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I’m in having my baby at the min (early labour obvs!) and we’ve already discussed who will be allowed to meet him in his first few days. Absolute minimum and not all at once.
Even without COVID that would have been the plan.
Congrats Lollipops ❤ Wishing you health happiness and above all else.. a pr package of babyboo bibs and bonjela x
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She was obsessed with becoming pregnant and adored all the attention that came along with it and then there’s the attention of actually being pregnant and getting near the due date but she’ll have a bang when baby is here and the attention dies down and the hormones really hit. I think she wouldn’t be as bad if she’d an attentive partner, I seriously hope she’s not home alone when the baby comes with only the dog for company while Robbie is out living the single life..
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1,000% not judging but I just saw on her Instagram stories that she stopped breast feeding 2 weeks ago but was afraid to tell her followers. This is so wrong on so many fronts. As a new Mum she shouldn’t be under that pressure. Her baby and his needs are her priority. The devil in me says she’s created this pressure herself. At 2 weeks post partum she set herself up as a BF guru. This could have made other new mums jealous, nervous or feeling incompetent. No judgement whatsoever on Kim - BF was her decision . I just can’t help thinking- things are tough enough when you have a baby without exposing yourself, your baby and family to the scrutiny of Instagram.?
Yeah I agree. She has nothing to feel ashamed for stopping but she absolutely set herself up as an expert way too soon. She also gave really poor advice which possibly put an end to her own bf experience before she might have planned to, but also probably set followers off on the wrong road (anyone who was silly enough to take advice from an unqualified newly breastfeeding mum on Instagram instead of a professional!)

I do think she's dead right and a breath of fresh air to focus on her real life and not get sucked into the toxic cycle of worrying about what strangers think online. I'm delighted for her that she has her gorgeous boy here safely with her and wish only the best for them as they find their feet as a family.
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Chatty Member
There’s nothing wrong with giving any baby formula, but surely we are all adults and can admit it’s scientifically proven that breast milk is better for a baby.
But so is safe sleeping etc, not everyone does that either. It’s like you’re not allowed talk of the benefits of breastfeeding now because you’re shaming people that didn’t do it. So silly. You can talk about breastfeeding without even mentioning formula feeding, doing one isn’t shaming the other, but the fact is one is better for the baby. There’s no shame, it’s just a scientific fact.
If you’re happy in your decision to feed your bay whatever way you feed them then don’t be minding what anyone else does.

Also, as much as she drives me absolutely mad, she seems to be doing great, but yeah I agree she definitely shouldn’t be dishing out advice after 2 weeks, I’m nearly 3 months in and still don’t know what I’m doing half the time
I disagree with ur sentiment about there being any shame around talking about the benefits of breastfeeding. I think its the approach a lot of breastfeeding moms take that irks people (and I breastfed for 6 months). There is no shame whatsoever online around breastfeeding. But formula feeders are automatically told they aren't giving their baby the best. Even the start of this post u talk about the fact we can "admit breastfeeding is better". Why does it need to be said. Like regardless, formulas are also nutritionally sound when it comes to feeding ur baby. They are literally tailored to babies needs also, but some people seem to think giving formula u may as well be pumping chemicals into the baby
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Obviously no hotels gave her a free stay the last time she was on the beg looking for one for her "babymoon" she's back now looking for a caravan or airbnb 🙄
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Ah that’s a bit extreme I love embarrassing my lot with old pictures they love it too, it’s a shit all babies have them. Bit disgusting alright but it’s hardly going to ruin his life as an adult 🙈
I stand by my comment. I don’t think it’s appropriate to share a photo of your child covered in poo to 10k plus people. It’s degrading. She wouldn’t share herself or Robbie going to the toilet so why share an innocent baby. There are long term consequences and that’s a fact.
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I'll be killed for this but I think the person who posted about the incompatibility possibly meant Kim and Robbie , not for people with fertility issues.
I have fertility issues and I wouldn't have taken that personally to be honest, we are trying and having recurrent miss carriages but we stick through it.
I do agree with the comment about them not having a pot to piss in between them and now they are bringing another little person into that scenario. Kim is still quite young and I feel she still had plenty time to gave a baby, they should have gotten themselves a roof over their head, a stable income and even Robbie a licence to drive then a baby.
It’s a nasty thing to say about anyone. And I also have no time for this talk about how they shouldn’t have had this baby cos they’re not doing well financially. Yes, I found it odd she gave up work from conception but aside from that, a huge percentage of our population are renting currently. Who are we to say they shouldn’t be allowed start a family if they wish to. I know they come across as eejits at times but this baby will be loved and cared for. It’s sad to think about it but a lot of children live in unsafe homes where they are treated poorly and even neglected. I think Kim & Robbie will both love and cherish this child. They’ll make mistakes like the rest of us but I think they’ll do just fine 💙⭐

It's only in hindsight you look back and think godddd it was so easy just being able to sleep and eat whenever you wanted 😂 being hugely pregnant seems annoying at the time but when the baby gets here it feels like you've been in a car crash and you also have a tiny baby to look after
I found it much easier once my baby was here. Admittedly I had a tough pregnancy with issues from an underlying issue and hospital admissions but I think ultimately the relief of having a healthy baby was easier than the anxiety and discomfort that went with pregnancy. I genuinely didn’t mind when we woke every 2-3hours at night! 😁
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I really felt for her this morning.

It's clearly a party she was really looking forward to and it's disappointing when it doesn't go how you *thought* it would.

She admitted it was all her own doing.
She still sounds like her confidence has been knocked which isn't nice to see tbh.

