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Whilst I agree he is beyond rehabilitation, cannabis is not the “gateway” drug it’s purported to be.

I’m on a medical prescription, have been for a few years, and my want to get another drug is absolutely zero. It’s the best medication for my needs, I get it prescribed (privately, although the nhs would also prescribe.) I am happy that my medication I’m on is less likely to result in secondary issues than antidepressants alone. And it’s my manufactured pills that actually cause me problems.
The medical prescription you have is completely different to the cannabis on the streets. Incomparable. Street cannabis on the streets today is insanely strong and users are not managed medically in clinic. Cannabis is often thought of as harmless, however if you are prone to addiction, mental health issues, sleep issues, relationship problems and suffer agitation and stress it can exacerbate these 10 fold. I’m happy that you have found something that works for YOU. However, let’s not take away the fact this drug and all it comes with when purchased on the street can make users vulnerable to problems and further their drug use.
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To be fair, a number of the men caught in those stings have learning disabilities/ very low IQs, and have basically been entrapped by the person posing as a child. And the really dangerous ones are far too savvy to get caught by Sue and Brian from paedohunteruk. I always feel the motivations of members of those groups are a bit questionable, like they seem to find the whole thing a bit too enjoyable.

My own view is that kind of thing should be left to the police, and we should just focus on our children's safety, and who we allow around them. The biggest danger to children is sadly from family/ family friends.

Just to add, I do agree that exposure to porn plays a huge part in all this. There are a lot of men now who are habitual watchers, addicts even, spending hours a day watching. I've heard of men watching it in toilets at work, on public transport even. It's all starting younger too. 30 years ago, teenage boys might get hold of a top shelf mag, or a bluey video which would then get passed around for a bit, but that wasn't a frequent occurrence. Now teenagers are watching it on their phones daily, and not just regular porn, but a lot of really dark, torture porn and worse. It really worries me 😞
I've been saying for a while that I'm really worried about the men that this generation are going to grow in to, because of just that. They have easy on tap access now to any type of material they want, which just didn't happen pre internet. It really concerns me that we'll only see an increase in sexual crimes in the years to come, as this generation matures. I think it's already begun tbh. The way it must be affecting developing brains makes me feel sick 😑.
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I've been keeping an eye on this case for a while as it seemed strange. Liam got into a car crash, walked off and disappeared. The crash happened in Kent and his body has just been found in The Netherlands?! I wonder what the hell has happened there?!

It said he was with friends when he crashed, did they just let him walk off? Have they done something to him? How did he end up in The Netherlands? It's all very odd!
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😡This bastard to be freed on Parole.

This is truly sickening. 10 years when he should be spending the rest of his life in prison. Apparently as part of the parole he will get anger management. I assume that is in an attempt to ensure that he doesn't deliberately empty a gun into his next girlfriend through a locked door.
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Charlene downes parents are making headlines looking for the daughter 20 years on, They are disgusting people who shouldn’t have been allowed to have children , would love to think Charlene ran away and has a great life but i higher doubt it :(
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Hmmm MH eh?😡

Held in private,he didn’t appear cos of MH,will we know the result though?

This "man" deserves to be locked up forever. How dare he say it would cause him distress when all he's done his whole life has caused people distress. From James and his family to the other victims recently. They need to start dragging these people up or broadcasting to them in their cells. If he gets parole this country is more fucked up than I thought.
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And the risk with him being in shared accommodation where grandkids etc may visit other residents is way too high
I’ve worked on a hospital ward before where an elderly sex offender was released from prison and no care home facility would take him for this reason. He wasn’t in need of medical care but there was nowhere else for him. He had sensor pads on his bed and chair to alert staff when he was up and he had to be kept alone and only older male staff could work with him. He used to put his shoes on the chair and go wandering around looking for young people to talk to 🤮🤮
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Just saw this on TikTok and looked it up... call me an old lady but the younger generation... I have no words. I can only hope there is a line to be drawn with this entitlement and lack of consequences...

TL;DR: A 23 year old went shopping with her children (6 years & 11 months), 2 brothers (14 and 15) and their mother. There was an argument with the brothers over who received more presents. The family went to the grandmother's house and the arguing continued. The 14 year old pulled a gun on his brother and their uncle managed to separate them; the 14 year old was sent to the driveway where the sister, carrying her 11 month old in a carrier, told them to stop - the 14 year old then started arguing with her, calling her horrific names and proceeded to shoot her in the chest. The 15 year old then went outside and shot the brother in the stomach. The 23 year old died in hospital and the 14 year old survived; he had surgery and once recovered will be sent to juvenile detention. He is charged with first-degree murder, child abuse, and delinquent in possession of a firearm. The 15 year old is in care of a mental health facility after making self harm comments; he has been charged with attempted first-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence.
and yet Americans still think the solution to gun crime is to not get rid of guns 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Of course a prescription is different from buying on the street. I would rather my 15 year old came home stoned than pissed though 🤷‍♀️ And while it works for *me* , I know the dangers are lower than her going out drinking.

