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VIP Member
I didn't really expect the Nashville shooter's manifesto to be racially motivated but I guess I didn't know what to expect
I read online that the shooter was abused at the school and the reason they didn’t want the manifesto released was because it would potentially reveal about the abuse and who was the perpetrators etc. But the pages they released surprised me because it racially motivated which makes no sense since she talked about white people but the shooter was white themselves and they also killed a black man?
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Chatty Member
Kaitlin Armstrong is definitely guilty but her ex boyfriend is shady AF. He’s dishonest - denied knowing the victim when first asked, denies weekends away with other women being romantic…

I can almost empathise with Kaitlyn…almost. There’s an interesting subreddit about this case with someone posting who sat in the courtroom.
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Whilst I agree he is beyond rehabilitation, cannabis is not the “gateway” drug it’s purported to be.

I’m on a medical prescription, have been for a few years, and my want to get another drug is absolutely zero. It’s the best medication for my needs, I get it prescribed (privately, although the nhs would also prescribe.) I am happy that my medication I’m on is less likely to result in secondary issues than antidepressants alone. And it’s my manufactured pills that actually cause me problems.

An alternative analysis.
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Chatty Member

Not sure if there is already a dedicated thread about this case (sorry if there is) but the man involved in the Nottingham stabbings earlier this year has admitted killing them but denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility
I had missed that. I wonder if they’ll accept the pleas or go to murder?


Chatty Member
Saw a lot of names being thrown about, people love a gossip don't they? I still think there might be more to come.
The Edinburgh Crime and Breaking news group seems to be dropping them anonymously then deleted.
The rumours I’ve seen is McVie used her mum’s car. But where the car was found compared to them being found in Chesser on Gorgie Road would say someone picked them up and took them there.


Chatty Member
The most recent episode of the Mail’s Ashling Murphy podcast is interesting (the one titled The Killer). They talk about some of the legal arguments that could not be made public until after the verdict.

The defence tried to get the cctv footage of Josef Puska on his bike stalking other women dismissed from evidence under breach of privacy (because he could not have reasonably known his actions were being caught on camera), argued having a police officer outside his hospital room then also being escorted out of hospital in handcuffs were in breach of his human rights. The judge was having none of it and was quite scathing of the defence thank goodness. I know defence have a job to do but this seems to go beyond what would be deemed reasonable and credible.

There was also a guest on talking about possible motives as it was such a random, violent attack with no previous known history. I think the theory is there was still a sexual motive even though there was no sexual assault.

She also made the point how in prison Puska will get all the support he wants for his mental and physical health, education etc, all on taxpayer dime, yet the family of victims get no support whatsoever. It’s disgusting.

Also, the night before Puska was due to start giving evidence, he tried to harm himself in his cell. So when he eventually gave evidence he had no hair tie or shoe laces as these were taken from him due to risk of him harming himself again.

One of the presenters also spoke to some of his family after the trial and they still don’t believe he did this.

Anyway it was a very interesting episode and not very long either, about half an hour.
“The most recent episode of the Mail’s Ashling Murphy podcast is interesting (the one titled The Killer).”

Can you please tell where I can find this podcast? I have searched on Apple… @Tofino


VIP Member
When he returned to the Netherlands, he wrote a book doing the OJ Simpson ‘If I did it.‘ He also appeared on some Dutch investigative show where they had secretly taped him and he alleges she got ill during sex and he got rid of her body. He’s said so many different things over the years, it was the brothers, it was his dad etc.
Gosh, what a horrible man.


Well-known member
oh sorry 😞 - but this won’t detract from your viewing as to be honest that element is just the opener to the episode, the key focus is on the drug activity of the OCG as others have chatted about on here already.
It’s fine I should learn to stay away from certain threads until I’ve actually watched the programme 😂


Chatty Member
The most recent episode of the Mail’s Ashling Murphy podcast is interesting (the one titled The Killer). They talk about some of the legal arguments that could not be made public until after the verdict.

The defence tried to get the cctv footage of Josef Puska on his bike stalking other women dismissed from evidence under breach of privacy (because he could not have reasonably known his actions were being caught on camera), argued having a police officer outside his hospital room then also being escorted out of hospital in handcuffs were in breach of his human rights. The judge was having none of it and was quite scathing of the defence thank goodness. I know defence have a job to do but this seems to go beyond what would be deemed reasonable and credible.

There was also a guest on talking about possible motives as it was such a random, violent attack with no previous known history. I think the theory is there was still a sexual motive even though there was no sexual assault.

She also made the point how in prison Puska will get all the support he wants for his mental and physical health, education etc, all on taxpayer dime, yet the family of victims get no support whatsoever. It’s disgusting.

Also, the night before Puska was due to start giving evidence, he tried to harm himself in his cell. So when he eventually gave evidence he had no hair tie or shoe laces as these were taken from him due to risk of him harming himself again.

One of the presenters also spoke to some of his family after the trial and they still don’t believe he did this.

Anyway it was a very interesting episode and not very long either, about half an hour.
that is sickening -
If my Dad did that to my Mum I wouldn't be able to bury him with my Mum. The thought of someone being in their final resting place with their murderer does not sit right with me even if they were married over 30 years.

I know there must be a lot more behind it including mental health issues but he is still a murderer in my eyes.

Edited to add - I know of a case local ish to me where a father killed a child and then committed suicide. This was a number of years ago. The mother initially buried both together but later moved the child to a different burial place (not sure if the parenrs were together when it happened). The rumour mill was that his family pressured her into having them both buried together.
I completely agree - that’s why I find it so strange that they were all so loving towards both parents.


VIP Member
What a weird shape looking woman,sorry but she looks abit deformed or out of focus,strange.
Wow, you’re not wrong

But the photo was taken from Instagram, presumably her account, so I think she’s badly photoshopped herself - badly - to look thinner, which is why her head looks so enormous compared with her body. It also looks like she has some bad plastic surgery/filler.
From the Metro link above I happened upon the following case.

I'm not in any way seeking to downplay what happened to the victim, which must have been horribly distressing, however the sentence imposed seems very high (given that men often receive woefully short sentences for rape or sexual assault, even with violence involved)

You aren’t the only one to think the sentence was very high compared with men who commit sex offences.



VIP Member
So the way I am reading the DM report is that he’s spent a month already in prison and the judge could not impose a custodial sentence on him today but it’s back in court next week ?
It’s slightly confusing but it’s been a long week in my defence !
Who’s this for?


VIP Member
She's an oddball. Her and her husband were separated and she's killed 3 members of his family. He had previously been on deaths door with a mysterious 'stomach illness' which I guess we all now assume to be poisoning.
Thankyou,she does seem odd and weird.