I hope she gets to pick up and enjoy the day for what matters.
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Barbara Gordon

Well-known member
This is just fear mongering. If her supply dips, she can bring it back by pumping. I used to use my letdown to make a bottle for my partner to give in the evening and never had any issue. Maybe if ur supply is low, that would make a difference. But a 2oz letdown is a lot
A 2oz let down is a lot. But her supply is nowhere near settled. So when it settles she might not have a 2oz let down, that’s my point. But I’ve seen so many people get to That point, and they don’t know they can boost their supply again, they say “oh he was so hungry I couldn’t keep up”.
I don’t care how she feeds him. But after two weeks of breastfeeding she’s not really in a position to be giving advice to 10thousand ppl
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I’m grateful that I haven’t faced any backlash in my choice to bottle feed- it’s mainly down to my having MS and deciding that the toll of Bfing was too great on me.
I’d rather be well and healthy for my son and he be bottle fed!
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I forgot kims thread so just did a big catch up there

Firstly, congratulations Lollipopson your little man!❤

Right, about the breech situation, every possibility that baby turned breech last minute. Also every possibility he had been breech a little while, can't remember when her previous scan was. I know she had an internal exam but baby could have been mistakenly thought to be head down.

She said he was footling breech, feet coming first. So she is not suitable for an ECV. Can only be offered if baby's legs are not the presenting part. I'd say she was delighted to be automatically sectioned, so happy days.

As for the co sleeping and midwife recommendation. We do facilitate co sleeping (in my hospital and those I've previously worked in) so breastfeeding moms can feed away and snooze a bit or at least lie down. Seen moms in special care falling asleep sitting up feeding in a chair, absolutely exhausted and once saw a Nicu nurse run to catch baby before they slid to floor.

We also don't all have kids that like to sleep, some won't close an eye without being in, on or beside their moms. I've had 2 of those and 1 who slept more independently. I did what I could to get any sleep at all in the safest way that could be achieved. 😴

Doubt a midwife advised her to hook herself up to a pump at 4 days post partum when she states breastfeeding was going great. That one makes no sense to me!
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Lads I can't with the dressing the baby in a full outfit and him not two weeks old.. and the shoes i just can't.. all of my babies were in babygrows until at least 4 months.. that's all they need.. poor wee man can't be comfy in that get up... And I'll say it again.. the shoes 🙈😭😭😭
He's like Krusty the Clown with the shoes, they'd nearly fit my teenager 😂
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Chatty Member
What were these 2 imbeciles doing even thinking of creating an even stupider version of themselves???? They’re not the full shilling - aged 32 and trying to get pregnant for the past 6 years. Not a pot to piss in - living on benefits. I read a very cruel but true post on Sarah Burke #38 last night. If you’re trying to get pregnant for years and there’s no medical reason why you can’t - it means you’re both incompatible. Your eggs are rejecting his sperm. You are not meant to be. Don’t get ivf - as it’s forcing something that shouldn’t happen. Never thought of it that way before. Apparently so many couples parted and went on to have children successfully with other partners afterwards
totally disagree with this. I had my first child with husband without trying. On my second we needed help from fertility clinic after trying for 3 years, so based on what your saying we shouldn’t have bothered and if we really wanted another, should have split up and got with someone else? why do you say there living on benefits? Robbie works and Kim worked right up until she got preg and got all we know could have been working behind the scenes.
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The same one would land up to the hospital and expect a scan if she had a bout of hiccups yet last night she's saying she's in severe pain but isn't going to ring the CUMH, instead she will go on Instagram and tell everyone about it and ask for their advice 🙄
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[E="Lollipops23, post: 9895401, member: 229806"]
That money wallet seems like the stupidest idea ever.
Does anyone keep their rent money around the house in this day and age?

Seems especially stupid to advertise that you keep that much cash around the house 🙈 I know her page is private now, but she doesn't really have any idea who's actually following her....
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She's actually a headwreck.....You're so loved is every other child, he's not the first child in the world to be loved by his family 🙄
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Chatty Member
Exactly. There’s no medical need for her to pump (like for a premature baby) so why start pumping now at a few days old when she’s saying how well she’s doing with feeding herself. Definitely can negatively impact on baby’s latch and actually cause oversupply. Baby is doing fine taking what it needs. Maybe she’s getting too much info from lots of sources. Hate that spewing of misinformation to so many followers.
The likes of Karen Coffee and her convuluted way of breastfeeding including pumping, bottles and different types of formula 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I never tried pumping on any of mine and I was lucky enough that my supply just seemed regular so I could just whip the boob out if I was out and about or middle of the night etc. The handiest thing ever, no bottles to make or sterilise and I got a decent rest at night aswell. I know not everyone is as lucky with under/over supply or having to return to work but I would seriously recommend exclusively boob if you can. I wonder with the early pumping for no apparent reason aswell is that what affects their supply, and it’s a vicious cycle then of having to top up with formula, having to pump etc. There’s nothing wrong with formula either, it just defeats the purpose of the handiness of breastfeeding
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I'm going to give this fool a week and she will have an infection. Child not a week old, she had major surgery and she out visiting. Why can she not stay at home and people come to her?
I find it so unsupportive of their. Families to it drive and visit them. Like she just had surgery. How or why can they not show some compassion and visit her?
It's madness and very sad. That's your family in pain (even if she's not saying it) but she is, I've had three babies, last two being sections and they do not compare. The pain or just the inability to love for fear or opening a wound. She said yesterday she was visiting family too. Bizarre family behaviour. Incredibly unsupportive towards her.
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