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Anyone else having mild heart palpitations? Around once every hour or two and lasts literally a second. I thought it was a bit of anxiety at first as it’s kind of top centre of my chest / bottom of my throat at times, but I’m pretty sure it’s not now. I’ve checked with my doctor and she said it’s totally normal and a result of increased blood flow and to just let her know if anything gets worse or lasts longer. Google concurs but it’s really an unpleasant feeling and I’m sure is making me feel worse by making me worry!
Yeah I had these early on too! I mentioned it to the midwife and she was not bothered 🤷‍♀️ They have stopped for me now (am 25 + 5)
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That’s the industry me and my partner are in. It’s been so tough- the first effected and still no certainty in what will happen with our jobs. But I’m a big believer in staying upbeat and positive. I hope you are doing ok and I hope your company is doing ok. The good thing is that people do want to get away on holiday!
Fingers crossed for aviation.
Yeh it’s all been really good if I’m honest- Iv been well and healthy and baby seems to be! So I can’t complain really. The lack of money can be tough, and Iv had to scrimp on things that I wouldn’t have before- but as long as he’s healthy then that’s all I can ask for. How are you? Xx
Oh my god! The uncertainty is absolutely horrendous isn’t it! Being off for soooo long. I’m a training manager and of course with most of the flights pulling out and very limited staff there is absolutely no work for me so hopefully things will get better 🤞 it must be so hard for the both of us being in this industry.. the good thing is as you said, people cannot wait to get away so I’d say our jobs are safe enough 🤣 have you got any word of to when you or your partner are back to work?
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What are everyone’s opinions on announcing births/pregnancies on social media? I personally don’t do it, I tell my my friends/work pals/family on our WhatsApp groups but wouldn’t announce it publicly on my page.

My dad gets so annoyed at me like I’m being purposely secretive about it and like I only want certain people to know, but the honest reason is I hate having to like and say thank you to all of the comments on a post like that it just takes so much time and the whole thing just makes me cringe. I feel like if I’ve told the people I actually know in person and see regularly who else even cares? I just don’t see the point in it!
I shared both my pregnancies on facebook. The 2nd one I wasn't going to, but it was the end of 2020 i was posting something anyway so just added it in. Gossip and rumours are so bad where I live, joys of living in a rural town, so thought I'd rather put it out there myself instead of other people speculating! Totally get why people don't want to share it though!
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Ah it’s so annoying isn’t it! And yess I’ve had some insoles before but they were the same and completely destroyed all my shoes! Bought some super cushioned running trainers but they haven’t really helped. Not sure if this is just one of those ‘put up with it’ things or whether there’s actually anything which can be done :(
Amazon product
This is the kind of thing I got which did help a bit. I felt it worst in my arch althou I know it can be bad in the heel too
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Hi guys, very random but looking for some advice (well point of view maybe)

I booked take my daughter to see in the night garden live in July (I’d have been about 28 weeks) but unfortunately we found out today that it’s been postponed to October...2 days after my due date. I have to let them know my Friday if I want them. Would you keep them and hope baby is still inside? Or is sitting in a theatre with a load of kids whilst overdue a ridiculous idea 😂

