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Re L apparently arguing with an adult, she had been in trouble at school before and sat in the heads' office refusing to apologise which R also found hilarious. She then humiliated the girl in question over her stories. She is sneakily using her platform to goad and embarrass people and teaching L that it's ok. No adult should be approaching a child but I think that story has been embellished as per.
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Such a good use of CIC wages both jo & jen traipsing after their master in Homesense. That's benefitting the community & victims of DA. She's pissed me off that haul is obscene.
They could have actually used that precious time to open up the "pantry" for an extra day being as its half term. They are such a shower of shit
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And the hunz were begging for her to write a book on parenting teenagers, hmm, I wonder if she will. It's no easy ride for the teenagers or parents. We will see
Of course she fucking will, but it will mostly be about her, and how her own teenage years were so fucked up because she was smacked off her tits in a shitty bedsit while working 17 jobs, nursing her nan to death, and drug running up and down the country, all while wearing Hi-Tec trainers. There might be a chapter on chrolls as well!
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Don't buy it all you like, I'm supporting families in this kind of situation, OK so they have shoes but they don't fit and have holes in, or are in flip flops in the winter.

Who says I work in Torbay? Although it has some of the highest area of deprivation in the country.

Guess that's why I work with the families I do and you don't. You would be judging straight away and they would pick up on it. In the 30 odd years I've supported families you would be horrified by what we see. Remove your blinkers as to what is going on in this country there are massive areas of deprivation. Also some of those with working parents who don't receive benefits of any kind are in massive hardship currently. Working all hours and still not making ends meet. And guess what kids clothes and shoes get worn out and grown out of.

How lovely to live in your world.
First of all, you work in that area because you choose to I assume. I don't because that is not what I have chosen to do in my working life. Second of all and most importantly, in real life I don't judge other peoples situations unless they directly involve me or someone requires my help. I keep my nose out and my mouth shut, mainly because it's none of my business and I've come to realise the only significant changes I can make as one person is canvassing to make political change.

As for blinkers to deprivation, you clearly didn't read what I wrote objectively. I listed significant issues that lots of people are dealing with right now and have done in the past. A broad spectrum from workers to addicts to migrants and refugees. I also didn't mention which I should have, long term sickness and disability or criminality, because I've seen and dealt with it all. Don't even begin to try and lecture me on hardship. I know. So if someone is approaching me saying they haven't got £3 to get their child plimsoles, I know full well there is more to the story than just a poor wage, which essentially is what we are discussing here.

And as I said, if the deprivation in Torbay is so significant that it's beyond anything I've seen throughout the North over the years. Contact your Conservative MPs and your freshly voted in (2023 no less,) Conservative council and ask them to mention it as humanitarian issue to the Conservative Prime Minister whose finishing off the job of destroying the country that his predecessor started.

Do not have a shit fit at me for saying I've seen people in the worst circumstances manage to get their kids in clothes, or that I've pulled off some stealthy manoeuvres myself to get my kids what they need in the face of personal adversity. I said what I said because I meant it, not because I'm a clueless airhead that's seen fuck all. I think in what's been my so called "lovely" world, you'd absolutely shit yourself to be honest.
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I definitely believe she paid Emily off and she had to sign an NDA. I think her and Josh groomed Emily when they met her. She was vulnerable. I think her new partner probably got pissed off that they never corrected that she wasn't fleeing DV when she moved to Devon. She had plenty of tea on R so was paid off. She's now a full time mum doing a massive house renovation which they're going to flip. She seems happy. The scammer was scammed
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You are correct, she just has cupboards above her hob and no extractor
Makes you wonder what sort of cowboys she's employing. The bathroom is mouldy and falling apart, now the kitchen has no extractor and will get mouldy before long. Unless of course they tried to tell her and she wouldn't listen, like the orthodontists who told her she needed teeth removing before having braces 🤷
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New unmasked tik tok up 😃 😀 😄 😁
Love it!

Let's also just remind Rach and the huns, that when you write on here, people can click on the name and look at all the posts you've ever written.

Someone with 2 names the same as edies nan has an account on here. We've no proof it's her. Rach has no proof it isn't, but whoever it is has NEVER commented on here.

Perhaps next time Lula reads here she can be kind enough to show this to Edie, and ask her so called mother to stop gaslighting Edie away from family members that haven't done anything wrong.


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YocI can easily find cheap “branded” stuff on eBay or vinted - no one need know they are preloved !! Thing that wince me up - along with most of us - she could easily buy or pass on what she already had !!
She had HUNDREDS of pairs of trainers that she'd barely worn, that she flogged off to the huns not long ago. Not a single pair went to "one of the women at the centre", and I bet not a penny of the money she made off them went towards anything for Snatchwork either.
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Who are these two trying to kid with the happy family waffle 🤦🏼‍♀️
Good grief. Bigging themselves up as parents because they had a successful trip to IKEA when the child has been absent from school for at least two of the six weeks of his first term. People literally applaud them for achieving less than the bare minimum of parental tasks. Raise the bar 🙄.
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