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I love joe they put so much effort into unboxing their free gifts….except for Cachia 😂
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Jarrod/ Jarryd clearly doesn’t have much happening in his life if he is so hung up how people park…
Like go find something important to complain about or put that time and effort into something important


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Jarryd is so entitled!! Obviously that is expensive but HE can actually afford it OR he could “slum “it with the rest of us and travel several suburbs down to a bulk billed clinic and wait 45 minutes to see a GP. Welcome to the real world Jarryd, if you’re so concerned why don’t you get off your entitled ass and do something for the less fortunate. I can’t stand when people shell out thousands upon thousands to materialistic bullshit but then get upset they have to pay $120 for an essential service.
Cry me a river. We spent $80 yesterday for an emergency Dr appointment very grateful that he fitted us in as the next step would have been the hospital clinic for my child.
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I am actually concerned about the amount of alcohol Jarrad consumes. In the last 24hrs there has been 2 stories and one post all of which have alcohol in them. Then 1 story which is a meme/ repost of something to do with alcohol.
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School uniform shopping the other day, both Reid and Buddy had uniform packages....i am curious as to whether Buddy would go to the same school as Reid or would that be organised by the foster organisation? I couldn't imagine how hard it would be for a little one in foster care to start at a private school and then, if they were to go back to birth family, change schools again.🥺
Being that they went to two different uniform shops I highly doubt the dads are footing the bill for buds to go to a school that costs $20,000 a year for prep!!! I mean if Reid is in year 7, that’s already costing them $33,500. Yikes
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Kathy Hiltons Martini

Well-known member
I can’t get over the fact that St Michaels would let you sell your kid for free advertising, and be involved. Where is their integrity?
It probably suits them and makes them look woke and accepting. Appealing to the Same sex married’s with kids cohort. All I know about St Michael’s is that they have a reputation for being quite artsy/drama-y

St Michael’s is definitely the school that from the outside would seem to suit his personality best. Co-Ed, huge focus on performing arts, not overly academic, definitely not a sports obsessed APS school. Whether it’s nature or nurture, Reid is a very flamboyant dancing/singing/acting/overly articulate kind of kid who would probably would not have enjoyed the experience at Scotch or St Kevs so I do think they’ve landed on the most suitable school for Reid’s interests. I find it sooooo tacky and gross that they’re potentially getting discounted fees for selling themselves out to promote the school, but if that’s how the school behaves then they’ve also landed on the most suitable school for Jarrad’s tacky advertising of everything vibe.

I don’t think Reid will ‘rebel’ in any significant way, he’ll just do heaps of coke and ket in year 11 and 12 like most of the current students of St Michael’s… (and pretty much all inner city private schools).
He’d probably mercilessly bullied at Scotch or St Kev’s.
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So, over the weekend he bangs on about the cost of a Doctor on a Sunday....the shock, horror of it all....Today, he is spending, probably 3 or 4x that at a wine bar and restaurant....the absolute sorrow he felt on Sunday for all of those who it just me or is someone not hearing the room.....Jarryd, you can't play it both ways.
He keeps banging on about how suck he is But
So, over the weekend he bangs on about the cost of a Doctor on a Sunday....the shock, horror of it all....Today, he is spending, probably 3 or 4x that at a wine bar and restaurant....the absolute sorrow he felt on Sunday for all of those who it just me or is someone not hearing the room.....Jarryd, you can't play it both ways.
The fucken bench tops.!!! Just pick one for Fucks sake
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No they don’t. That’s why I said travel several suburbs. Obviously Jarryd lives in Malvern or Caulfield I can’t remember so he would probably need to travel as many in the area only offer bulk billing to concession holders if that. I highly doubt Jarryd would allow his Gucci sneakers to touch the floor of a bulk billed clinic where us commoners go so he can shove his $120.00.
I’m not aware of a single bulk billed clinic in my city! It’s just not a thing here. We all pay 🥴. But I just googled it and apparently we’ve got one of the lowest bulk billing rates in the country, so I guess that makes sense.
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Kathy Hiltons Martini

Well-known member
His voice really gives off “gay” and before you jump at me - I know he’s just a kid! But surely spending so much time around his dads doesn’t help?

I’ll also add: I’m bisexual, and if I ever have a child and it happens to be with another woman, then my main focus will be on ensuring I don’t push my ‘ways’ on the child. Starting with ensuring my child has a lot of exposure to heterosexual couples, blokes, women etc.
Although Reid has two dads, I feel like he needs to spend more time around a proper bloke so he can learn to become a man because he’s definitely not getting the man experience from his dads.
He’s still young and hasn’t gone through his rebellious phase yet so there is hope.

I get what you mean by “proper bloke”. Like box standard ordinary.
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I bring snacks usually but we are only 5 mins from our house so generally just wait. I wrath my do t but fancy treats every day, only on a rare occasion! It’s just him being a show off.
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Goes to visit a house with a no shoes in the house rule, films his kid out shooting hoops in his socks.🙄
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