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watermelon sugar

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What’s with the weird pregnancy dreams 🤣 last night I had a dream i met Adam Thomas (from the annoying Thomas brothers) in a pub that was next to a canal and I was asking him when he was gonna come back to Emmerdale (I love Emmerdale) and I weren’t paying attention to my 4 year old, who escaped and got on a canoe and started canoeing down this canal, so I was like omg Adam we’re going to have to get in your car and race to rescue my 4 year old! Like how fast was this canoe going? Luckily we managed to catch up and get him 😂 I woke up but it felt so real I was so confused!
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Thank you so much for your support everyone! I now have a long list of people to contact ❤ I have prioritised ACAS and my GP who has recommended I self-certify as sick next week and I will be eligible for a sick note if I'm still as stressed as I have been. I am hoping this buys me some time as the new laws come in with additional protection for pregnancy on 6th April - so hopefully I am covered by that 🤞
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Finally able to move up a category! 14 weeks today and been told my NIPT came back low risk. So it's been a good day!
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So frustrated. I’ve posted in this thread a couple of times about my spotting (been 3 weeks now) I’ve had 3 scans in that time, the last one being on Thursday just gone - saw baby & heartbeat and they can’t find a cause for the bleed. I hadn’t spotted since Thursday so I felt so relieved then I’ve been the toilet this morning and had pink blood and a clot 😥 rang EPU and they’ve said come for another scan tomorrow. I’m so drained from all of this! Hoping it’s the blood coming from wherever it’s coming from that’s clotted because it’s not been coming out but idk. 😭
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When did people start buying things properly? Like bigger ticket items, not little bits. Probs me being a pessimistic having a loss before, but I would hate to spend a fortune I can’t end up returning of something bad happened. Negative mindset I know
This is morbid but in my first pregnancy I never believed it'd work out so I did a lot based on stats.
24 weeks is when a baby becomes 'viable', they'd have a chance of survival if they were born. After 24 weeks they will take any and all life saving measures for baby. I started looking around then as I was going for second hand and knew it'd take a while for the perfect thing to come up. At 27 weeks, the survival rates are high at 89%. This is when I properly started buying bits for the hospital and bigger items.
This time I've bought earlier. I won't have another pregnancy no matter what comes and I want to be able to enjoy it without fear. I don't actually need to buy as much but I'll never regret having bought a day crib for this baby.
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Question, would you have an early reassurance scan without your partner? My husband is away for two weeks when I hit the point I can have one, and prior to that we are on holiday together. He said he doesn't mind if I go without him but I would rather wait until he can come with me. But by that time I will be 9-10 weeks so may as well wait for the 12 week scan? At the moment I'm kind of relaxed (maybe because it's not hit me yet) so I'm thinking unless I get any strange symptoms to just wait until the 12 week scan?
I would wait- it’s so special if you both go together and trigger warning here

I had several really good private and NHS scans and then I just went for a check up by myself without my husband, literally the only scan I went to alone out of all of them with no warnings or bad signs.. and got told my baby had died. I think it’s so unlikely this will happen to you but the trauma means I’ll never go alone now and I always say to people take someone with you. They’ll probably enjoy and support you during the scan but if the worst happens then someone is there too. I think if I was you I might still go and take a good friend and just send him the pics and videos
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Baby is measuring 8lbs6oz at 37 weeks 😭 my feet are so swollen and fat. Hope baby makes his appearance sooner rather than later.
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Just sore boobs here so far but I am only 4+3. Boobs have only started hurting the last couple of days. Back in for bloods today to check hcg has doubled since Monday (IVF baby) ❤
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Still no baby ☹ Had a side of mum guilt this morning too as my toddler turned round and said oh, baby not here, I'm so sad 😭 Me too pal, me too 😭
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Just had a consultant appointment, 20 weeks, all good. Have 20 week scan on Friday. First time my blood pressure was normal at a consultant appointment since 12 weeks so delighted with that. Must be getting less overwhelmed as we go.. same blood pressure reading I’m getting at home so thrilled with that.
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I'm 29 weeks, my first pregnancy and I squeezed my boob last night out of curiosity and was SHOCKED when a few drops of milk/colostrum came out 😳😳 freaked me out hahaha, I thought I'd have to try much harder than that, pretty cool tho
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We had our 36 week scan today (v lucky our trust does them!). We don’t know what we’re having and had to look away at certain points. The sonographer referred to baby as he a lot then started to say she towards the end 🤣

