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Little trigger warning for below so I’ve hidden it as it relates to loss.

I had to dip out this thread as I suddenly lost my baby at 10 weeks and the time has come to try again. This was my first pregnancy and I’m trying my best to not obsess or get too upset about it all, and I just wondered if anyone else had a miscarriage and then went on to have another pregnancy/ baby. I’m looking for nice positive stories and they’re hard to come by even though I know they must be all around! I had a missed miscarriage and made the mistake of trawling through Reddit as it does seem some women have repeat ones. Thank you 🩷
My first ever pregnancy was a loss (MMC) and the. 6 weeks later fell pregnant with my lil smarty pants. Am also pregnant after a recent loss. Only 8 weeks and keep panicking after last time but I know it's easier said then done try your best not to worry. ❤
Also I've been having what I sware is SPD pains. Got these last time but not til 7 months pregnant. I walk for say an hr and the pains start. Had to check myself for bleeding cause was convinced was having another MC. Man this is gonna drag til 12 weeks. Fella keeps saying stop worrying and he knows everything is fine but easier said then done. No private hospitals do pregnancy scans round here and fat chance of docs referring me EPU (can't self refer here). Only thing I can book is another early viability scan. Will the place I went last time let me have another one or would they be like wtf we've already done one??
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I feel so overwhelmed by all the stuff you need to know and do for feeding etc. People keep saying to me when the baby is here it will just come naturally but I'm so panicky in case it doesn't and I just have absolutely no idea what I'm doing :ROFLMAO:😅
I feel exactly the same 😂 All my friends who’ve had kids have told me it’s very much learning on the job which is a relief lol. Also if I get stuck when the baby’s here which I’m sure I will then there’s always places like here to ask questions haha.
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Would you say 6 weeks (if going by date of last period) is too soon to be booking an early scan? I am getting more and more anxious by the day so I was looking at the possibility of booking one for this weekend at 6 weeks. I'll be just short of 5 weeks if going by the date we dtd.
They wouldn’t let me book one until 7 weeks but you could try. They might just get you back a week later if they can’t see much yet 😊
I heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time today (18+2) 🥹 I had seen it on scans but never heard it. It was amazing. The rush of emotions! 😭

I did feel guilty that my husband didn’t get to hear it as it was just a GP checkup and I didn’t expect to hear it, but not long to our next scan.

They said I’m measuring a week ahead and my BP is low, which seems to be “normal” in pregnancy.
It’s amazing isn’t it ❤ we ended up buying a little bear with our babies heartbeat in, I want to be able to hear that little sound forever 😊
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Thank you both. It’s reassuring to hear. I’m still eating proper and healthy main meals to be honest so I’m probably being a tad dramatic, I just end up eating chips/crisps a lot as additional where as I didn’t last time. Still avoiding dangerous foods and taking my vitamins too alongside the juices and fruit.

Sounds like I am fine 😂 it’s so reassuring to hear so thanks girls xxx

Currently sat with the Mcdonald’s hash browns my partner got me earlier .. with orange juice. Balance x
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watermelon sugar

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I kept testing until I had my scan. Did a digital test on Friday said 2-3 weeks then a week later and it said 3+. Those few minutes were agonising. Also my fella is raging since we found out all he hears from me is 'I'm in a delicate condition' he's like ffs your 2 minutes pregnant chill out 😂😂😂. He's more excited then me keeps eyeballing stuff in the shops for newborns and I'm like now Sir not til we are 12 weeks. We did buy a pack of newborn nappied as couldnt help ourselves though.
I bought my first thing the other day and I’m 20 weeks 🤣 It was a set of pink & white muslins. Then I got a cute pink winnie the pooh baby grow. I had the pram by 7 weeks with my first 😂
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I’ve got the M&Ps Ocarro which is a heavy all terrain system. It’s great if you’re not putting it in a car or have core strength or have a husband who’ll put it in the car for you.
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I am fine with the bleeding itself, I have had it on and off the entire pregnancy so far it was just that this was going on a bit longer so thought I better get it checked. I wasnt actually concerned when I went to the hospital because of that and was pretty sure I wasnt having a miscarriage. So I am not worried about that part of it, I am more just worried about having a similar experience later down the line and giving birth. But yeah, I think I might put in a complaint just so it is noted as I am not sure what she told the registrar as the register seemed quite surprised about the mess I was in by the time she came to see me. I wish I had just stood up for myself a bit more at the time and trusted the fact I really did not think I was having a miscarriage but hard to think straight when you are in the moment.

Thank you for all your advice! Pregnancy is a wild ride and its so nice to have people to talk to about it.
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I got my blood pressure checked did it myself, says 122/79 which is normal im guessing so what can cause this loud heartbeat in my ear its driving me crazy, my doctors wont let me speak till my midwife as in there words "I have an appointment booked for 3 weeks time so im not booking another one "
I have emailed the community midwife 2 times with the same email and they've not replied at all been nearly a week... cant belive I cant ask anyone something when worried.. most people get there midwifes number it seems I feel so alone in this pregnancy when I want to ask something!
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Here’s my list. Aside from the cot which has been given to us second hand (new mattress is needed for this but won’t need it immediately as he’ll be in a crib for first few months) and maybe some of the nursery bits I’ve only included stuff that he will immediately use when newborn.

I’m hoping to breastfeed so haven’t included bottles sterilisers etc but will buy if and when needed.

if anyone thinks I’m missing anything please say!


