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After saying my sickness was easing off this morning it’s come back with a vengeance. Which was particularly fun on the tube to work this morning 😫. My colleagues will either suspect I’m pregnant now or they will think I have an awful hangover as I had hula hoops and a lucazade for breakfast ...
I'm the same I did well yesterday but was throwing up again this morning 😱😱
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If there are no complications with the birth, how long do you have to stay in the maternity hospital afterwards? I’m sooooo weird with the smell in there 🤣 I know that sounds silly but that’s just me 🤷🏼‍♀️
My sister a few years ago got sent home the same day 😊
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Oh my god! The uncertainty is absolutely horrendous isn’t it! Being off for soooo long. I’m a training manager and of course with most of the flights pulling out and very limited staff there is absolutely no work for me so hopefully things will get better 🤞 it must be so hard for the both of us being in this industry.. the good thing is as you said, people cannot wait to get away so I’d say our jobs are safe enough 🤣 have you got any word of to when you or your partner are back to work?
So I’m on furlough at the moment but my maternity will start soon. And my partner is back on roster but reduced pay. He’s got one standby (my due date ironically!!) 🙈🙈🤣🤣and no flights as yet.
I’m sorry you have the uncertainty too, I really do feel for you as we know how it feels. I’m just trying to be positive because people really do want to get away. That’s what we have to keep remembering.
I’m very hopeful for the future and for aviation- but it’s just been very testing during my pregnancy as Iv been worrying about absolutely everything! 🙈🙈xx
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Those of you that have had a 16 week appointment in person, did you get to hear baby's heartbeat?

I have my appointment on Tuesday and the midwife is coming to my house. So I'm really hoping she'll bring a Doppler! Some friends of mine have been able to film it which I'd love to do so my boyfriend can hear too 😍🤞
Yes! I had mine at the maternity unit and heard the heartbeat, but a friend had hers at home and she was able to hear it and film it for her husband 🥰
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She’s a nightmare, I watched her on celebrity bumps and she was a huuuge drama queen! Played up to the cameras so I think her insta is the same.
It’s the shouting and the 4am martyr breastfeeding posts that kill me. Like just get on with it. That beautiful baby looks terrified when she’s shouting into her phone
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There are a lot of people on here that have there midwives numbers and stuff... Is that a common thing? Just asking as none of my friends with kids barely knew the midwifes name
My midwife makes appointment via text so I have her number and phoning/texting her is usually my first point of contact (although that’s because none of the hospital numbers except the emergency line work!)
I did read somewhere (maybe the modern midwifes book) that they’re trying to implement a system where you see the same midwife throughout for continuity of care but clearly that’s not always the case!
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Erm I’m 24 weeks today and the guy at the last private place said 26-28 weeks (I think) was the best time so I need to pull my finger out tbh 😫 oh no that must have been why he gave me those specific weeks! Eeeek x
I don’t get how we don’t have the same due date 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am also 24 weeks today I think x
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Haha me too. I've enjoyed having them at more than arms length

Oh I must have a look. Do they give good support?
Anyone who has had a water birth before what did u wear? My last birth I was in the birthing pool til they realised he was stuck then they midwife made me get out and took my bra off cos it was wet and she didn't want me the time the Dr came in I was starkers and I didn't care anymore about the lady area but having EVERYTHING exposed made me cringe 😂😂😂thankfully another midwife covered my top half
I wore a bra from ASOS by a brand called weekday, it was soooo comfortable
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Has anyone been taking pregnacare? The midwife recommended it to me so I got it a while ago... €22:50 was a bit steep so I’m hoping they are magical beans 🤣
I’ve got them on three for two from
Super drug cost 38!something for three boxes in pounds I actually like them I am taking pregnacare plus. I only had them because my partner picked them for me as he said they were the nicest packaging 🤨 I’ve just stuck with them x
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You know when you get your bloods and urine done at the first visit to the hospital? When do you get the results? 🤔
I had a phone call a week later because I needed to do another urine sample but didn't find out results for bloods until I met with the midwife at 16 weeks.

