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New thread title was a comment by @Freckles39 nominated for title by @nbt well done to you both! Your out of date packs of gnocchi will be with you very soon 🥰

The results of the poll about whether Tattlers have made reports about Ratface and her family are in, and out of 697 votes, 680 were a resounding "no". Look a bit closer to home for whoever's "wasting precious time" by making reports, hun.

Last thread recap:
- Rachaele Hambleton is a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public
- despite poor little Wilbert being so severely autistic that he can't cope with any change in his routine, his thick as shit parents took him out of school and off to the cabin in the woods Herpes Lodge for a random day. At least he was bribed with yet another brand new dinosaur toy to take into the tree house that had dead leaves all over the floor and ivy growing through the walls. So lush.
- apparently the REBL sweatshop tracksuits are perfect for neuro diverse people, yet another bandwagon for old Ratchet to cling on to.
- Bratsy's off on holiday with her mates (because she hasn't spent enough time this year bumming around on a beach funded by the Bank of Scammers). But boohoo, she accidentally booked her flight for September instead of October, so had to pay again. Lucky her mum's able to scrape together some cash from the £20k she's raking in every month, isn't it?
- Edie has already started her Christmas list, with a load of expensive, unnecessary for a 10 year old things (including make up, lip oils, two different types of trainers, Ugg boots and Olaplex). You wouldn't think her mum was constantly working with women who haven't got a pot to piss in, would you?
- a session with "the women at the centre" showed a list of "what does the bully believe". Just ask Botox Brenda, she's a fucking expert
- back at Shambleton Towers, Rancid put on one of her best tracksuits to go and flirt with the builders, wanting to have a go at rendering 🙄
- it was PA Jo's birthday, so of course there were stories and stories about what an amazing friend she is, and all the shit she does for Racket etc. Why it needs to be on Instagram when she's permanently installed up Ratchet's jet washed arsehole anyway is unclear.
- Rambo "accidentally on purpose" filmed a bizarre interaction with Wilbur in the kitchen, talking about kissing him every day forever
- on PatreCON, she revealed that Sloshy's had an interview and got a new job, but she's not saying where it is or what he'll be doing in case "the chrolls" ruin it for him. Raq hun, it wasn't the chrolls that ended his career in the police, it was you 🙄 anyway, wherever it is, let's hope they don't mind his wife ringing 15 times an hour to tell him she's taken a shit, that she hasn't had breakfast, or she just saw a seagull.
- back on the beg for food to flog in the pretend food bank
- a snippet from Patreon showed her talking about Wilbert not liking a chair she's bought for his room. He apparently said an awful lot for a child who's meant to be non verbal - "I hate this chair, it was a bad choice, it hurts my eyes, I want mummy in bed with me because she's short and nice". To prove the point, she filmed him (in the dark) saying he didn't like the chair 🙄 in more stories about what he apparently said, she said that when Sloshy took him to school he'd told him "I don't like Mummy, I don't like long hair like Mummy, I want short hair like Daddy", so when she saw him later she asked if he wanted his hair cut and he said no, she called him a "fucking gaslighter". Not an appropriate thing to say about a 4 year old, maybe the DA advocate and her husband need to learn what that word actually means, because they both throw it around without any idea
- the latest t-shirt to be added to the Snatchwork collection (supporting the CIC for women who have been abused) says "don't be a dick". Take your own advice for once, Racket 🤷
- Even though she doesn't use TikTok (🤥), she shared a video from there about young people driving irresponsibly (the video had a drunk teenager driving and having an accident, in which one of their friends died). On the VERY SAME DAY that her own daughter, on holiday with some friends, had posted a video in a car laughing about the fact they weren't sure which side of the road they should be driving on. "Educate your kids" says Ratchet, while failing to educate her own kids 🤷
- after begging for food for the pantry, Rumblestrip showed Sloshy cooking one of his roast dinners (with piss water gravy, of course), and noted the various (expensive) meal kits, ready meals, and meals out that they live off. Cozzy livs babe? Never heard of her! As well as the shittest moustache in existence, Merlot Mike is now looking like a blind man cut his hair with a pair of kiddy scissors. Perhaps it's a condition of him getting a job that he has to keep making himself look more unattractive, so that he doesn't fall silly penis first into another woman while he's out of Jealous Jean's line of sight.
- Jo's been on the burner phone again, sending a message so that her esteemed leader can cry "chroll" - saying that Rambo can't have had a roast dinner last Thursday, because she was off "gallivanting" in London with Linda. This prompted ol' Silky Steve to do a "hilarious" response to chrolls saying that he had DEFINITELY cooked a roast and he had texts to prove it, SO THERE! Slosh, nobody gives a single fuck about your crap roast dinner 🤷
