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So upset with myself, starting to feel body concious, I'm 26 weeks now. I was so happy the first few months with my growing little bump, and was so grateful for my body for growing my baby girl, but now everything is expanding a bit, my face, legs, hips, thighs, it's really getting me down and I feel really self concious

I'm a gym girly and have always weight trained etc so I knew I would struggle eventually I guess
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Thank you all so much ❤ wouldn’t it be nice to just live in a bubble for the whole 9 months without any risk of catching anything 😅 xx
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Chatty Member
Turned 34 weeks yesterday. Thought baby was going to come last night but turns out I just really needed the loo 💩 Was having symptoms like I get with Crohns but it was on the other side so got all confused in my half awake state. Have however got the most excruciating PGP, shuffled to the sofa and can't really move 😬 Got hot water bottles and that seems to be helping but where on earth did this come from?! 😳
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That sounds lovely. I’m hoping for that kind of thing too, I think. But leaving it to my mum & best friend to organise because I’m still not sure I even want one so I don’t know what they’ll come up with 😅

must be so weird starting maternity! How long til your due date?
yep I left it to my mum and sister and thankfully they know me well 😂

It is so weird thinking that I’m off for a year now. I don’t think it’s sunk in yet, just feels like the weekend or annual leave! I’m due a week on Friday (26th) so hoping I get at least this week and the weekend before baby. It’s even weirder thinking I’m going to have a baby in about 2 weeks 😂🙈
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Thank you both. It’s reassuring to hear. I’m still eating proper and healthy main meals to be honest so I’m probably being a tad dramatic, I just end up eating chips/crisps a lot as additional where as I didn’t last time. Still avoiding dangerous foods and taking my vitamins too alongside the juices and fruit.

Sounds like I am fine 😂 it’s so reassuring to hear so thanks girls xxx

Currently sat with the Mcdonald’s hash browns my partner got me earlier .. with orange juice. Balance x
It’s also worth baring in mind that baby isn’t receiving direct supply from you as yet as the placenta isn’t developed. I think first trimester you need to just go with what makes you feel good, make sure you’re making balanced choices for your own health too, and exercise as well as you can. Don’t forget too, baby will need a wide range of nutrients from lots of different foods including fat. Also be careful of fruit juices too much as they are full of sugar and you don’t want GD.
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The baby academy free classes on a Saturday morning have been so useful and helpful. I really recommend them.
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My belly is already massive. All rounded and big. Said to my fella earlier look what you've done to me and he giggled 😂😂😂
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Elle Woods

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Did anyone use ultrasound direct?
I have. We chose them over Window to the Womb because the all staff are medically trained whereas that's not the case for all staff at wttw- I thought if there was going to be bad news I'd rather be told by someone who has some medical training! the lady who did my ultrasound actually works at my local hospital and she just does the private scans as a bit of a "side hustle". I found them to be really informative and the scan didn't feel rushed at all. I explained I was really anxious due to some bleeding I'd had and they were so lovely and reassuring. I ended up having to have a transvaginal scan as although she could see the baby on the abdominal scan, she said she felt she'd get a better measurement doing transvaginal and she explained what she was doing at every step of the process. I am definitely planning on going back there for a gender scan at 16 weeks as I was really pleased with the service. The lady in reception took us aside privately once the scan was finished (so that others in the room couldn't hear) to ask if everything had gone ok etc. I actually received the text link with all the photos and recordings of my scan before I'd even left the building! I got about 15 pics and 4 recordings of the heartbeat! It was a really positive experience x
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Feeling very emotional today. Found out yesterday we're going to have to pull out of purchasing our dream home and feel really disappointed in myself for not being able to secure a better paid job (was offered one and they retracted it, current job said I'm not worth the same money as others doing the same job) and I feel like it's all my fault for letting down my boys. Had one of the Baby Academy classes this morning and was having a nightmare with toddler potty training so was only half listening but ended up feeling very overwhelmed and having a panic attack. Tried to hide in the loo to calm down and my toddler just followed me. OH has zero patience with him especially with the potty training struggles and then had a go at me because I didn't want to take a free twin pram when we don't need one. On top of that I'm not sleeping because I've had chronic rib pain for months. Don't know what to do 😔
Try not to sweat it too much, the only way you can look at the house is it wasnt meant to be at the time. The universe has a funny way of redirecting us and everything falls into place when the time is right. Sending hugs🥰
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I told my manager at 5 weeks but I have an excellent working relationship with her. I had a missed miscarriage last Christmas and wanted her to know in case I needed to go back to hospital/in for scans this time around. I told HR after my 12 week scan and then they’ve told people in the business when I was around 16 weeks I think.
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Happy New Year everyone ❤ I hope none of you had to put up with drunk people last night!

I can’t believe in 2 months time my little boy should be in my arms. ❤
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I’m still having cramps since I posted the other day… everyday. They only last about 10-20 minutes at a time maybe two times a day but I’m driving myself insane. All the hospital said to me is if there’s no bleeding there’s probably nothing to worry about. Google says normal too… but I just find it hard to deal with and accept ‘might’ mean nothing.
Can’t remember how far along you are but cramping, like period pain, is a super, super common symptom that no one tells you about. I had it so bad I was referred to EPU and they were basically like ‘yeah, we deal with this all day, it’s totally normal’ but they did scan me. I had no idea. Have you spoken to the EPU?

Thank you ❤ they didn’t give a time, she just said they’ll call me within the next 6 hours so could be a long night waiting lol but I don’t mind
Try to remember symptom spotting won’t get you anywhere but stress and stress can be harmful for baby. Lack of sleep will make any anxiety worse. Some women have no symptoms at all. If anything bad had happened, you’d still have the hormones for a long while so symptoms really are meaningless to tell you anything. Hoping Monday will ease the worry for you 🤍
There are courses you can do for pregnancy anxiety and guided meditations if you think they could help?

