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I feel that since iv been peri menopause I’m more aware/alert and see how people really are and can see through their fakeness and bullshit. Or is it just an age thing?? Does anyone else feel this ??
I’m like this too, think it’s because I have zero patience now lol
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If i told you …

VIP Member
Is the menopause the most miserable thing to endure. It robs you of everything. Your looks
your hair
your figure
your energy
your libido
your elasticity of your skin
your night’s sleep

I could go on! Would love to know how to lose weight. Tried everything
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Scotch Mist

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I had the menopause start about 10 years ago and had a number of the usual symptoms including brain fog, weight gain around the middle and awful night sweats.

A lot of women are unaware that depression and anxiety are also symptoms of the menopause and this seems to be overlooked by many people. I felt depressed for a number of years and put it down to life events at the time but on reflection I think the menopause played a big part.

I decided not to go onto HRT, although I have friends who swear by it. The symptoms do gradually ease if you ride it out. One thing I have noticed is that your body temperature regulation never returns to what it was pre menopause.
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Menopause increases anger/ anxiety/ appetite / your waist etc. I lost 8 kilos through keto via a naturopath who I saw on a weekly basis for a weigh in and measurement to track my fat loss.
This sounds interesting and congratulations. I have gained 15lbs in the last year and it’s still creeping up. It’s really getting me down tbh
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New member
My periods were every 2 weeks for 2 years and really heavy and now I’ve had no period for coming up to 1 year 🤞and I’m almost 49, so there can be an end in sight lol
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Reflected view

VIP Member
I've gone from a size 10/12 to a 16 and as for my boobs they a ridiculously enormous and at only small height I can't carry more weight. None of my clothes fit, it's really depressing me.
I’m with you on this one 🥴 nothing I’m doing seems to work 😥 boobs are fuller and bigger hips thighs and waist expanding by the day, not feeling myself and it’s getting me down
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I was early 40’s and was suffering with major depression. Pretty much my 40’s were miserable and I was treated for depression and anxiety with even hospitalisation. My gran mentioned I could be going ‘through the change’ and I dismissed it saying they’d have thought of that surely.
13 years later I was finally put on HRT and I feel like my old self. It’s extraordinary. I see life as I did pre depression, anxiety, my sleep is better, the aches in my joints, hot sweats and cold sweats, my skin…. So many things.
Don’t let them fob you off. Do your research and request HRT even in small doses
Follow Dr Louise Newson, she’s amazing and gives great advice.
It's rally frustrating when 51 is repeatedly mentioned. 51 is the average age of full menopause ie a year without periods, not the average age women start to be affected by peri symptoms. Even GPs get sucked into thinking anything under 50 is too young! Personally I think peri menopause should be considered at any age but particularly over the age of 35 as that's when research shows a big drop in our reproductive abilities.
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VIP Member
Hi, what non HRT things have you found worked?
A multivitamin with decent amount of B vitamins, Starflower/cod liver oil, Probiotic and Magnesium. Granted it’s not cheap but I shop around and buy when on sale. There are various forms/types of Magnesium, I take Magnesium Glycinate. Magnesium is important for heart health, bone health, blood pressure etc (lots online about its importance) it’s also depleted by stress and vitamin D. So if anyone is taking Vit D Magnesium is very important, it also regulates vitamin D. Vitamin B is good for MH issues. I also use Blissel gel if I have vaginal dryness, it‘s fairly new and a very low dose of Estriol.

I was suffering from tiredness, depression/stress/crying spells, panic attacks, palpitations, digestive issues, facial flushes and felt I was losing my mind. I appreciate what I take is not for everyone but it’s worked for me, I also try and exercise most days if only going for a brisk walk.
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About 8 weeks ago started suffering really bad aches & pains in legs ..getting up from sitting legs buckled .. struggled to walk up the stairs. Was recommended this.... 24 hours later 80% improvement ...1 week later 100% improvement.. on it for life .. should be available in local chemist (or ask pharmacist to recommend equivalent. )

Ps if anyone tries it I’d be really interested to hear if it helps.


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Bloody hell, what chance have we got ? We put our trust in these people as if life isn’t hard enough 🫤
I think it’s good she‘s raised awareness so women can check they’re on a low dose if they’re concerned.

