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Chatty Member
Is it weird I'm jealous of you ladies with your leaky boobs? Mine don't work 🙄 All the pain but none of the gain!

After my sweep yesterday I had a little bit of spotting, which I'm sure was the result of being fingered by a stranger, but have had some more spotting today. Not fresh blood, definitely old brown blood and it seems to be more mucus-y than discharge-y. Am I being too optimistic thinking this might be the start of things? Is it more likely to just be from the sweep? 😬
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My hormones today are through the roof. Found out today I have to desk share at work and I've cried all morning and I'm ready to jack in my career. It's not rational but makes perfect sense to me right now.
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I couldn’t do the courses last time due to Covid and felt I really missed out as I’ve friends who still meet up with their group. That said, I’m not sure how much I’d be inclined to socialise with other new mums as it can feel a lot of comparison and pressure so I think it depends what kind of person you are.

The free online course the hospital provided was 50% super helpful and 50% terrible. The worst was loads of videos from New parents talking about their experiences and how they do things which, no disrespect, but they were new parents too so hardly the experts?! Didn’t find that helpful at all.

I’d take TikTok and IG that aren’t pure fact/education with a pinch of salt as I see a lot of terrible advice or ‘must haves’ that are just a flex. Some “how I got my 3 week old to sleep through” from FTMs who’re 2 months in type stuff and it’s like “luck Pal, pure luck, wait for regressions!”.
Particular caution to American videos that say don’t take this or that to hospital or these are your pain options, midwives take care of baby, you get to stay in this long etc as their system is totally different.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
This sounds like my kinda birth 🤣🤣

I can’t read anything else birth related yet it makes me go funny. Keep telling myself I’ve got a few more months before I need to deal with that 😭
The dance music was a good distraction tbf, he was born to Rhythm of the Night 😂
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watermelon sugar

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Do you guys think it’s best I just stop doing pregnancy tests? I’m 6 weeks nearly 7. As some of you have said it’s not an indication on how well it’s going if you get me
I would say so yeah, the colour of a test can change due to so many reasons - it can cause so much unnecessary stress. Also symptoms really can fluctuate. As someone that’s had multiple miscarriages I’ve experienced the constant testing but I also managed to stop myself and the anxiety does ease
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Thank you 😁 I’m 32 weeks this week so will start on the tea and get some dates. I don’t want to bring on labour, I’d rather make it to my csection as that seems safest for us both, so might avoid the curry and nipple stimulation unless I get desperate to get him out, but I’ll definitely try the things that are supposed to help your cervix just incase we don’t make it to the section date!
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Hi all. I'm tentatively joining this thread. Got a positive test at the weekend and think I'm just over 4 weeks along. I'm going on a big holiday to the other side of the world for two weeks at the end of week. I'll be flying for 24 hours but when I'm there it'll be relaxing and I'm with family, a lot of which are doctors. Did anyone travel that far so early on? NHS says it's ok. I think it'll be good for me (apart from the flight part) because my work is stressful and I can relax there in good weather. Plus it'll make time go faster until I can get some scans.
Lurking here hoping to join you all 🤞but have experience of this so thought I’d de-lurk to answer your question

With my eldest I flew long distance (also 24hr) at 6 weeks and all was fine. Might be worth letting your travel insurance know that you are pregnant and make sure any pregnancy related things are covered. Plus, get some flight socks and drink lots of water. Other than that have a brilliant time!
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Omg. I ate salami last night again and actually woke up with an awful stomach ache and cramps and had a panic that I’ve fucked it. I’d rang maternity 20 times before 9am 😂. Now I’m scarred and going to leave it, and stop tempting fate. I’m fine, it went after an hour but wow the heart wants what it wants.. and that is salami.
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I'm so looking forward to meeting my baby and for the comments stopping about the size of my bump!!! I'm 31 weeks now and petite frame, always had a flat stomach etc, my bump is measuring on smaller side (baby girl is average though) and it's really round and neat but the amount of people commenting how huge I am!! It's like well thank you, my belly should be growing bigger as I'm in the final stages of growing a baby?!!

