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Chatty Member
I dont care if something cost me a fiver or five million quid if it gave me a camel
Toe id swerve it .
And put your tree up with your own children not pissing rent a family you waste of eyeballs
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Josh is a dick talking about the elf like that in front of Edie. Yes it’s a fucking pain in the arse but she’s still a child in primary school. When so many children seem desperate to grow up these days, just appreciate that she wants to do this just a little bit longer.

Oh but he can’t do that can he? Sooner he can fuck off to Spain away from the kids, the better.
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Another word salad "shit load of tiny broken babies"?! Mostly a clap back at Tattle and trying to prove they do still love each other the hardest ever 🤢

And yet again apparently, she gets loads of hate "in her inbox" and definitely, 100% does not read Tattle.
Tiny broken babies boils my piss. Shes a fuck up of a human. She projects her fake insecurities onto those kids to a point where I am struggling to feel any sympathy for any of them, tiny broken babies included. Surely to fuck if your life up to now had been that bad you'd be doing everything to ensure your 'broken babies' didnt repeat your behaviour. Yet she seems to be relishing in it. Bratface in a toxic relationship, L cant eat, cant function, needs to move schools every 20 mins etc etc, S & I just there so she can dig their mum out, E is lucky to have her dad, and Wilberforce is busy scragging everyones mush off. Family goals right there
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
I can not get over the difference in them both, but especially slosh!!!
How can someone change so much in just a few years 😳😳
No pouting, standing confidently, actually looking happy.
If that’s what ‘happiness’ with scammed money and designer labels brings you, I’ll stick to being skint and the sale section on asos.

I’ll admit, after the trauma of coming out of my abusive relationship I am so cynical, but all I see there is him having the life sucked out of him by a narcissist, and him thinking he’s happy. She will drain him till there’s nothing left and discard him, then make his life hell. I’ll be amazed if they are still together in 5 years.
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Jesus Christ. When I was 8/9 I was buzzing with a sea monkeys castle and Tammy girl Jeans! Those children have seen their mother throw money about and buy them anything they want. Disgusting really..
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I've been sent a cracking photo of what she wore today. She was doing a live. She said she's definitely going to go back to Jubai as it's the one place she's leaving she wants to return to. She had a massive troll rant as her and sloshy were sent messages last night saying they should be ashamed of themselves showing off a holiday during the cost of living crisis. She also told a not hilarious story of how she'd made a package up for B with all photos and letters and ptwm merchandise (!) and Lianne had bought B a dildo 🤢 and the box was sitting underneath a box of sunglasses to be returned and Jen sent both boxes to the sunglasses place. Jen was on the live and asked her not to go into specifics but she did.

She did some backtracking on this part. Wonder if any of the huns noticed?

Edited to add - her engagement "goes through the roof" when she posts her holidays so her management have told her to keep posting.


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Wilby is a clever little boy isn't he. When she said black leopard and he looked at her and said black panther.
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No mention of the patchwork shit show..
See this is where the huns are thick as shit.
She claims shes the only person in the bay to offer all these services and she single handedly saves all the women from abuse. Yet not one single outlet or organisation that is legit speaks her name let alone recommends her 🤔
All it takes is 5 minutes of searching and it proves what a liar she is 🤦‍♀️
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Brace yourself coz it’s looooooong!
This is this years Christmas one…
Don’t think I have the prison one but I’ll double check. I have a SR of all the presents she got from the huns. I’ll compress and post.
Fuck me!
That's longer than Edie's Christmas list!!!
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Didn't get a chance to fall in love so broke up a marriage and a relationship just for fun did they?
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That roast dinner bollocks story is staged as hell - no doubt someone at the nursery has highlighted the fact that the poor sod cannot sit down and eat a healthy meal with the other kids because his parents are terrified of him and can't be arsed at home.

It's gone beyond parody for me now - the sheer non existence, and no fucks given, of any signposting to DV Helplines last night was the last straw.

