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I know this is relatively trivial in the scheme of things but I am one of four girls and it really still pisses me off now as a mother aged (not quite) 50 that my mum was such a twat about setting boundaries about us using each others things. I always worked and liked buying things for myself and looked after my things (clothes, CDs make up, whatever) and my younger sisters would borrow and trash them - it was so fucking upsetting. And for what it’s what it’s worth I’m fine with sharing stuff and generally generous with my time and hospitality as an adult but would still want to punch one of my sisters if they nicked my jeans without asking 😆
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So where is this message from Julie4000 (or whatever he said) that's says he's a drug dealer? Because its not from tattle 🤣🤣
Come on rach... post it 👍
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Wages shouldn't be her top priority. Especially if shes struggling to provide the things the centre is actually there to provide 🤦‍♀️ volunteers, but then I'm sure there is a body out there that would need to check her over etc for her to be able to take on volunteers, which then means she's opening herself up to more scrutiny from officials.
What happened to the womens aid woman? Did her boss not agree with how amazing R was 🤔
I'm glad shes shutting! She doesn't provide a service, shes not needed and shes done more harm than good imo! Hopefully the public money (and the grants) will go to places that deserve it and need it!
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Wait. So Josh's Dads real name was Richard Taylor, but he took the name Marshall and Gangsta Granny, Hannah and Josh are called Marshall but their real name should be Taylor? Though him and Gangsta G got her 2nd divorce anyway......

What in the Eastenders storyline is this 😂😭. Do any of them know who they really are looool?
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Sounds to me like she’s paving the way to scale down patchwork and everything connected to the CIC, then she’s just got left the PTWM businesses, where no one will be questioning them about donations etc.
I really do think the tik tok stuff has rattled her, she doesn’t want everything to come out so she’s starting to scale down
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This weird podcast might be their biggest downfall!! It’s actually illegal by defamation of character. What happened when she mention them in her books?

They may not be named on the podcast but it’s not difficult to work out who’s actually who, we are strangers & can easily work out if they are discussing their ex husband’s/Wife’s or mother of the boys or father to E and child x,y & z.

This is slander & I’m pretty sure it has aggravated & upset a lot of people, everyone mentioned has no say and the whole podcast is full of false innuendo!

I hope they get sued by everyone mentioned because fact is R or J didn’t get written permission to tell other peoples story but in a twisted way which suits them!
Will they be paid royalties?
Are they going to interview everyone involved ?
Are they going to ask the Ex’s to come in for a podcast chat, will they interview S to reveal daddy didn’t leave on the morning of his birthday! Do they interview her best friend or even the centre parks staff! Now that would be entertaining but she is a controlling mare & we can only see one side of the story it’s her way or no way!!
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Just catching up. I saw the Dawson shit show last night, it's an accident waiting to happen. That poor baby. For this divvy to jump on doesn't surprise me at all...but her saying reporting is killing children is a bit much, surely social care are there to stop that being an outcome. I didnt report charlotte or ratchit but I'd be worried if I was killing children when I've had to make reports to social care, as I've been working in social services for over 10 years!
I honestly believe R needs to be careful with what she says regarding social services and reporting people. Kids are more likely to be killed if people turn a blind eye and fail to report abuse but I assume she means just don’t report any “content creators”🙄

