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It always amazes me when the huns say things like "oh they are jealous" "you work hard etc"
I dont give a fuck what you have, what you spend or what you do with it. I don't look at people like princess Catherine and kick off because she wore a new hundred grand dress to a charity event, I don't look at the housewives of Beverly hills and think oh fuck off with your Nobu and ferrari.
I look at people like Rachel who parades themselves around like a "normal folk" leeching money of people who are less fortunate to like their own pockets and fake about being brought up in poverty.
Poverty isn't only eating smoked sandwiches or egg and chips for tea or not having the trainers you demanded as a kid. Poverty is sitting there freezing cold in day old clothes because you can't afford to wash them or put the heating on, getting ill because your full of cold and can't afford medicine, skipping a meal of bread and beans just do you can feed it to your kids, having your kids actually broken because they see their friends get Xmas presents and they haven't got any, the shame of having to visit a food bank (I know its not shameful but as someone who has done that I did feel worthless) these are people who once had good paying jobs and could afford luxuries and now have to pay higher rents, higher energy charges, higher mortgage rates, higher food costs.
Take a fucking look at yourselves...all of you including the huns and get a fucking grip!
Exactly this. I've never looked at anyone and been jealous of what they have. We earn a decent income that allows us to buy what we want and have holidays, meals out etc (well until gas and electric went up anyway, now i am a lot more careful) I may have wondered how some people afford it but in R's case i know the answer. I have no problem her going on holiday, nights away in city centres, meals out in posh restaurants, house renovations etc etc. What i have a problem with is that its all money she's obtained fraudulently that she is using to fund this lifestyle then she goes on insta and begs people to send things like hot water bottles and blankets, nice crisps, vouchers that aren't really necessary for people living in the poverty that she claims they live in.

The holidays and nights away wouldn't be mentioned so much if she wasn't palming the kids off to anyone that would have them or even worse leaving them on their own. She cant cope with the kids so why does she expect someone else too? This time they were left with the cleaner ffs. that's not normal. where's all the friends that raise her babies like they are their own. where's the family that any other person would be asking if they were to go away. She'll probably ask the dog walker next time! Also what holidays do the kids get. Her and slosh have been abroad numerous times along with the weekends away. What do the kids do. One holiday to lanzarotte, 1 caravan holiday in a huns parents garden and then 1 holiday this year. In 8 years of them being together the kids haven't even had 1 holiday a year, yet they go away once a month. Again, i don't know any other parent that does that, but she cries about it and makes herself a victim (as usual) and claims her Managment are telling her to go away more because she gets better engagement

As usual she has no self awareness.
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Chatty Member
Thank you! My family are near the coast too and they don’t have any.

Oh she’s posted now and she is going!
Probably all set up as part of a sting operation. Operation Tree Trolls. I imagine J has been there all night setting up hidden cameras and audio recording equipment. Some sort of face scanning system that links back to IP addresses and a newly developed technology that is able to scan every phone in the vicinity’s activity to see if the owners have logged into tattle in the last 24 hours. He is the best in the bay after all. R will be wired up and that white trade van you see in the car park will be the undercover communication hub. Those elves will actually be personal security, flown freshly over from Dubai where they typically work as protection officers for sheiks and the like. Mrs Claus will be a senior met police detective and Josh will have his letter to Santa in one pocket (a list of expensive men’s clothes stores) and a warrant for your arrest in the other. I’d expect that Panorama will have been asked to attend to document the whole thing too, knocking Harry and Megan off the top spot.
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these broken babies;
she’s admitted that T can’t remember what went on between R & 💘W💘 so it’s just what R has filled her head with ofcourse don’t going to be truth and one sided against 💘W💘.
R has also said that B remembers bits and pieces and she’s had to fill in the blanks which as stated above arent going to be the full story.

so why are they broken… because of the lies you’ve filled their heads with, R.
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“I’ve renovated, no built, two centres”

I must have missed the part where the buildings were razed to the ground and she was there everyday with her hard hat being the site manager rebuilding them brick by brick, from the ground up
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I know what I am trying to say in my head so hope it makes sense but see when you see someone like ratchet (chav with money ) and they are dressed head to toe in Gucci (like they fell in a Gucci shop) does it not appear like it’s all fake goods even though it isn’t. Less is more rachette !