- Rabies filmed herself arguing with Seb who was late for college, telling him that he makes her be the parent she doesn't want to be, complete with aggressive snarling and raised voice. Raq mate, there's only one person who makes you behave like that, and it's YOU.
- Seb's failed his theory again, which they are taking the piss out of him for. Awww, what's up Rawhide? Does it turn out that sometimes those bits of paper aren't worthless at all, and you need to bother to work to get them to progress in life?
- because Edie is so devastated about her nan being a massive chroll (according to Rumblestrip), the WhatsApp huns have clubbed together and sent some flowers (even calling themselves "WhatsApp huns" on the card). She'd have preferred a hamper of expensive skin products and another pair of Jordans, but never mind.
- dumping the kids again (probably leaving Wilbert with teenagers), the gruesome twosome headed out for a meal with Arsetrid and Simon, Josh sporting his best scout outfit for the occasion. They all pissed about in the street for a reel (for Arsetrid), then Rancho got her best story writing head on to make up story about two different women coming up to tell them how amazing they both are and how they've changed their lives. Then everybody stood up and clapped...
- back at the house of horrors, Ramble did some more covert filming of Wilbur at bedtime, who wanted to sleep in the scampervan. It says a lot that instead of calming him down and getting him settled for bed, Racquetball just grabs her phone to record him being upset.
- Lula has apparently been wearing a REBL hoodie all day while out with her mates, Rabies reckons she "genuinely loves it", but Tattlers wondered how much she'd been bribed to wear it.
- For no apparent reason she filmed a teenage girl (possibly Lula's mate) wearing nothing but a towel 😬
- during a (filmed) argument with Seb about him having to pay board when he turns 18, he threatened to call Social Services on them. Is he going to be the next biggest chroll?
- Rhubarb decided to do a "small business" shout out because it's really hard going at the moment, Snatchwork is struggling (probably because the huns have all bankrupted themselves buying sweary t-shirts and paying for the PatreCON, so they've got nothing left) . Of course she had to have a rant about chrolls before she could get into it. Anyway, she showed a load of old shit she's been buying ready for Christmas presents - tacky jewellery, socks etc. One person had messaged her so she looked at their profile and they have a business, so she's bought something off them. She said when people message she likes to look at their profile, but doesn't like it if they're private because they might be a troll (never mind the fact that not everyone wants to broadcast their lives and children on the internet for any old weirdo to see). There was more droning on about other people's chrolls, some couple nobody's ever heard of. Then it was onto Joyce and his fragile mental health - he's going back to work soon because it's just not working having him home all the time. She then carried on about how it had been the trickiest few months of marriage, they were so much happier and more in love when their lives were shit, they had no money, they vwere in family court etc. Kid wise Lula and Isaac are lush, Bratsy and Seb are not at the moment. Pamela Scamberson thought that once they were their ages (19 and nearly 18) they'd be grown up and wouldn't be difficult any more. Last week she had an argument with BeKind and refused to take her to airport for her holiday.
- a video of Wilbert out on a walk was captioned with out with "never stops chatting" - the same child that not long ago she was crying about him being non-verbal and how she might never hear his voice. Well done Wilby for refusing to conform to your mum's ridiculous lies, and for developing so well despite the best efforts of your shit parents to hold you back at every step!
- Rumblestrip pretended that the trolls have "gone hard" for Seb's girlfriend, and she'd showed her the messages but instead of being upset she just laughed. So the story is that Lula saw (or was sent) comments, which she showed to Stirring Shirley, who then showed them to Katie. Hun, trolling is contractions someone DIRECTLY, which means the only troll here is you (again).
- Edie was writing a story (about a kid whose parents are divorced and remarried but the step parents aren't nice - a direct rip off of a Jacqueline Wilson book that she had open at the same time - you'd think her "best-selling author mother would teach her about plagiarism, wouldn't you?)
- following the small business shout out, Thicko Thelma said how lush it was that she has followers "living all over the world" - while showing a screenshot from one of the small businesses showing orders from Hull, Liverpool, Glasgow and Birmingham. Yeah, worldwide 🤦
- Selfless Sally headed round to film herself "cleaning" her mum's kitchen (while wearing her shoes on the worktop, absolute scratter) and speaking to her like shit about getting to the airport in time. Later followed a post on the PatreCON account slagging her mum off for abandoning her in a puddle of piss when she was 4, mentioning being "heartbroken" that she only had 4 years with her. Never mind the fact she's been back in your life for around 20 years, and was close enough to name all 3 girls 🤷
