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I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before but I don't get it. Why would anyone buy a big food shop and get it delivered to her so that she can sell it on for cheap and what happens to the fresh food that's just arrived when they won't be open again until Monday? How can anyone think that's a logical, sensible idea. As for then later peddling hello fresh and showing off her fancy "al a carte style dinner". 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
If people so desperately want to help those in need, they should be buying food for their local food bank, not sending it to a Scammy cunt in Devon.
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Rach coming in with the DV angle to ensure the huns are sympathetic and therefore getting their REBL pre orders in… 🙄 all so Rach can remain ‘free’ 🙄 🥱

She’s so manipulative.
She's just a cunt. A boring one at that. I laugh daily at the utter no brain followers who pay 5 quid a month to see 50 thousands roast dinners a month. A million posts of her feet walking to (the) gym. The same all bullshit of fleeing DV. If I remember right. She was the one who took the kn*fe to bed to unalive her ex. But anyway, he probably was a cunt and so was she. The 20 million times she throws her mum under the bus. And the trillion times she uses her kids for content. 🥱 she hasn't moved on since 2019. Or whenever she was 4. Can't be arsed to find out the year.
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Take a bow tik tok troll 🧌 keep them coming 😊
Wtf is a 10 year old doing even having a TT account let alone commenting?! (With perfect spelling and grammar?!)
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Apparently, in a live this morning she went from talking about a family member who is involved in causing the death of a man whilst driving under the influence (last Friday) to grinning about the fact that she has a zoom call to producers today about taking part in a family show?
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Chatty Member
It's as if she's proud of the messy ungrateful, disrespectful, rude children that she's raising.

She knows it'll piss J off so why not act as a united front and make them bloody clean it up.

I'd be ashamed to show off my children like this.. 🙈
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VIP Member
I know that, but do two wrongs make a right? Does Edie's Nan want this? Does her Dad? Am I over thinking it and none of them are bothered? I don't know. I'd just go nuts if someone I didn't know was making those videos about my family.
I'm sure Edies nan isn't bothered in the slightest going by what quotes she puts up on her page 🤣 and im sure they are quite happy to have someone defend them publicly tbh. Not everyone gets that chance when they come up against R 🤷‍♀️
The tik tok just exposes the truth, if R didn't lie about Edies nan then there would be no content to use
And tbh its not just R who has these exposè videos on tik tok. Its happening to all the shitfluencers atm and rightly so imo
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Yeah try being parents to those kids and putting down some boundaries instead of abandoning them and "going gym" every opportunity that you get. Narcissistic much?
If someone sent me that message and included ancient pictures of themselves at 7.50am, I would probably smash the kitchen up 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Absolute weirdo honestly.
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What the fuck have I just watched, that Rachel and Betsy thought they would just walk into Lula's bedroom so Betsy could help herself to moisturiser after they've had a fight. Have any of them heard of boundaries, and good for Lula for standing up to that pair of bullies.
I felt really sorry for Lula, that was such a teaching moment for Betsy in boundaries and behavior and as usual it was just fml content with her snorting and enabling Betsy’s shitty behaviour.
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When she says we only show a few minutes a day out of 24 hours…implying that nobody really knows what they get up to, or know them. This is perhaps true of many other influencers / social media money makers, but how does she not see that she shares and over shares far, far more. Even when she isn’t sharing via grid posts, lives or stories she is painting enough of a picture for people to piece together most of her life, and children’s. I probably know more about her life, real time and retrospective, than most of my best friends know about me and vice versa.
The "5 minutes a day" line is a lie she tells herself when she gets an opinion that she doesn't like because it's the truth. She has drank her own Kool Aid so often, she's out of it.

(Its so distorted that she said "we share 2-5 minutes a day," whilst she was sitting there on a hour long live, which is definitely more than 2-5 minutes of whichever day that was.)
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The top bit is not true. People come up with the strangest theories regarding that 6 months and they are mostly wrong. In fact I'm surprised that they haven't tried to pin 9/11 and the Covid 5G theory on mystical "Keels." The propaganda coming out of Israel and Hamas is probably down to her too, who knows 🙄.

All I'm saying is that the unmasked account has said that Josh was an informant for a crime gang but then informed on them when he got caught, (that gets you shot were I live. Plus that also makes D&C police IPCC corrupt.) Rachael is guilty of perjury and perverting the course of justice by telling lies in court. They have their own drug dealer. Rachael put Betsy in the shed to split her up from her sexually inappropriate step dad, therefore demonstrating knowledge of a situation and someone knew about it all but did nothing. That's some heavy shit to just pop up on a Instagram story, even if your intention's are good 🤷🏻‍♀️. I am logical and that makes no sense.
But the account didn't make those claims... People have written in and said them 🤷‍♀️
How do you know the keels stuff isn't true? Nobody knows whats true regarding her except herself. We will never know.
But to be honest, most of what people have written in on that account can actually be true because come on, its R 🤷‍♀️ anything is possible with her and josh isn't a police officer for a reason, and its not because it was his choice lol
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How long before Bratsy lists herself as a "model" in her bio, because she's done a couple of poses wearing her mum's shit tracksuits and Primark knock off T-Shirt, while Jo took photos on her iPhone?
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I’m always behind nowadays but I’ve noticed this thread has slowed down so much. We used to have a new thread every week but now it takes so much longer. I do wonder if this is because she’s even less relevant now than she ever has been. She puts out the same old shit ‘content’, chrolls, lunch out, shouting at the kids/Slosh, chrolls, repost someone else’s content, chrolls….

She’s boring as fuck! And utterly vile, in personality and in looks.
I think in terms of numbers, the amount of people reading the threads has gone up slightly. It used to be 400-500, but there was an increase on the recent poll. The lack of commenting I think is apathy and she's become increasingly boring. If you look at her engagement over the last few weeks (especially since the incident with Nutty Zeb,) it's really terrible.

She had an increase on the Wibble/ IKEA reel last week but I'm inclined to think she bought possibly 5000 likes on that, simply because it didn't flow into her typical stats.

I could be wrong but I feel that we are all just waiting for the conclusion of the last 12 months drama and not necessarily that engaged in her day to day content anymore.
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VIP Member
Oh stop whining you spoilt brat. It's not relatable, it's insufferable 🙄. They need to stop pushing Seb into that theory test. He's not ready to drive and it's probably dangerous at this point. Tailor the parenting to the child. One size doesn't fit all.
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Chatty Member
When she says we only show a few minutes a day out of 24 hours…implying that nobody really knows what they get up to, or know them. This is perhaps true of many other influencers / social media money makers, but how does she not see that she shares and over shares far, far more. Even when she isn’t sharing via grid posts, lives or stories she is painting enough of a picture for people to piece together most of her life, and children’s. I probably know more about her life, real time and retrospective, than most of my best friends know about me and vice versa.
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