Then you get the 'just wait till the last few weeks you'll be huge' its like shut up please haha I have ZERO patience now I'm pregnant 🙃🙃

PS. Can someone advise me on some good breathing techniques for labour, in for 4 out for 8 seems too hard haha
I’m 35 weeks and also always been lean etc and also can’t wait for the bump comments to stop. Everyone keeps saying how small and neat my bump is and I wish they would shut up because the other week at my midwife appointment my bump was measuring small so had to scamper off to the hospital for a growth scan (even though with my GD diagnosis I have them scheduled already) and it was such an anxious time waiting for them to confirm he was okay! Like yes my bump is small but that’s got its own worries and it does stress me out a bit even though I now know he’s okay
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38 weeks and I’m starving all of the time 🙈 I felt so ill over the weekend I barely ate a thing, and now I can’t stop eating.
14 weeks and this is me. I've normally got such a small appetite but I'm at the 'eat everything in sight and still want more' stage. I ate 3 breakfasts at my desk earlier, I think my boss is scared of me now 🤣
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17 weeks today and starting to feel and see proper movements now. Could feel slight flutters before but always convince myself that’s just gas. Nice and reassuring to actually feel proper little pops now, it makes you feel pregnant 😂
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I can’t wait for a cold pint of cider at the pub in the summer 😅 other than that I haven’t really missed anything I’m not allowed. But cold cider at the pub on a summers day what got us in to this situation, and I won’t have had a drink for a year so it will definitely go to my head, so I think my partner is terrified for that day 🤣
You've done it now, all I can think about is a nice fruity cider in a pub beer garden with the sun shining down 🤤
Only 6 months to go😩
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watermelon sugar

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Having a bit of a mare today. I got an email saying I've had a new appointment scheduled for end of may when I'll be 23 wks +3 days. No clear indication of what it's for, and also for a different hospital and a really inconvenient date. I've phoned the hospital to try and find out what's going on and been told I've been referred to the placenta clinic due to low papp-A and I should have been told.
This is the first I was aware I had low papp-A or that I'd been referred anywhere. Now after making the mistake of googling what low papp-A actually means I'm getting myself really worked up 😢
Oh love try not to get worked up, it’s shit of them that you weren’t told, but stay off Google as that is the worst. I would ring your midwife and say that you’ve been given this letter and informed by the hospital about the low papp-A, say you’re not very clued up on what this means and you would like more information. Try to see it as the hospital are getting you these appointments to keep an eye on you and baby 🤍
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Chatty Member
I know this is normal but I feel so normal... just slightly bloated with slightly heavier boobs. I keep forgetting I'm pregnant.
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I’ve seen loads of people recommending those artipop carriers and saying how essential they are. I definitely will not be investing 😂 what if baby hates it and then you’re hundreds of pounds down?
I was set on getting one till I saw one of their recent instagram posts baby with his genitals basically on show and they’ve just done a silly little scribble over it. 200 comments urging them to take it down and they haven’t.
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For hospital bag I just used freezer ziplock bags for clothes and sorted by Newborn, 0-1 months/first size and 0-3 months as I’d had no growth scans or anything so was guessing his size. I stayed in for one night and still got through 3 outfits due to meconium poonamis.

In addition to all the stuff you find on usual lists some other stuff I found useful/wish I had:

- A straw for my drink instead of having to ask my partner to pour water in my mouth every time I was thirsty when I was in active labour
- Spritz for bits. Expensive but worth it. So soothing.
- Flip flops for the toilet/bathroom
- ibuprofen and paracetamol to save having to ask for them as they took ages to get them to me
- Lactulose to speed up having a 💩 and making it easier post birth
- my own pillow
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Anyone else feeling absolutely massive already at nearly 19 weeks? So long still to go I’m gunna be huge!
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Hope your nausea passes soon Lucy. I find that the worst bit. I’d rather just be sick and get it over with.

Hope it goes well! It will be nice to get another peak at baby before they arrive! They’ll look huge compared to your last scan 😅
I've been sick now. Never had this with the boys. Things like this make me think he is actually a she.
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