These two now make me feel physically sick.
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I didn't think Lula's room was all that bad, she's a teenager 🤷 but it's not like the rest of the house is immaculate, the entire family leaves it in a shit tip ready for Linda to come and clean it all up, so how are any of the kids supposed to know any better than just leaving stuff all over for someone else to pick up? Hairy Nips Harold likes to throw his weight around, but nobody has any respect for him, and they all take the piss led by Queen Lateetha.

Did anyone else think it was pretty odd that Lula took herself off to the hairdresser? Surely that's not something a 13 year old would usually be doing by herself.
My daughter is just away to turn 14, the difference between her and Lula is night and day. My daughter still needs me to go to the hairdresser, dentist, doctor or any appointments she has. Plus we still put the Christmas tree up together because she is 14. She is not an adult and still needs her mum for reassurance and let’s face it to feel safe. Also the fact that riddled let that slimy weasel go through her room and bloody well filmed it for everyone to see is shocking, everytime I think she can’t stoop any lower she does 😡
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Jesus wept! I was not ready for that camel toe. I cannot unsee the image of Ratshites BV infested flaps. You could park a pushbike in that thing 🤢🤢🤢
🤣🤣🤣 After seeing the way sloshy fingers, I'm surprised it's not 3 times bigger from the trauma and bruising
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I went abit off the rails hanging with the wrong crowd. But I don't blame anyone but myself. And as a parent I want the opposite for my children and try my hardest to steer them on the right path and because iv done things myself, I know all the tricks in the book and know what signs to look out for. I don't think its funny and she shouldn't either!
Its not good that isaac has his phone confiscated all the time. Its not good that Lula apparent friends are setting her up all the time (that can become dangerous quickly) and its really not good that at aged 16 seb is turning to drugs because he's depressed!! Has she fucking heard herself
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I don't like greedy Instatwats anyway, and it fucks me off that companies will gift them items in return for showing them off, despite the fact that they could easily afford it (looking at Mrs Hinch and her dog sleeping on a #gifted Emma bloody mattress 🤦‍♀️). But although these grifters lie to fleece money out of their followers, don't properly mark things as #ad etc, at least nobody else has built themselves a following off the back of pretending to help vulnerable people, and been very careful to word everything around the donations so that it's not explicit that the cash will be going to them, but it's implied enough to be misleading. Nobody else has painted themselves as a saviour yet ignored many, many messages (and an incident of someone being abused right in front of her and her police officer husband), and taken people's money given in good faith and used it on herself, and still continues to ask for more. I think that's why none of the other influencers who are worth their salt will have anything to do with her, the only ones who will come near her are Arsetrid, who was desperate to tap into the followers, Knee Deep and her rancid old minge, and Miss Greedy, who has previous with scammers. She'd love to get in with the likes of Hinch and Solomon, but there's no chance they'd want any association with her shitshow, when it all falls down nobody wants to be seen as someone who was close and involved in some way.
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VIP Member
sloshy's hairy nipple and Rach's camel toe all in one day

I'm going to have to watch nightmare on elm street or It before I go bed so i don't have nightmares about twit and twat tonight
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Chatty Member
My daughters are 10 and 8 and would never in a million years write a Xmas list like that. Why does she think its funny? I'd be devastated. The poor girl spends too much time in older company and on social media. I can't imagine what a shock shes gonna get when she steps into the real world as a woman and realises how much things actually cost. I would now sit with her and write down the cost of each item and make her realise that its inappropriate but instead her mother just shares for content. Who am I kidding, she's probably sat and told her what to write to get trolls talking 🙄 we only get one childhood with them I don't know what the rush is let them grow up so fast.
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Did she not get a grant for the women’s centre that totalled nearly £10k?! Doesn’t mention THAT does she when she mentions redecoration costs.
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Chatty Member
If they were my kids and I had the money that both me and my partner could “work” from home, we would be with them all the time doing family things rather than visiting sex shops together, we would be paying for private counselling rather than mulberry bags and watches. What is the point in all this money if you are slowly watching your children self destruct.
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