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Genuine question - do you think crime/murders are becoming more & more depraved or thanks to social media we are just more aware of it? L
I think part of it is that we are just more aware of it. Imagine even 20 years ago, would we in the UK have heard about a gang rape in Belgium? Similarly now so often things are filmed - think of the “gang of teens beat up other teen” which has been happening for decades but now it’s likely the video will end up all over social media.
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What I didn't know was that he was a part of her friend group in the pub behind her house, the Nags Head which seems central to her social life. Which is a little weird, a load of people in their 30's and then her Dad. A few people said there was something 'mysterious' about their relationship. The podcast reveals there is a back alleyway that goes unviewed from the pub to the back of her house.

There is a lot of interview recording from a friend from the pub, Jen, who is very much of the opinion that her dad was gold, and a great man. But there's a few things she says that had my hackles up. One being that he changed 'overnight' to having a quavering voice from having a dominant voice.

Then there is also the case that something happened between him and her mother that caused an unamendable rift. He had serious money problems despite being a solicitor. He campaigned to get the law changed so that when someone is missing, their family can seize control of their assets and accounts to close them, and he was successful.

Then there is also the fact that her friend contacted him 2 days after she missed work to say she couldn't get through to her. He reported her to the police as missing BEFORE even ringing her sister or Mum to see if she was with them.

This 'appointed spokesman' friend, Martin Dales he had also (this is mad) had control of self installed CCTV cameras all over the town. One woman says 'if there were some kids messing around, you could call Martin and he would look and tell you who it was and you could speak to their parents'. The podcaster infers he finds this very very strange, as do I.

In summary, I think the podcast is hinting the dad had very serious money problems, and poor Claudia could be collateral for that. Not suggesting he did it, the podcast suggests there are some very dodgy people in that town who are actively threatening anyone who goes near it. The podcaster was warned off by a friend who had a connection, who then blocked him on all socials when he said he was going ahead with the podcast.
This is so interesting to me - I’d never heard anything negative about Claudia’s father before and of course, he was so vocal and committed about finding his daughter.

I had read that he drank with her at the pub. The impression I got was that he would stay for a couple but perhaps not - perhaps he was very much involved in the scene. He was red-faced which can sometimes indicate a heavy drinker.

He was separated from Claudia’s mother, although I don’t know when they broke up or why.

The information about money troubles is new to me. I assumed there was a little money in the family as Claudia was a homeowner (working as a university chef and living on her own, you could assume her family helped her to get on the property ladder) and also her house hasn’t been sold, nor rented out as far as I can ascertain, which you’d expect to happen if they weren’t financially secure.

Sorry - I’m barely adding to the conversation with this post but I’m fascinated by this twist.
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That is absolutely horrific, poor woman. Rough sleepers are so at risk, it must be absolutely terrifying.

I just googled him, he got 3 years in a youth detention centre for robbery in 2020. I wonder how long he was out before he offended again, the deplorable shitbag.

"As he was sentenced, Stimpson cried and rocked in the dock."

They're always such cowardly self-pitying bastards, aren't they? And apparently he has ADHD and autism - I know a lot of people with ADHD and autism. Most of them spend their lives worrying that they've hurt someone's feelings - they don't go around raping and beating people. 15 years isn't a minute too much.

Rough sleepers are very vulnerable - women particularly so.
Is this the case? Tattle doesn't like links to the MEN.

His sisters comments are heartbreaking

To kill someone on eat road like this should automatically be a manslaughter charge.

"A momentary lapse of concentration" - how many ties has she done this, I wonder, and just been fortunate that there was no-one coming the other way. His sister is devastated, and rightly so.
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Has anyone seen the missing woman in Folkestone, Leah Daley?

I came across the Facebook group related to her search. People are claiming a psychic called Rochelle who has apparently worked with police and solved cases is now helping.
It looks like people are treating it like a live murder mystery and coming up with theories and going out searching for her.

This is fairly local to me and local Facebook sites are full of it. It's reminding me of the nicola bulley case with people desperate to get involved, going out searching, asking the same questions over and over again, have her bank cards been used etc (was the dog wet?) Kent police haven't asked anyone to go out searching. It's really quite disturbing the way people are making it almost an exciting little hobby, I'm sure some are decent people who want to help but the majority feel like nosey, armchair detective types, desperate for five minutes of fame on Sky News. Its horrible.
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As the subject of travelers has come up, I notice The Mail describes Dan Graham, the chap charged with cutting down the tree, as...

" He lives in a caravan by a field with horses and has a number of dogs on his land in the countryside near the city. "
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The CCTV the jury had to watch must have been horrific. I don't know how you would ever get that out of your mind.
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Judge Andrew Menary KC seems to have a history of being sympathetic towards abusive men.
He shouldn't be on the bench!

Even if no-one cares about the woman or a dog, or slightly older children - hitting a baby! A two-week old baby!!! FFS! 😡
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I'm so confused over this, the flagrant waving to the cameras. The DM has shown she's displaying a baby bonnet in her outfit each day. She seems unhinged?? I'm genuinely curious to why was she bailed?!

There's a recent fiction book called 'Tampa' that covers a female teacher who has affairs with her male students. By the end she has to confront that she's mentally unwell. So my question is, why wasn't this woman cautioned more or put on remand the first time?!!!

