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I don't think she has done herself any favours with that rant, She had a rant about trolls saying she did to many ads a few years ago and she said she does it so the can help her warriors, and in this rant its HER money , make your mind up 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️
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Anyone seen where she’s rambling about Dubai. Asking what social media has done to the world talking about people filming content.

Made me laugh, didn’t she film an old guy in his kitchen? She constantly films her family. She should be asking what social media has done to her family.
Imagine walking around, dripping in Gucci that you've bought off the back of your social media "career", slagging off other people who have social media "careers"! 🤯🤣
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@Fanaff @NiceCrumpet and all the other local ladies, I forgot about this tomorrow and I can't drive there!
View attachment 1795364

Ffs does she ever give up?
I expect S would give anything to have her boys back. I wish I could see my kids even though they're adults now and they've been so brainwashed and abused that they won't speak to me at all. She's a massive cunt. Let Betsy live Rachel.
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View attachment 1795386
How fucking ridiculous is this post. A lot of people’s kids move out at 18 and go off to uni, they don’t have emotional meltdowns, when my 19yr old went to uni in September I had a bit of a cry and got over it. This is like something from an narcissistic mother.. oh wait..

Also, didn’t Rashflaps say how awful the parent and baby groups were because she was the only young mum and got ignored? And now it was the best thing ever to share all her highs and lows LOL. What a knob.
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just quickly before heading off to bed…

If me and my partner were on a scooter and i was saying that i didn’t like it, he’d immediately stop- that’s how a relationship works.

the way she talks to him is absolutely disgusting…

Bach Rescue Remedy is pronounced like the German composers name, Johann Bach.
Rachel Hambleton & her Part Time Working Brain pronounces it as Batch!!!!
Batch Rescue Remedy!!!
She can't write a proper sentence & she struggles with speaking one too 🤨.
her rescue remedy isn’t doing much for her on that scooter 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Haven't done a great job with those teenagers have you Rach? I understand one of them going off the rails, that's life, but all 4 of them??? Not exactly parenting goals is she....
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be careful posting these. When they read tattle and see these, they will be able to find the messages themselves presumably and link your social media account and identify you. Just thought I’d mention incase you hadn’t thought x
Thank you - I did consider this but I am happy with all of my comments on here, I don't feel I have said anything unnecessarily harsh or out of order and if she wants to "out me" to my friends and family I am certain they won't be alarmed at what I've said. I don't really have many other social media platforms as really use Insta for dream house renovation ideas :)
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Chatty Member
It’s so hard to get proof of what you say coz she jumps all over the place all the time. But here’s this bit and I’ll find the bit where she says about B.
As soon as T plays up she gets shipped off to grandma’s. Her poor ill mum having to deal with that!
What a despicable disgusting woman - like I didn’t already know. I cannot imagine sharing that level of sensitive and deeply personal information about my child to thousands of paying strangers. Not to worry that will afford L a nice Xmas present..but at what cost?!! Also at what point would you start questioning where you are going wrong as a parent for these behaviours?! I feel so very very sad for L. If she does have Autism or is ND then she is very likely to get caught up in what she believes will make her more ‘normal’, she’s also an easy target as her parents are seemingly never present, she’s probably very loyal to her perceived friends and is, ultimately, a teenager navigating her way into young adulthood. Perhaps if she had more consistent and considerate parenting she wouldn’t keep making poor choices. Poor Lula 🥲🥲
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Tell us you read Tattle without telling us you read Tattle eh Rach? 🤣
Posted over 6 hours after its " all over".

She's a fucking joke - never once cared about women in DV relationships ever.. it was merely a stepping stone to everything she has accumulated now and payback for "Tony".
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Chatty Member
okay …before we leave this thread and move to another

THANK YOU to all especially to @chickenshopcharlie for opening her extensive archives …and links to relevant posted by EVERYONE 🙏

I had opened a new email address and I have shared ( the links) to all of the posts that relate the,to , for want of a better word, oddities , since 2016, ( I too sent money to assist Women ..NOT RACHEL )

I am printing out lots, especially all the Amazon Lists, and costing them.