- Advert Alice donned a bikini to show off washing her hair in the shower for an ad. All these lush products she's constantly being paid to use, and her hair still looks like you could fry chips in it
- World Mental Health day dawned, and instead of penning a heartfelt post about it, she just nicked someone else's and added a caption about the person only being a year older than Edie when their mum was section.
- on a live on PatreCON, Splash the Cash Susie was trying to justify getting Jo ridiculously expensive gifts for her birthday birthday, including a £600 coffee machine, Vivienne Westwood scarf, and a Stradivarius trench coat and matching jeans
- the patio is finished, and she's gone for a lush grey, car-park chic look. She reckons it makes her garden look like a house abroad - a dodgy prison exercise yard maybe 🤷 she asked the builders "do you love it", why would it matter whether they did or not?
- a text from Lula asking if they can "go London" in winter. Sorry babe, your mum will happily piss off with your stepdad to drink cocktails and tour sex shops, but she won't be interested in spending time with you.
- Racket indulged in a bit of grief tourism about the situation in Israel, even managing to pretend to cry over the plight of civilians, despite admitting that she knows absolutely nothing about it all, and won't let Joyce tell her because she just can't cope with hearing it.
- her latest blog/journal over on PatreCON is all about "biggest chroll ever" Jude/NZ.
- Fungus Flaps and Leather Face Larry took Wilbert on a lovely day out.... to visit Tony the builder at home. A collective "WTF" was heard echoing across the country, as nobody in the history of hiring workmen has EVER bothered them at home. Is she lining him up to be Wilbert's next daddy? In the car on the way there, Wiffle was very clearly NOT in a proper car seat, you'd think his dad would know better, wouldn't you? 🤷
- later, because Edie has been "so heartbroken" by her nan liking a couple of videos on TikTok, the same huns that sent her flowers have now clubbed together to send her a gift hamper, full of half the stuff off her Christmas list (expensive cosmetics etc).
- now it's October, next on the Instatwat checklist is a trip to go pumpkin picking - Wilbert was again not in a proper car seat. Lula was all about the "content and aesthetics", refusing to pick up a pumpkin because it was dirty. Joyce was dressed up like an old lady in a quilted jacket, while Raq looked like a bag lady.
- Ratshit showed us BTS of making a reel, with Joyce droning about food and Boxing Day, while Ramble couldn't have looked less interested if she'd tried. She asked whether he wanted to invite family round, which Lula shouted "no" to, so she told Lula "your dad is rubbing off on you and it's not a nice trait to have" - unsure if she means Sloshy (who was stood right there), or her actual dad that she doesn't see.
- back to exciting content of her chair in Wobbler's room for her to sit in while he falls asleep (the ones he hates). She'd made it sound like he was single handedly moving a large armchair around, when actually it's a basic, folding chair. No wonder he doesn't like it.
- Seb was taking the piss out of Joyce's post about pumpkin picking, rightly so because Sloshy had captioned it with a description lifted straight from Google about "honouring the dead and departed", which is pretty odd considering the photo was his wife and stepdaughters
- in response to Tattlers' claims that the kitchen renovation is entirely unsuited, Rumblestrip filmed some of the kids eating around the breakfast bar. Nice try hun, still can't fit the whole family around it though, can you?!
- Down at the pantry, BV Betty showed off the latest Fareshare delivery (including some essentials for people trying to feed a family, including on date dips), and did a spot of begging for more from the huns, because half term is coming up.
- Bratsy made a TikTok about October being domestic abuse awareness month, jumping on her mum's bandwagon. Following all her mum's best advice, she made it all about herself (including a picture of her in a bikini), and overshared personal things (texts between her and her dad). Chip off the old block!
- because Ratfuck lives off ready prepped meals and eating out, she thinks that cooking a beef stew is worthy of filming and sharing with the huns. Shit Tache Shawn had to try it on camera and told her it was amazing, she's such a good cook etc. He said "you're really good at slow cooked northern things", which she replied to with "it's my roots, the four and a half years I spent with my mum". So your evil old wench of a mother taught her 4 year old to cook stew and dumplings before she abandoned you in a puddle of piss with no trainers? How selfless of her!
- Wilberforce is poorly, but luckily Ratbag managed to leave him for a bit to go off picking pumpkins with the Snatchwork gang. This also meant that the pantry (which is only open for a few hours on two days a week) had to open up late, because the staff were all pissing around with pumpkins. But never mind the poor families who are desperately in need of out of date gnocchi, Ratfuck got her much needed autumn content filmed!
- on PatreCON, Thrushy Thelma said that she feels a lot of pressure from having to be online and create content to get her engagement stats up and get the ad deals, and she much prefers just flogging her crappy tracksuits and making money off those, but the ads are what makes her the most money (even more than the £20k per month from Patreon? Doubt it, babe!).

