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VIP Member
I know these things may actually do nothing but I like to feel like I am doing something

When is best to start raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, Brazil nuts etc?

I'm currently 28 weeks.


VIP Member
Picking up the last few bits for my hospital bag today. Any specific must haves for c section? Never had one before 🥶
Not hospital bag specific but stool softeners! They should give you some in hospital (potentially to take home too) but worth having some in the cupboard if you don’t already.

Peppermint tea is also essential for trapped wind! (I’ve heard chewing gum works too?!)

Massive high waisted pants and large loose pyjamas. (A nightie is also helpful as you’ll have a catheter for a while after coming out of surgery!)

Super long phone charging cable.

Water bottle with flip straw.


Well-known member
What is the lowest result you can actually get for the Patau/Downs results does anyone know? Just got mine back at 1:5000. Some post on mumsnet says last year they moved to a system where that is now the lowest result you can actually get but who knows how reliable that is. Either way I feel quite happy and reassured.
Mine was the same and I was expecting a much larger number like people used to get. My midwife said that 1 in 5000 is the lowest statistic they use know so it’s definitely good news!


VIP Member
Does anyone get the occasional feeling that their bump is sore or bruised in a particular area?! I’m sure I remember it happening with my first, but it’s really starting to bother me 🙃

about an inch or two from my belly button on the left side I have a small area that feels quite sore and uncomfortable to touch, almost as if it’s bruised but there is no bruise there! I’m guessing it’s just due to stretching as my belly button looks like it’s lost the will to live and I’ve been getting round ligament pain. I have a feeling it might be linked to the position twin 1 is in, but unsure! Even my jumper touching it is bothering me, I just can’t get comfy 😫


New member
Can I get your opinions please ☺ I know my date's exactly. I've always tracked everything!! So first scan I was 6 weeks and 5 days. Perfect... exactly match my date's! I'm 11 weeks today and had my second scan and I'm measuring 11weeks and 6 day's? What would the reason for this be??


Chatty Member
Balloon is in, 0 out of 10, do not recommend! Oft! Monitoring is going well, blips that we're seen earlier haven't been repeated so I think it was probably just the sensors moving as the baby was doing some break dancing! Sending OH out for a takeaway, figured I deserve it!
Ah hope everything goes well! And enjoy your takeaway ❤


Active member
I’m 7 weeks pregnant and getting shooting pains down below and like low down in my stomach. Is this normal? Panicking about everything!


Chatty Member
Shit is getting real, the health visitor has just rang for a home visit appointment in 2 weeks 😅
I was told by my HV she'd stop in before baby comes. I've not heard from her and I'm due Wednesday 😂 We're on our fourth HV now and they've all promised stuff and never done it so be interesting to see what happens once Squishy is here!


Chatty Member
im the same, i will be 4 weeks tomorrow. I’ve told my mum as i was at hers over the weekend and theres no way I could have kept it in.

When do you stop testing?! My easy@home tests are getting darker. This is compared to Sundays.
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I only did one test. The GP did another and that was that. They are so accurate don’t see why you’d do more that one after a positive test x


Active member
Are girl births harder then boys? My boys was easy but my mom said with my brothers they was easy and I was a horror birth. I've had really easy births so far and just thinking has my luck finally ran out lol.
My first is a boy and I had an easy birth. Second is a girl and wasn’t quite as easy. I was only in labour 40 minutes though so no pain relief and her heart rate was dropping so not sure if all that made it seem harder than my first 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well-known member
I’ve put the next to me downstairs this time because I had visions of my son turbo launching the baby out of a moses basket 😭 and have just put the big cot up in my room- I hope they’ll settle in it! Have been getting period cramps the past few days, hope she stays in until the bloody cot mattress arrives!


Active member
Are the early gender scans accurate? I really want one but my partner keeps saying no cause he’s worried it will be wrong! I have a few weeks to try and convince him, I’m too impatient to wait until the 20 week scan!


Chatty Member
My toddler has been proper acting up the last few days, can’t decide if it’s just terrible 2’s or if they can sense something is about to majorly change pretty soon. Anyone else have that not long before giving birth?


Chatty Member
Tried another sweep today but cervix still closed. Pretty sure now it’s going to be induction on Tuesday which I really don’t want! Does anyone have any thoughts on induction for a big baby? I was against it but consultants keep scaring me with the risks associated with big babies
I had an induction for my wee one on Friday (Cooks Balloon) not because baby was big but because I was overdue. I would question what the rationale behind the induction is, what the risks and benefits are to you and the baby and what other options are available to you together with their risks and benefits.