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front page of the sun today. What were they thinking? A small left hand column. Referring to the victim Daniel Anjorin as ‘sword lad’. The child was 14, walking to school and was murdered. A hard working family have lost their child.

loathe this paper.
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Be More Pacific

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I still feel really uncomfortable with the lack of details around this crime. Why, why were they targeted? Was it a homophobic attack? Mental illness? Terror? Was he known to them?
I'm just going to say this again for those at the back. This is EXACTLY the way it should be - no details should be released until the first day of the trial except name, address, age and what they are charged with. This is to ensure that the defendant gets a fair trial, which they are absolutely entitled to.

We are not the USA, where it's a complete fucking circus from day one, the indictment with all the details on gets released to the public and the media can seemingly do what they like. And thank fucking Christ for that. By the way, if anyone is still under the very misguided belief that their system is better than ours then go away, watch six seasons of Accused: Guilty or Innocent? and then come back and have a chat with me. I promise I will fight you to the death about this.

Also, I've seen some people wanting to know who the other victim is. I'm not sure of the law on this - as in, complete anonymity like a rape victim - but I have definitely followed murder trials where an attempted murder has never been publicly named. And that's fair enough. After all, someone has attempted to kill them FFS and there could be a continuing threat to their life.

This isn't aimed at specifically at you @Justhereforthedrama - honestly, I blame the Nicola Bulley case and these fucking ridiculous TikTok sleuths for this horrible sense of entitlement. You want to be at the heart of the action and know everything that's going on? Here's a novel idea - join the police!

All that said, and this is just me speculating without doing any of my usual social media stalking, my feeling is that a guy from Croydon in Bournemouth on a Friday night has county lines drug dealer written all over it and they were just in the wrong place, wrong time. I think they were maybe on a date and it was a totally random act. I'm probably completely wrong (wouldn't be the first or last time) but that was my gut feeling when they said where he was from. These guys flood in from London to sell drugs in these regional and seaside towns and the weekends are obviously particularly busy.
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Slightly off topic but MH related.
I was on my way to work this morning and I went cross country to avoid the inevitable car park that the M56 has become and the car in front of me slowed down to practically 5 mph then speeds up then starts veering from side to side. The passenger door opens and I could see an elderley lady trying to get out of the moving car, it stopped and myself and a couple of others went to help. It was an elderly couple in their late 80s. She was having a BP episode and thought her husband was going to kill her ( he wasn’t )
They have no children or neighbours and absolutely zero help from their GP who claims there is nothing wrong with the lady. The paramedics arrived and calmed her slightly but they took over an hour so I stayed with them. I felt so bloody sorry for them both. He called me just now to thank me and I offered to help with getting them some support at home as he’s 88 and he can’t cope much longer on his own as he has no support network.
MH is an absolutely epidemic now over all age groups and the NHS is stretched to breaking point … I’m really worried for this sweet couple who have been married for 60+ years.
It’s such an utter mess.
Apologies for the me rail.
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German pro-pedophile activist group Krumme-13 (K13), which is described in German media as a so-called “self-help” organization for “pedosexuals,” have issued an announcement to its members offering legal advice to circumvent the law until the bill is passed.

WTF. This is all vile. What's wrong with Germany?!
And why is a newspaper still using the term 'child-porn'. Its 2024.
Child pornography doesn't exist - its a term that seeks to legitimise the contents.
Call it what it is - without exception - its the Images and Videos of the rape and abuse of innocent babies and children.
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I still feel like the social worker bears some of the responsibility here along with the wider issues in social work generally - principally she was concerned enough about Bronson’s welfare the first time to call the police but evidently didn’t follow it up to find out they hadn’t gone out to check as she requested which could well have triggered follow up that may have saved poor Bronson.

The police also bear responsibility of course, for not having gone out initially.
I truly think the social worker did as much as possible in this situation. She made multiple visits, checked around other houses where they might be and contacted the police who didn't do anything. She might have gone back more often but they are under so much pressure with very little budgets. She's back at work and it won't have been easy for her to know they were dead in there.
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The jury went out on the Kate Roughley trial today. I’m absolutely disgusted at the details that have emerged during the trial. To die in such a way is unimaginably cruel, positional asphyxia and physiological stress- basically tortured to death. I can’t stop thinking about her and her poor parents. When my daughter was tiny she had kicked her blanket loose and up onto her face while I was in the shower. The absolute state of her by the time I got back (after about 10 minutes) was horrible, I felt so guilty. She’s a schoolgirl now but I still remember it vividly. This poor baby was left for over an hour and a half. The attitude of the “woman” supposed to be caring for her is sickening. She treated that baby as less than human, just an object that was annoying to her. I can picture how she was as well as I have come across her type in my years as a nurse. Thinking she’s the big fish in a small pond, wielding power over vulnerable people, treating her work environment like her own kingdom. If she doesn’t like the child they are treated with contempt. How can you take a dislike to a 9 month old baby girl? Deliberately ignoring her cries of distress because you see her as an annoyance. Only caring about completing tasks, with little regard for the effects it’s having on the little ones totally dependent on you to keep them safe. Losing your humanity by ignoring that of others. The people working alongside her and in charge also should be punished. It seems as though working conditions were difficult due to understaffing and poor skill mix. It’s no excuse though for what happened. I hope she gets found guilty of manslaughter and is given the maximum sentence at the judge’s disposal. I hope she never knows a moment’s peace from what she has done, heaven knows the poor parents never will.
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I don’t feel that sorry for Meredith’s family to be honest. Even after it was blatantly clear Amanda had been set up and forced to name someone else and it was a miscarriage of justice they carried on harping about Amanda.

