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Okay. I'm not going to argue about it. What people believe is up to them and not anything to do with me. All I was saying is it's all a bit heavy.
I wasn't arguing 🤷‍♀️ i was simply asking a question of why your so adamant that the keels thing is categorically untrue? When no one knows except keels.
And if anyone finds the accusations uncomfortable about R and her family then they only come about because of the type of person R is 🤷‍♀️ they don't get made because shes such a nice person.
And we all know, including yourself because you have said it numerous times, that there's something dodgy about why Josh isn't with the police force.
I dont understand why people start flip flopping on their opinions as soon as something arises that makes them slightly uncomfortable
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I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before but I don't get it. Why would anyone buy a big food shop and get it delivered to her so that she can sell it on for cheap and what happens to the fresh food that's just arrived when they won't be open again until Monday? How can anyone think that's a logical, sensible idea. As for then later peddling hello fresh and showing off her fancy "al a carte style dinner". 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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It's not Ed Hardy, it's Slosh's tattoos🤦🏻‍♀️ ffs.
A: The design is Josh's Tattoo's. So everyone will be bumbling around with someone else's Husbands Tattoo's on their chest 😂😂.

B: She doesn't have to pay upfront. It's a PRE order. She gets the money before she places the order with the suppliers. The flagrant lies she spouts at these women are audacious.
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Omg this is hypocrisy. So I'm not allowed to say something you brought up is untrue, in my anonymous name on an anonymous forum without explaining why I think that. (I don't need you to believe me, It's up to you.). But I'm also wrong for doing exactly the same as you are about anonymous tips going to the anonymous unmasked account?

Me raising an eyebrow over whether Dumb and Dumber are The Soprano's is literally just that. Scepticism. But I'm sure she is thrilled given as she thrives on this anyway. I'll leave it there.
You don't need to get your knickers in a twist 🤣🤣 your allowed to say whatever u like. I was asking a simple question as to why you thought it was untrue and now your getting quite argumentative and rude to be honest. Theres no need for it.
I was merely having a discussion and now you have got defensive over something that didn't need to be taken offensive to 🤦‍♀️
Jesus Mary and the wee donkey!
If you can't answer a polite question and have a discussion then go have a break from this thread ffs
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Chatty Member
Betsy is an adult.
Seb is almost an adult, out at college, work or Katie's house.
Lula is out vaping with her mates.
Isaac lives with Mannah.
Edie spends half the week at her dad's.
Wilbur is left in the care of Linda the cleaner, despite being ill with a raging ear infection, so that Ratchet can piss off to her important appointments (hair, nails, and going to the gym).
All of this is accurate apart from the last sentence. She doesn’t go to the gym. She ‘goes gym’.
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That’s B’s shed to the left of the pic.

I do so ‘love’ how they rant about the adult/kids making a mess still, it’s been what 5 years and they still don’t listen… what does that tell you.
Much like the toothbrush thing with Seb, they were moaning about him and Betsy leaving toothpaste and brushes around the kitchen years back! (Maybe if you stopped pissing money on designer shit and got a house with enough bed and bathrooms for you all, you’d find it easier!!)
I don’t think it’s got anything to do with the amount of bedrooms/bathrooms they have. There’s 5 of us in a 3 bed with 1 bathroom. All of my kids manage to brush their teeth in the bathroom, no toothpaste on the landing carpet or toothbrushes in the kitchen here! 🤷🏼‍♀️
and that’s because they’ve been brought up with rules, boundaries and consequences. And n o phones shoved in their faces recording every second of their life for content.
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I feel sorry for that poor hun who has sent the shoes. She probably adores the scamming twat and doesnt even realise rat features and the simpering gobshite that is Jo will be snorting and taking the piss out of the "cheap" trainers. She didnt get the designer only memo 🙈
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2 things from today so far.. what the fuck is she wearing first of all looks like rags all ripped and baggy! Second she loves to blow her own trumpet doesn’t she!! How many times has she posted that SHE brought Linda those uggs! How embarrassing for Linda I would hate that!
Not to mention she bought them just after she'd told everyone that her own mum (who has cancer) was down to her last £6 and struggling to pay her bills.
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She is literally beyond a joke with everything. I cannot fathom out how a 41 year old woman/ mother of 4 children cannot comprehend that her just barely 10 year old daughter is not mentally mature enough to be dragged into the utter crap that falls out of her mouth ( for the baying hunz) for bloody CONTENT. She is her own biggest chroll, but fails to comprehend what she is doing. Jesus Mary & Joseph give me strength please.
She cares about nothing other than herself. She already stopped Edie's dad seeing her and made him drag her through the courts to get access when she was a baby, for no reason other than she had shacked up with PC Wankstain and wanted to play happy families with him. Back then she didn't have the following of braying huns she has now to encourage her and stroke her ego at every step. It's probably always riled her up that Edie has such a great relationship with her dad, because she loves nothing more than a bit of parental alienation.
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She really is a special kind of selfish bastard isn't she, a deluded one at that. J has been at work for 5 mins and she deserves a spa day because she has to look after 6 kids all on her own while he's living it up relaxing and socializing at work, what the fuck planet is she on? She's never been in and never looked after any kids. How many other mothers can go to the gym, get their nails done, hair done and go out lunching & shopping? She's done all these things while supposedly stuck looking after 6 kids. Get a grip you controlling fucking psychopath. She won't be happy until she's got him back under control, jobless and cooking and looking after the kids.
6 kids? The oldest two are basically adults and the next two (even though they are at an age where I would personally say they still need a lot of parenting input) are always out vaping and starting fires. That leaves her with two kids, and she’s happy to leave the youngest with the cleaner, when he is actually unwell, so she can go out “relaxing” and “socialising”.

