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Just saw this on TikTok and looked it up... call me an old lady but the younger generation... I have no words. I can only hope there is a line to be drawn with this entitlement and lack of consequences...

TL;DR: A 23 year old went shopping with her children (6 years & 11 months), 2 brothers (14 and 15) and their mother. There was an argument with the brothers over who received more presents. The family went to the grandmother's house and the arguing continued. The 14 year old pulled a gun on his brother and their uncle managed to separate them; the 14 year old was sent to the driveway where the sister, carrying her 11 month old in a carrier, told them to stop - the 14 year old then started arguing with her, calling her horrific names and proceeded to shoot her in the chest. The 15 year old then went outside and shot the brother in the stomach. The 23 year old died in hospital and the 14 year old survived; he had surgery and once recovered will be sent to juvenile detention. He is charged with first-degree murder, child abuse, and delinquent in possession of a firearm. The 15 year old is in care of a mental health facility after making self harm comments; he has been charged with attempted first-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence.
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Chatty Member
I read it and beginning to wish I hadn't
After the reports about the dog abuser a few pages ago, I made a decision to not read things that I know will distress me. This is a big shift for me - I used to devour the most gory, gruesome material. I just don’t need to know the details which will invariably haunt me in quiet moments.
Can I link to the college website and email address here or is it forbidden?
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I imagine we would be thoroughly disgusted (and in some cases, possibly shocked) if we were to take a look at the computers of a lot of men known to us. 🙁
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just randomly came across this case, it's so sad, a disabled man went missing in 1992 after walking into a public toilet and he hasn't been seen since. Elderly parents arrested in lockdown for murder but later released. The parents are ex-coppers so it doesn't bode well :cry:
If I recall ‘the missing’ podcast covered this case pretty well a while back. I can think of no situation where my loved one would go into a toilet and not come back out and I would simply ✨ leave ✨
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I was a bit disappointed by the generic response and the ‘we’ll see’ approach but it’s to be expected. It’s important that we have made our feelings known though. Thanks to everyone for getting behind this and @thegirlscout for raising awareness.

I know it’s hard for kids these days and I don’t want to needlessly ruin anybody’s future…but there is something clearly fundamentally wrong about them EVER working with animals.

I will be keeping an eye on this story and will contact them again if the students are found guilty and not excluded.
They were 18 and 20 from what I recall reading, there should be harsher sentences than there are for animal abuse cases in my opinion. These 4 psychopaths are obviously deeply disturbed individuals and who knows what they’d do next. Beggars belief what they were at agricultural college for given they enjoy torturing animals.
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This is in France, great swoop but just highlights how child sex abusers can be literally anyone.

How on earth was a man already convicted of rape allowed to change his identity and then work in a school for disabled children?!

The men arrested, whose ages range from around 30 to over 60, come from a wide range of backgrounds, from an elected official to a person on the dole.

'There is no typical profile in child sex crime. It's found in all walks of life,' Bevan said.

Among others, two teachers, several sports coaches and a monitor in a centre for disabled children were detained.

One of the teachers possessed 'photos and videos stolen from his pupils' and is suspected of sexually assaulting at least one of them, Bevan said.

The monitor in the centre for the disabled had been convicted of rape 'several decades ago' but had been permitted to change his identity, which enabled him to have contact with children again, Bevan said.
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I don’t think it is a small minority at all. I believe peadophilla is progressive from my experience of working with them. Starts off watching soft porn, then hard porn, then rape porn, then teenage porn, then child porn. Then they go from just watching it, to collecting it, it becomes an obsession, they are speaking to peadophiles daily on the internet, isolating themselves from normal people. It all starts becoming very ‘normal’, they are speaking to other men that are abusing children, then watching content that the man has made with this child. They are offered this child. Or their sister has a child around the same age. They start getting desires around this child. That child is now at risk. When at the start of them initially watching porn, they were not attracted to children. Never mind the ones that have been attracted to children from the offset. Trust me now I do not trust any man around my children. I think having my mindset is the best way of stopping your child being abused. I never thought like this before working with them. It really opened my eyes. In fact I think it’s a small minority of them that aren’t at risk of abusing a child. Not the other way round. They are already abusing a child by viewing the indecent images.
We moved to a really small village years ago and by the time we left we discovered that out of our employees and friends in this tiny place, 3 of them were registered sex offenders. I can honestly say I would never trust any male, no matter what relation, 100%z One of the guys was a bit odd so it wasn’t a huge surprise but the other two I would have never guessed in a million Years. One of them was kind of outed, he dealt with it head on and tried to be open and honest about what had happened, his time in jail and how he got to that place I his life that he was viewing such stuff. Not admirable I know, but quite brave because there is lots of things I would flinch to talk about from my past and not nearly as bad. As I understand it He had a very close family member arrested for possessing images etc. and as he was a young teen at the time was curious about what they would have been and essentially fell down a rabbit hole of porn and he eventually needed harder images and went down the ladder of depravity until he himself was later convicted of the same or similar crimes as his family member. To this day I still do t know what to make of it al. All 3 were very close acquaintances/colleagues (I would say friends but we were really in each others live so much by circumstance more than anything and probably wouldn’t have been friends otherwise) so finding all these things out after the knowing them was really hard to know what to do for the best. Does everyone deserve a second chance? If it was my child affected by these crimes could I be so forgiving? And should I be forgiving on behalf of the abused? Blah blah so many questions it’s unreal. All this is to say, never underestimate what goes on behind closed doors and computers! Really scary
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Chatty Member
I’m curious as to why incidents like this are so quickly painted as “far right”. It feels like “far right” is thrown around so carelessly now.