On 15 June 2022 Joyce started a "career break" to spend more time with the children, particularly Wilby following his diagnosis. Since then, here are all the childfree overnight breaks that Slosh and Wrecks have had:
June - Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
July - Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
October - Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai
January - 1 night in London (Miss Greedy's book launch)
February - 1 night in London after dropping Betsy at the airport
March - 1 night in Birmingham (book signings)
May - 2 nights at Herpes Lodge
June - 2 nights in London (Label Lady book launch and SEN protest)
July - 1 night in campervan for Tunes on the Beach (Sloshy's birthday)
September - night in London pretending to speak at a MoJ event


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I've said it before and I'll say it again - that Wild deodorant pushes how it's so eco friendly because it's refillable, kind of defeats the object when you're sending pricks like Racket a brand new, engraved holder every 5 minutes. She must have millions of the things lying around!

Something else I've also said before -
Ratchet: they're all jealous of me
Tattalers: oh, are we?
my favourite video 😂


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how does she get so angry so quickly? I know kids are stressful, especially teenagers, I have one the same age as Seb, but surely that isn't normal to loose your temper so quickly? I can't remember the last time I has to shout at mine for something, we just get along and talk about it if there is an issue with something (usually him not washing up 😂 )

The aggression and conflict in that house is off the scale to me, honestly, I cant imagine living like that where someone is ready to blow their top any second. We already know Rach throws plates at people, Sloshy launches shoes at peoples heads and Betsy smashes rooms up when she cant get her own way.

I'd rather earn £21k a year than live like she does for £21k a month.
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Who in their right mind would be jealous of old flubber lips?
Married to a gormless bore who can’t even grow a tache, 6 kids all heading to be as unpleasant and entitled as she is and a face like a dog with its head out of the car window going at 90 miles per hour.
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Did she actually say "when I catch a troll they say 'oh I watch you and I'm jealous of your life'..." Really?

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I get there's a cost of living crisis but I'm not sure I believe that story that someone's kid is walking to school BAREFOOT because they cant afford 1 pair of shoes.... times are hard, yes but someone couldn't afford primark or shoe zone for a singular pair of kids shoes..?
Honestly, yes. The last week of payday, I basically don’t eat and have pence in my bank account. The school allow me to pay them back on payday for the lunches I can’t afford but need to keep my child healthy. I have to keep a roof over my head and if that means I have to ask for help for shoes, so be it.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again - that Wild deodorant pushes how it's so eco friendly because it's refillable, kind of defeats the object when you're sending pricks like Racket a brand new, engraved holder every 5 minutes. She must have millions of the things lying around!

Something else I've also said before -
Ratchet: they're all jealous of me
Tattalers: oh, are we?
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So T went for a girl who was just messing about with her autistic friend? Just because a person is autistic they can still have banter. Did T ask the autistic girl if she wanted/needed defending?
And now the mum is pulling up in her huge Range Rover every day threatening Lula but Lula just argues with the adult in the street because she’s not scared because she’s bigger than her.
Coming up next in stories that never happened is……
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Chatty Member
I’ve mentioned this on a different thread (unfortunately loads of influencers behave like this). This is in response as to how they get away with things

Basically Children Services are there for the benefit of the children and the bottom line is that the basis is that children should be with parents. It is INCREDIBLY hard to remove children. It’s the courts and not social workers. Certain cases where children have died were down to the courts refusing to remove despite social services and police advising too. The burden of proof is immense and if people can talk a good game, which unfortunately Racheal can to some extent, it makes it harder.