Guess we will find out soon enough. Anyone else really struggling with names? Everyone’s opinions and suggestions are annoying me too, especially MILs!
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Currently 5 days overdue and really fed up. In laws have been with us a week and despite promising to do stuff in the house so OH and I could spend some precious time with our toddler, they haven't. They've taken over looking after him 😒 I'm not really in a position to be able to do much because my lower back is so awful and the pressure in my pelvis has been really bad but it feels like they've stolen precious time with him away from me. On top of that I feel guilty because I know if they hadn't have taken him out, we couldn't have done anything any way. Plus they're now getting tetchy because baby is late, MiL literally bit off OH head this morning because he dared asked if they were heading out today 😬 Midwife was supposed to call with a day assessment unit appointment for today and details for an induction this coming Friday but never did. Text her this morning and she forgot 🙄 Fortunately have been booked in for an assessment tomorrow afternoon. In the mean time, I'm uncomfortable, I'm fed up, I'm exhausted, everything hurts and I just want to cry. No wonder baby isn't here yet, I wouldn't want to meet me either 😔
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I had my early scan today due to some spotting. My last period puts me at 6 weeks & 2 days but they said I’m measuring 5. They only saw the sac & nothing else 😥 They did say I could just be too early or it could be that the pregnancy isn’t progressing as it should. I do ovulate late (around day 22 of my cycle) so don’t know if that could be why? Got to wait 10 days for another scan. Hate all this waiting and not knowing. Anyone had anything similar happen?
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Have my booking appointment this afternoon. Still doesn’t feel real that I’m pregnant 🥹

I’m a size 18 with a belly so I don’t think it will until I have a proper bump or feel the baby kicking.
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This is probably a stupid question but what is everyone planning to wear for labour? When I had my first I wasn't expecting to be admitted so rocked up in leggings and a jumper only to deliver him shortly after with my knickers still round my ankles 😂
I wasn’t expecting to labour when I went in and ended up in my long tightish vest top (almost dress length - Primark). Ended up with c-section in a hospital gown but the vest was handy for labouring as I could pull it up or off the shoulders and it stayed there or down to cover my modesty to move about, plus as it was tight I wasn’t getting tangled moving about. It definitely came off a few times though, dignity out the window. I think I had a soft bra top on too.
I’d probably do the same again with button up nighties for after depending if I have a section.

Saw pics of some girl friends out out on their stories tonight. A boozy night so of course I wouldn’t be invited but this is the 2nd time, feels a bit crap and FOMO. I’ve barely seen friends since October from feeling rubbish and when we have gone out, everyone’s getting drunk so not stayed late. I’m not a group chat person either so not much contact. First time was Covid so I didn’t miss anything but I feel very out of the loop this time. At least I know I won’t have a hangover tomorrow I suppose.
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I’ve breastfed for over 3 and a half years now and I can’t honestly say that I NEVER in a million years thought I’d make it this far. I think knowledge is power and there are loads of helpful techniques and resources online. I felt pretty prepared before having my first in terms of my breastfeeding research, but it’s a completely different ball game once you have a tiny baby in front of you.

I didn’t have access to support groups or help as we were in the first lockdown, however The Breastfeeding Network has a really helpful helpline ( you can also chat on Instagram etc!) and they have
free volunteer run support groups and can help you with any breastfeeding support you may need whether it’s latching, combi feeding, weaning etc. There are about 5 local to me, so it’s worth checking their website as they have loads across the country.

Make sure babies mouth is WIDE open. Chin is touching your breast and their nose is away from it. Get yourself super comfortable with as many pillows as you need before. Bring baby to you rather than breast to baby (your back will thank you for it!)

Being completely (and maybe a little too) honest, the first 4 months of breastfeeding for me were horrific. I cried every day. I was in pain. I had no support. I refused to give up. In hindsight, it was so SO stupid of me. I’m really proud to have breastfed for so long, but I wish I could go back and tell myself it’s okay to stop and the only person pressuring me to continue was ME.

This time I hope to breastfeed the twins for the first couple of days whilst they’re tiny, then I intend to express what I can and bottle feed indefinitely/eventually move to formula. I have no desire to exclusively breastfed or pump this time around.

I think it’s important to remember that (as long as your baby is putting weight on AND nappy output is good) your body is able to figure out exactly what they need. And part of getting to that stage is cluster feeding. It’s exhausting, but it doesn’t last forever. It’s completely normal and absolutely essential in having a “successful” breastfeeding journey.

Most of all, remember to put your sanity and mental health first. You cannot look after your baby if you are not looking after yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with deciding it isn’t for you and formula feeding or combi feeding.

also these are absolutely ESSENTIAL to promote healing. I don’t think my nipples would’ve survived without them.

Rite Aid Hydrogel Gel Breast Discs (x12) - Helps Heal Cracked Sore Nipples in Breastfeeding

(Sorry for the me-rail but hopefully there is some helpful advice for some of you!) ❤

I have a vivid memory of being on the postnatal ward less than 24 hours after my first being born and the HCA sat on the bed with me sucking up tiny drops of colostrum directly from my nipple with a syringe 🤣 it was so so bizarre! I agree- armpit to nipple and squeezing directly around the nipple in every direction rather than keeping in one spot.
😂😂😂 I had 2 midwives milking me after my C-section with the twins. Was not how I expected my first day as a twin mama to be 😂
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Just had my 25 week midwife appointment, got to hear the babies heart beat, it was so nice! Feel so reassured now! I'm under the enhanced midwives for this pregnancy so get seen every 2 weeks from now (25 weeks) feel so lucky that service is available to me!
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