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Hello all!! My first time posting here. Just found out we are pregnant, 4 weeks 1 day after trying for a few months. Excited and nervous. Baby is due 8 September if all goes well. I am however, meant to be a bridesmaid for my friend at her wedding on 14th September. This is my first baby so I’m curious to know people’s opinions -Is this a write off? I want nothing more to be there on her day so I am dreading telling her… I also have a very short cervix due to early cervical cancer at 26. Likely to need a stitch so that does add another layer of complexity!
If you're due on the 8th and the wedding is the 14th I would say you'd probably have to pull out. You may go over your due date by up to 2 weeks (if you are not having an elective or being induced sooner) and even if your baby does arrive before the due date, those first few weeks with the baby are pretty hard going. You'll be sleep deprived, overstimulated and overwhelmed. I'm not sure a wedding would be a place I'd personally want to go to just after giving birth but only you know for sure if it's something you'd be okay with. I'm sure she'd understand whatever you decide to do.
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Feeling a little worried today as the past two days I’ve had nausea which felt like travel sickness and food aversions. My boobs hurt a bit less today and I’ve felt completely fine all day, no nausea whatsoever. I know it’s normal for symptoms to fluctuate but just can’t shake the feeling something is wrong and I’m gonna get to my scan on Monday and not hear a heartbeat
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If you do stay over hospitals will have to provide a coeliac menu option. May just be a jacket potato and cheese and beans but it should be offered 😊

I’ve just booked into the free Baby Academy online courses running this month on breastfeeding and baby first aid. Might be worth a look for others too if you aren’t aware. I went to the Baby Care Class before Christmas and found it really helpful as a first time expectant mum!
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I’m still having cramps since I posted the other day… everyday. They only last about 10-20 minutes at a time maybe two times a day but I’m driving myself insane. All the hospital said to me is if there’s no bleeding there’s probably nothing to worry about. Google says normal too… but I just find it hard to deal with and accept ‘might’ mean nothing.
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Anyone else got puffy fingers? Face is bit puffy too. My BP is normal so guess it's just a pregnancy thing lol I'm excercising and eating balanced diet (ish lol). I'm 25+3.

Belly is growing by the day I feel, so baby girl is healthy in there I'm sure. It feels very squishy so feel like I'm all fluid to be honest!
Yes, my fingers are like fat sausages. Had to take my rings off at around 13 weeks because they were digging in and I was worried they’d get stuck. Also feel like I’m growing by the day but belly is quite firm, except at the bottom where it’s super squishy. He’s having a party in there these days so at least I know he’s ok 🥰

24 weeks today, hurrah! 🥳
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It’s a long way off but if he doesn’t want anything to do with baby, and you don’t want financial support, I’d suggest you don’t put him on the birth certificate. Check out the legal rights you’d both gain and lose by doing so.
If he makes further physical threats, report him.
you don’t need him to be on the birth certificate to get child maintenance from the father FYI. birth certificate gives parental responsibility!
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Can't believe I've had the cheek to come on here complaining about not wanting to wait when I've barely even known I'm pregnant 48 hours when some of you are 30+ weeks 😂
I need a new hobby to keep me distracted haha.
Nah cos I was exactly the same as you in my first trimester! If anything I was worse than I am now as I know it’s not too far now. Pregnancy is just a waiting game for 9 months wherever you are with it lol.
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Anyone experienced such negative comments from the older generation? I've had people comment on me buying zipper sleepsuits, saying we managed with the popper ones etc and I bought an electric baby nail file and I've had comments like 'why are you scared to cut your babys nails, this is all we had back in the day', same with the frida snot picker!! It's soooo annoying. If new products are available, I'm going to try them for ease!

leave me alone lol
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Chatty Member
Has anyone found their skin has really changed due to pregnancy?
Mine is so oily lately when I've never really had poly skin before, I seem to have new spots appearing every day. I'm glad I'm not in discomfort like some of you poor ladies are but I can't see i'm thrilled about looking like a badly aged spotty teenager!
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Chatty Member
can anyone recommend a small rocking chair? don't want a huge one to fill our nursery. I know people say they didn't use one, but I have back issues and need to sit down sometimes lol i'm sure it will come in handy for feeding, reading books, and just having a rest for 2 mins haha Thanks.x
I have the Obaby High Back Rocking Chair. It's not super small but I like that it has a high back and looks like a normal rocking chair as opposed to a glider. All the gliders looking like skinned grannies to me 🤢 My son is coming up to 3 and we still use it to read to him before bed or for cuddles. Will be using it for the new baby when he arrives. Even after we're done using it for the boys it'll be a nice chair to have in our bedroom, just to curl up in.
Got a cancellation physio appointment for tomorrow. Finally! Only been waiting since September! Hopefully they can help and I can finally get a decent night's sleep and be able to walk about during the day!! 🤞
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At what point did everybody stop testing? I purposely used up my last load of tests this morning (lol) to try stop myself from obsessing over lines and whatnot but now I’m kinda regretting it and worried I’ll be even more anxious not being able to test 🫠 every day is dragging
It’s really tough. When I confirmed my pregnancy with some cheapy tests (more like 5) I got a Clearblue Digital and I feel like it sinks in a little more when you read the words “pregnant”.

I took a picture of it and would look at it whenever I felt anxious x
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