Cannabis is as dangerous as alcohol (less actually) so control/legalisation is really the way forward. We don’t have stoners murdering people for no reason (anyone been out in Newcastle on a weekend? Represented quite a few pissed up people).

just my 2p ✌
“We don’t have stoners murdering people”

THIS. People can function on cannabis.
SOME people can function with extreme alcoholism and opioid addiction. It doesn’t make them any less an addict though.

Death, taxes and addicts blindly defending their drug of choice. Somethings are as predictable as the setting of the sun…..
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Be More Pacific

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Ah !!! @Be More Pacific you are back! I have missed you ❤
I hope everything is calm and well in your world x
In a word, no 😂 Completely frazzled - everything has gone to pot and SO far behind with my various lists. I keep seeing court cases starting and thinking "I have never heard of this case" 🤯 I feel totally out of touch, although I am trying to still touch base in here and read when I get a chance. I will try and do better! I have missed you too ♥

But I felt the need to come on and talk about Shakira. She went on my list from the start and this is what I said at the time:



You just get a feeling and I knew this would be another awful one. It's such a sad case and I want to know more about her. But those feral scum bags are all looking at 30+ years each I would say, as I suspect the judge will say it was for gain, as they took over her benefits, and she will rule it as sadistic. Fucking GOOD!

I felt very privileged to get a @Be More Pacific reply!
😂♥ Aww! This is what Adele must feel like! 🤣🤣
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Lord this weeks episode of 24 hours in police custody. I'm so glad it was a female police officer the victim spoke to first, not sure the same outcome would have happened otherwise. Given the stats I'm also pleasantly surprised it went to court!
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Probably a lot more to the story that will no doubt come out later. I feel sorry for the young child, what an environment to be in even before your mum being killed 😔
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Be More Pacific

VIP Member
It’s such an awful case. 🙁 Were her children living with their father?
No idea. They weren't with her though, I'm sure of that, and this is one of the things I want explained during sentencing. What happened in her life to make her so vulnerable that she became a victim?
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TBF if you’re working in the justice system or with offenders then of course you’re going to see the absolute pricks who smoke and deal cannabis, the same way you’ll see the absolute pricks who abuse alcohol.

You won’t see anyone who has the odd bit of either just to relax or have a good time.
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Having followed a number of these kind of trials - I've listed a few examples below - it's really not getting together because you share an interest in torture. It's usually something that develops over time.

There is always a ringleader, a group of followers and there is usually a girl at the heart of it - either it's happening because of her and/or she's right there stoking the fire. The ringleader will normally start it - maybe with a slap or a punch and instead of being horrified, like a normal, decent person, the followers will, over time, join in because they find it amusing and/or they're scared of the ringleader turning on them. There then almost becomes a competition to think up more ways to punish their victim with escalating cruelty, violence and sadism.

The victim is usually vulnerable in some way and desperate to make friends. I've seen it mentioned that Shakira was vulnerable and there was possibly a learning difficulty - this would make sense as to how she became so enmeshed with the people who eventually killed her. I hope this will be explored and covered in the sentencing remarks because I want to understand it.

And it pretty much always involves people who are the absolute dregs of society - uneducated, unemployed bottom feeders with nothing better to do with their time than make someone else's life an absolute misery and get off on it. Drugs and/or alcohol play a big part in their day to days living. They take control of the victim, get access to their money in some way and effectively turn them into a slave.

Michael Gilbert, Luton - learning disability

James "Jimmy" Prout, Percy Main - learning disability

Lee Irving, Newcastle upon Tyne - learning disability

Gemma Hayter, Rugby - learning disability

Steven Hoskin, St Austell - learning disability

Jamie Dack, Southampton - slightly different as he was classed as vulnerable due to being completely out of his depth in the homeless community but it's still horrific torture by a gang which escalated because of a girl
This is a case I was involved in that haunted me for the rest of my career.

Bottom feeders is so apt. What was truly horrific about this case was that the community, almost to a man, supported the perps. That was the point when i realized that sometimes communities are deprived because they frankly deserve to be.
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