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Trying to practice what I preach and not worry. 6w 3 days and my symptoms have really subsided today. This is what happened to me last time, our baby stopped growing at 6w1d. Really trying not to freak out but I’m so worried it’s going to happen again 😔😔😔
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I am dreading picking a name. When we've spoken about it in the past we've had very, very different ideas.
Very poorly today, another morning spent being sick and 3 day of an awful headache that just won't shift. I've tried paracetamol, migraine cold patches, tried sitting with my feet in a hot bath while putting a cold flannel on my neck but it's just not budging. We're telling a few people today but honestly I just want to hide away in bed. Eugh we really do go through it don't we.
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Having a bit of a mare today. I got an email saying I've had a new appointment scheduled for end of may when I'll be 23 wks +3 days. No clear indication of what it's for, and also for a different hospital and a really inconvenient date. I've phoned the hospital to try and find out what's going on and been told I've been referred to the placenta clinic due to low papp-A and I should have been told.
This is the first I was aware I had low papp-A or that I'd been referred anywhere. Now after making the mistake of googling what low papp-A actually means I'm getting myself really worked up 😢
A lovely midwife phoned me back this afternoon and rearranged my appointment for a more convenient date and clearly explained what the appointment was for, and reassured me that it was nothing I'd done wrong. Obviously still a little worried but nowhere near as panicked as I was earlier. She also confirmed baby's screening results have come back as low chance, so that was good news at least. Blooming 'eck this is a hell of a ride isn't it.
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Ahh I seen my first kick today!! I'm 23 weeks with an anterior placenta, I've been feeling him more and more over the last 3 or so weeks but today I SEEN one, so happy! 🥰
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My hormones today are through the roof. Found out today I have to desk share at work and I've cried all morning and I'm ready to jack in my career. It's not rational but makes perfect sense to me right now.
I cried this morning because I didn’t feel like I had enough time to myself at the weekend and now I’m back at work again. I then cried wondering if my baby is going to be sad that he’s got less space to move around in as he grows bigger.

Hormones are wonderful things 😂
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
This mornings digital clear blue 🥰

does anybody have ideas on how to relax? I’m honestly so terrified of something going wrong this early on x

Congratulations! Honestly, I don't have any tips on how to relax. I spent the whole first trimester convinced something would go wrong, even now in the second trimester I get huge anxiety that something's gone wrong, I don't think there's an easy way to calm the anxiety I'm afraid. I did have a private early scan at about 6/7 weeks which eased it for a bit as we could see the heartbeat on the screen and the sonographer confirmed everything looked "as it should" at that stage. If you have the funds for that then that's an option for when you're a few more weeks into it. But honestly, it's such a nerve wracking time. The only bit of advice I have (and I wish I had followed myself) is try not to symptom spot or hyper-fixate on symptoms from one day to the next. I would go into panic if one day my boobs hurt less than they did the day before, or if one day I wasn't feeling as tired as I did yesterday etc etc - the truth is symptoms fluctuate and are not an accurate indicator of how the pregnancy is progressing. Sorry I couldn't give better advice on how to calm the nerves, but if you can, just try to enjoy it. It's such a blessing 🥰
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Hope everything’s going well for both of you @Jellycat369 and @eppingforestbambi ❤

Got my date for my C section through this afternoon in case Baby Parsley doesn’t spontaneously make his appearance and omg feeling so real now! My maternity leave also started this afternoon so relaxing (on my ball to try and spin him as my midwife thinks he’s slightly back to back) and watching Eras Tour on Disney which is excellent (making up for the fact that I had to sell my ticket because of him coming into the world)! He was kicking a bit to the Fearless section and then Champagne Problems so clearly a going to be boy of taste ❤
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Awake at 3 again as I’ve finally caught the cough/cold my son picked up at nursery 😩 it’s only been a week or two since the last one, I’m considering keeping him off a week before my due date (which is just at the start of the Easter holidays!) as I really don’t want to go into labour when I’m struggling to breathe! Had such bad heartburn before bed I actually threw up, I’m just feeling sorry for myself lol.
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I'm so looking forward to meeting my baby and for the comments stopping about the size of my bump!!! I'm 31 weeks now and petite frame, always had a flat stomach etc, my bump is measuring on smaller side (baby girl is average though) and it's really round and neat but the amount of people commenting how huge I am!! It's like well thank you, my belly should be growing bigger as I'm in the final stages of growing a baby?!!

