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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Hey lovely ladies - I haven’t managed to catch up on the full thread but I hope you are all doing okay and your little bubbas too ❤❤

im so sorry for the radio silence. I’ve had such a traumatic week that picking up my phone has been the last thing on my mind. Baby Woods is here but he’s really early so receiving a lot of extra care. We’ve both been through it but day by day we’re both getting stronger 💙 he’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, I know everyone says that about their babies. We have such a tough, difficult path ahead of us but I know we can do it. Thanks so much for checking up on me, you’re all so lovely.
If anyone is ever worried that they’re being “too prepared too soon” please - take it from a mumma who had nothing sorted - you are never too prepared.
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
I was wearing a beige t shirt yesterday and bloody leaked, I had breast pads on as well and it still came through 😭 I’d only pumped an hour or so before that as well. It’s not glamorous is it 😂

we’re doing okay thank you, yesterday he had a really, really positive day. One of his drs has said that he’s exceeding the usual expectations of a preemie of his gestation which is really good, considering only 2 days ago he wasn’t doing so great. This whole journey is a total whirlwind and you never know what’s coming next but I’m just holding onto the good days to get me through the bad. I’ve started a little journal where I’m documenting everything that happens daily so that when he does have a set back I can remind myself that the good days do happen too. 💙

I’ve found it so helpful reading here about those of you who already have your babies as it’s giving me something to look forward to, I can’t wait to have him home and be posting about Mr Woods doing things like not levelling the milk or putting a nappy on the wrong way 😂 but for now, one day at a time ❤
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
For obvious reasons I’ve not really felt like a mum since having the baby…. Until today. I was changing his nappy, wiping his bum and he was flinging his legs all over the place and then just as I slid the new nappy under him he decided to do the biggest dump EVER… who knew a 2lb little baby could produce something so large!! Anyway, as I was wiping his bum again, he started pooing AGAIN and this time it went on my fingers!! So as weird as it sounds, now I’ve been shit on and experienced a difficult nappy change now I feel like a proper mum 😂😂
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Well that was awkward. Mr Bs ex just got on my tram and stood right by me looking at me. She definitely knows who I am after she's taken her social media stalking so far in the past that she's even liked photos with me and him in. She didn't, however, know I'm pregnant. Well she does now.
According to friends up here she was an absolute psychopath and Mr B had to break up with her in a very public place so he'd have witnesses if she lashed out. Sooo I'm really hoping this isn't her new daily commute eek.
Oh god I hope you don’t have a stalker on your hands

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I’m really struggling today tbh. Was with my partner for 7 years and he left me in February, I’m due start of July. Has no interest in baby & has blocked me, with no contact since then. Have had to pretend to everyone that everything is fine. But it’s not, I feel like I’m drowning. The thoughts of another week of acting normal, when all I want to do is cry and hide. I’m so scared and I feel so alone. Everyone means well and is just asking about the baby, how can no one see I’m falling apart. Why is no one asking how I am. I’m sorry, I’m not sure why I’ve written this. I don’t really have anyone to talk to
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Hey guys, just popping in to say I hope you’re all okay and I’m thinking of you all, especially those close to their due date. I’ve been quiet the past week and will be over the next couple of weeks as I’ve reached the point in pregnancy where my own mum had my brother and I and it’s made my anxiety go mental, finding it hard to separate my own pregnancy from my mums. I’ve been referred to the mental health midwife now though so hoping that might help 🤞 hopefully will be back permanently soon but wanted to send my love ❤
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
I hope you and baby are doing okay @Elle Woods x
Yes, thinking of you @Elle Woods ❤ xx
thanks so much for thinking of me lovely ladies ❤ we’ve had a bit of a set back and it’s been a really tough, draining few days. But we will get there, I’ve just got to keep on going. My partner has been incredible, so have my family. I’m so lucky that me and bubba have the people around us that we do, we will get through it, for now it’s just a bump in the road.

I hope you’re all doing okay. I’ve not really had many spare minutes to read over the threads but I have thought about you all. Sending love to everyone xxx
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It's not been a good few days here. Baby is well, it's just me poorly. This isn't a sympathy post, I know all of us have something going on, it just helps to get it out to people who understand.
I went downhill Sunday eve with these infections and stuff and became really poorly, long story short 2 a&e visits and now on an opioid pain killer. So upset because it's not best for baby and if they come soon may need to stay in a few extra days for withdrawal monitoring :cry:
But I've been so scared I'd not get better, baby would come & with c-sec on top I wouldn't be able to do anything for baby or LO, but I think I'm turning a corner. I've 2 more days bed rest then hopefully I can stop the meds and be well enough to enjoy the last weeks with my LO who's been amazing.
OH has also been amazing and admitted to being withdrawn from the baby bonding part of this pregnancy because he's terrified something will happen to baby or I, he can't shake it. I've always believed he has birth trauma/PTSD from last time but I'm glad he's voiced it and we can plan to manage it.

