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VIP Member
So, just found out I’m pregnant with #2. My first pregnancy was awful with sickness & problems with my heart, in the end he came 6 weeks early and needed special care cos he was so tiny. Will this baby get extra scans/checks because of that? I’m more nervous incase I have to go back into NICU than I am to give birth 🤦🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
Omg stop! I love a bowl of cereal but cannot stand milk when I’m sick so haven’t had cereal for months now. I’m longing for the day I wake up and crave cereal!
Have you tried an alternative milk? I can’t stand cows milk so use almond or oat because they don’t have that horrible mouldy cow taste 😂


VIP Member
I'm just back from a and e.... no further on tbh possible ectopic but need to wait further tests... home and in my own bed.

Thank you everyone 💕💕💕
Have they arranged a scan for you to check the location of your pregnancy if they suspect it’s ectopic? Hope you’re ok and the pain eases with no further issues ❤


VIP Member
Hey guys hope you are all doing well!

I have a question I joined the gym not long ago and I’m not sure if I’m able to still do the weights I was doing, I’ve asked my midwife but I’ve had no response so just wondering if any of you guys know if it’s okay for me to carry on like normal at the gym ?xx


Well-known member
Not really, it sort of just got swept under the rug and left to me to raise any issues if and when they occur. I spoken with my manager about taking me off night shifts and giving me lighter duties/no M&H, however my rota has still not changed, still on nights and still have back to back long days. I ended up breaking down after a particularly heavy shift a couple weeks ago and have been off sick since 😣
You really need to get it down by your management , for me it goes down a long list of factors and what my exposure is to them all , list of all my restricted duties


VIP Member
Ugh I don’t want to talk about ice cream. I’ve read you shouldn’t eat Mr Whippy because of blah blah blah but tub ice cream is okay. And of course all I’ve been craving… is ice cream van ice cream. It doesn’t help that they’re also currently viral on Tik Tok so constantly on my feed

Shock it’s 2am… stupid redbull 🥱


Well-known member
Any solutions for shaving now my bump is bigger? Do I need to just commit to waxing from now on after doing an absolutely terrible job of shaving today that to be honest is probably a good thing I can’t see 😂 I know others said their partner will do it for them but honestly I don’t think I can get mine to!


VIP Member
I’m thinking of having sushi as a one time treat, but being very careful where from. You’re right, from the likes of Nobu / Sexy Fish it’s not going to be the place that is my downfall. There’s somewhere called One Sushi in Manchester that is a place with a Michelin star chef that I’ve been eyeing up.
As you say, I wouldn’t be ordering a deliveroo where it’s in just their cool bag but I had sushi pregnant from a great Japanese in my city as it’d been paid for as a gift. I’ve eaten there for 15 years and never been ill, it’s the real deal so went for it. Mostly cooked or cured but some raw. No adverse affects!


VIP Member
Anyone been in hydrotherapy pool when pregnant? I know it's advised not to overheat so won't use jacuzzi, sauna etc but might have 10 mins in hydrotherapy pool if it's not too hot I guess! Is it your muscles it's supposed to help!? I have no idea


VIP Member
Anyone heard they’ve changed the growth charts? Just had my 34 midwife appointment and it’s a new growth chart now so everything’s all over the place, going to be a lot of extra growth scans for people currently pregnant!!


VIP Member
My logic is do you think all Italian and spanish women stop eating cured meats when pregnant? Obviously not encouraging it in large amounts but I’ve had a few bits of fancy French salami and I can’t see a huge harm in it… but I may be wrong!
I actually read on Reddit that in European countries it’s not even a guideline not to… 😂 so really it’s just that tiny tiny chance etc clearly as they do throughout pregnancy. I know an alternative would be to cook it through but that’s not the point, it’s nice cold out the packet only! It would be that I found an amazing authentic one that’s only £1.25 a pack that’s way nicer than all the supermarket ones… as I shouldn’t be eating it anymore.


VIP Member
I got two pairs of the Lovall maternity leggings and they were absolute crap. Had no stretch but stretched out, started to pill after about half an hour of wear and then shrunk when I first washed them (at 30° and hung dry too). Complained and they sent me two replacements, after much back and forth. The replacements were better but still not great. Totally not worth the hype or money. Haven't tried their jeggings but definitely wouldn't want to.
I got the revitalise ones and love them! So comfy. Plenty of stretch on bump. I basically live in them now.


Tried another sweep today but cervix still closed. Pretty sure now it’s going to be induction on Tuesday which I really don’t want! Does anyone have any thoughts on induction for a big baby? I was against it but consultants keep scaring me with the risks associated with big babies


VIP Member
That’s brilliant about the blips not repeating. After listening to hours on end of women having ctgs when I’ve been admitted I know those monitors are incredibly sensitive and something as simple as baby flinching or you moving a mm can cause them to show blips and need repeating. It’s a shame it’s delayed everything for you today but fingers crossed now your balloon is in you’ll be well on your way soon. Hope you’re having cuddles by morning 🥰 is your OH allowed to stay all night?


VIP Member
As you say, I wouldn’t be ordering a deliveroo where it’s in just their cool bag but I had sushi pregnant from a great Japanese in my city as it’d been paid for as a gift. I’ve eaten there for 15 years and never been ill, it’s the real deal so went for it. Mostly cooked or cured but some raw. No adverse affects!
That’s why I haven’t given in to one of the local small sushi places near where I live, as I don’t live in a city. Even though for the normal person it’s probably fresh enough, I question if it’s truly always fresh daily as it isn’t busy enough to turnover that quickly and I doubt they just throw away fish they can probably get away with for an extra day. Even the Yo Sushi counters in Tesco aren’t that fresh, as I’ve been late hours and still seen it fully stocked, and that’ll go into the next day.


VIP Member
So frustrated. I’ve posted in this thread a couple of times about my spotting (been 3 weeks now) I’ve had 3 scans in that time, the last one being on Thursday just gone - saw baby & heartbeat and they can’t find a cause for the bleed. I hadn’t spotted since Thursday so I felt so relieved then I’ve been the toilet this morning and had pink blood and a clot 😥 rang EPU and they’ve said come for another scan tomorrow. I’m so drained from all of this! Hoping it’s the blood coming from wherever it’s coming from that’s clotted because it’s not been coming out but idk. 😭
How far along are you now? It’s great they keep scanning you to check baby but have they actually checked where your bleeding is coming from? Have you had an internal examination to see if it’s your cervix? Swabs taken etc?