I am not trying to defend That horrid body stocking she is wearing but if it was black it might have been a bit more palatable!

and well jo the slave putting up her tree I have no words.
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Oh my goodness I am mortified at those messages - I honestly thought she was doing such an amazing job and really wanted to help. I'm off to boil my own head in embarrassment.
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Aunt Sally

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All I can say is, I think it’s time Edies Dad did round two in court and get full custody before it’s too late.
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Rachel - I'm not bothered how you spend YOUR money, I'm interested in how you are spending the money donated to helping women. It would be really easy to be super transparent with "We earned XX from Patreon which was spent on YY" and it would satisfy the majority of "trolls" that there was nothing dodgy going on. But you can't just say "I've spend thousands "doing up" the centres" and keep mentioning "things behind the scenes" and not expect questions or suspicion.
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Somerset girl

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When I read scooter I assumed it was a moped and then I watched it and saw he's going about 2 miles an hour on an electric scooter. She's such a prick.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Makes zero sense why kids would go to the house to keep dead vapes instead of just putting them in the bin.
Why would she think she was dealing vapes if they are dead and used?! Who wants to buy a used vape?
Make it make sense?

I do agree that Lula maybe ND which does make her an easier target to be manipulated because she wants to appear ‘normal’, have personally been through this with my ASD teen.
But using her possibly being ND as the reason she won’t come and talk to her, no not buying it. She doesn’t come and talk to her mother because she doesn’t trust her mother not to share every detail on Instagram. She also doesn’t have a bond with her mother because her mother is physically and emotionally absent. She’s got more of a bond with her grandmother, the one R needed therapy from but is quite happy to ship her child off to.
It’s so sad she hasn’t got her other sisters in her life to give her some support and guidance.
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The lincolnshaws have had their give away taken down because some one has reported it.
I don’t know much about them but they aren’t asking for money to take part in the giveaway.
Yet riddled continues to do her raffles without announcing a winner and nothing gets done about it!??
She is quiet today isn’t she?
It’s ridiculous, Darran even bought the food vouchers from his own money as a thank you to his followers. He asked companies for the other prizes. Didn’t beg anything from his followers. Whoever reported it is a twat, and that’s the northern version of twat!
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Chatty Member
Hey Google, define poverty ....
What a self centered hag she is. Was she ever without food, shelter, warmth, clothing? Never with out a car either. She makes a complete mockery of the word poverty. I hope she keeps doing it, I hope she keeps telling her tall tales and one by one her followers tire of it. The mega huns are like her, never known hardship so they thrive of her fairytales to think they're connected to the poor working class whilst in their middle class bubble. Her and her children never been without labelled clothing. Didn't they take the tiny broken hearted babies to Disney land too in the early days of her page? Im sure she had her apparently absent mother over packing suitcases with a bratty Betsy mouthing off the night before? Could have remembered wrong.

Local to me there is a young lass that's started a CIC to help the community. Do you know what she's doing daily? Driving round on emergency calls to put gas and electric in people's meters. Dropping off food parcels from the food bank shes set up. Helping the elderly that have no one to turn to. She does this with donations from the community. Every penny goes on people in need. She works tirelessly and I bet its exhausting and never ending. No holidays to Dubai or designer gear for her. PTWM hasn't a clue, she's never been on the front line dealing with the vulnerable in society. Maybe they're just not that hard up where she lives. I don't know but it seems very far removed from my area.
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@Fanaff @NiceCrumpet and all the other local ladies, I forgot about this tomorrow and I can't drive there!
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Ffs does she ever give up?
I expect S would give anything to have her boys back. I wish I could see my kids even though they're adults now and they've been so brainwashed and abused that they won't speak to me at all. She's a massive cunt. Let Betsy live Rachel.
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View attachment 1795386
Oh fuck off rach. You kicked her out twice and blamed her for your drug habit. You don't give a shit about her or anyone them.
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VIP Member
Rachel - I'm not bothered how you spend YOUR money, I'm interested in how you are spending the money donated to helping women. It would be really easy to be super transparent with "We earned XX from Patreon which was spent on YY" and it would satisfy the majority of "trolls" that there was nothing dodgy going on. But you can't just say "I've spend thousands "doing up" the centres" and keep mentioning "things behind the scenes" and not expect questions or suspicion.
Back in June 2019, when she was first questioned about the PayPal money and where it's gone, she snivelled and cried in the car about the horrible trolls who were accusing her of having stolen the money, she repeatedly said "it's all accounted for, my accountant has all the records of all the money that went in and out". In the three and a half years since then she has never once attempted to provide any kind of evidence as to where the money was spent. She has also changed accountant several times in short succession. Meanwhile she's gone from the "poverty" of only getting salmon for tea once a week to "dripping in Gucci" and wearing a different brand new pair of trainers every day etc, and wonders why people keep asking questions that she finds uncomfortable. If it really was all above board and legit, it would be SO EASY to put together a quick update. Even back in the PayPal days, she promised a monthly newsletter which never happened.

