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VIP Member
I feel like she is treated as a bit of a prop for social media, passed round all and sundry for photos(especially z listers) , stuck on the boob for photos(no issue with seeing bf at all but in this case the number of posed photos makes it feels staged), always placed so she is in view whenever Sophie is filming anything be it her exercising or just walking down the street talking to herself.

Hopefully behind the scenes she is held more comfortably and is interacted with a lot.
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Does anyone live near them or seen them? And what do Yorkshire people really think of them? They think they are celebrities but to me anyway they come across as very lower class people especially Tubs he has no manners and I cant stand watching him eat he eats like a slob and his fingers in the food YUK no manners at all and he is very rude the way he speaks to people. I dont get the sitting in the way (pathway) of people trying to walk past him as I have seen him yell out to people ( hello etc) as they don't acknowledge him and did he not say he got the van so when the weather is bad he can sit in it and do the food reviews? I cant believe this is the best from Yorkshire they are an embarrassment I wonder what the ex husband thinks of them
I’m from near them but have never seen them out (yet) - I think they’re an embarrassment to Yorkshire
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Lizzie Mintdrop

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Have you seen how miserable his own kids look!

Their mum died and within. 18 months he was then spouting his new girlfriend was the love of his life , his soul mate , whilst spending most of his time at her place .

Who was looking after his own kids when he was staying overnight at hers , treating everyone to pictures of him in bed ??

Started watching him in lockdown and felt sorry for him , not anymore .
Yeah, I was disgusted when he said that, not a thought for his children who lost their mum
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Chatty Member
Makes me sick watching her with that poor baby. Never holds it properly, never lets her look out at the world. Isn’t she a couple of months old now?? She’s always got her face stuck in her mummys hair.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
So people had to pay £10 for his "autograph" last Saturday at the Christmas lights switch on! Yeh am sure I'd spend my cash on that.
He's such an egotistical twat. I mean, walking the streets with an umbrella and his big mug all over it. 🙄 Embarrassing.
And who the fuck cooked at home for his birthday? That cremated offering was for the bin, certainly not the stomach.



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Tootle Pip Wiz

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In Bradford today at Christmas lights thingy. Sat on stage having a takeaway and thinks he's that famous he gets the camera man to dress like the Stig from Top Gear just so people don't see who he is. Fucking big headed prat.

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The whole stereotypical over the top self proclaimed ‘we’re all obsessed with Yorkshire puddings and gravy Mr & Mrs Yorkshire’ bollocks is sooooo bloody annoying, and I’m not even from ‘oop north’. My sister in law is from Barnsley though and thinks they’re a pair of twats.
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So the poor bairn is in hospital. Yet Sophie and Danny feel the need to exploit their child by uploading a picture of Athena in hospital. Just like all the other fame hungry fuckers on social media who want people to feel sorry for them when their children are unwell and at their most vulnerable. Attention seeking twats.
She is being treated for sepsis apparently. Sounds very similar to what happened to one of her other daughters when she was a baby. Does she/ they not know how to care for a sick baby?! It certainly looks like they were still dragging Athena to every event under the sun and she must have been poorly then. I hope she gets better soon.
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I like Danny I really do, I get a really bad vibe from the girlfriend/wife? I can't be the only one who thinks she can't actually find Danny attractive surely? Even if he was slim he's not an attractive guy, its gotta be for the fame and attention surely? Am I missing something?

So basically trying to do a ladbaby? Another atrocious attention seeking YouTuber
I think someone could find Danny attractive, that’s not unreasonable. There’s lots of factors in finding someone attractive and everyone has different types.

I do however, agree she’s primarily in the relationship because she is obviously very interested in elevating her ‘fame’ and she thought she could leverage his popularity. And in a way, her desperation is damaging his brand and her chances of doing that.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
The wee bairn will soon be 5 months old yet there hardly seems to be any interaction from her. It's like the poor child is totally vacant when you see her on videos. You either see her glued to Sophie's hair or tits, or laid on her back looking blank. It's all rather odd and I just can't put my finger on why. All Sophie is bothered about is trying to snatch that bit of fame she is so desperate to achieve.
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Could someone have threatened to kidnap the baby? This would certainly explain why she want to keep the baby as close as possible.
It's normal for a baby to be held close. I don't think there needs to be a kidnapping threat to justify an infant being close to their mother. Covering the baby in hair and holding her weirdly not so much.
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Dr Karen Kim

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So I saw her announcing her new appointment on a radio station and wondered how she got that gig and then I looked at his page and he’s only bought into said radio station. 🙄
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"Troll fread" hahahahaha. Hi Soph! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She doesn’t read here but someone sent her a link?! She should be more concerned about the person who sent a new mother a link to a ‘troll’ site or did that person want her to read what concerns we have as they daren’t voice it themselves?!
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