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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Just to get us back on topic before we get shut down 🙈

Baby R just did his first poonami. Is it weird to be proud of him? He’s usually a once every 3 days kinda guy and needs bicycle legs to help him go but that was his second today 😂 this time last year I didn’t imagine for one second I’d be texting Mr R celebrating 💩 🤣🤣
Maybe it was the comfort milk that helped him along!!
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This is an interesting question too

Do you order different stuff each time to try new things or are you a set order person?

I know what I like and I stick to it religiously, I hardly ever try new things
We don’t go there that often, like maybe once a year? So I just pick whatever I fancy that day 😬 But usually I am a set order person, so like always get the same thing from the Chinese, Indian, etc. so dunno why I mix it up at Nando’s 😅 maybe just haven’t found my favourite there yet!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Don’t know if anyone remembers about my internal debate on if I should go to Marrakesh when baby is 2 months old either with/without them for my auntie’s wedding. I know in my heart it’s a no because I don’t want to expose baby to those germs / be in a new environment without all my stuff (and they won’t have even had jabs!). Equally I don’t want to go on my own and bring back plane germs either. Just funny because OH was like “You know you can go… I’d be fine on my own here” without my direct supervision so soon for three days? Yeah okay. Wouldn’t leave you for 24 hours with my dog!
Ummm BGT anyone??? The dogs I love
i want the dogs to win 🥺


VIP Member
Has anyone ever had to remove a stitch themselves? I’ve got one poking out of my csection scar and when I asked the midwife about it yesterday she tried to razor it off but it wouldn’t work so she said “it’s just an internal stitch where they tie everything off poking through, you can get sterilise tweezers and scissors and cut it yourself” but like how hard am I meant to pull? What am I meant to cut? Can I sterilise my scissors and tweezers in my Milton steriliser (💙)? Am I just gonna have this wiry stitch poking out forever? 😂


VIP Member
I’d stick it out if you are planning a second. Get all the leave and then don’t return after the second mat leave. Tough call but at least yiu don’t have to do interviews and probation.. that would be my worst nightmare.
I was at the GP yesterday, I’m 46 and having my first baby and he was asking if I was one and done.. if I was 5 years younger I’d say we would go again straight away but at 46 I think it is unlikely we would be blessed agsin. Plus baby T isn’t even here yet.. 😂
As literally every single medical professional told me leading up to my csection and in the 5 weeks since he’s been born - you are at your most fertile in the weeks after birth. If you wanted to go again that would be the time to do it 😁


VIP Member
I think it was! That or the kendamil pro biotic drops 😁
Mine did his first giant poonami earlier to the point where I was thinking ‘where the hell do I begin?!’. It was a throw the vest away type one aswell there was no salvaging it!
Same 😂 and about 1000 wipes to clean him up!


Well-known member
I don’t think I’ll ever wear anything other than these massive granny full briefs again, the comfort is unmatched 😂 if mr woods wants sexy he isn’t getting it anymore
Which ones did you get in the end? I need to pick some up? And how many sizes would you size up?


VIP Member
I keep doing this too!
How do you dress a baby who doesn't understand when you say put your arms in 😂 will I break him???
Probs not but I wake up sweating thinking about it hahaha
God the amount of times I’m looking at him holding a limb going “Bend….bend…..bend…..” 😭


VIP Member
Was having a chat with a friend yesterday and was just wondering what you ladies thought about getting baby bits in a charity shop?

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
So am I right in saying to not really take the baby measurements they do seriously? First one tomorrow at 30 weeks
I had a growth scan at 36 weeks the day before they got her out and they measured her at 4 lb 8 from the scan and she came out 5 lb 1 … so it weren’t way off. i know people that they gave measurements way off though


VIP Member
You’re brave going pad free 😂 mine has been stop start. It’s only just stopped properly this week but I’m still using liners just incase.


VIP Member
I’m really struggling today tbh. Was with my partner for 7 years and he left me in February, I’m due start of July. Has no interest in baby & has blocked me, with no contact since then. Have had to pretend to everyone that everything is fine. But it’s not, I feel like I’m drowning. The thoughts of another week of acting normal, when all I want to do is cry and hide. I’m so scared and I feel so alone. Everyone means well and is just asking about the baby, how can no one see I’m falling apart. Why is no one asking how I am. I’m sorry, I’m not sure why I’ve written this. I don’t really have anyone to talk to
So sorry to hear you’re struggling. Pregnancy is such a tough time anyway without going through a break up at the same time. I’m sorry your ex is taking no interest. Is there anyone IRL you can speak to? You could also speak to your MW for a referral to the perinatal mental health team so you have someone you can talk to completely openly. Of course we’re all here too but that’s not quite the same as having offline support. Just know you’re not alone x 🤗


VIP Member
Can anyone recommend a baby monitor?
Think I’ve overwhelmed myself with all the options 😂
Would I be mad getting an owlet and video monitor?


VIP Member
Has anyone used these??

& apologies if silly, but what do you do with the peppermint oil?
If it’s for trapped wind, you need to get peppermint oil that you can drink, the only place I found it was Holland and Barratt. (I.e not the essential oils type that are on Amazon!)


VIP Member
If it’s for trapped wind, you need to get peppermint oil that you can drink, the only place I found it was Holland and Barratt. (I.e not the essential oils type that are on Amazon!)
Superdrug & Amazon have got capsules but quite large quantities.
I recall the syrup but not having the wind last time. Is it usually a one shot and it’s gone thing or does it build back up so it’s worth buying some to have at home in case.