Then you get the 'just wait till the last few weeks you'll be huge' its like shut up please haha I have ZERO patience now I'm pregnant 🙃🙃

PS. Can someone advise me on some good breathing techniques for labour, in for 4 out for 8 seems too hard haha
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The doctor couldn’t feel anything but I’ve been referred for a blood test and ultrasound. I asked what I should do/ what could it be if they both come back with no sign and she said even she’s not sure?! I was throwing suggestions out there like cysts, endo etc to try help but she wasn’t sure herself (and you could tell by her face she thought I was bullshitting like the receptionists and male doctor I spoke to on the phone). Even more confused than when I went in but still feeling something 🙃. I’ll bow out from here in the meantime lol
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You can have codeine in pregnancy. I was getting it thrown at me by docs with my current youngest as allergic to paracetamol and can't take ibuprofen.
I had to argue with my GP to get codeine when I had my first even though both my consultants had said I could. This was the same Dr that said I should just try not to be depressed when I went in with PNA and PND 🙄
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I’ve stopped testing now but I’m 9 weeks and had two scans. I stopped last week. I don’t think there’s that much harm in it as I found it brought immense mental calm and meant I could actually get on with my day. I’m sure others would disagree but it’s the only thing you can do to calm your mind at home..
I’ve posted quite a lot about it so I won’t repeat but I tested loads too. Even though I knew deep down it actually told me nothing about how things were progressing, seeing those 2 lines every day (several times a day 😅) gave me some kind of reassurance and peace of mind. It was only after a scan at 10 weeks I stopped testing daily.

Did a test 2 weeks ago even tho I’m 32 weeks now 🤣 but that was because I put ketchup with my pizza (unheard of in our house!) and Mr R was jokingly like that’s really weird are you pregnant or something?! So I did a test to ‘rule it out’. It showed up as a very strong positive which surprised me cus of the hook effect.

I would say there’s no harm in testing regularly at home if that gives you some comfort. It definitely helped me. But it is difficult if it suddenly shows negative or faint but it can be down to so many different things like urine concentration, time of day etc. I don’t know what I’d have done if mine had showed up faint or negative. Probably booked another scan 🫣
Had a sweep yesterday and mucus plug has come away, praying it’s a sign of things starting to happen but trying not to get my hopes up.
Good luck!! Keeping everything crossed for you 🤞🏼
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I've gained about a stone and a half and it's literally all bump. I had to get a larger bra size because the band was too tight but kept the same cup size and my arms, legs and face are no different. I hadn't managed to lose the baby weight I'd gained with my first baby so am currently 4 stone over where I would like to be. It's really difficult seeing my body as it is now, I don't recognise myself and I feel really uncomfortable in my own skin.
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I cried the other day because I couldn’t open a jar of jam 😅
Don't worry, I cried the other day because I got a hole in my favourite pair of tights that left my big toe poking out. I think it was my partners look of utter pity that tipped me over the edge 🤣🤣
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14 weeks tomorrow and my hips, lower back and groin area all already ache. A few people have pointed out that I've already got a bump too. Bloody hell I'm going to get huge aren't I, I'm only tiny normally!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Ahhh this is so cute. My 3.5yo has plenty offered of suggestions… unfortunately they are not helpful when they are Bum bum, Carney and Cooley 🤣
Oh he’s fine with the first name but the middle name he’s suggested Car, doughnut and chocolate finger 😆
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Had a dream last night I was told baby was weighing 10lb and they expected him to come out at 13lbs. Baring in mind my heaviest baby so far has been 6lb14oz.

Also started getting heartburn. This can only mean one thing...... another ginger child.
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I had an private gender scan at 16+1 which said boy.. I had a dream last night the 20 week scan said girl, two weeks to go! Hurry up so I can buy🤣😫😫
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I am approx 10-12 weeks with my first pregnancy. We had issues conceiving due to pcos so I am overly cautious and anxious. I am struggling to deal with the overwhelming exhaustion right now. When does it improve!? When does the glow come!? 😭
I am a teacher and have a difficult class with a couple of particularly challenging pupils. I feel so stressed and down about it that it's taking away from the enjoyment I should be feeling about this much longed for pregnancy. It's affecting my sleep, infiltrating my weekends when I try to switch off and I cried on the way to work yesterday. I need my job for maternity pay etc but feel like this can't continue 😔
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