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Well-known member
Sorry I don't buy it. I've lived in around deprivation for pretty much all my adult life. Ranging back to when Tony Blair was elected right through to todays shit show. I've had alcoholic neighbours, drug addicted neighbours, neighbours that have squashed 8/ 9 people into a two bedroom box room house. I've had kick offs in the street because their kids were scaling my end wall one step away from a head injury. I've seen people working their backsides off for low wages trying to do the right thing. I've also seen people skimming the benefits system for what they could. I've lived in areas with high immigration settlers, and let me tell you, they work their socks off.

I've been a single parent with little support working both a full time & then a part time job in a pub at the weekend, paying a babysitter for me to do that because the tips were to good to say no to. I've not swiped at the self checkout, I've ducked and dived over lots of bills. I've been in situations where it's been bread or Tampons at the end of the month.

But in all that time, seeing all that life and all those different families which so many issues, I've never seen a kid walking the streets without shoes like a Victorian orphan. So if that really is the situation in Torbay, the UN need alerting to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Southwest England.
Don't buy it all you like, I'm supporting families in this kind of situation, OK so they have shoes but they don't fit and have holes in, or are in flip flops in the winter.

Who says I work in Torbay? Although it has some of the highest area of deprivation in the country.

Guess that's why I work with the families I do and you don't. You would be judging straight away and they would pick up on it. In the 30 odd years I've supported families you would be horrified by what we see. Remove your blinkers as to what is going on in this country there are massive areas of deprivation. Also some of those with working parents who don't receive benefits of any kind are in massive hardship currently. Working all hours and still not making ends meet. And guess what kids clothes and shoes get worn out and grown out of.

How lovely to live in your world.
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VIP Member
How can she be such a twat?? I hope she apologises to the poor plumber.

Has she let on yet what J’s new job is? I wonder who has been looking after W while he has been poorly and she seems to be out and about everywhere.
He’s selling Avon around the bay. Waffle just gets put in the beach trolley and they deploy out.
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Kids getting home from school today and telling their parents/guardians that a woman with massive teeth and a wonky nose was giving a lecture on being kind on the internet, the responsible adults doing a quick Google and finding all this🥴
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VIP Member
Some of the families I work with are in this situation and they don't smoke drink etc but what's really scary is that quite a few of the families in this situation don't meet the threshold for SS intervention.
Sorry I don't buy it. I've lived in around deprivation for pretty much all my adult life. Ranging back to when Tony Blair was elected right through to todays shit show. I've had alcoholic neighbours, drug addicted neighbours, neighbours that have squashed 8/ 9 people into a two bedroom box room house. I've had kick offs in the street because their kids were scaling my end wall one step away from a head injury. I've seen people working their backsides off for low wages trying to do the right thing. I've also seen people skimming the benefits system for what they could. I've lived in areas with high immigration settlers, and let me tell you, they work their socks off.

I've been a single parent with little support working both a full time & then a part time job in a pub at the weekend, paying a babysitter for me to do that because the tips were to good to say no to. I've not swiped at the self checkout, I've ducked and dived over lots of bills. I've been in situations where it's been bread or Tampons at the end of the month.

But in all that time, seeing all that life and all those different families which so many issues, I've never seen a kid walking the streets without shoes like a Victorian orphan. So if that really is the situation in Torbay, the UN need alerting to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Southwest England.
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New member
Looks like I’ve been blocked! Just commented that the haul was boring! 😂
I won’t be losing any sleep!
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I think she's doing that thing they both do to each other when one of them does something alone.

Basically on the days Josh is at work, she'll ramp up the 'I am so busy and chaotic that I need Josh 24/7 to help me or everything will fall apart." Give it a week and she'll stop eating-drinking on those days, accidentally on purpose leak where he works and plant a few "tRoLl" messages on the work places Instagram page. Then his confidence will dip and he'll quit, whilst she tells her Patreoners that she couldn't cope with level 3, violent Wibble.

(When she does something alone, he posts passive aggressive stories of the kids playing up, staring angrily into the camera, and highlights what cooking or cleaning he's done.)

Toxic feckers 🙄
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Why’s she running around, wearing her lanyard, like she’s super busy working a real job? She pisses about with her mates and pretends to sell free food. I’m working 50 hours this week and I’m a single parent - the kind of person she’s meant to help - and I could slap her.
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I am loving how all the messages flooding in makes this as entertaining as a phone in on live and kicking in the 90’s 😂
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Poor kid will look like Cousin It before much longer. It wouldn't be so bad if it clearly didn't irritate him, when it's not tied back he obviously doesn't like it in his face, which surely is a sign he could do with having it cut.
They don't give a fuck about him let alone his hair. The poor child is always ill. You could see from her stories on Saturday he was tired and down but they dragged him to the builders house and then up and down a bloody Pumpkin field. That chair she's stuck in his room to film him crying at night, looks like it's off the set of "One flew over the Cuckoo's nest." I have never seen a less maternal mother. Why is she legging around as if the delivering the Freedom Programme is emergency response whilst he's so ill at home. She's ridiculous 😬.
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I can’t work out if R even knows what she means at this point 😂😂
She's a dickhead. She's expecting her followers to order things with a 6-8 week delivery time because she wants the money from them guaranteed before she places the order. So it's another business idea where she doesn't have any financial outlay. Then if they say anything other than "that's lush babe," she snaps at them. She's acting as though she's doing them a favour by bringing these shit overpriced clothes to their lives. Fuck that, what a load of idiots 😂🤦🏻‍♀️.
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Alternatively- a discussion could have been had with the “suspect” or the child’s father - you know, like a grown ass adult ! Instead of gaslighting the huns = strangers on the internet ! “Blows my mind”
The fact they all worked out who Edie's nan was, and headed over to her Facebook to comment abusive (and in some cases threatening) messages, then have the audacity to call us trolls 🤯
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There’s an advert on our local
Facebook page asking for families to appear on a tv show. They want people t who have teens over 13 that are hilariously funny. From the makers of Gogglebox.

If it’s that she’s going for she has a major issue - none of her teens are funny. They’re all entitled, gobby brats.
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VIP Member
She needs to be stopped. Shes fucking dangerous. She can carry on filming her every move and hers kids every move. She can carry on snorting like a pig at shit that is just not funny. She can even take £5 a month of the pathetic fuckers that think the sun shines out of her shitty arsehole but this 'foodbank' debacle needs ending. Shes accepting donations to sell!!!!!! She should be giving it away. Shes a greedy fucking bastard who has convinced herself shes a saviour of the people. She isnt, shes vile, she boils my piss
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I still can’t get my head round the fact she wants people to donate food so she can sell it

I donate to the food bank near us and it passed on to those who need it for free - why on earth would I donate to them to sell on (I don’t care how little they charge for it - it is still madness)


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