Anyway, gutted I missed the £20 rapid cool offer now!
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Sorry I hope you don’t mind me asking I’m sure I must have missed it, are you a surrogate? I’ve tried to read between the lines of some of your posts and feel like I’m failing miserably 😂
Of course I don’t mind 🥰 yes I am a surrogate for my cousin who is unable to conceive naturally following chemo. They were lucky to freeze a good amount of embryos before she started treatment. She’s my best friend and she will be an incredible mum, and is already an incredible aunt to my 2 kids

This was our third and final attempt at IVF so we decided to transfer 2 embryos and both implanted, we are so lucky, they are miracle babies ❤
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Hope everyone has had a nice bank holiday weekend? X

My fella took our 4 year old out for a bit today and I had a 2 hour nap with the baby. She’s 3 weeks old today 🥺 the time flies. I’ve had 2 vanilla lattes, 2 glasses of ice coffee and a red bull today 😂 Making up for all that caffeine I couldn’t have when I was pregnant obvs
I’m making up for all the chai lattes I couldn’t drink while pregnant too 😂 I think I’ve had at least one a day, usually 2 since the day after I had him 🙈

We’ve had a lovely bank holiday. It was my besties birthday so we went out for lunch, Baby R got dressed up and everyone made such a fuss of him. Then me and baby R also had a lush nap with him on my chest. I’m really going to miss those little naps we have together when he’s too big/doesnt want to snuggle in to me anymore 🥺
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Me and my one rapid cool looking at this picture like 👀👀👀🫨
Buy more! 😂

I’m officially buying them as presents for anyone who has a baby now. Whoever posted the £20 deal on here prompted me to get my first “to try just incase” and has started an addiction 🤣
Daddy dressed Baby R today so the poor kid is in socks and sliders 🤣🙈🙈

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Just had our midwife discharge appt and Baby R is weighing 9lb 3oz already 😱 I think this kid is gonna be a giant 😂 it was quite satisfying because the midwife who did our appt is the same one we saw on day 3 who scared us both saying we might need to go back in to hospital as he was just on the cusp of losing too much of his birth weight. Well now he’s nearly 2lb up from his birth weight at 3 weeks old so clearly we’ve been doing something right.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Just been discharged by the midwife. My lil 36 weeker preemie that was 5lb01 at birth is now 6 lb 4 oz 💪 at 4 weeks old. She’s nearly as big as her big bro was when he was born 😂

It’s my birthday tomorrow and the midwife was like ‘remember you can get pregnant easily, and it’s your birthday tomorrow so you never know’ I was like ‘you don’t have to worry about that, the only present I’m getting that requires a bed tomorrow is a solid 8 hours sleep’ 🤣
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Thanks guys ❤ I’m at home but I’ve got to go back daily for monitoring. I’m absolutely exhausted. I had the most amazing midwife on the ward today, she was so lovely she even phoned me when I got home to make sure I was okay. It’s amazing how much having a good midwife can ease the situation for you! I’m just going to rest up as much as possible.
Hope you’re all okay and have a lovely bank hol!! Xx
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Chatty Member
It's my last day in work today, I have literally done 0 work since 8am. Cant believe I'll be leaving here for a whole year after today!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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I had a moment earlier where I actually emailed nuby, linked them this thread and suggested you deserved recognition.
I’m also posting this so if nuby do have a look, they’ll see I am not either of you 😂

I’ll include a snippet of the email for your lols.


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We changed Baby R’s bottles over today to the bigger ones now he’s on 5oz - I didn’t realise how many we had - it’s a good job he took to mam bottles 😳 Still think I need more rapid cools ❤😂 Mr R is not impressed that I’ve taken over one of the kitchen worktop spaces. Then also the space by the sink with the 2 sterilisers and the bottle drying rack 🙈
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I just gave my fella a tutorial on how to use the nuby rapid cool and he was absolutely amazed. He picked it up and inspected it and turned it up and down about 3 times and called it ‘witchcraft’ then told me to squirt it on his wrist 3 times because he couldn’t believe it had cooled down that quick 🤣 Another one in the we love the rapid cool club
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