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Well-known member
I’m 37 weeks today and absolutely exhausted- I don’t remember feeling this way with my first! I don’t know where I’ll get the energy to go through labour at this rate 😩 vivid dreams at night mean I feel like I haven’t even gone to sleep when I wake up, can’t wait to have this baby and finally be able to rest properly!
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Yeah with the first pregnancy you have more anxiety, and it’s really scary because it’s all new and unknown. But you generally have more time to rest and nap and enjoy it.

With the second, you feel more confident and less worried, because you know what you’re doing - but you also have at least 1 child to look after - so all the long naps and time on the sofa are out of the window! Also the symptoms seem to come on so much quicker - I had a huge bump by 12 weeks this time, whereas it took me 5 months to properly show the first time around.

Ah it’s all fun and games!! 😂
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watermelon sugar

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Are the early gender scans accurate? I really want one but my partner keeps saying no cause he’s worried it will be wrong! I have a few weeks to try and convince him, I’m too impatient to wait until the 20 week scan!
I mean there is a chance they could be wrong but more often than not they are right - I had an early gender scan and they said girl and it was confirmed girl at 20 weeks!
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Dropping by to say you may wish to add a peri bottle to your hospital bags! Baby came out with claws like Wolverine and I ended up with a wee stitch next to my urethra. That was more than a little bit nippy when I went for my first pp pee! Peri bottle has been really helping as does drinking gallons of water. I've been having Phizz tablets to help rehydrate after literally cooking in the hospital and I think they helped too.
You can tell I’m just a weird pregnant girl because as soon as I read the first sentence I thought “Nando’s peri sauce? What was that for”
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I’d agree completely with @watermelon sugar

I’ve also been off the majority of my pregnancy, first with HG and then persistent bleeding. The plan had been to return full time once HG was under control but I only managed a few odd shifts and then the bleeding really ramped up every time I went to work and meant I had multiple hospital admissions so I was doing one shift then being admitted and going off sick again. We tried various options for lighter duties, and I’m lucky in that I could literally sit in my office for my entire shift, but nothing helped. Working from home wasn’t realistic in my role and whilst I did bits that I could, there wasn’t enough to warrant working from home full time. In the end occupational health decided there was no further support they could offer and advised my employers to medically suspended me, which they did. My maternity leave will officially start in a few weeks now, but I had planned to work until 38 weeks.

I haven’t been back since Christmas. Like watermelon says, the worst bit about it is the loneliness. My partner works nights so he sleeps during the day so sometimes the only face to face human interaction I get is a 20 minute chat with him before he goes to work in the evenings. I actually had a bit of a breakdown to him last night because this really isn’t how I saw my pregnancy going and I am lonely. The days feel so long because I wake up, shower, waddle to the sofa and then in the early hours of the morning I waddle back to bed. If I get out to see anyone it’s an hour or 2 of the day, but then I’m back to being home alone. It’s quite isolating.

I think we really underestimate the social aspect of work and the impact that has on your mental health.

So I would say, speak to your boss and ask for an occupational health referral if you can about lighter duties - would a temp admin role be suitable so you’re spending less time on your feet? Reduced hours? More rest time between shifts? Ultimately if the pain is too bad then being signed off will be your only option but I would say it’s worth exploring alternatives first just so you don’t end up stir crazy stuck at home for the next few weeks.
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I can’t wait for a cold pint of cider at the pub in the summer 😅 other than that I haven’t really missed anything I’m not allowed. But cold cider at the pub on a summers day what got us in to this situation, and I won’t have had a drink for a year so it will definitely go to my head, so I think my partner is terrified for that day 🤣
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I had my early scan today due to some spotting. My last period puts me at 6 weeks & 2 days but they said I’m measuring 5. They only saw the sac & nothing else 😥 They did say I could just be too early or it could be that the pregnancy isn’t progressing as it should. I do ovulate late (around day 22 of my cycle) so don’t know if that could be why? Got to wait 10 days for another scan. Hate all this waiting and not knowing. Anyone had anything similar happen?
Yes, I went when I thought I was 7+5 and was only measuring 5+6 (we saw a heartbeat though and she’d said if we went a day earlier we probably wouldn’t have done). I hadn’t actually tracked ovulation that cycle so they said I probably ovulated later than usual and that’s why. But then I went exactly 2 weeks later (so when they say we’d be 7+6)and she’d had a little growth spurt and was then actually measuring 8+6. 12 week scan matched this so was still a week or so behind what I originally thought x
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Chatty Member
Is it only me that's genuinely shocked at how much NC classes cost? Or am I looking at the wrong thing?!
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Sounds like baby has dropped and is engaged!! I hope my baby girl drops a bit and get out of my ribs
Hope hes planning on staying put for at least a few more weeks if he is engaged 😩

It is so much more comfortable now until I stand up though. Hope your little girl copies and gets out of your ribs soon!