I reported a mum & dad at my kid’s school, the girl made a comment to my child about her dad hitting her, I remembered how withdrawn the girl seemed to all her peers. I didn’t even know the girl’s name but the head teacher knew exactly who I meant. Now imagine if I was one of R’s deluded huns and been gaslit into believing reporting incidents kills innocent children…
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Waynbo not my type tbf. He looks like he likes it rough & ready!
Can imagine Raq & Waynbo were so toxic together
Theres nobody rougher than Racket so a match made in hell perhaps?? 😬
Some photos he looks good, some not so.
But he's defo a real man, got a good pair of guns on him and looks like he could give u a good time in the bedroom. He definitely doesn't look the type that needs to finger plastic vaginas 🤣🤣
Given his technique (if you could call it that) I'd say hes never fingered Racket to any kind of level of enjoyment. I'd wager a guess he just jams his middle finger in barely touching the sides and thinks hes rocking her world 😬 Oh I have just made myself feel ill 🤢🤢
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Chatty Member
Why is she laughing about J potentially hitting K with something?? It’s not funny! It’s not big and it’s not clever! It’s disgusting behaviour 🤬 I’d be fuming if I were Ks family. Can stories be reported for their content ie violence?
I wonder if K's dad will have seen that? I've heard he's pretty handy when throwing things 🍳 🤣
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So by her logic, if J was currently messaging another woman saying he loved her, that wouldn't be an affair? Interesting take.
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My biggest bug bear is people who live near the sea but don’t teach their kids to swim properly.🤬🤬🤬
The sea is dangerous, I watch the coastguard daily at the local popular tourist place and there’s parent frantic because their 3/4/5/6 yr old has run off.
They don’t think that it costs a huge amount of money to get that helicopter up, get the lifeboats out, all volunteers.!
They think that when they come to the beach it’s down to the lifeguards on duty to babysit their kids.. ITS NOT.!!!
Same with the pool, Learn your kids to swim from the earliest age, It could save their life, or others🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Sorry… rant over🙈
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I’m always careful when it comes to accusing someone of paternal alienation as you never 100% know the full story. But what are the chances of having 5 children with 3 different parents and all those 3 parents have at some point had their visitation stooped and had to go through the courts. 1 shitty parent I could understand, 2 shitty parents I would have concern but 3 clearly shows a pattern.

I even read her first book and I still don’t know what her reason was for stopping E from seeing her dad. I assume neither of them like the other one having ties with anyone they were previously romantically involved with.
It's ridiculous, given that she has always pushed the "perfect patchwork family" narrative, when actually part of being a blended family is juggling different contact arrangements, how to deal with the kids when one is taken away on holiday by their other parent etc, making the effort to maintain that co-parenting relationship to do the best for the child. It's all the more grating that she's always bleating about parental alienation, and praising the "women at the centre" who have lost their kids and got them back, she used to also rave about Trevi and how they support women who are dealing with addiction to stay with their children, while simultaneously keeping 2 children from their mum citing her addiction as the reason 🤯 she can't stand that Joyce loved someone else before her, and was probably worried that if he was having contact with S (due to dropping the boys off etc) that he would see what he gave up to shack up with her and realise he made a mistake.
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Slosh being ex army, that's how they are treated during training. The corporals throw their kit out of the windows etc, and none of the recruits can or will complain. He uses it as a tactic against Seb so that boy doesnt do whatever he did, then shoes dont get thrown. It's like Corporal Slosh gotta be respected at all times. Slosh, you ain't in the army now, give it a rest. That boy doesnt like you that's for sure.
Yeah but Joyce only got to LCpl so he was the one being told what to do. He wasn’t treated with any respect.
My theory is his mother GG and Mannah wore the trousers in the house and his dad was probably bullied along with Joyce. The only way he can exert his authority is over his children even when they were small. It makes him feel powerful. He has no power in any other area of his life.

It’s horrible, a bit like small dick syndrome.
He should try picking on someone his own size. I’d love to see him get what he deserves from a real man.
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Last one I promise! I'm off to feed my kids some ice cream and sweets for breakfast!
Saying he just knocked on the door. Nope. Don't believe it. He will of been braying on the windows effing & jeffing. Why would she just ring the police for him "knocking" on the door.
& why would rancid think she's gonna ring the police for him just "knocking" on the door . They both no he went round to kick off. Neighbours probably heard him shouting outside too.
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So many people have messaged asking about Edies tangle brush. No they fucking havent, a quick google and any idiot can find it. Behave Rach, you are embarrassing yourself with your fake ass shite content!!
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With regards to Waynebo I havent actually seen him, I dont want to so no need to point me in the right direction, but is he really good looking? I mean, I know Josh looks like an old battered leather handbag but the way she just cant let it go says to me hes 10 times 'fitter' than owd Sloshy Woshy 🤔
Some photos he looks good, some not so.
But he's defo a real man, got a good pair of guns on him and looks like he could give u a good time in the bedroom. He definitely doesn't look the type that needs to finger plastic vaginas 🤣🤣
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