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VIP Member
I see lawtube is all of flutter following Nick Rekeita's arrest for drug possession.
Hopefully this will get him to sort his shit out. I've never really watched him but watch a lot of other lawtubers and I think he helped out some of them early on.

Hope he and his wife get better for their kids
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This is so interesting to me - I’d never heard anything negative about Claudia’s father before and of course, he was so vocal and committed about finding his daughter.

I had read that he drank with her at the pub. The impression I got was that he would stay for a couple but perhaps not - perhaps he was very much involved in the scene. He was red-faced which can sometimes indicate a heavy drinker.

He was separated from Claudia’s mother, although I don’t know when they broke up or why.

The information about money troubles is new to me. I assumed there was a little money in the family as Claudia was a homeowner (working as a university chef and living on her own, you could assume her family helped her to get on the property ladder) and also her house hasn’t been sold, nor rented out as far as I can ascertain, which you’d expect to happen if they weren’t financially secure.

Sorry - I’m barely adding to the conversation with this post but I’m fascinated by this twist.
Same!! Forgive me for being dumb but a apple podcast can you only hear from a ipad or iPhone.sorry unsure on these things.
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VIP Member
If she's being transferred to Rampton could it be mental health related?
I imagine so. When it happened the press were reporting that they never left the house and that sometimes she was seen in doing gardening while wearing some kind of protective suit and mask.
It sounds like an odd set up. if she was his partner then that is a huge age gap and the young man living there too who is in his 20’s.
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No because I’m not familiar with it. But on a brief search I made a couple of observations

1. Sally was initially convicted of murder and only got her conviction quashed on appeal due to new evidence of various mental health diagnoses. She pleaded guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility.

2. Her sentence for manslaughter with diminished responsibility was 9 years 4 months - she served more than 2/3rds of it because of the murder conviction.

3. Her own son is very supportive of his mother, her appeal and domestic abuse campaigns and goes into some detail of the abuse his mother endured from his father. But even he says of her actions "We don't justify it"

4. there are no reports she was ever physically violent towards her husband before that incident

5. there are a lot more details reported as it’s a 14 year old case and has also had an appeal/murder conviction overturned. So I am far more confident he was actually abusive towards her for decades. At the time though the jury convicted her of murder so probably didn’t accept it.

6. Without spending hours searching I can’t find judges specific comments about Sally being justified in what she did or condemning her husband’s behaviour towards her. (It might exist)

If anything that case just proves further how unduly lenient we are to men who kill their wives due to ‘loss of control’ vs women who are also ‘provoked’ by their abusive husbands.
Or it shows that the law is being evenly applied.

But perhaps that is a little beyond you.
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VIP Member
Poor children

Did anyone see a programme on Sunday (channel 4) about ritualistic abuse in Rochdale?
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I agree. The greedy nurseries should use their massive profits to pay their staff for bank holidays rather than passing the cost onto the poor parents who are shafted enough.

It’s not like their daily rate covers just the staff salaries either - it’s all of their overheads (food, power) that won’t be used on a BH. So it’s a con.
totally agree. And to those that complain they still have to pay them as I said upthread - they have to pay staff when they are on annual leave but they don’t tell you you can’t bring your child into nursery if their key worker is off for AL. So clearly they can and do build enough pay for holiday into the fees - bank hols should be no different to general AL in that respect. It shouldn’t all fall on parents who have to use Mondays.

Equally, at least where I am, most don’t charge if they choose to close for two weeks over Christmas and New Year as many do including ones who charge for the regular bank holidays so clearly they can and do build holidays into it even though they still have to pay their staff. The bank holidays are a cop out.
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I was told by a Muslim colleague that in Islam it is believed that an angel will never enter a house where there is a dog, so demonic are they.
I mean each to their own but you would think dogs would keep evil out not angels? I know they love other animals. They worship cows right? I used to have a teacher in school who always asked this boy how his cows were and he was like emmm fine thanks hahaha. Don't know why dogs are different.
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I'm watching it. The prosecution still has a fuck load of witnesses to bring in. I actually am getting annoyed by her lawyers trying to make issues out of certain things when there seem to be so many other issues.
Agree…sometimes her lawyers seem they are going down an avenue that isn’t too important. But maybe it all ties up in the end somehow. I’m annoyed the prosecution has gone over so many irrelevant things but not given evidence of the timeline and injuries. That would make the other witness’ testimony more relevant. If person a, b, c all were at the house at 12:30am does it matter if the prosecution says something happened at 1 am!! We don’t know!! We don’t know their theory and evidence of the case.
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VIP Member
I think sometimes people have kids to get out off things, the article stated she wanted to get pregnant by him. Oh you can't send me to prison I need to look after my kids. You weren't thinking of them when you committed crimes against your partner.
It's an old common law principle that you cannot punish the child.
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VIP Member
From looking at other pics in the article and from the nature of the crime, I would be very surprised if that lifeguard was born female. Another case of women’s crime stats being skewed.
Nah, that's definitely a bird, just a pug-ugly psycho one with terrible dress sense.
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I don’t know if this was a response to my comment or not but I wanted to clarify that I meant, would he cry before losing consciousness?
It wasn’t a response to you but I guess if they were in any discomfort they would cry to begin with. I don’t know if a baby could actually be in such distress it could bring on a cardiac arrest at that age
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