I sent my mum a bump pic because she likes weekly updates on it and she’s started telling me now how horrific her labour was with me. So that’s nice 😂

Hope you feel better soon @watermelon sugar I think I’m also at the any little twinge or ache stage I’m convinced it’s everything starting 🤣
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Crazy isn’t it, read so much on it for the past couple weeks and I can’t get over how common it seems to be. For the past 3 weeks, I’ve had movement which is identical to fetal movement (2 kids so I recognise it). I’ve had phantom kicks before but this is much stronger and literally all day every day. I’ve finally got a GP app tomorrow morning but I had to convince them and I heard the receptions take the piss out of me on the phone over this. I feel like I’m going mad but the movement is prominent at this point. I’ve had 3 negatives but I’ve read about the hook effect which is where you test negative if you test later on due to having such high hcg levels. I’ve also had odd periods these past 3/4 months and spotting in between them so there’s a chance they’re not actual periods. Whole thing’s driving me mad and I feel so embarrassed even getting medical help, I just know I’ll get belittled in tomorrow’s app either way.
Please complain about the receptionists. That’s unacceptable behaviour and if it’s not pregnancy related it could potentially be something serious but you’re obviously right to rule out pregnancy first. Hope your appt goes ok tomorrow 🤞🏼
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I’m 18w and I’ve only really started telling people since we had the gender scan 🤣 I feel so awkward and I cba to have the same conversation over and over. But my fella is really excited and wants to tell everyone so I’m trying to embrace that.

I’m not putting anything on social media till after the 20w scan but now I’m getting closer to that I might not bother and just announce the birth 🤣🤣
I haven’t put anything on social media yet (22weeks now) and don’t think I’m going to. I think I’ll just keep my baby as a surprise then when I see people for the first time in ages I’ll be like oh this baby? Yeah that’s my son 😂
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Chatty Member
Hey everyone. Haven’t posted on here in a while as I’ve found pregnancy forums worsen my anxiety but just popping in to ask what people’s Papp-A results were like? My results came back all low risk but my Papp-A levels are 0.74 MoM - I made the mistake of googling which initially said anything above 0.5 is normal but then I saw a lot of people saying that actually anything below 1 is low and I’ve sent myself into a probably unnecessary panic 🫠 x
My Papp-A came back as low as an incidental finding on my 12 week bloods. They didn't seem concerned just said there is an increased risk of baby being small so I'd have an extra growth scan at 23 weeks to check all is OK, and if it is then they'd do nothing further.

I've worried about everything this pregnancy but this seemed less big than other things. Try not to worry too much, I know that's easier said than done.

One thing I've found helpful is my friend has offered to Google things for me and report back so I don't go down rabbit holes or only look at the worst things so I get a more balanced view of what Google says. Could you perhaps ask someone to do that for you? It might help.
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Chatty Member
Keep laughing to myself that so many pregnant ladies can't wait for a wine/beer/gin etc once baby is here.
Then there's me counting down the weeks til I can stuff my face with an entire packet of sliced salami, chorizo and prosciutto 😆
But that being any of you have recommendations for alcohol-free rum? I have a night out next week where I want to at least pretend to join in with the copious boozing that the others will be doing, and there's only so much plain diet coke a girl can hack 😅
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Thank you so so much! Definitely looking into private scans, my last period was 15th feb so I’ll be 4 weeks on Thursday. When should I look about booking this in? I don’t want to book it so far in advance because anxiety 🤣
I’m glad it’s not just me, and really glad everything is going well for you.
I’ve had to remove TikTok as I was seeing too many negative videos and it’s been really triggering me!
Try to relax it’s very hard but it is possible if only for a few moments each day. I had an early scan at 6 weeks as I had a little bleeding ( nearly killed me with the worry). Went for a private scan, rang them at 9:30 and had the scan at 8 in the evening. At six weeks we got to see the heart beat and got reassurance that everything was in the right place. They also referred me back to the hospital and had two further scans at 7 and 8 weeks.. 19 weeks now and patiently waiting for the 20 weeks scan on Friday next. Fingers crossed all will be equally good for you x
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watermelon sugar

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13 weeks now. Trying not to go into panic mode so just wondering if this is another joyous pregnancy side effect or not 😅
Yeah it sounds like round ligament pain to me! Especially if it’s happening whilst you’re in bed, I had the same when I was in second trimester round my bump when I’d roll over
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Managed to clean the downstairs of the house so just need to sort out the bedrooms before the in laws arrive on Sunday. Unfortunately my toddler is now poorly 🤦‍♀️ Hoping Calpol saves the day and also hoping baby stays put two more days 🫠
You’re about to pop and you’ve done more than I can be arsed to do at 13 weeks 🤣
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