I really wanted to take her before baby #2 but the timing is poor 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
What would you do??
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I’ve been catching up on here the last day as I’ve been a little bit busy. My darling baby girl arrived on Wednesday afternoon. I was 38+4. I had an induction booked for Sunday when I’d be 39+1 but my midwife agreed to sweep me early to see if we could avoid induction. I had a sweep Tuesday afternoon and immediately started bleeding. I went up to maternity assessment and stayed there for 5 hours. The consultant reviewed me at 8pm and because they couldn’t figure what the bleeding was they agreed to take me straight to labour ward and break my water to get things going properly. I was transferred straight away even though I was still only 2-3cm but it meant my partner could come in straight away. I was contracting over on labour ward despite there being a delay to break my water due to an emergency coming in. They finally broke my water at 3am but I was still only 3cm. They checked me at 7am, still 3cm and at this time put me on the drip to ramp things up. It certainly ramped up the pain and the contractions got closer together and far more intense. I was checked at 11 am and still only 3cm. I lost it at this point and couldn’t cope any longer so had an epidural at 11:30am, the epidural failed! Gave me no relief at all so I continued with the gas and air. At 12:30pm and hour after last being examined I was examined again and fully dilated. I’d gone from 3-10cm in less than an hour. Our darling baby girl was born at 13:39. She weighed 7lb 7oz and is absolute perfection. Unfortunately within a few minutes of being born she had some issues breathing so almost 72 hours on she’s still in NICU. She’s doing amazing though and off oxygen completely. She’s on lots of antibiotics and nil by mouth to protect her little tummy and bowels as they think there’s a little infection there but she’s improving by the hour and hopefully this afternoon I will get to give her her first feed which will feel magical. I’ve been expressing every 3 hours which is tough when your baby is in NICU but I’m on cloud 9 and couldn’t be happier. I just can’t wait to take her home and for her to meet her big brother and big sisters. The newborn baby bubble is the best and physically I’m feeling really well with no soreness or anything like I’ve had before, now if I can just get my darling girl into my arms I’ll be the happiest mama on the planet at the moment. Xx
Congratulations! You did amazing and she sounds perfect! Enjoy every second of today and hopefully it’s not long at all before you’re settling in at home ❤
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I mean shes being odd in general right now
Keeps calling my boyfriend Babe and stuff like that...
Maybe shes planning on locking me in the basement and steal my man and the baby 😅
Hahaha this is so weird. Was she always like this? Is she joking when she’s saying it?
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Anyone else get times where your stomach just feels solid? I’ve got a small bump, I’m 19 weeks tomorrow but today I’ve felt so tight and uncomfortable. Almost heavy? I know it’s all normal with baby growing but it just makes me want to sit on the sofa and do nothing!

Sidenote, if anyone’s looking for sports bras I’d really recommend the primark ones! They’re £10 for a pack of 3 in black white and grey and they’re sooo comfy. I can’t remember the last time I wore a proper bra anyway but my thin little cotton triangle ones were getting a bit too small so I had to get something else!
I posted about this a few weeks ago I probably started to get this around 20 weeks as well I still get it from over exerting myself like walking too much or doing too much house work etc I think it’s braxton hicks does it feel like so tight you could bounce things off your tummy and like really tight round the sides xx

Hi all, just wondering if anyone is in an trust that uses MyPregnancyNotes online?
I had a booking in Appt at 7 weeks, midwife advised me to create an account, which I did. It then said no pregnancies linked to your account and asked me to register a pregnancy. This seemed to be all the information she’d asked me on the phone Appt so I left it and didn’t continue with the form as I thought I don’t want to duplicate anything she’s already done.
I then had a follow up Appt a few days later with another midwife (staffing issues in our area so I’ve not got the name of my actual midwife yet - been told I will be assigned one as I did with my first). I mentioned it to her and she said that was strange my notes were online and I should be able to see them through that account. But yet 3 weeks later it’s still on the same screen when I log in, asking me to create a new pregnancy. Am I being dim?! In my first we had a binder full of notes but the folder is a lot more streamlined now and they advise to log in online to see your notes.
thanks in advance ☺
I am on this system and all the info which I answered at my booking appointment got uploaded there however they take ages to update it and put the information in you aren’t being dim and I am not the biggest fan of any of the midwives I’ve seen as none of them have filled me with confidence. You should ring your midwife and ask they actually missed some of my blood test failures until I saw it on the online notes and pointed it out xx
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Oh really?
I didn't know this.
I just presumed it was the same for midwife appointments as if you're high risk you have consultant appointments anyway
Yeah I see a midwife and extra appointments to be monitored in-between consultant appointments 🙈 I had low fluid and my placenta was giving up, also had every symptom of preeclampsia except protein in my urine so midwife has to check my urine and blood pressure all the time xx
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I have a shopping problem I know I am going to have to kick that habit a bit when the baby comes but feel so comfy in what I bought. Just some matching maternity sets from H&M so glad they fit. Have you bought a pram yet? Omg three months is nothing it really does seem like a week ago I had my 12 week scan it is flying by does it seem that way to you too? X
Online shopping is so dangerous (and easy) whilst wfh haha. I am window shopping on the H&M website daily at the moment 😬 and yeah we have bought a pram but it’s on preorder with no lead time - bit risky! Where abouts are you going to look for yours? Have you got much other stuff bought yet?
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Does anyone have a sleepyhead? Am so undecided about whether to get one for supervised daytime naps etc. Have a next to me for the bedroom and a cot for the nursery but wasn’t sure if I’d use one/if they’re worth the money!

