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I think the judge is wrong in deciding Roughley is not a danger to the wider public re: no life sentence. If she can kill even one baby, a crime so abhorrent it makes most of us feel sick to think about it, who is to say she won't kill more?

My heart goes out to Gigi's parents, reading them describing their pain made me cry. Her poor big sister, too.
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Vile bitch. If roles were reversed a man would have gone to prison.
100% if a man acted in this way they would get a prison sentence and a lot of hounding. If a woman does it, the man looks silly for letting it happen and is ridiculed. I'm sick of women getting away with stuff like this.
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I hope every single minute of every single day the other inmates make her life a living hell.

I'm really surprised the nursery owners got off without punishment - surely that should be corporate manslaughter?
There may well be civil proceedings now the criminal case has concluded
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She is disgusting, and poses a real danger to children. I hope none of her friends/relatives ever let her anywhere near their kids.
Based on what we've heard and what has been published so far, she absolutely is. This isn't just a one off poor decision (although quite frankly I struggle with how you could find 15/16 years olds attractive as an adult in any case), it's a pattern.
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I wonder what evidence the wife gave for the judge to consider? Oh wait, none, because she’s dead.

Even if what the judge is said is entirely true re the wife belittling and undermining her husband, and being a drunken woman who made her husband life a misery, to say it ‘made his response justifiable’ is still bloody disgraceful. When is strangling someone to death ever justified other than in self defence? Which this wasn’t.

The judge even acknowledges there were occasions the husband used more serious violence against his wife. This wasn’t a one off ‘loss of control’. I hate that defence in VAWG. Not much different to rough sex defence imo given the women is not able to give her own evidence.
This wasn’t a one off ‘loss of control’. I hate that defence in VAWG.

Agree with all you have said - especially the bit above. These men who "lose control" invariably "lose control" with people weaker than themselves, and behind closed doors. They can cope with any amount of abuse and/or criticism if they are up against someone as powerful, or more powerful than themselves, or when they have an audience . . . . funny, that. 😡
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Auriol Grey's manslaughter conviction has been overturned by the Court of Appeal today

This one has always really conflicted me I’ll be honest. I don’t think she should have been given a custodial sentence by any means but if it was my mum I’d want some recognition that her death was caused by the actions of someone else. Don’t suppose there’s really a way for that but I don’t think there’s any winners here.
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Has anyone read about Mica Miller? She was a pastors wife from Carolina who was found dead last weekend of a gun shot wound. The next day her husband did 2 sermons and at the end of the 2nd one he announced her death saying it was ‘self induced’ and reminding people that she struggled with her mental health and accessing medication.

In the last couple of months she and her family have made posts about escaping domestic abuse, narcissistic pastors and things that were being said about her mental health.

This slightly longer clip than the one that is being widely shared shows how he presented minutes before his announcement.

It doesn’t take a genius to work out who wrote her obituary.

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Seaside towns in general have some terrible poverty. There's a myth that Kent is rich but it's just not true, there are a lot of pockets which are crime ridden hell holes and which just look like you've stepped onto the set of dystopian thriller. The wealthy residences don't spend their money in these towns, they only engage in events that are for them and their mates from what I see. They also like to walk around sneering at those of us who are not as successful as they are... all of this will have an effect on downtrodden locals who can't afford to buy or even rent a property in the area they grew up in and ultimately contribute to crime. It's depressing and infuriating.
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He still got a better deal out of it all. He’s not going to face any prison time, he’ll get certain privileges because he’s in a prison hospital and because it’s ‘indefinite’ there is a possibility that he could be released, something which wouldn’t have happened if he got a whole life tariff for murder. So his victims families are going to spend the rest of their lives or Calocane’s life having to work to make sure he’s behind bars.
Yet he’s the criminal?
Well done English justice, carry on failing the victims of crime!
I genuinely believe hospital is the best place for him. I'm not taking away any pain the families have, what happened to their loved ones was horrendous but putting him in alongside other prisoners and him not being monitored to take his medication is dangerous to prisoners and officers. Hospitals aren't a nice place to be, he will forced medication, all the other prisoners are also unwell and will be doped up for a long time. Unfortunately the families need to accept that he won't face a prison sentence now they have appealed.
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I got sucked into a depressing social media deep dive on Bronson's "mother". Ten children, and I don't think any of them are in her care.

And here I was feeling guilty for being a bit grumpy with my kids this morning.
I had a look too, after someone else said they had and curiosity got the better of me as to why she didn’t have the littlest one with her. She mentions one of her other children being deceased but it’s not mentioned in any newspaper articles about Bronson. She comes across really badly, constantly posting sex related memes and occasional rants at people talking about her (lots of laugh reacts tells me she is the type to always be posting/ranting her private business). I try not to be judgmental, plenty of people could judge me very harshly considering my past choices, but I find myself judging her. She appears drink/drug addled on the toothless video crying about how cute he was. She hadn’t seen that little boy since November because she had a row with his father, despite living 10 minutes away. It wasn’t court enforced restrictions or difficulty travelling the distance that stopped contact, it was spite. But of course she wants everyone to shower her with sympathy and put the blame elsewhere.
Also I stand corrected on my above post, the police didn’t break into the flat, the SW had got the landlord to let her in. So there wasn’t even anyone there for support when they made the grim discovery. Anyway I know this is kind of derailing as it’s not a crime.
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Christ, this is awful.

Tragedy as grandfather kills grandchildren aged 10 and 13 before shooting himself dead two months after his wife and daughter died in car crash while he was driving

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Glad she was found guilty. Like others have said I don't understand why the whole nursery wasn't prosecuted but just her. That poor baby, how terrified she must've been. I hope she gets a long time but it will probably be 8 years or something.
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More on the Belgium case...

" Prosecutors have arrested ten suspects aged between 11 and 16 - all reported by local outlets to be boys of North African or Somali descent. "

There is also this...

" The boyfriend has been described as a "loverboy boy" type... "

According to the article I read the other day, apparently 'loverboy' in this sense is actually to do with sexual trafficking. Something along the lines of them meeting their (vulnerable) victims and encourage them to developed feelings and then they take advantage of them.
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Be More Pacific

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Today is the Court of Appeal hearing to consider if Valdo Calocane's sentence for the Nottingham murders was 'unduly lenient'.

I'd really planned to write a long post about this as I have a lot to say (too much probably) and I will, when I have time, but the fact that it has got to this stage is utterly ludicrous.

The judge was absolutely right to impose a hospital order, in the face of the evidence he was presented with, and I hope his decision gets upheld. The ramifications of it not being are very, very worrying indeed.
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Civil proceedings can’t start until the criminal trial is concluded.
I am sure they will sue. The “ management “ if you can call them that have conveniently fucked off to their house in France.
Utter disgrace.
There were NO mitigating circumstances here. She should have got longer.
I am so upset by this case. Bless that little mite.
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Who do you wish you hadnt?
The fact that she constantly shares memes and quotes including the one below when her baby boy was found dead just weeks before. Loads of posts about sex and men and getting pissed up. Kids looking like they’re being dragged up.l(no recent pics though so no idea if they are still with her). Just depressing to see.

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A schoolboy who lost his virginity to a ‘pretty’ teacher later told her ‘You need help – you’re a nonce’ when the relationship soured, a court has heard.

For anyone who is following, he says he wants the best for the child.
The poor boy. She's a predator, as manipulative as any male paedophile enjoying the power she has over these kids.
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