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That video where they are discussing what Joyce's surname should be - Bratsy is talking with a mouthful of food. They really don't do manners in that family do they? Bunch of feral snorting pigs, all clearly learned from their pathetic 'mother' 🤮 They give Shameless a run for it's money...
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I’ve just watched those videos and it actually makes me want to cry. The contempt he has towards Seb is disgusting to see and the way he just launches his shoes out the door is vile. Who does that?! Like seriously! Who?! My blood is boiling and it’s taking all my restraint not to message her!

Please, whoever creates the TikToks make sure those videos are in the next upload!

And Seb if you read here please leave that house. No amount of money and ‘things’ is worth the way you’re being treated. You’re a young lad and YOU can still change things and be different to that disgusting pair - break the pattern and be proud of it.
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i’m willing to be proved wrong but it the start of Wilby’s “meltdown” looked like he’d just gotten into the car and the end of the meltdown looked like they were driving through the site to go to the restaurant. By that logic, he’d been “melting down” for a few minutes. That’s not a meltdown, that’s a tantrum because he doesn’t want to go out for dinner.
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Lots of people have messaged her to say Josh is really good with Katie 😂🥴. Rachael my dear fool, they are politely trying to tell you he's over stepping and it's out of the realms of normalcy. What he did to Seb this morning was very similar to what young lads do to get girls attention. They create a scene and belittle the competition.

(I swear to God, her inexperience with men as fathers is creating a huge problem. She does not know how he should be behaving because she has never had a long term relationship with any positive role model Dads of note and all her older female influences like Linda or her mother or even Mummy Marshall have been single. She never listens 🙄.)
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Velvet Hour

Chatty Member
So on the podcast R&J had so much fun …… didn’t she state at one point they used to cry at night over their ‘tiny broken babies’?
Also if J’s ex wife had so many problems then why on Earth did he leave her with two young boys to bring up by herself? As it was clearly a few years before he went for custody.
If J was arrested and on bail for accusations his ex had made then was she prosecuted for wasting time police time and resources?
Both R& J are touching their necks at times in these video clips …. Uncomfortable body language
Finally….,, now the ads have all but dried up this is what they are reduced to…. Expanding on stories from her first book about all the tawdry events ( him seeing her in a bra for the first time/ the boys mum getting together with E’s dad/ J being arrested) what more can they possibly divulge?
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Slosh being ex army, that's how they are treated during training. The corporals throw their kit out of the windows etc, and none of the recruits can or will complain. He uses it as a tactic against Seb so that boy doesnt do whatever he did, then shoes dont get thrown. It's like Corporal Slosh gotta be respected at all times. Slosh, you ain't in the army now, give it a rest. That boy doesnt like you that's for sure.

I mean it's funny how all the ex army members of my family (and those still in) manage to go through life without throwing stuff at their kids. It"s almost like Sloshy has a complex.
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Influencers are always blaming others for their own wrong actions, if Charlotte didn’t film herself changing her sons nappy and the comment the child’s father made then they wouldn’t be reported to SS.

Rach instead of saying we’re literally killing children because we see the wrong in what you expose your children to or what you post about them take them OFF THE INTERNET!!!

if you don’t want to be reported SAFE GUARD YOUR CHILDREN!!
They always blame “trolls”or anonymous people on here but NEVER a look closer to home.

it could well be concerned family members reporting them, SS would NOT tell them who reported them.
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Trolls stalk them?! Does she not see the irony of her saying they just live their lives, while filming the whole thing! Honestly I will never, ever understand how she thinks it is normal to put her phone up to people and video them as she holds a conversation. As for trolling Seb?! I don’t think anyone on here doesn’t feel complete empathy for all the children those dreadful parents have in their care (care in the loosest possible sense). Every single one of them deserves so much better.
How the fuck can she say that people are stalking the kids when she published a calendar years ago of the whole family and the huns had them hung on their kitchen walls?!?!?! Shes happy to shill the kids out for a profit on her terms it seems.
My mind is blown.
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in what world is it acceptable to throw anyone shoes out of the door and down the drive?? i hope the TT is saving all these vile abusive clips towards seb up for a mega video. turns my stomach.
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This is the thing, if she did work an honest job working in Sainsburys or anywhere else she wouldn’t have chrolls (a thread on here 🙄). It’s because she exploits her kids, lies and scams. She didn’t have a problem with “trolls” until 2019 when it was brought up about PayPal and her scamming. Let’s put it into the context she likes to use. If she worked in Sainsburys and was caught taking a few bob out of the till or taking stuff from the shelf and not paying she would most definitely be called to HR for stealing and she would have to answer to someone more than likely the police so why because her job is “on the internet” should she not answer to anyone 😡 Get a grip Rach we all have to answer to someone 🙄
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They want to make it smaller. Smaller than what? What are they actually doing because I’ve seen no evidence of anything they do/ provide that doesn’t cost the user? The freedom course was paid for by the users the pantry isn’t free. What are they actually spending money on other than “wages” for her mates?
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Don't read hate sites but there's Josh walking in showing Seb someone trolling him.... What 🤯


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Big hard sloshy getting his sister to stick up for him. This version of events seems the most plausible. I had wondered if perhaps S had a restraining order against him hence him being arrested, I can’t imagine it being something that R would share with the huns as it would then have the huns questioning why the order was in place.
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Another wedding that Rachel was purposely excluded from, Slosh's niece which was 10 days ago and they've only just found out.
Too late to edit my post but I also found Slosh's niece and her husband aren't on Slosh's insta but Hannah and her family are, and Rachel only follows the niece (can't tell if she follows Rach as she made her list private, can't understand why🥴). Can't possibly be that nobody in that family likes Slosh?
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Chatty Member
Exactly what I was thinking when she posted that carry on. If he’s playing up about going to dinner and you don’t have the balls to calm him, then stay home! Eat at the caravan. They don’t HAVE to eat out constantly just to spend money the lazy useless knobs.
Exactly this! When ours were younger and we had caravan holidays, if we had had a long day and they were cranky, we just ate in! Or one of us would nip out and grab a chippy tea to bring back. We certainly didn’t drag them out and then film them having tantrums.

eta I don’t think children should be used for content at all! Never mind passing laws to give them a percentage of earnings!
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