She is a joke. Maybe she should go out and work a 40 hour week for minimum wage and see how relaxed and socialised she feels by Friday evening 🙄
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From what we have seen Seb is a pain and can be frustrating - although I think he is just seeking any attention he can……but my god I have never seen anyone get that angry that quickly and to that level…if she is prepared to show that on camera I’d hate to see how she reacts when the camera isn’t on.
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Chatty Member
I’m always behind nowadays but I’ve noticed this thread has slowed down so much. We used to have a new thread every week but now it takes so much longer. I do wonder if this is because she’s even less relevant now than she ever has been. She puts out the same old shit ‘content’, chrolls, lunch out, shouting at the kids/Slosh, chrolls, repost someone else’s content, chrolls….

She’s boring as fuck! And utterly vile, in personality and in looks.
I think there was a sense of injustice before - tattle almost became a public service announcement. Despite still pulling in money I think most of us can see that R has been the engineer of her own downfall. Yes she still has followers and huns who pay, but I would say that for every hun there are 20 people who see right through her. The children are getting older and will either be like Betsy and show themselves for who they are (opposite of #bekind) or will throw their mum under the bus at the first given opportunity. One day the children will form their own relationships, be part of the grown up real world and people around them will help them to see how messed up their worlds were. She is running out of time, content, genuine people around her, people respecting her for the right reasons, self respect…that’s justice served. I just hope for her children’s sake, the digital footprint she has created doesn’t impede their big life wants and needs, because selling REBL branded cheap trackies has a short shelf life.
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Vile, ugly, angry again today ! Poor seb
Poor Seb? He’s a knob who is thriving off the attention she and the lives are giving him, he needs boundaries that are set in stone and non negotiable. The biggest mistake she makes, other than constantly validating him by allowing him in lives where he thinks he’s the dogs bollocks is by continually arguing and debating with him. I’d be furious with him for constantly ruining the carpet, there’s no excuse for it. If he can’t do something so simple as brush his teeth by himself he needs some serious help. They want him to drive when he hasn’t got enough concentration to brush his teeth by himself ? I can imagine him driving and admiring himself in the mirror while he drives, it’s honestly terrifying the thought of him being in charge of a car. These kids are a perfect example of why kids should never, ever get be content! What a toxic environment to be in, no one is remotely jealous of this Rach, all the family meals and laughs playing games can’t take away from the rest of it. I’ll take my dull little life any day.
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Seb is a knob and if he was mine I'd have punched him in the face by now, but it's not his fault, he's a product of his environment. To be fair though all of those kids are pretty unpleasant, not sure about Isaac because we don't see much of him being an asshole, Wilb is young so he'll be let off the hook for now but there are signs already, it's his way or no way, again not his fault. But yeah they're all pretty obnoxious in their own special way. Usually in a big family there will be one that pushes it too far, but all of them? Tells a story. They could all do with being in regular contact with their other parent and extended family.
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What the fuck have I just watched, that Rachel and Betsy thought they would just walk into Lula's bedroom so Betsy could help herself to moisturiser after they've had a fight. Have any of them heard of boundaries, and good for Lula for standing up to that pair of bullies.
I bet it would be a very different story if Lula wanted something of Bratsy's
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