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most of the family friends the no1 dad hangs out with seem to be girlfriends.
Precisely my point - which there’s nothing wrong and awesome he’s able to be so close with women (he’ll grow to respect women really well, I’m sure) but it’s not often you see him around just ya usual boys, or burley men. I feel that his dad’s probably wouldn’t allow it anyway, doesn’t fit their ‘aesthetic’
A proper bloke? What does that even mean?
Agreed, re reading my message and it does sound quite closed minded. I guess I just meant a guy that’s not all about looks and appearance/ content, and more focused on learning some other skills. Ie. skate boarding/ building/ kicking a ball/ climbing trees etc.
not sure I’m getting my point across very well, I promise I’m not trying to be a dick. 🤦‍♀️
You know a blokes blokes, a good Aussie cobber, who wears a blue singlet, some thongs and likes a VB while fishing. Lordie lord!!!!!!!
There is no such thing as a proper bloke.

I get what you are trying to say though. I am a single mum with a son, his dad is not involved in his life. I have tried to make sure he has a variety of male role models and different men in his life, so he can pick up different things from each of them. He has been to a school with lots of male teachers, played sport with male coaches and his uncles have been in his life.

Maybe this variety is what Reid is missing.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised if Reid has his “at home with dads” voice and way of acting when with them. Then at school be completely different and be a completely different kid at school. Like a lot of teenagers.
You’ve worded that much better than me, role models was the word I was looking for! Thank you for articulating that so much better than me! 😊
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The thing is kids who have experience complex developmental trauma (as probably at least 90% of children in foster care have) are much more likely to constantly ask for things, it’s part of them testing boundaries and seeing if the new carer will leave them too. He either would’ve had completely inconsistent caregiver responses previously, where he was walking on eggshells all the time and not sure as to whether he would get his needs met or not, or constant harsh caregiver responses, or just been completely neglected and not had a present caregiver at all.

It’s ok to very very gently and gradually guide them, but not in a way that they are so fearful of the new carers response that they need it to be clarified that they didn’t request something that they’re holding because they’re so terrified of what the response will be. Foster carers need to be so so patient, they might have to have the same conversation a hundred times a day to reinforce the messaging, but doing it in a harsh way and making them scared is certainly not appropriate. His brain can’t understand why he can’t just have things, these people clearly have money and have bought him a whole heap of new clothes and provide him with seemingly endless lovely food etc, so why wouldn’t he think he can ask for everything he sees.

Also why the need to have him on SM constantly. It drives me crazy. They are absolutely not respecting his privacy or his parents privacy. A birth parent/other relative would 100% recognise that as their own child if they saw the images and heard the voice. They need to keep him safe by protecting him and keeping him off SM. I’m assuming there’s more than one foster care agency in Vic, otherwise I’d be considering reporting them.
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I don't think 'they' need to be more careful, bragging wanker Jarryd needs to stop posting any pictures of that little child full stop. I don't think think the other dad takes many pics at all or if he does he doesn't post them.
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In his dinnerly ad he talks about trying to stay on budget and how cost of living is hitting them hard… then 2 seconds later is labelling wine so they don’t drink expensive bottles on a weeknight.
I don’t care if they have lots of $$ but don’t lie and try to be relatable when in the next breath you are showing $500 worth of wine 🙄
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This guy needs to pick a lane omg. One minute he's poor widdle ol' Jaryd who can't even throw a sandwich together without posting 8756454 insta stories about how bad a cook he is, but as soon as the duck fat comes out he's Mr. Masterchef :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I think Roz didn’t like that Reid used her name etc on those drink bottles. Also I’m certain I have this memory of Jarryd sharing a story with her kids faces in it which is a big no no. Seemed like they fell out after that. She’s super protective of her kids and I bet that pissed her off no end.
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I love his constant posting about what perfectionists they are. And people meeting their standards. Calm down Goggle Eyes. Your 'standards' around so many very superficial things don't set you apart as special or elite. You just sound like a whiny whingy man child.
Call me a mean mum but my kids certainly don’t get a $7.50 slice of cake from the bakery after school every day.
My (adult) kids talk about when any of their grandparents picked them up and had a treat for Primary School. At 13 weren't most of us finding our own way home??
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So much oversharing, no one needs to know you have a foster child at the moment or that their favorite food is lasagne.
Must kill this braggart that he can't film this child & plaster them on the gram like he did with the tiny baby last year.
Good on ''em for fostering children but quit using them for content even in a round about way.
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The second hand embarrassment and cringe factor i get with the validation he must be seeking at posting his 'poor me i have a Porshe' stories and his 'parking is expensive at Brighton' story......Ol' mate is seriously tone deaf when it comes to the genuine struggles for the peasants of this country. 🙄
Exactly. And don’t forget Reid had to suffer having his tennis lesson cancelled.
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She’s absolutely delightful and I would guarantee there’d be a number of things that grated on her with regards to these flogs, well particularly Jarrad and his personality of being an overbearing, greedy, money hungry, cockhead
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I was wondering if this it for the birthday celebrations how sad if that’s it a dinner party with a rhubarb cake and pair of sneakers that are not on trend, then we have the family date/outing to the Asian grocery store and a free Korean dinner, what a riveting life Reid lives.
This!! I thought the dinner party was weeeeeeird. Like he’s 13.. let him invite a bunch of mates over to run a muck for the night, have a fire outside, order pizzas & junk food. The “shack” has air hockey & I’m sure every possible streaming service and/or video game console available so why not make use of it for your kids birthday of all occasions … could think of nothing worse then a boring AF dinner party with my parents and their friends, with maybe 1 or 2 kids my age, and a RHUBARB CAKE to celebrate being a teenager. That’s fucking grim lol
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St Michael’s is definitely the school that from the outside would seem to suit his personality best. Co-Ed, huge focus on performing arts, not overly academic, definitely not a sports obsessed APS school. Whether it’s nature or nurture, Reid is a very flamboyant dancing/singing/acting/overly articulate kind of kid who would probably would not have enjoyed the experience at Scotch or St Kevs so I do think they’ve landed on the most suitable school for Reid’s interests. I find it sooooo tacky and gross that they’re potentially getting discounted fees for selling themselves out to promote the school, but if that’s how the school behaves then they’ve also landed on the most suitable school for Jarrad’s tacky advertising of everything vibe.

I don’t think Reid will ‘rebel’ in any significant way, he’ll just do heaps of coke and ket in year 11 and 12 like most of the current students of St Michael’s… (and pretty much all inner city private schools).
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When my oldest was my only kid at school I used to buy her a treat most days on my way to picking her up just because I liked to make her feel special. I was still at home with my younger one and I liked to show her that there were rewards and privileges that came from being older and having more expectations/responsibilities. It was probably dumb but it was my little way to show her that’d I’d been thinking of her during the day.

That said, it all stopped at long time before she was in high school and had I carried on the tradition when my youngest started school I would’ve had to remortgage the house to keep that little stomach on legs full!
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Anyone see the latest post? What 13 year old do you know asks to hang out with two middle aged women? #noreid
So freaking weird and why does Jarrod always have to emphasise that their family live interstate. Go visit them instead of pouring all your $$$ into the ‘shack’. And doesn’t Michael’s Mum live in Mildura? Get in your fancy car you fucking Princess and go visit her
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So many tears when their high school kid returned from camp? Jesus Christ he’s an embarrassing fuckhead.
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He shouldn’t be. The training is intense and extensive plus they drive thousands of people around daily. An important job. His shift work schedule makes sense now as he can’t always make things
Agree, training full on. A very important job. Michael seems very hard working and it’s a great achievement. Strange pairing, so different!
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