The links allow me to return to your posts, and to add 3rd party confirmation, only in the sense, to show I am not some form of graphic artist, dummying up screen shots .

it will keep me busy and very happy

why I am happy I copy from my earlier post …when I saw what I posted and re read it made me cry …

the list is displayed because in Rs mind, a list that comes to £9000, proves to her, what a wonderful mother she is, to be able to provide for her children so massively,
remember her mother couldn’t buy her trainers !!!

I cannot believe I followed her, sent money, back in the days when they were packing up boxes to be sent to refuges ( I know of one received by a refuge near a friends home 300 miles from me).

I became aware of Tattle, and joined in Jan 2019, read a few threads on others I followed..and was amazed to see one on PTWM.. read a few pages ..and just dismissed it. Never purchased her books …but gradually her Refuge Boxes with vouchers etc started to dwindle

it appeared to me more about her bloomin teeth and braces …She started promoting Josh more …and I instantly disliked him ..

I thought he was everything I hated in a man .
A smug, know all, know nothing, uneducated, git, and it soured me to her …and came to realised …..So was she …

but she was “ street wise “ and realised by telling of other women’s awful problems to (mainly) women followers …she could make money …supposedly to help them …but became “ Help Me (ie support me ) to help them.

I am elderly and have never ever used this word to anyone, let alone a woman

Rachel Hamblington…YOU ARE CUNT …A CUNT

like others, I am here waiting for her exposure
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I'm such a child. Josh I dont like it, I dont like it. FUCK OFF. I'm not sure if its an effort to seem 'cute' or what but all it does is get on my fucking tits!!! Dont like it, dont do it. I have a massive fear of open water (I fell asleep on a lilo once and drifted that far out I couldn't see the beach 😫 scarred me for life, I have never put a toe in the sea since) We went to visit London with our sons a few years ago and my hubby wanted to take the kids on a river Thames cruise. Instead of ruining it for everyone I just sat on a bench for an hour and enjoyed the peace and a coffee. I wish I had had the foresight to film myself being an absolute twat. I'll do better next Ratfink!!!
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Chatty Member
I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through. I’m sending you and your daughter lots of troll love. You are a amazing Mum ❤
Thank you. I’m so emotionally exhausted but I’m still going and I’ll keep going because that’s what we do for our children and I know she’ll be ok because she has a family around her that loves her and supports her. Shame Rachel’s children don’t.
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… you waste of eyeballs
😆😆😆 this is my new fave insult!

Poor Lula. My girls are much older than her but they’d be gutted if I just text them and said put the tree up. Why would she not want to do this with her kids?!!!
One of mine is Lula’s age and if I txt “put the tree up” they’d be super confused and basically say no I can’t because I’m a child!
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Imagine posting a video of your wife busy cleaning, mopping, dusting … while you filmed her, laughing, belittled and mocked her to your followers…

It’d go viral. There would be outrage. Domestic abuse warrior right there.
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"Too many drugs, too much alcohol, and too many STDs". Exactly like all your kids have been doing then - Seb's been on the weed since he was 13 and has been to the clap clinic, Bratsy was drinking to excess when she was 14 and was bringing random blokes back for one night stands in the shed.
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I’ve just been speaking to some of my friends about her and they are all supporters, buy her books and everything.
I think the beg for hot water bottles straight after her lavish holiday photos tipped them over the edge.
If she can swan off on a lavish holiday, she can buy her own hot water bottles! Not expect normal people who can’t afford those types of holidays to buy them.
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So inappropriate having Edie there! Has she been there for the whole session seeing as she's off poorly from school seeing a Rank is apparently delivering the freedom course and Wet Wipe Josh is nowhere to be seen? Surely one of them could have sat at home with her. I'm glad her dad took her to the doctors, I wonder whether these terrible two would have bothered or whether it would have been just another inconvenience?
If she had no childcare and really had to take edie with her, she could have set edie up in a side room away from the course. I agree its totally inappropriate to have edie present when these women are apparently talking about their abuse!
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I like how now it’s all her money. When before it’s been to support vulnerable women.

She’s never lived in poverty. She might of struggled to afford Salmon more than once a week 😂 Her kids have always had designer clothes, been well dressed,well fed, she’s always had a decent home. Funny how there’s no proof of this poverty. She’s be ramming it down our throats if it was real.

Also her and Slosh had loads of debt, because they took it upon themselves to ruin the OG Mrs Marshall. Now she claims women like her need support and help.
She’s an utter Cunt.
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