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Well-known member
I got a Bellamoon pillow this time around, it’s much smaller and lighter than the one I got from Amazon with my first pregnancy and I find it much comfier, although it’s also a lot more expensive 😟 you can take the end bits off and stick them together to make a feeding pillow though, so I haven’t had to buy one of those this time around!
I have this one too and it’s been a life saver. Worth looking for discount codes around bank holidays as that’s when I got mine!
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VIP Member
Any solutions for shaving now my bump is bigger? Do I need to just commit to waxing from now on after doing an absolutely terrible job of shaving today that to be honest is probably a good thing I can’t see 😂 I know others said their partner will do it for them but honestly I don’t think I can get mine to!
Sitting on the floor and a mirror.
For the general bikini line an old pair of knickers pulled up the sides or a back to front liner so stuck on you (so it’s basically guarding the important bits) and hair removal cream then a trimmer with a guard for shorten the main area.
But honestly, I can barely be arsed. They recommend you don’t have a fresh shave/wax before birth because you can get ingrown hairs, nicks or whatever that can encourage bacteria.
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VIP Member
Anyone been in hydrotherapy pool when pregnant? I know it's advised not to overheat so won't use jacuzzi, sauna etc but might have 10 mins in hydrotherapy pool if it's not too hot I guess! Is it your muscles it's supposed to help!? I have no idea
I did a spa day with my husband when I was 20 weeks (it was actually scheduled for our anniversary in October but we had to cancel due to childcare issues- on the same day I found out I was pregnant!)

No jacuzzi or sauna, but was advised the hydrotherapy pool is safe but only to use for 10 mins at a time and stay away from any water jets. It was great!
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Which next to me crib do people recommend? I thought we’d chosen the one we wanted but now I’m not so sure after seeing a couple of reviews. There’s so many options! And so many with good reviews I just don’t know what to go for!
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Chatty Member
My hormones today are through the roof. Found out today I have to desk share at work and I've cried all morning and I'm ready to jack in my career. It's not rational but makes perfect sense to me right now.
Oh no! I dread the crazy hormones coming. I am not an emotional person but I feel like I cried so much near the end of my last pregnancy and kept telling my husband I no longer wanted to live with him because he’s too messy. I can see that happening again, even more so with a messy toddler 😂 I’ve already considered suffocating him because he’s been snoring extremely loud and I could not sleep!
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VIP Member
How does everyone use their next to me cribs? I don't really want to attach it to the bed or have the side down much as my little doggy sleeps in our bed, I guess I'll just have to me? 😂
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Well-known member
I'm 30 weeks (😳) FTM and all is thankfully well so far, but one weird thing is my baby gets the hiccups so often? Like 2/3 times a day. I know it's normal for them to have hiccups, but does anyone else's baby get them this frequently?
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VIP Member
Has anyone got any experience of internal scans in the third trimester? I’ve got one later this week to check placenta position and I’m really worried about it. My bleeding has only just stopped since starting at 16 weeks and I’m so worried this is going to set it all off again because I’ve been told so many times through hospital admissions and consultant appts no sex, absolutely nothing at all in your vagina etc because it’s likely to cause bleeding and could bring on premature labour. So now having an internal scan just seems really risky and like it’s going to irritate everything again? Can I refuse? Are there consequences of refusing?
I feel like I’ve put so much of my life on hold to get me and baby to this stage - haven’t worked since January, limited walking, don’t lift or bend or stretch etc basically just lived on the sofa or in bed to reduce the bleeding (not complaining and would do whatever it takes to get baby here safely) and now they’re going to do something that’s likely to set it off again? Ugh.

They have to do a section if that's what you’re requesting but will try to talk you out of it. But ultimately if they’re refusing they have to refer you to a different consultant who will do the csection. Stay firm x
I think you can definitely refuse, and explain to them your reasoning!
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Well-known member
Okay thank you so much for the fast reply! I’m scared to do anything xx
Personally for me I’ve stopped while pregnant . I was running 3 times a week and gym 3 times a week . Between the sickness , tiredness and working long shifts I just couldn’t be assed haha

Gonna resume after Xmas as I got a HM next year
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Well-known member
Can anyone recommend the best pregnancy style pillow please? I currently have one of those long ones but struggling to get comfy with it and feel its just too big! I'm starting to get pain in my hips at night time sleeping on my side so don't know if a smaller wedge kind of one would be better if anyone has one they find comfy and could recommend.

I also have my 20 week scan this Friday and feeling really nervous and anxious about it, so far all scans have been fine but I think where its the anomaly scan and they do all the thorough checks it has made me really anxious and scared that something could be wrong, can someone let me know what kind of checks it is they do and what the appointment will entail, hoping having some idea with what to expect will ease my anxiety slightly, thank you xx

I got a Bellamoon pillow this time around, it’s much smaller and lighter than the one I got from Amazon with my first pregnancy and I find it much comfier, although it’s also a lot more expensive 😟 you can take the end bits off and stick them together to make a feeding pillow though, so I haven’t had to buy one of those this time around!
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Chatty Member
Tried another sweep today but cervix still closed. Pretty sure now it’s going to be induction on Tuesday which I really don’t want! Does anyone have any thoughts on induction for a big baby? I was against it but consultants keep scaring me with the risks associated with big babies
I guess it depends what your preferences are. I’d always be asking for a c section if they ever suggested inducing me.
I’d be asking what the benefit of inducing me is? Logically, they’re inducing you for a big baby.. why??? If it’s because it can be more difficult to birth a big baby then does that further increase your risk of needing a c section down the line?
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How do we all feel about sweeps? I'm 31 weeks now so need to start being mentally prepared haha. I maybe should look at some statistics. Is it bascially meant to bring on labour sooner? I kinda just wanted to let my body do its thing but let me know what you all think. First baby as you can tell, no idea what I'm doing tbh lol
I had a sweep at 41+2 last time and I personally didn’t find it that bad, I have had worse smear tests. I know people who hated it though.

I was offered one but midwife wasn’t that hopeful but I did it just to see if it helped.

My little one was born just under 48 hours after so I think it may have played a part.

I’d do it again as well but definitely ask your midwife for more information!
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