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I am just musing about pweidos - surely there are men who are attracted to children but don't act on this, you never know what's going on in someone's mind.
Then there are men who view and share images of CSA, presumably some of these men presumably would act on this in real life. There is also the CSA of the children when the original images were made.
Then there are men who pose a risk to any child they come into contact with.

I guess there is a need to understand the risks each man poses to children - I'm sure I read 1 in 20 children have experienced CSA 🙁. Sadly, 'lock them up and throw away the key' is not going to happen.
One thing that society needs to be aware of is language creep. There is a small, but active, online movement to soften the image of paedophiles. They use the term Minor Attracted Person and are trying to claim it is simply a sexuality, as natural as homosexuality or heterosexuality. They are trying to make it appear that a MAP is making a great heroic sacrifice by actively choosing not to rape children. Check out YouTube to see examples of this. (Maybe not if you anger easily). It is the ultimate rebrand.

I don’t care how much you have resisted the urge. If you want to fuck a baby you are a very very dangerous degenerate man. No ifs, buts or maybes. No nuance. No shades of grey. Fuck #bekind. I don’t want to understand you.

l can guarantee that in a few years people will start being cancelled and banned from social media for not using MAP as the correct terminology. Very much like the bullying people are subjected to for not referring to six foot tall bearded men in dresses as her. Be aware and never ever feel embarrassed to be repulsed by grown men who want to have sex with children.
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Not sure whether this is the place to post this sort of information but today I saw baby p’s mum and found out she lives in the town I was visiting. Horrified she’s even out.
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No idea why it’s taken so long. But we are all glad she’s been charged now. New people live in that house now too. It was beginning to feel like it was being forgotten about. RIP boys 💙. Hope they realease to the papers what she was doing the night they died. And it wasn’t the first time they’d been left either 🥲.
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I cannot believe the reasoning behind reducing McSweeneys sentence. He is a violent predator who roamed the streets searching for a victim and attacked a complete stranger with such horrific force that she lost consciousness quickly. He should not be rewarded for that, he should be locked up forever. He will always be a danger to women.
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i know we talked about this when it just happened but the full story is absolutely heartbreaking:

he didn’t even look back to see if his son was following him, and didn’t ask about him when he got taken to hospital. what an absolute scumbag.
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Another mass shooting in America

Wow, a man who has recently been sectioned for hearing voices and threatening to shoot people still has full access to guns. Reading the bit about gun laws in Maine is just terrifying. Why is the freedom for people to carry guns more important than the freedom to go about your day without being shot still the case in America?!
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Your sister absolutely needs to report it. The mother is enabling it. If he feels comfortable enough to order this kind of thing online then god knows what he’s viewing in private 🤢
Agreed- child protection is everyone’s responsibility.
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My family is from Aruba so I know that stretch of beach where he claims he killed Natalee very well. Joran is a psychopath and liar. He’s told so many versions of the night she ‘disappeared’ that I don’t see why this new version would be believed.

There is no way that he smashed her head with a cinder block on that beach and than carried her out to sea. Firstly, that beach is for tourists. There are no random cinder clocks laying about. Every morning at dawn the beach/sand is cleaned by a digger type machine. Everything, from cigarette butts, to bottle caps are cleared away. This a a very busy beach - security guards patrol and tourists take moonlit walks on the beach as well. Secondly - no blood? On sand? This wasn’t a flat surface he could clean up. Thirdly, he walked into the water, thigh deep and let the ocean swallow her up? Nah, not buying it. On this side of the island, the water is calmer than the other side, and although, she could have been swept away, blood would have alerted marine life and I think her body or remnants would have been found.

Obviously, I’m not stating he didn’t kill her, but he didn’t do it the way he claims he did. He probably strangled her, like Stefany, called his father and they dropped her on the other side of the island, in the deep sea.