I know they lost a child and I feel sorry for them in that respect but jailing an innocent woman is not “justice for Meredith” in any way shape or form. Losing a child does not give you carte blanch to want another girl to be punished for no reason.
in fairness, amanda has actively made a “name” for herself off being “involved” in meredith’s murder (the netflix doc and her podcast for two). she also repeatedly asked meredith’s sister to let her visit meredith’s grave, even after being told no, and meredith herself was arguably overshadowed by the whole thing. i get why their feelings towards her are complicated and, in that scenario, i think mine would be too and i would also probably be “harping on” about her. she hasn’t exactly treated the kercher family with a huge amount of empathy either.
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Today is the Court of Appeal hearing to consider if Valdo Calocane'a sentence for the Nottingham murders was 'unduly lenient'.

I'd really planned to write a long post about this as I have a lot to say (too much probably) and I will, when I have time, but the fact that it has got to this stage is utterly ludicrous.

The judge was absolutely right to impose a hospital order in the face of the evidence and I hope his decision gets upheld. The ramifications of it not being are very, very worrying indeed.
I do not understand how its got this far. The families of the two students are very eloquent and have advocated powerfully.

The convict is a paranoid schizophrenic - he is extremely unwell. He didn't take his medication and he wasn't monitored effectively.

The fault is not with the criminal justice system - the fault lies with our crumbling care system. We do not have an effective method of monitoring and controlling mentally ill people. If they are not in hospital then they are out in the community and if they are not taking their medication then they are likely to become extremely unwell and dangerous to others. This is completely at odds with an unduly lenient sentence.

It doesn't take away the shock and anger the family feels - of course they do. But if we allowed victims to decide the punishment then all murderers would be decapitated because its impossible to be rational when your loved one has been murdered.
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The loss of control trope pisses me off. Violent domestic abusers only ever seem to lose control in the privacy of a home and never with men bigger than they are.
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I still feel like the social worker bears some of the responsibility here along with the wider issues in social work generally - principally she was concerned enough about Bronson’s welfare the first time to call the police but evidently didn’t follow it up to find out they hadn’t gone out to check as she requested which could well have triggered follow up that may have saved poor Bronson.

The police also bear responsibility of course, for not having gone out initially.
The social worker did what they are supposed to do(more in fact). Do you realise how many caseloads a sw has? That families like this aren’t known for their compliance and reliability for being at home when appointments arranged
?! The police should have gone to do a welfare check when the social worker raised her concerns, she was relying on them doing their job as she had done hers but they didn’t.

Ultimately though parents are responsible for their children. Where was his mum? No contact with her two year old who was in the care of a 60 year old in poor health for two weeks(and over Christmas too). She was too busy posting memes on Facebook and getting drunk . It’s easy to post on Facebook about how much you miss them once they’ve died in horrific circumstances, but where was she when he was alive?
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I’ve posted before about my experiences with social services, suffice it to say it was the dedication and care shown by a social worker that saved my life, and kept my family together. Yes, mistakes were made along the way and proposed work with my kids wasn’t done but this was due to the fact they are so overworked they have to prioritise the kids who are immediately known at risk/being harmed. I can’t stop thinking about the poor SW involved with Bronson, it says in the article she found the bodies when police eventually broke in because of the smell. She had repeatedly asked for welfare checks that weren’t done and even if she did all in her power at the time she will always question why she didn’t do more. At the end of the day, the SW tried harder to see that little boy than his own mother so if anyone is in line for blame it should be her. Imagine not seeing or hearing from your little one for all that time over the Christmas/New Year period and not kicking up a huge fuss?
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Chatty Member
More on the Salford murder...

It seems the murder weapon was a meat skewer.
And she was stabbed in the heart.
It must have been some sort of kebab thing...
FFS if they'd kicked him out after the first assault she would still be alive. Like that vile man who attacked his ex with acid. A registered sex offender who was still allowed to stay in the UK. The minute an immigrant commits a violent crime he should be deported,I don't care if it's back to Afghanistan or wherever.
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I truly think the social worker did as much as possible in this situation. She made multiple visits, checked around other houses where they might be and contacted the police who didn't do anything. She might have gone back more often but they are under so much pressure with very little budgets. She's back at work and it won't have been easy for her to know they were dead in there.
I totally agree. I work in social care so understand what pressure social workers are under and how high thresholds are. I think she did more than lots would have. She repeatedly went back, tried other locations and contacted the police to raise concerns. I’m not sure what else she could have done sadly. Social workers getting no response when they try to visit is something that happens all the time every day. It wouldn’t have necessarily raised alarm bells initially.
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Chatty Member
Maybe yes. Gosh, imagine doing drugs at Legoland. What the heck?
I hope the arrest is just a precaution and investigations reveal the child's situation isn't a result of anything the parents have done. That does happen. Mostly, I hope that the baby is OK.
We are at Butlins at the moment and a couple came up to my partner in the queue at Burger King to ask him if he’s got any gear on him!
What annoyed me more at the time was the fact my partner is black and was wearing a track suit as we’d been go karting and needed something to cover arms and legs up and I thought how convenient asking the only black man here! Didn’t see him ask no one else.
Then I thought hold on, who does drugs on a kids holiday? The mum and dad was wired up to the moon 😞.
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Damien Bendall has apparently attacked a fellow inmate at a prison workshop.

I know the guy he attacked could be a horrible person himself but why the hell are they giving this guy weapons?? I'm sorry but he doesn't deserve to be doing workshops. He should be in solidarity every single day, no privileges and no access to anything. What he did to that family and the girls friend was horrendous and unthinkable. It put a lot of people off letting their kids go for sleepovers.
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