Rancid - we know you read here, you could easily make it all go away by being open and honest. But of course, unless you start sharing the receipts for your braces, designer clothes and bags, expensive meals and holidays etc, you can't be honest, because then the whole facade will fall down, and the gullible huns finding your lifestyle will see you for what you really are and stop throwing money at you.
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"We never had time to spend together falling in love"
Firstly 🤮
Secondly, how about every single day of the week when the kids are in school and the wee one is in nursery? When most people are in actual work?
Even when they are pretending to work they are together
Give over Rollerskate
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Active member
Does she not get it…..Rach (we know you read here) hope this helps….

I don’t care what holidays you have or what you spend your money on what I care about is the blurred lines between what is your money and what is money that people think is going to the centres….statements like “this money allows me to carry on doing what I love” makes people question what the money is for….is going to the centre or is it going to you to allow you to keep holidaying and wearing designer clothes - cause that’s what you love?????

If it is going to the centres then why do you need to keep asking for vouchers and gifts and uniform for people when people have already donated to the centres…..

Just be clear and honest about what money goes where and the questions would stop!

(Disclaimer: the questions about the money will stop but people still might not like you…cause your a home-wrecking, pray on the vulnerable, gaslighting, lying, twat but that’s a separate issue)
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Getting Dogsbody Jo to sort out the Christmas tree is another example of them not being the perfect patchwork family that Rabies likes to pretend they are. What parents with 6 kids doesn't make an effort to decorate the tree together? Imagine the lovely wholesome reel she could make!
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How sad is it that she can’t have a family day doing the tree. Not surprising though. We’ve never seen them do a family movie night with them all there all cosy during Christmas time. Im surprised if they even spend the day together in Christmas Day. S&L will be out, Issac will be AWOL as usual and Wibble will be in his room with a selection box and I pad.
Camel toe Carol and Gormless Gary will be having their own pissed up, coked up Christmas on their own. It must be such a cold, uncaring and sad home to be bought up in.
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I wonder if all the ladies who attended Rachel's "Freedom Programme" are now fixed? Cured of their anxieties and worries about their futures, their abusers whereabouts & ready to move on with their lives, fully equipped with their bath bombs and soaps.
Maybe it's just me, but a bath bomb wouldn't have fixed my problems or a handmade bar of soap.
I didn't make friends for life either, some women kept their names & personal details out of our group discussions. We were all in similar boats, but we weren't there to socialise or make friends.
I also didn't send a thank you note or gifts to Women's Aid after I completed the Freedom Programme.
Maybe it was because I had so much going on with the 8 year divorce and spending so much time with solicitors, barristers and in court. But I did tell Women's Aid that I was grateful for their support and I hope that was enough for them.
Exactly this! She said there was 9 of them in the group (although only 2 were on Betty's stories) and that they had all made friends and went out on a weekend and met for breakfast etc. This is because the women that go there are known to them, Betty being one and that one from the other week using her business page to thank them and generate advertising for herself. It's all a case of I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine. Its deplorable and downright dodgy as fuck. Nine women on a course and they need forty grand of vouchers yet their CIC application said they will help ONE WOMAN A MONTH. Even last Christmas they helped 22/23 families (so they said) but had received thousands of pounds of toys, donations and vouchers. Thieving scum.
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