Does anyone have a sleepyhead? Am so undecided about whether to get one for supervised daytime naps etc. Have a next to me for the bedroom and a cot for the nursery but wasn’t sure if I’d use one/if they’re worth the money!
We had one for my son and I loved it. I understand that perhaps safe sleeping has changed now and it’s not supposed to be for overnight sleeping?
I always found it handy as it was a safe space we could easily move around and we used it for nighttime sleeping too but as mentioned not sure if the guidelines have changed
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Anyone any tips for morning sickness seems to hit at the same time in the afternoon everyday for a hour or 2 🤢😅 I’m 14 weeks so hoping it eases soon
I swear to god cola cubes keep my sickness at bay! I dread washing my hair because I have to vomit everytime 🥴
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I find next is really good for baby sizes until they are toddlers then I've found it some quite small. Asda for us has always come up quite small the vests don't seem to last as long. Sainsbury's has been the winner but that's just our experience also Matalan Is really good sizes!
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Had my NT yesterday and the girl told me I had a posterior placenta meaning that I will feel movements more 🤔 anyone else had this and is it really uncomfortable? 🥴
Yes I do - I think it’s normal! Umm sometimes it’s a little uncomfortable if it’s a really sudden movement, but it’s more of an odd feeling than anything! I find I’m so amazed there’s an actual baby wriggling around in there that I don’t actually notice the feeling too much 😂
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Lulu Goss

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16 week scan wasn’t really up to much. Didn’t do anything other then wee in a pot and confirm bloods are all good. Dunno what I was expecting but I wasn’t that 😂
My 16 week appointment was the same - would have been over and done with in 5 mins if I didn’t have to hang around waiting to need to wee 😂
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Just mind blowing! My husband has much older children and he said he doesn’t remember there being anywhere near as much detail. I must admit I struggle to make much out 🤣 but it’s so wonderful to hear. I’m due 12th November so we’re super close! I’ve got irregular periods / long cycles so by last period I’d be 14+2 and it’s really irritating me that my scan pic reads wrong! It feels like so far off but I know it’ll come round so quickly, the last year flew and absolutely nothing exciting happened!
What do you mean by your scan pic reading wrong?
Does it have the date you gave them on it and then they changed it when they scanned you?

Hello ladies, I took a first response early pregnancy test and got a faint but clear enough line then did a basic £1.50 test and nothing, I’ve got all the symptoms of being pregnant, do I go with the first response or do I wait and test again. My hopes are up and I’m a little confused (not my first pregnancy) xx
First response are a lot more sensitive than other tests. Especially if the other ones are blue dyes 😊

Thank you! It’s like a tightening pain in the one side of my bump but quite high up and the occasional period like cramp, they are only lasting about 10 seconds but quite painful! I’m 39 weeks so not sure if it’s just wishful thinking 😂 no sign of waters breaking or loosing mucus plug yet! I know everyone keeps saying you will just know but I’ve been convinced 2 or 3 times the last week it’s starting 😂😂
How are you getting on?

I've never lost my mucus plug in all 3 pregnancies. And waters rarely break before/start of labour 😊 Think its only something like 5% break before labour starts
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