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I remember this case being discussed here. Update: was found guilty, sentenced today:

That is absolutely horrific, poor woman. Rough sleepers are so at risk, it must be absolutely terrifying.

I just googled him, he got 3 years in a youth detention centre for robbery in 2020. I wonder how long he was out before he offended again, the deplorable shitbag.

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I can't stop thinking of poor Genevieve and her family. No child of that age should know fear and pain and she came to know it in her final moments. Her little life ended so cruelly, it's sad beyond words and has brought me to tears.
I saw her picture last night, her little face 😞
I cannot comprehend how anyone could do that to a child. They have to be evil or a psychopath?
The picture of Genevieve's mum with a single tear rolling down her face is devastating to see. I cannot begin to imagine the pain they will live in for the rest of their lives.
If that woman gets a pathetic sentence like 4 years then it will be an insult to Genevieve's memory.
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I’m really intrigued by the murderous primary school teacher case - in particular, what their relationship was like and the factors that led to this.

I saw an interview with his mum, where she referred to him as a ‘cheeky boy…you know how boys are’ or something like that. Well, he was a man, not a boy. And I think ‘cheeky’ can be used as a more palatable term to describe all kinds of problematic behaviour. From that short snippet, I guessed that his mum probably coddled him, let him do as he pleased, never held him accountable for his actions and put him on a pedestal. He was probably looking for another version of his mum in his partner and was disappointed to find out that she wasn’t quite as forgiving as his mum.

The teacher’s actions clearly tormented her for her to develop mental health problems and write it all down to purge herself of it. But that doesn’t excuse her actions either.
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I can’t believe she didn’t try to contact her child over Christmas! And then after the social worker contacted her asking about his whereabouts! Absolute scum of a ‘mother’.
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Can you imagine the headlines if the police had kicked on the dad's door and it turned out they'd gone to visit someone over Christmas???

People can complain (rightly) about social work services but it does my head in when estranged families start saying that social work should have done more.

Families need to help each other.
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Don’t fuck with cats has made every idiot on social media think they are a super sleuth. I hate how awful situations like the Idaho college murders, the Delphi murders and the recent death of Mica Miller (ruled as a suicide but it’s clear that she was a long term victim of abuse, was badly let down by the services that were supposed to protect her and her pastor husband is dodgy as hell) take off so much that good points are lost in the sea of paranoid internet sleuths who think they are better than the experts.
Doris sat scrolling the internet when she can’t sleep at night will break the case wide open and find what nobody else can.
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Or the judge heard the evidence.

There is a forget-me-nit scheme for people with dementia - where there is a person trained to deal with these sort of situations.
I wonder what evidence the wife gave for the judge to consider? Oh wait, none, because she’s dead.

Even if what the judge is said is entirely true re the wife belittling and undermining her husband, and being a drunken woman who made her husband life a misery, to say it ‘made his response justifiable’ is still bloody disgraceful. When is strangling someone to death ever justified other than in self defence? Which this wasn’t.

The judge even acknowledges there were occasions the husband used more serious violence against his wife. This wasn’t a one off ‘loss of control’. I hate that defence in VAWG. Not much different to rough sex defence imo given the women is not able to give her own evidence.
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She seems nice...

" The night before Mr Webster was out with work colleagues and had kissed another woman. "

yadda, yadda...

" 'They were both in the bedroom. She sat on the bed. He sat next to her and told her what happened. When he told her, she got up from the bed onto her feet and she aggressively jumped onto him. She said she never loved him and she hated him,' Ms Antonelli said, referring to Mr Webster's account.

'She began to punch him with both hands all over his upper body. He placed his head down and raised both arms over his head. He said the punching was getting to him. He got a lot of bruises and was in pain.

'He said Ms Sutherland-Young pulled his hair and choked him with both her hands. He placed his hand around her wrist and tried to stop her. She then leaned forward and locked teeth onto his wrist and bit him. This bite did not break the skin but left reddening and teeth marks on his wrist. He released his grip because it was painful.

'She then punched him on the left eye, which caused a lot of pain. It caused him to become dizzy and confused. His eye felt hot and bruised. When she saw this she stopped attacking him.'

At this point Sutherland-Young sat down, offered to take Mr Webster to hospital, and asked him not to press charges.

This outfit is really giving "psychopath tries to imitate normy"
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Chatty Member
Or it shows that the law is being evenly applied.

But perhaps that is a little beyond you.
There's no need to speak to someone like that. This was becoming a thought provoking, useful discussion. I don't understand why you'd get snide.
Scum, the lot of them. I am sick and tired of their of their judgemental , self righteous hatred.
I hope he's in unbearable pain and remains so for every day of a long life.
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Be More Pacific

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It's like Tony Martin all over again but he did shoot someone in the back who was outside running AWAY from him. That is NOT self defence in opinion.

Killing someone who has broken into your home and is still inside is fair game as far as I'm concerned. Hence why there's a big knife in my bedside drawer because there are certain cases that haunt me. He'll get done if the firearm isn't legally held though.

There was a case a few years ago where two members of a certain community (much like the Tony Martin case) broke into an old couple's home - think it was somewhere in London or the outskirts - and the old boy got the better of one of them and killed him (inside) The CPS never pressed charges in that case but the community decided to have the funeral procession or a march (can't remember which) right past the house where it happened. I am willing to bet money that couple had to move away from that home they'd lived in for many years and go into witness protection because, to my knowledge, we've never heard anything about it since.