I'm reminded by a case from about 2011/2 when a teacher named Jeremy frost eloped with a female student of his. He ended up being arrested immediately and going to prison for 2 years. I know abduction is far more serious, however this woman was allowed to be bailed and just continue to carry out paedophilia - call it what it is. Now she's in court like a spectacle.

If this was a bloke sleeping with two young female students and getting one pregnant, I'm sure he would be on remand turning upto court in a prison van. 😒😒😒😒😒
It’s honestly baffling. I know these teacher/ pupil stories are nothing new but this one seems particularly awful. I don’t know if it’s because my DD is the same age and I just could not imagine any of her boy mates been put in this position.
There’s still an air of ignorance that a teenage lad would get a kick from this but the truth is so far from it. He was groomed by someone that was in a position of power and trust. Most 15 year old boys lack the maturity to understand the gravity of this situation let alone if he’s a vulnerable teen. Shes basically told him there’s no chance she’ll get pregnant too when that’s a lie. She totally changed the projection of his life.
If it was a girl and a male teacher I agree he’d have been behind bars.
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there was an undercover documentary a few year back on RTE here in Ireland where a journalist went undercover in a nursery and it was absolutely horrific. Putting babies face down was very common and being very aggressive and shouting at tiny infants. It closed down after the investigation but it really opened my eyes to what might go on in these places
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Agree with all of this.

Bank manager could have asked the victim (who was obviously known to the branch) into his/her office, got her a cup of tea, explained in a calm situation - even if it just got her out of the queue for a while to allow other customers to be attended to it would have helped (or opened another window to reduce the wait).

But at the same time, if someone - anyone - hit me* I wouldn't be likely to hit back unless I really felt under threat of being seriously hurt. Hitting back just escalates everything. And in no circumstances would I have struck someone obviously vulnerable and unaware, though I may have tried to restrain them depending upon circumstances, any more than I would hit a toddler who came up and slammed me with (say) a doll or a fishing net.

*If any non-vulnerable adult hit my child or dog, however, I would rip their arms off.
exactly. if an elderly woman hit me with their handbag (and, i mean, this girl escalated that first by goading her) i can’t imagine my or anyone here’s immediate reaction would be to push them to the ground. i would probably be too shocked! her reaction after she’d done it, when it was clear that she’d caused serious harm, spoke volumes too.
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Think it's this kind of thing. Unimaginable that someone could think it's ok to place a baby face down on it.

View attachment 2947925
I had my last baby in 2012 and new products come out fast. I thought I had the mother of all buggies in 08 but by ‘12 it was like an old fashioned Cadillac.

Thanks for the picture but I just can’t believe anyone would think placing a baby face down on that with a blanket covering them as a ‘good’ idea FFS. I’m even more horrified by that woman and her colleagues.
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Chatty Member
She hit her first though. I’m not saying it’s right but she wasn’t to know that shove would kill her.
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I haven't listened to it yet,I don't want to be one of those people but my mum has often said there is something not quite right about the dad.she said it about mick phillpott the moment she heard that story....another wrong un
What I didn't know was that he was a part of her friend group in the pub behind her house, the Nags Head which seems central to her social life. Which is a little weird, a load of people in their 30's and then her Dad. A few people said there was something 'mysterious' about their relationship. The podcast reveals there is a back alleyway that goes unviewed from the pub to the back of her house.

There is a lot of interview recording from a friend from the pub, Jen, who is very much of the opinion that her dad was gold, and a great man. But there's a few things she says that had my hackles up. One being that he changed 'overnight' to having a quavering voice from having a dominant voice.

Then there is also the case that something happened between him and her mother that caused an unamendable rift. He had serious money problems despite being a solicitor. He campaigned to get the law changed so that when someone is missing, their family can seize control of their assets and accounts to close them, and he was successful.

Then there is also the fact that her friend contacted him 2 days after she missed work to say she couldn't get through to her. He reported her to the police as missing BEFORE even ringing her sister or Mum to see if she was with them.

This 'appointed spokesman' friend, Martin Dales he had also (this is mad) had control of self installed CCTV cameras all over the town. One woman says 'if there were some kids messing around, you could call Martin and he would look and tell you who it was and you could speak to their parents'. The podcaster infers he finds this very very strange, as do I.

In summary, I think the podcast is hinting the dad had very serious money problems, and poor Claudia could be collateral for that. Not suggesting he did it, the podcast suggests there are some very dodgy people in that town who are actively threatening anyone who goes near it. The podcaster was warned off by a friend who had a connection, who then blocked him on all socials when he said he was going ahead with the podcast.
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Is anyone following the Chad Doerman case? The guy in America who executed his three sons in front of their mother, who sustainted injuries herself when she tried to stop him?

He's pushing very hard for the insanity plea. I hope he doesn't get it. In general I am not pro death penalty but there are some crimes so abhorrent I don't think the perps deserve life either.
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It’s being reported to the police were called to the property earlier in the week. The statistics show that the police do not to respond to or solve burglary crimes. they seem to be a non-priority. It’s terrifying for rural and isolated residents. It’s no wonder that people take the law into their own hands. You have to be able to defend yourself and then if the police can’t do it people do it for themselves. I see the homeowner has been arrested for attempted murder. It will be for the investigation to determine whether the shots fired count as self defence.
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These huge cars such as Defenders, Range Rovers have no place in inner cities. Absolutely lethal vehicles.
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