@dax we had this and it was fine. A lot of reviews in general talk about next2me mattresses being hard, obviously they need a hard surface so their faces don’t sink in but I felt like this one struck a good balance. It was hard & felt safe and not rock solid.
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rant away!
So my husband both live around 140 miles south from both our families, our parents live within a 30 minutes drive from one another.
We have one child already, and I'm due our second 4 days after his birthday, my birthday is also in-between.
I messaged said mother in law letting her know in advance we will be having our sons birthday party down south, because it makes no sense to travel 140 miles when very heavily pregnant. Not to mention the risk of going into labour Not near my hospital, midwives etc.
My mother in law to put it as bluntly as possible is very tight with money. She doesn't need to be at all. She pleades poverty all the time, whilst she's on a 50k a year, has no kids living at home, and a husband on 30k a year, tiny mortgage etc. She always makes it a money issue when coming to see us (we have a spare room they are always welcome to sleep in btw).
Anyway after messaging her about my sons birthday, she messaged back the most ridiculous that my husband and I should take 2 weeks off work and have the party and the baby where the family are all from.

Now I'm not daft, the real reason she's suggesting this is because she doesn't want to spend the money coming down, and because one of our spare rooms will now be a nursery, she would have to get a hotel if she wanted to stay over, but I can't believe she would suggest something so stupid.
To begin with my husband only gets 2 weeks paternity so we would have to live predict I was going into labour, because that's possible
I'd be away from the hospital I'm familiar with, my community midwives, my health visitors.
Not to mention transporting a toddler, everything we need for him, his birthday presents, and everything we need for a newborn, I.e. a bedside crib, bottles etc.
Plus we'd have to travel back after only a few days for a health visitor visit so imagine being in the car for 2.5/3 hours within days of being post partum.
And also after being in hospital, I was in hospital with my first for 2 nights and 3 days, I was so desperate to get home to my own bed and stuff. Why would I want to leave hospital and not be able to go to my own house.
It's just all so selfish to me, like am I wrong? Am I over reacting?
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I felt like such a fraud phoning my GP to tell them I'm pregnant this morning, feels like I'm acting out some kind of fantasy 😅
I've ended up doing a self-referral for the hospital I'd like my midwifery care to be with. It says it could be 2 weeks til I hear from them. Why do I feel like it's going to be the longest two weeks ever?! And I thought the 2 week wait after doing the deed was long 🤣
I’m 33+3 and feel my entire pregnancy has just been waiting 😂 for the first midwife appointment, the 12 week scan, 20 week scan etc! I’m trying to really enjoy it especially as thankfully my third trimester hasn’t been too hard but I’m just so impatient 😭
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I felt like such a fraud phoning my GP to tell them I'm pregnant this morning, feels like I'm acting out some kind of fantasy 😅
I've ended up doing a self-referral for the hospital I'd like my midwifery care to be with. It says it could be 2 weeks til I hear from them. Why do I feel like it's going to be the longest two weeks ever?! And I thought the 2 week wait after doing the deed was long 🤣
Pregnancy is just waiting and waiting constantly 🤣
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we loved the Love to Dream swaddles! I’d recommend a 1.0 tog as obviously you can layer up or down underneath depending on the temp.
The one I borrowed last time has been sold (their 2nd baby didn’t like it either) but I might have a look on vinted and try again. I think 1st baby was particularly contrary as a lot of the things people recommended (like mountains of muslins) went unused. Goes to show how when these influencers go on about “must haves” it’s all specific to their own baby.

Thank you both. It’s reassuring to hear. I’m still eating proper and healthy main meals to be honest so I’m probably being a tad dramatic, I just end up eating chips/crisps a lot as additional where as I didn’t last time. Still avoiding dangerous foods and taking my vitamins too alongside the juices and fruit.

Sounds like I am fine 😂 it’s so reassuring to hear so thanks girls xxx

Currently sat with the Mcdonald’s hash browns my partner got me earlier .. with orange juice. Balance x
It’s so hard after a loss, the pregnancy hormones amplify your emotions. It’s self preservation to not get too into it for fear it could happen again. You can only do your best 🤍

Not to be all survivors bias but plenty of people don’t know they’re pregnant, or some even care, and deliver healthy babies. Did know only 3% of smokers stop upon a positive test?! Of course you want to do what’s right but McDonald’s and crisps are not going to make or break baby’s health. Your mental health is more important at this stage and can have an affect on baby throughout pregnancy, it’s important to keep that healthy too.
So many women get so ill they can’t possibly maintain a good diet at the start. My midwife said just eat what you can and take your supplements. Your body has enough reserves if you’re healthy to start to see you through and a lot of the scaremongering is done by companies trying to sell supplements.
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When I went to OOH GP when I was about 7 weeks they phoned gynae straight away who had me up to be checked so I hope they can do the same for you 😊 let us know how you get on 🤞🏼
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My god it’s so overwhelming. Don’t do the hotshot, do the hotshot, make sure it’s over 70c, don’t leave it out, put it in the fridge but only for this long 😖 I only just learned you have to wake a newborn up every three hours to feed no matter what! I thought they’d sleep through the night about 6-8 hours loooool
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I can’t help as Baby Raspberry is a surprise baby, but the TTC thread might be able to give lots of advice on ovulation tests etc? Good luck 😊
I’m so sorry I didn’t even know that was a thread. Sorry for being on the wrong one… a great start haha! Congrats on the little raspberry. I wish you health and happiness xx
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