I think as long as it's all 'normal' they won't contact you, that might just be my experience though...
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The amount of nappies we (I used to work with one of the nappy libraries) used to quote was minimum 24 - 12 on the bum, 12 in the wash. That includes if you want to do overnight too. I don’t (haven’t found anything that stands up to my champion pissers!) so I would use about 7/8 nappies a day. I currently have 20 nappies for a younger baby, and I wash every day and a half. But they very quickly draw it out to only needing 5 or so changes a day (again not including nights) so then I could have fewer nappies, but I just wash less frequently. You can always buy some and see how you get on, and add more in if you find you need them.
This is reassuring - thanks!! I joined the cloth nappy Facebook site to try and absorb some information and some posters on there own 50-60 nappies...😳
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Any of you ladies around 11/12 weeks feel the top of the uterus coming up yet behind the public bone? I can't remember when I noticed it with my first baby?
Hi I noticed probably week 12/13 then my pelvic pain started so I would say this is around the right time x
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What is also quite triggering is someone suggesting that those who have taken a jab haven't given any consideration to their baby. I had the Pfizer vaccine last week after lots of consideration but it was a personal choice after discussions with my family and health care providers. I am under consultant care due to hyperthyroidism, being a bit overweight and previous heart surgery. My GP was very non committal but the consultant actually talked to me sensibly about it and recommended I received one if I could get hold of one. I did a lot of research and for me, yes I was and still am concerned about the effect on the baby but I also read stories of women having to have early c-sections and being placed in induced comas and not meeting their babies for months. I am still working as a teacher and am keen to continue for my own mental health reasons- I do not want to be sat at home on the laptop every day for the next 12 weeks. I am cautious but there is still a limit to the things you can put in place whilst still working. I wouldn't try to convince other people to get the vaccine as I made the choice based on my circumstances and the risks involved and what I feel like would be the worst case scenario for me so I don't think it's right for other people to judge those who do take it up either.
I did say there was no judgement. I’m not judging anyone.

this post is helpful it shows steps you have taken to make a decision, the three posts I saw previously were literally celebrating that they had it and how they felt. Which didn’t sit well.

that’s all I was saying.
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I’ve been catching up on here the last day as I’ve been a little bit busy. My darling baby girl arrived on Wednesday afternoon. I was 38+4. I had an induction booked for Sunday when I’d be 39+1 but my midwife agreed to sweep me early to see if we could avoid induction. I had a sweep Tuesday afternoon and immediately started bleeding. I went up to maternity assessment and stayed there for 5 hours. The consultant reviewed me at 8pm and because they couldn’t figure what the bleeding was they agreed to take me straight to labour ward and break my water to get things going properly. I was transferred straight away even though I was still only 2-3cm but it meant my partner could come in straight away. I was contracting over on labour ward despite there being a delay to break my water due to an emergency coming in. They finally broke my water at 3am but I was still only 3cm. They checked me at 7am, still 3cm and at this time put me on the drip to ramp things up. It certainly ramped up the pain and the contractions got closer together and far more intense. I was checked at 11 am and still only 3cm. I lost it at this point and couldn’t cope any longer so had an epidural at 11:30am, the epidural failed! Gave me no relief at all so I continued with the gas and air. At 12:30pm and hour after last being examined I was examined again and fully dilated. I’d gone from 3-10cm in less than an hour. Our darling baby girl was born at 13:39. She weighed 7lb 7oz and is absolute perfection. Unfortunately within a few minutes of being born she had some issues breathing so almost 72 hours on she’s still in NICU. She’s doing amazing though and off oxygen completely. She’s on lots of antibiotics and nil by mouth to protect her little tummy and bowels as they think there’s a little infection there but she’s improving by the hour and hopefully this afternoon I will get to give her her first feed which will feel magical. I’ve been expressing every 3 hours which is tough when your baby is in NICU but I’m on cloud 9 and couldn’t be happier. I just can’t wait to take her home and for her to meet her big brother and big sisters. The newborn baby bubble is the best and physically I’m feeling really well with no soreness or anything like I’ve had before, now if I can just get my darling girl into my arms I’ll be the happiest mama on the planet at the moment. Xx
Congratulations 💕💕
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Anyone else having mild heart palpitations? Around once every hour or two and lasts literally a second. I thought it was a bit of anxiety at first as it’s kind of top centre of my chest / bottom of my throat at times, but I’m pretty sure it’s not now. I’ve checked with my doctor and she said it’s totally normal and a result of increased blood flow and to just let her know if anything gets worse or lasts longer. Google concurs but it’s really an unpleasant feeling and I’m sure is making me feel worse by making me worry!
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I was in for one night and that was with low cord PH levels, maybe depending on the time of day you give birth it could even be the same day, before they tested his cord they told me I could go home the same day 😭 fingers crossed for you! X
Oh that would sound great to be in and out the same day! Oh I’m not due for ages but I was there today for a scan and it brought back memories of being in there visiting pals. The smell is just indescribable 🤮

My sister a few years ago got sent home the same day 😊
That is the absolute dream 🙏🏾
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Thanks so much for the info 😊 I’m so new to all this and I was really worried because of my age (34) after my hospital scan today they said I am very low risk so I’m just being extra cautious by getting the NT done privately and also because my husband can attend 🙏🏾
Aw bless you, I think if there’s anything you can do to help you feel less anxious in pregnancy then definitely do it!
when you say you’re getting your NT done privately... is that just being done by another scan?
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