccinations today. Calpol before hand and after. He’s fine so far tg. I had to feed him in the car after down in super valu. Plenty People walked passed the car and saw me and didn’t ask if I needed help #raging 😂😂😂😂 in saying that I have older children in school between collection times, activities etc this baby has had no other choice but to tag along and I have often fed him in the car, he’s weaning now I even give him dinners in the car 😂 I never got asked if I needed help 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂
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She’s spending quality time with her mother and grandmother . Why should she feel pressure to do stuff ?
Actually this comment has kind of annoyed me . People were saying for her to take a step back etc she has .. now you are giving out that she’s not showing you her doing things 🤣
It’s very difficult to do too much with a little baby and I think to head away like she has is an enormous step. Credit due to her she has shown the real side to early mother hood
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Came STRAIGHT here to see the comments when I read the "sign to slow down" part, lol 🤣🤣

Anyway, surely she would be actually healthier if she did a little MORE with her body, not less. I walked 5k every day at the end of pregnancy (...and ate healthily and looked after myself like a grown adult!!) and keeping active definitely stood to me.
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Yea good point, maybe he is saving money etc,and to be fair it's more important that he is around when baby comes. She still seems so lonely though
Maybe, but I still find it odd he left her off to the hospital alone while bleeding and left her when she was trapped outside her car. From the way she phrased it, it also sounds like he got mad at her over it. He works for her Dad I think, surely he'd be understanding of him needing to be with her a little longer in those scenarios. She definitely seems lonely. It makes me sad for her. Having a small baby can be very isolating.
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I was always told not to by my GP because it can bring down a temperature and a vaccine cannot be given to a baby that has a temperature. I just had a look and HSE says the same. It should not be given before a vaccination.

Health nurse told me to give before and a few hours later
There are very few PHN's that I would listen to. Seen them give the wrong information so many times. I know of one case where the phn put a babies heel in HOT water for the PKU test. Baby spent a week in hospital with burns. Horrendous
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Chatty Member
But he's not he's a baby alright sure next baby you see which you think looks gangly go up and say it to his/her mother see the reaction you get , I wouldn't like someone to say it to my baby but that's just me maybe others are different, let's just agree to disagree .
It's an online gossip forum... I don't expect many people would say what they post here directly to the person?
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I recently had a baby where she is and the policy there is if your leaking fluid your not going home in case of infection. Similar happened me
But there’s a simple test to check if it’s fluid (or watery discharge which is very common at the end of pregnancy) so they’d know by now if it was-if my memory serves me right it takes 2-5mins for the results? The lightheadedness is most likely dehydration and poor nutrition, or possibly anemia.
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Chatty Member
Tbh I think Kim is just normal.
Fair dues to her. She's not posting every detail online and she's dead right.

Yes, I expected her to put up loads of photos every day on stories but she’s not OTT on insta. She’s prob too busy looking after him to have time to post a million stories. Can’t say the same for her pal Lisa/solo mum
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That steak cost her a broken knee😂😂😂

Sounds like she'll have a right little claim against Brittany wonder shes laughing telling the story...I'd say shes all drama.
Jesus I aged about 10 years waiting for her to tell the bloody story 🙄🙄 oh I’d say be straight to her solicitor when she gets home!!
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