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Gotta say, whatever you do in your own home is your business but the second you take it outside, I’ve got a problem with that. If you’re smoking weed, you will stink. Street skunk is vile. Want the benefits? Use the oil, take gummies. No excuse for smoking skunk. You feed the pockets of dealers who are also selling to kids. Too many mental health issues that cannabis exacerbates.
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Swift recall to custody upon any concerning behaviour is often part of a robust risk management plan.
Or another way to look at it, the professionals who carried out the robust plan missed something very very important which allowed him to display “concerning behaviour” towards the public in the first place. That very very important thing being of course that he is a complete psychopath.

I fucking love neutral language as well!! The ”concerning behaviour” Pitchfork was displaying was he was approaching teenage girls, having previously raped and murdered two others and gone to extreme lengths to cover his tracks.

”Concerning behaviour”. Hmmm. Might I suggest that a person currently in the path of a tsunami is about to experience a rise in moisture?
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Jon Venables has proved numerous times that he is unable to follow his strict licence rules. He’s a danger to children. Not turning up says to be that he believes he has a right to be released but on his terms. If he wants parole he needs to turn up. Or it should be automatically declined.

Lucy Letby and Thomas Cashman refused to be present at their sentencing. It should be a law that they should be present
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with more things coming out about Nicola Bulley with the police investigation/peter’s findings/the boyfriend selling the house etc… is now the time for another Nicola Bulley thread? aware that the last one descended into arguing 😬
I mean from an outsiders perspective there are some points that could be discussed (the dog being given to her parents, the house being allegedly sold) but her story sadly brings out so many creeps and people obsessed with Nicola ‘giving them a sign’.
If I died in tragic circumstances I definitely wouldn’t be giving Sharon from Teesside a sign.
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Nelly's mum

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Medically prescribed no.
Purchased illegally on the streets Cannabis is often a gateway drug. In the context of young people starting to buy Cannabis from dealers, who then often offer or provide “freebies” of other drugs to try, or with friends who persuade them to move on to harder drugs.
In a previous life, I bought an indulgent quantity of cannabis over many years, and I have never heard of dealers giving away freebies or friends persuading you to try harder drugs.

I can see that cannabis use can bring you into contact with people who use other drugs but the idea that dealers give you freebies and friends pressure you to try others drugs is not something I have ever came across 🤷‍♀️
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I know this isn’t crime or murder but reading about Ruth Perry and her mental state after the ofsted visit has made me really sad today. I’ve got so much sympathy for her and her family
I understand there was clearly something lacking in paperwork or training but her private notes and thoughts in the lead up being published is quite intrusive
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My God. What the f*** is the matter with these men? Why is it so prevalent?

Surely if he's getting off on images of CSA he is a danger to any child?
100% … anyone - literally anyone who views image of CSA is degenerate dangerous criminal pervert who should be severely punished. They are the worst of the worst and all my liberal principles go out the window When it comes down to how harshly we should deal with them.
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What a sick individual. The headline sanitises what he’s done - it wasn’t a cow, it was a calf and he didn’t have sex he raped them.
the calves kept dying but they weren’t sure why. Turns out he was tying them up by their necks with his belt to make sure they didn’t move whilst he raped them.
Beggars belief that his girlfriend is supporting him!
7 years this was going on and he said it was an accident and he was sorry? Those poor animals, some people think farmers hate their animals but they really don't, he must've thought he was doing something wrong and he lost a lot of livestock. What an absolute weirdo, glad they caught him!
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Not caring if your son lives or dies surely deserves more than 10 years. He killed him as clearly as if he'd put a bullet in his head. Disgusting individual. Why couldn't he get hit instead?
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i know we talked about this when it just happened but the full story is absolutely heartbreaking:

he didn’t even look back to see if his son was following him, and didn’t ask about him when he got taken to hospital. what an absolute scumbag.
10 years doesn't seem enough and I'm not convinced he'll be feeling that lifetime of guilt either. What a horrible bastard.
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My comment wasn’t aimed at you as a worker. It was aimed at the scumbags themselves and those who frequently make excuses for them, thinking that they are just good men who have been “lured in” which suggests that they aren’t responsible for their own behaviour. They know that they are doing wrong but they choose to do it anyway. There are sadly many comments defending these low lives on social media, particularly on FB. It makes you wonder what they’re up to themselves.
It’s often found that members of these hunters groups actually have a history of committing some sort of abuse- hiding in plain sight! It’s scary 😧
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FWIW the clients I work with are 100% worse on cannabis than those I worked with 5-6 years ago.