What concerns me is the rush to put so many women on HRT at the first sign of peri menopause, Dr Newson even creating a template letter for women to give to their GP’s. The reason I say that is often you go through fluctuations and I know looking back I was oestrogen dominant and it wasn’t something so obvious at the time. I’m slim, I work out, eat healthy and rarely drink but I had breast cysts, fibroids and recently found out I have thyroid nodules. I’m okay and I know these things occur in women but they can also be because of oestrogen dominance (which in itself can make you feel crappy and give you symptoms) had I known at the time I‘d have tried to rectify it sooner. Even stress can cause the dominance because it uses up more progesterone to make cortisol. Which is a difficult one as peri menopause is stressful for many women but I was going through a huge amount of stress at the time, as many of us do. I just think it’s important for women to know these things rather than just putting them straight on HRT which might not be the best thing for them, at least at a very early stage in peri menopause. For women who’ve had hysterectomy especially at a young age often do need some form of HRT, even more so if their ovaries have been removed.

I can’t understand why they gave this woman such a large dose, as it states HRT should be given at the lowest dose and taken for the shortest time possible. It even states it on the The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency a paper dated 2019!

I appreciate some women won’t care about the risks and that‘s their right but however small it may, or may not be for that woman (we are all different) the risks should be minimised as much as possible, (also advising on lifestyle choices where they may benefit) at the very least not putting women on high doses of HRT.

As I have said and some mocked me menopause is a money maker, you only have to look at the 5 companies Dr Newson is Director of and she won’t be the only one. GP’s were also concerned when she created a template letter of how non-bias she was because of her financial relationship with drug companies and stated so at the time. I doubt she’s the only one, it’s just she as far as I’m aware is the most prominent one in the UK.

For me it’s not about putting women off taking HRT (for some it’s a necessity) it’s making them as safe as possible, incl. advising on lifestyle choices/changes (as I mentioned earlier) that can also impact on the way we feel, which sadly many GPs don’t always have the time for.

As for these influences who have absolutely no medical background advising women (often without any medical/scientific evidence) what they should be taking as many of them profit from it, makes my blood boil. It’s all so wrong, in my eyes anyway. That’s why when I have posted on here I link as much UP TO DATE medical/science based information as possible so women can read it, maybe even then go and do their own research before they go to their GP so they’re better equipped.



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Bear in mind that our bodies need cholesterol to manufacture hormones so if you have been on a low fat diet you may want to reassess what you are eating. I remember watching a programme a year or 2 ago about a woman who found her PMDD suddenly got worse and it turned out she had stopped having any dairy.

The interesting thing I saw in there was that there is no time limit to HRT, too many women have been taken off HRT after 5 years but it is clearly stated in that document that women can continue on HRT for as long as they like or start it at any point, even after menopause. My mum is 75 and both my Dad and I have suggested she try HRT to see if thing improve as she has so many joint problems
My mum 78 suffering from terrible hot flushes at night. She’s so tired and run down from it. I told her to see the GP. He laughed scornfully at her and belittled her by saying ‘Good Grief you are far too old for HRT. It’s not for women your age’. She was so embarrassed she left without asking what did he think it was then Dr Big Bollocks?’
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Yeah my symptoms get worse at night from about 4pm onwards. Also they get worse at certain points in my cycle. I’ve been tracking it all. Dr said ‘you had a baby in 2020 so you CANT be menopausal’. But….. that’s just not how the menopause works, even I know that 🤨 All I know is that I feel crap and it’s hit me like a ton of bricks. That’s why I’ve gone private now. I’ve had enough.
Jesus fucking christ that's embarrassingly ignorant. That needs a formal complaint
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Hey guys, my post is long and didn’t want to take up all the page, so put a spoiler on it to save the space. If you read thank you

Hey everyone. I haven’t a question as such, it’s more I just need to vent. I’m 41 and in peri. It’s been and year and a half since it started and it all began when I got the first covid vax.

I used to be so regular, used a tracking app so I could work long runs around my period, and used to be 25 days with moderate to light bleeding and little pain. It was always more or less bang on, my body ran like clockwork. I came off the pill around 2011 so my body runs it’s own cycle.

I got the first jag in May 2021, and less than 24 hours after receiving it I had intense menstrual feeling cramps. At the time I wasn’t due a period for 12 days, and the cramping continued for 7 data’s. On the 4th night I had an intense depressive episode (early 2020 I was depression and was at the point of suicide but revived help) where I was nearly at the point again. That lasted until The 6th day but it gave me a fright.

When I tried talking to people about thinking the jag did something I was told I was being silly and shouldn’t listen to conspiracy theories. Even a google search said there was no link (that’s since changed).

My period continued to be erratic (14 days early, 28 days late, clots, incredibly light, couldn’t predict it) then in January 2022 when I had my smear I brought it up to the nurse who was very understanding and took bloods and referred me for an ultrasound. My bloods (I can’t remember now what part exactly) confirmed I’m in peri.