My apologies for being graphic. But my blood boils that this dude is still lying after nearly twenty years.
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What a sick individual. The headline sanitises what he’s done - it wasn’t a cow, it was a calf and he didn’t have sex he raped them.
the calves kept dying but they weren’t sure why. Turns out he was tying them up by their necks with his belt to make sure they didn’t move whilst he raped them.
Beggars belief that his girlfriend is supporting him!
What on earth have I just read!! Sick sick sick man. Sick girlfriend for standing by him. How could you ever sleep with him knowing he raped an animal? A baby animal at that.
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Another "man" I'd gladly torture for days on end. Revolting specimen. He got off scot free and his girlfriend is sticking by him. Why on earth? If my boyfriend hurt an an animal in any way I'd castrate him. That story made me so angry. The poor farmer and his family too - they did a good job catching him but what they must have felt learning what he'd done to their calves. £600 and no jail is a joke.
sorry but I can't understand how his gf has sex with him after this? would she not be terrified of catching a deadly disease? amongst obviously having sex with a deviant pervert
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Just seen on the news that Jordan McSweeney has won his appeal to have his sentence reduced.

Absoloute scum, cannot believe that.
Zara Aleena's killer
I know sentencing guidelines and rights of appeal are very important, but there is something so repulsive about being able to successfully argue it down. Like "yeah I killed her, but it wasn't THAT bad".

What a slap in the face to her family
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10 years doesn't seem enough and I'm not convinced he'll be feeling that lifetime of guilt either. What a horrible bastard.
agreed on both counts. the little detail that when they were seen walking along the hard shoulder callum was walking on the traffic side speaks volumes too. anyone (or any decent person) walking with a child in that situation would walk on the traffic side surely. he put his son (who apparently adored him) in a dangerous situation and couldn’t even be bothered to glance back for him. the poor boy must have been terrified :(
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Why would any woman in her right mind throw away her career, reputation and possibly even freedom for Jordan McSweeney?

What future did she possibly foresee?

And I don't want to hear about "love", "second chances" or "he's changed". Any woman who enters into a relationship with someone she knows is a violent sex murderer needs to be sat down immediately with a world class psychiatrist.
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One of the TikTokers who speaks out about these things suggests parents stop posting their children anywhere, even on a private or family/friends only page. She shares parts of a video sometimes of FBI discussing what they find on CP sites and it's often "innocent" material a normal person wouldn't see an issue with but they will get off on. Even child predators have their fetishes.
This is bang on. I’ve worked with pedophiles and we have to remember that they are sexually attracted to children. Not children acting, looking or sounding like adults. One patient would cut out pictures of children in the next catalogue and take pictures of the children on CBBs and get off on them. I do not put any pictures of any child under 16 on social media. 1 in 6 men have accessed CP in the UK. This means we all know and love somebody that has viewed this type of content.
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I never can understand how these women prioritise hanging on to some horrible “man” they barely know over their own child, who depends on you for everything and loves you unconditionally.
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with more things coming out about Nicola Bulley with the police investigation/peter’s findings/the boyfriend selling the house etc… is now the time for another Nicola Bulley thread? aware that the last one descended into arguing 😬
Personally I think its time to let her rest in peace.
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with more things coming out about Nicola Bulley with the police investigation/peter’s findings/the boyfriend selling the house etc… is now the time for another Nicola Bulley thread? aware that the last one descended into arguing 😬
When you say "the boyfriend selling the house" do you mean that her partner is selling the family home? If so, I don't think that is worthy of discussion her - it will either be to give the children a fresh start or because he can't manage the mortgage on one salary 💔
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Anyone else been glued to the Echo coverage of the Ashley Dale murder with all the transcripts of messages? That poor girl ignored all her instincts til a gunman burst in. Every cell in her body was screaming out that she was in danger. I just want to shake these gorgeous young girls with everything going for them who get mixed up with these dangerous men. Men who'll threaten to 'golly in yer face' and 'cut yer tits off' when you stop acting like the piece of property they think you are and leave them. Men who'll put you in harms way. Men who won't cooperate with the police if you're shot dead in your own home cos not being a grass is more important than your life. Just heartbreaking. That girl had a degree and a good job. She could've bought her own YSL bag. I hope to god this case can be something of a wakeup call to young women who go out with these dirty horrible bastards who they're just another possession to like a flash watch and the latest trainers.
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This vile piece of shit who didn't even come into the dock - has not shown one ounce of regret for his actions.
Normally i agree with the due process of law but this is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Her poor family - how can they live with this.
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