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Active member
don’t know where you are but I don’t think the weather is too great this weekend. Baggy sweatshirt or hoodie. I had leggings on the other day I found these sucked me in a bit so my bump wasn’t noticeable but when I have something loose you can see it.
thankfully it isn’t too warm this weekend but I have my hen parties soon and both my dresses are quite fitted! 😩 hoping the bloating calms down a bit but it’s always soo bad later in the day


Well-known member
The main benefit (for me and my husband) of doing NCT was meeting the other couples. We did a weekly course (over about 6 weeks) with 5 other couples, and I made good friends with two of them. During maternity leave we all hung over together every week and had a WhatsApp which was so helpful. The content we learned in the course was kind of secondary to the connection with other new parents.
Thank you for sharing this, this is what I’m hoping for! We chose a course that’s spread out over 6 weeks too so we regularly see the same people. Some of the courses near me were full on weekends but over after two days.


Chatty Member
What is the latest I can get away with going abroad on holiday without being too uncomfortable or risking anything?


Chatty Member
what was it like? I’ve had increased discharge today but don’t think it’s enough to be like a plug. Never saw my one with my first born
The best way I can describe it was bits of jelly like snot 😂 With my first it came out it one big lump but I've had a few little bits throughout the day. Definitely thicker and more jelly like than normal discharge, kind of stringy too.


Chatty Member
Has anyone else been told by their midwife team to buy a blood pressure machine and measure and record their own blood pressure every other day?!


VIP Member
Thank you, that’s reassuring! I remember the internal at 7 weeks being quite uncomfortable where the guy kept pressing down to see baby and check my ovaries so I think that’s adding to my anxiety 🙈 that was at window to the womb though rather than the hospital so hopefully at the hospital they’ll be better if I have to have it. I will definitely ask questions though rather than just going along with it. I just don’t want to start bleeding again, if I hadn’t bled for so long I probably wouldn’t even be questioning it.


Well-known member
Trying to practice what I preach and not worry. 6w 3 days and my symptoms have really subsided today. This is what happened to me last time, our baby stopped growing at 6w1d. Really trying not to freak out but I’m so worried it’s going to happen again 😔😔😔
I'm 8 weeks today and have zero symptoms since the beginning and everything is, so far, fine 🤞. Every pregnancy is different but I really wish they could do some research into why!!


Well-known member
How far along are you?

I had an anterior placenta in my last pregnancy and felt bubbles/twitching a few times between 16-20 weeks (I am naturally very small though) but I didn’t start to feel proper distinguishable hard kicks until about 22 weeks.

this time I have one anterior placenta and one posterior. The twin with the anterior placenta still felt more cushioned up until around a week ago, but now I’m past 24 weeks I feel them a lot more!
Sorry forgot to say I’m 20 weeks ! I have known since 16 it was anterior so I’ve been prepared to not feel anything for a few weeks but everyone keeps asking me and it’s doing my head in! I’ve also got some fat cushioning !


VIP Member
what was it like? I’ve had increased discharge today but don’t think it’s enough to be like a plug. Never saw my one with my first born
I’d never even heard of it before I read it on here! 😂 I lost mine a day or two before going into labour, it was like
thick snot! A bit bloody. It was definitely different to the usual discharge 😂


VIP Member
Are girl births harder then boys? My boys was easy but my mom said with my brothers they was easy and I was a horror birth. I've had really easy births so far and just thinking has my luck finally ran out lol.


Chatty Member
I'm looking at booking some antenatal classes. I'm booked in for my hospital parent education classes but they're v close to my due date and apparently the hospital ones don't cover things like labour options, which I want to know before trying to come up with a birth plan.

Does anyone who is doing this the second time round have any experience of NCT classes? How did you find them?



VIP Member
As another ineffective treatment for headaches, if anyone’s suffering try those kool patches. I can’t lie, they’re not amazing 😂 but a non medicinal safe for pregnant women alternative to go alongside our already pointless paracetamol 🤠 they’re also like 4 for £2 on Amazon which is cheap enough

If you can’t tell, I currently have a headache hating my life wishing I could pop Nurofen
These got me through my first trimester and the many headaches since. I love them. I think there was a couple of weeks where I had one permanently attached to my head and ended up googling if that could cause problems 😂 I’ve packed some in my hospital bag too 🤣
Anyone heard they’ve changed the growth charts? Just had my 34 midwife appointment and it’s a new growth chart now so everything’s all over the place, going to be a lot of extra growth scans for people currently pregnant!!
What’s changed about it? I’m a bit worried about being measured at my next appt because my bump has definitely dropped and looks much smaller now so it’s going to plot really weirdly on the chart.