In the past 12 months my period is still erratic, the longest gap was 79 days between, and right now I’m 75 days since my last period. The hot flashes are awful, I’m irritable, libido is long gone, can’t remember what an orgasm is, night sweats, pain in my hip, knee and shoulder joints, tingling in my right arm/hand…

My ultrasound revealed a possible cyst on my left ovary so I have another scan coming up, and the doctor prescribed me paroxetine to deal with the hot flashes which didn’t agree with me. I’m taking vit D and magnesium to help with energy and moods.

Sorry this is so long. Trying to talk to people in real life, they are so dismissive and don’t realise how bad it is, or else tell me I’m too young to be at this point.
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Hey, the past few months I have had sleep issues 🥴 I can get to sleep no problem but I abruptly wake up around 12:30 - 1ish wide awake until about 4ish 😳 iv always been a great sleeper right through till about 5:30am never had the need for an alarm but now iv had to set an alarm and I just can’t get out of bed, my periods are getting heavier and lasting longer 😡 they can be three days late then the next month they will come on time then the next month three days early. I feel my skin has aged the past few months to and my hair is lifeless and a bit dry 😢 should I start taking any vitamins or supplements?? 👍🏻
The main ones that are suppose to help are Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Magnesium and Zinc. Omega 3 aswell but I usually crave anchovies at some point in the month so assume that thats my body signalling it wants it. Iron if you are bleeding very heavily, that Floradix is supposed to be OK if you don;t like taking pills

Just remembered another symptom to monitor, peeing!! For a couple of days I don't get the signals that I need to wee until I really need to wee then it's a mad dash. This is not a kegel fix as its fine the rest of the month, just a couple of days. It follows the weight gain so just the water retention finishing but it's bloody annoying
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For those with aches and pains it’s worth making sure you’re getting adequate amounts of vitamin D and magnesium as we often don’t get enough Vit D especially in the winter months, or if you‘re using sunscreen (which I appreciate is important). If you take Vit D it’s so important you also take magnesium, as Vit D depletes magnesium which is needed for so many things bone/heart health, blood pressure, it also helps with stress/anxiety etc.

HRT and some contraceptives deplete magnesium along with other nutrients (added link). If you take a multivitamin I would add in magnesium as you get very little magnesium in a multivitamin and it’s important to take magnesium at least an hour away from other vitamins/medications as it can prevent you absorbing them and magnesium is better to take in the evening as can help with sleep.

I take Better you vitamin D oral spray and magnesium glycinate.

I’ve added a link that explains further it also lists some of deficiency signs. Xx

I took a vitB complex last year, but realised quite quickly I didn't need when it turned my pee neon yellow 😄 I get annual bloods done as part of my diabetes review and asked to get iron studies, ferratin, bone profile, etc, done as well, and they were all normal.

Speaking of diabetes, I'm Type 1 and have come to realise there is a massive information gap when it comes to T1 and menopause. Hormones have such an impact on blood glucose. For example, most women become insulin resistant prior to her period and this is "thought" to be due to an increase in progesterone. I would often run an annoyingly high BG a couple of days prior to my period. Now however, it's more like two weeks!! My bloods are all over the shop and terribly difficult to control.

I still don't think I'm exhibiting many obvious peri symptoms, but this is definitely one I've noticed over the past year.
Sometimes it can be because you’ve taken too much but some vitamin B’s do turn your pee bright yellow, it’s very difficult to overdose on vitamin B’s if you take a sensible amount and not excessive amounts, as we deplete vitamin B when we’re stressed and also vitamin B’s are water soluble so we pee excess amounts out. But yes important not to take high amounts especially longer term unless advised by GP.

Inositol can be helpful for diabetics and women with PCOS, lots of reputable information about it online.
It is called B6 toxicity and causes nerve damage amongst other things. I was *advised* by a (male) GP to take a daily supplement of 100mg which i did for about 16 months 😳
It is helpful to take to assist with balancing hormones but you only need 10mg a day and i would err on the side of caution to only take it for as long as you feel you need it
I’ve added another link on B6 for those concerned.
I have taken it for many years but just the RDA in a multivitamin, occasionally I will take an additional complex B if I’m feeling stressed but I don’t take it longterm. I agree 100mg is quite high especially to be taking longterm.
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ginger tea

Chatty Member
I had a conversation today with my husband regarding menopause 🥴 he asked me when will it finish 🥴 the look on his face was of sheer horror and fear when I told him there is no end date
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