Anonymous referrals are hard to stand up, especially without specifics and not eye witnessed. They also have to be significant to even trigger a social worker assessment let alone involvement.

In terms of the drug allegations - courts are the only ones who can order them and it’s time consuming and costly so only really gets done in proceedings or family court.

The reality is that a lot of what they do is questionable but likely not enough to trigger anything unless the children, or professionals/family close to them, speak up.

It’s appalling. Just appalling sometimes. Her child is not non-verbal. She should not be exploiting any child’s vulnerabilities online, it’s not being open or raising awareness, it’s exploitation and can border on abuse. She is desperate to be her kids “mate” but it’s the first thing you should never be for children growing up. She allows and accepts her children drinking, weed, casual sex etc.

The eldest was apparently struggling with mental health but was ok to go flying across the world drinking and partying? More that she cannot be a responsible grown up and handle having to put in graft.

She cosplays DV survivor and it is extremely obvious to anyone who has experience it either as someone close watching it or having experienced it. It’s again, incredibly insulting.

She runs a business from her “charity” she pays incredibly high wages for a charity of that size (there are people in senior positions at large charities who get less money than her staff apparently do) she is playing at a womens centre which is just disgraceful.

She apparently works with the local charity who help women with addiction (forget their name) yet the way she talks about the kids mum and addicts in general is awful and discriminatory. As a recovering addict myself, she is the worst sort of person to work with an addict who is already vulnerable and feels shit about themselves.

She is the worst troll of them all and regularly sets her flying monkeys after people and creates cult mentality which I do not say lightly.

As ever, I end with the fact that she is a dangerous character.

She can also reorder from AliExpress at any time so I’m not sure the bullshit hype beyond marketing that a lot of the influencers do.
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Just wondering who the fuck would want to wear a top with some bellend from Devon’s tats on anyway?! They really do have a high opinion of themselves 😂😂
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She really is a special kind of selfish bastard isn't she, a deluded one at that. J has been at work for 5 mins and she deserves a spa day because she has to look after 6 kids all on her own while he's living it up relaxing and socializing at work, what the fuck planet is she on? She's never been in and never looked after any kids. How many other mothers can go to the gym, get their nails done, hair done and go out lunching & shopping? She's done all these things while supposedly stuck looking after 6 kids. Get a grip you controlling fucking psychopath. She won't be happy until she's got him back under control, jobless and cooking and looking after the kids.
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How awful for T knowing her supposedly adult sister and her immature mother were stood outside her bedroom door giggling and plotting together. Grow up Rach you utter tit 😡

Growing up knowing you’re not anywhere near being the favourite child stays with you forever…I look forward to T’s memoirs hitting the shelves in the future!

They are the the least #bekind family on Instagram.
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That’s the difference though - “you’ve tried everything” - that lazy pair have never tried because it’s easier just to let W get his own way. They said on those live clips earlier up the feed that nobody says “no” to W. Their appallingly lazy parenting has resulted in a wilful and spirited spoilt brat in the making (not dissimilar to the rest of his siblings). One couple with 6 kids between them and every single one is spoilt and argumentative 🤬
She was spoon feeding Wilbert puree until he was about a year old, and he was NEVER sat up at the table while they ate, he was fed on his own with the iPad on while they just shoveled food into his gob. They made zero effort to try him with anything that wasn't crisps, doughnuts, Gangsta Granny's chocolate cake, and now they're surprised that he doesn't want proper food. She was mortified when one of the workers at the pre school said she'd brought him in a banana because he'd shown interest in it, and he happily ate it. He's come on in leaps and bounds since going to the childminder, pre school and now school, because the adults there put in the time and effort to help him along. He's a smart kid, and they have only ever held him back, partly out of laziness, and partly because it fed into Racket's story of being an SEN mum.
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I have to ask because I still don't get it. What's the point of the Tik Tok account, you know, what it is it trying to achieve? At the moment all I think is that everyone could do with remembering that Edie is 10 years old and shouldn't be going through this because her adults can't stop sniping at each other 🤷🏻‍♀️.
The only person who has put Edie through anything is her own mother 🤷‍♀️
Its no one else's responsibility. Her nan hasn't done anything wrong and its highly likely that Edie wouldn't have a clue about any of it if her own mother hadn't of told her lies
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