I understand the attacker was an immigrant which has caused a huge amount of anger and unrest… but does that make it a far right incident? I don’t condone it obviously, and I’ve always been left leaning politically (although I feel more and more politically homeless these days), but equally I understand why communities are so quick to anger when it appears that immigrants are quite over-represented when it comes to random acts of murder and violence (whether they are mentally ill or radicalised “lone wolf” type attackers).
You make your own point. "Immigrants are quite over-represented when it comes to random acts of murder and violence" simply isn't true - but that is the far right perspective. Or they would be more angry about the thousands of murders and violent acts taking place, by white "natives", every day.

Darren Grimes is a case in point: naming and shaming immigrant paedophiles but keeping silent about the nice local-bred white ones in Scotland who were jailed recently.

That's far right.
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Cannabis for me is like alcohol. Some people don’t react well to it at all and it changes their behaviour in a very negative way instantly, many are totally fine with recreational use and some get totally addicted and either can’t function without it or go on harder drugs (for alcohol the equivalent is going down to the cheap AF shite that’s only purpose is to get you sloshed).

Pharmaceutical is no different than any other pharmaceutical.
Totally agree with the alcohol comparison. I didn’t mean to start something re:cannabis, I’m just very pro legalisation as I think it does less damage than booze/govt could tax the hell out of it (like fags - £10 a pack cheaper in Portugal!) and it would stop people getting in touch with dealers.
I get a spray but would absolutely smoke it if it was legal. I’m not 100% what’s in the spray, I just get it lol. Far better than the antidepressants/other meds I was on. It’s an absolute pain through the nhs though.

In my past student life weed dealers only sold weed. My SIL is a recovering coke addict, her dealers didn’t touch weed or know where to get it. They could easily sell her coke/heroin/mdma (she got a delivery one Christmas Day 😳) but no weed. Amsterdam has the right approach - not legal per se but ok in licensed establishments.

Sorry for derailing lol
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This is bang on. I’ve worked with pedophiles and we have to remember that they are sexually attracted to children. Not children acting, looking or sounding like adults. One patient would cut out pictures of children in the next catalogue and take pictures of the children on CBBs and get off on them. I do not put any pictures of any child under 16 on social media. 1 in 6 men have accessed CP in the UK. This means we all know and love somebody that has viewed this type of content.
I had the same experience. One had to have to have the children's channels blocked on his sky box, wasn't allowed a camera phone, amongst other things as part of his relapse prevention plan. He would even get off on simply listening to the children going to school in the morning, on the other side of a 6 foot fence, he couldn't see them. Another had to have magazines censored for any pictures of children, and would also try and divert off down the baby aisles in supermarkets, just to get off on being surrounded by the paraphernalia on the shelves. They'll look to get their thrill anywhere, no image is innocuous unfortunately.
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I had a little look on a video about her boyfriend selling the house as the title made it sound scandalous- the comments are unhinged. The poor family. I’d worry those crazies would do something.
I can totally understand him selling the house given the nut cases this story has brought out. I hope he’s making that decision because it’s what’s best rather than being forced out. People are trying to read some sinister motives out of normal human behaviour. As if that family haven’t been through enough.
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I think I would have to report it myself. Even if it wasn’t enough info for the police to act, it would be their decision what to do with the info and I could rest easy I had at least done what I could. You never know what info the police may have on someone already.
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VIP Member
just randomly came across this case, it's so sad, a disabled man went missing in 1992 after walking into a public toilet and he hasn't been seen since. Elderly parents arrested in lockdown for murder but later released. The parents are ex-coppers so it doesn't bode well :cry:
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Hold my beans

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Think I've seen the tv show 24 Hours In Police Custody mentioned on these threads. New series starts this Sunday if anyone's interested
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I also have zero sympathy for the so-called suicidal pweirdos who are caught out. If they have urges towards children, and they claim to have been “lured” by a decoy (who they believe is an actual child), then they have acted on those “suppressed” urges. They are scumbags.
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Just finished 24 hours in police custody, That Papworth bloke was awful. All the tears about his daughter and not even a flinch over what he had done. The officer was right when he told his colleague he was right to call him out.
Been down a bit of a rabbit hole today. I believe this is what happened to Papworth’s daughter’s mum - why the poor lass had no one else 😢
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