Cannabis is not a harmless drug and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise.
Probably shouldn't admit to this online but I don't care, I smoke cannabis regularly. I've bought of many different dealers over my time and not one has ever offered me other drugs. I've been offered edibles and more expensive stuff but that's it. I know they deal other things but they don't try sell me it, I would need to ask them. I could sit in a room full of people sniffing lines or doing whatever and I'm happy smoking my joint. I don't drink alcohol at all and I find that I have a high tolerance for weed and there are no side effects but when I did drink I wouldn't cope with it at all and the hangovers are shit. I have MH issues, have done way before I started smoking but I feel so much calmer after a joint and it helps me sleep so much. I don't think cannabis users are "boring" or "have nothing to talk about" we actually have deep conversations sometimes! I don't agree with the papers saying that cannabis users commit crimes etc because they have "overused". You can't overdose on cannabis it's one of the safest drugs even after than alcohol. Legalise it and you are cutting down on all the dealers.

Also whoever said about Thomas cashman dealing weed, he wasn't dealing to any Tom, dick or Harry he was doing massive deals. The very low level dealers have little to no involvement in that stuff.
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Denied again this year. What would they even do with him if he was granted parole?? At 96 and wheelchair-bound, wouldn’t he go straight into an assisted living facility anyway?

Cooke is so notorious that it would be a political scandal to release him and yes, he would be very difficult to look after in practical terms.

I don’t often wish death on people, but I feel comfortable in this case saying hurry up and die Sidney you disgusting old pervert, for goodness’s sake.
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FWIW the clients I work with are 100% worse on cannabis than those I worked with 5-6 years ago.

Cannabis is not a harmless drug and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise.
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Anyone viewing CSA is damaging a child and is a risk to children. If the desire weren't there then these images would not be made. By displaying even "just one" photo a child is damaged.

Maybe we should be culling these men full stop; problem is I'm against that in principle as what if an innocent man is culled. I don't have any answers. I just don't believe these men should ever, ever be out of jail. Ever. Perhaps we should be asking WHY "lock em up and throw away the key" doesn't happen; why it is so unthinkable.
Yeah I’m not saying every single one is a lock them up and throw away the key situation, but at the stage where they need 24/7 monitoring to not watch CBeebies or go down specific aisles in the supermarket it just seems… weird. If you’re putting all those restrictions in place that in itself is admitting they’re not safe to be in public. It’s not as if it’s just a tag or a curfew after all.

While they’re all disgusting, out of the 1 in 6 men who has apparently viewed those images I’d imagine it’s a very small minority of those who are that much risk to anyone they encounter that they need the constant monitoring.
I don’t think it is a small minority at all. I believe peadophilla is progressive from my experience of working with them. Starts off watching soft porn, then hard porn, then rape porn, then teenage porn, then child porn. Then they go from just watching it, to collecting it, it becomes an obsession, they are speaking to peadophiles daily on the internet, isolating themselves from normal people. It all starts becoming very ‘normal’, they are speaking to other men that are abusing children, then watching content that the man has made with this child. They are offered this child. Or their sister has a child around the same age. They start getting desires around this child. That child is now at risk. When at the start of them initially watching porn, they were not attracted to children. Never mind the ones that have been attracted to children from the offset. Trust me now I do not trust any man around my children. I think having my mindset is the best way of stopping your child being abused. I never thought like this before working with them. It really opened my eyes. In fact I think it’s a small minority of them that aren’t at risk of abusing a child. Not the other way round. They are already abusing a child by viewing the indecent images.
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My sister’s husband’s brother (who’s 47 and spends his entire day online) got a package in the mail a few months ago. His mother, thinking it was for her, as she was expecting something at the same time and didn’t check the name, opened it only to find a bundle of CP in anime-style art - not ‘real’ images but still clearly depicting CP. My sister was there at the time and was totally shocked and horrified, but the mother just shrugged at her reaction and said: “Meh. What am I going to do about it?” And she changed the subject and went about her day as normal! Wtf?! My sister is still debating whether to report him as his devices must be full of it. 🤢
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