EDIT - here's the case I'm talking about:

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That poor baby, was hoping they would survive. It's very conflicting information online about what has happened and I'm unsure if it's been an accident or something else. Think it's best to wait until more information comes out.

Slightly off topic but I've seen that Charles Bronson has punched someone in prison who had tried to come for him apparently. Again, who knows what is true but if you read up about the guy he punched he probably deserved it. Might start a debate but I do believe that Bronson should have a chance (stuff like this doesn't help though) at least in an open prison as there are so many other people who have been released who have murdered children.
I think that as with the Krays there is a bit of romanticising over Bronson. No he hasn't murdered children but he is a violent nutcase.
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The jury went out on the Kate Roughley trial today. I’m absolutely disgusted at the details that have emerged during the trial. To die in such a way is unimaginably cruel, positional asphyxia and physiological stress- basically tortured to death. I can’t stop thinking about her and her poor parents. When my daughter was tiny she had kicked her blanket loose and up onto her face while I was in the shower. The absolute state of her by the time I got back (after about 10 minutes) was horrible, I felt so guilty. She’s a schoolgirl now but I still remember it vividly. This poor baby was left for over an hour and a half. The attitude of the “woman” supposed to be caring for her is sickening. She treated that baby as less than human, just an object that was annoying to her. I can picture how she was as well as I have come across her type in my years as a nurse. Thinking she’s the big fish in a small pond, wielding power over vulnerable people, treating her work environment like her own kingdom. If she doesn’t like the child they are treated with contempt. How can you take a dislike to a 9 month old baby girl? Deliberately ignoring her cries of distress because you see her as an annoyance. Only caring about completing tasks, with little regard for the effects it’s having on the little ones totally dependent on you to keep them safe. Losing your humanity by ignoring that of others. The people working alongside her and in charge also should be punished. It seems as though working conditions were difficult due to understaffing and poor skill mix. It’s no excuse though for what happened. I hope she gets found guilty of manslaughter and is given the maximum sentence at the judge’s disposal. I hope she never knows a moment’s peace from what she has done, heaven knows the poor parents never will.
Yes, you have summed it up perfectly.

It would go against every extinct in your body to place a child on beanbag face down. And it would literally hurt my head and heart to ignore a crying baby. I am sure many mums have been pushed to the limit by crying babies. I know I have. I once tapped my toddler (literally tapped, not hit) when he just would not stop tantrumming and screaming. Never felt guilt like it in my life.

How can she live with herself.
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I'm surprised she got 14 years as I was expecting less but she definitely deserved more time. How the parents have remained so composed and be able to turn up to the trial everyday just speak volumes. Their statements were hard to read, them both mentioning guilt over leaving her there and having to find out that Gigi suffered. Some people are just so cruel and it's unimaginable.
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I have just stumbled upon the case of Corey Micciolo as unfortunately a video was playing as I scrolled on Twitter. I would recommend to avoid the video as it is very upsetting. Apparently the boy’s mother had reported to authorities that he was being assaulted while in his father’s care and the boy subsequently died from blunt force trauma. People commenting are so stupid, saying he isn’t to blame as what is depicted in the video wouldn’t cause those types of injuries. Some saying the covid vaccine would have made him become more seriously injured from falling. It’s obvious to me that the video just shows if he was willing to treat his child so appallingly in a public gym then you could absolutely believe he beat him in private. I don’t know why people are sharing the video and I wish I had never seen it. I hope this “man” gets the most severe punishment available.
The video shows 6 year old Corey being forced to run on a treadmill. He repeatedly falls as it is going too fast and he is too young. The father picks him up, bites him on the head and forces him to continue running.
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Maybe but if she's able to go out dumping babies across East London I'd have thought she could find her way to a police station at the same time?
It may be the father of the babies who is dumping them - or accompanying her to do so. I'm sure no woman would voluntarily get into, or remain in, a situation like this.
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It would be ironic if that lack of clarity were to lead to corporate manslaughter charges against the council.

Meaning one woman is dead, the car driver has lost her marriage, and the person responsible carries on oblivious.
Let me guess - you're a cyclist!!!

I couldnt believe this lady was jailed. Not when there's many, many criminals wandering the streets.

For me this was a total freak accident - a lady with her own issues - shouting at a lady who didnt seem in control of her bicycle - who then falls under the wheel of the someone's car.

If any of these 3 people had been 2 seconds earlier or later - possibly none of this would have happened.

Plus, personally I think the car driver was 'lucky' Auriel Grey was there because she might have ended up being the one in dock seeing as car drivers seem to be blame for everything.

Was only last week a cyclist knocked down a pedestrian who later died. But guess what - no charges there.

And Auriel Gray has been locked up in prison so I hardly think she has emerged unscathed. And if she is oblivious, that adds more weight to the argument that she shouldn't have been charged in the first place.

This is a very sad incident for everyone concerned.
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Something that was seen on the CCTV during the course of the investigation into the manslaughter charge?
God alone knows what is going through the minds of parents with children in that dreadful place. I would be worried sick that my child had suffered, and it hadn't been caught on camera.
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