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Hello everyone first time posting here!

I'm in very early stages and have just found out I'm pregnant 🥰 I've booked my first appointment with the midwife for next week but it's a phonecall. Is this normal? I thought they would want to do blood tests and stuff. Has anyone else had this for their first appointment?

As you can see I have so much to learn!

Also sorry for tmi but I'm constipated af lol. If anyone has any tips please share 🤣
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Ooh, didn't realise there was a pregnancy thread... can I join? I'm about 10-11 weeks pregnant now and it's come as such a shock I'm finding it hard to accept it's all really happening. I've already got 2 girls who are at primary school now but it was such a long road to have them - literally ruined about a decade of my life having (what felt like) endless surgeries, cycles of IVF, miscarriages. It affected absolutely everything in my life from relationships to work/career to how I felt about myself. My pregnancies that led to my girls were relatively drama-free (amazingly) but I was so anxious after enduring so much treatment and loss already I found pregnancy very hard.

I'm such a mess with anxiety (pregnancy related and this baby was such a huge surprise after all the interventions the other ones took, it was totally unplanned and I'm 40 now so my age is freaking me out too 🥴 ). The thought having to tell people in a few weeks time makes me feel sick, I just want to hide away. I feel so guilty too knowing how hard it can be to get pregnant in the first place, stay pregnant and how much money that can cost, how much grief it causes when it doesn't work. Bleugh, I feel bad that what should be happy news (and this baby is certainly very wanted) is doing nothing but fill me with a mixture of anxiety, guilt and stress. I also feel like absolute shite, don't suppose that is helping!!! :sick:🤮
I want to tell you that your feelings around your surprise pregnancy are normal and very similar to my experience.
I hate telling people I’m pregnant- you don’t have to tell them either btw. I didn’t tell my closest colleague up til last week (I’m 26 weeks today) because I just didn’t want to face reality.
This thread has really helped me feel like I have a safe space in a little online community and has helped me come to terms with everything that is happening. So big welcome and you’re not alone in all the stress and the guilt xx
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Woke up this morning in a real "why the f*ck did I agree to work as long as I have done" mood. I've still got two weeks left but I'm ready to go now tbh; ill be 36 weeks tomorrow. Anyway, baby must have picked up on those vibes as I was sat in a meeting earlier and felt some very strong twinges and a bit of cramping which suddenly made me panic. Mood quickly changed from the above to "no baby, not just yet if we can avoid it!!" 🤣
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Yes. I just got off the phone to a male manager who was so rude about me being off sick due to pregnancy related illness and made me feel like a liar. I came off absolutely fuming, shaking, screamed into a pillow and phoned HR to put in a complaint. I'm now calmed down and im like hm maybe that was a bit of an overreaction... 😬. Too late now. I also got irrationally angry at my partner yesterday for breathing loud. I'm glad someone else gets it and im not just turning into a psycho 😅😂
Wow I could’ve written this myself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 amazing. The HR complaint is something I’ve been cooking up in my head every time I’m annoyed at work too🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thank you all for the support and advice!

the bleeding seems to have slowed down - it’s now brown and I’d say I’ve only filled about 1/5th of a regular pad.
We managed to get a private scan who could locate the baby and showed us the heart beating. We’ve also got a hospital appointment on Saturday morning as that’s the earliest they would see me. I’m so disappointed with the level of care we’ve had today.

Trying to remain positive but still very scared.
I find the early pregnancy unit very dismissive and unhelpful in my area too, I was told at 6 weeks when I was bleeding it was probably just a chemical pregnancy and basically to go away (turned out it was a vanishing twin and I only found that out because of my private scan two weeks later so was panicking non stop) . It’s really a really horrible feeling and I sympathise with you so much.
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I've had to call in sick to work. I'm aching all over (EDS exacerbated by pregnancy) and suffering acid reflux which Is making me feel so sick. Can't get a bloody GP appointment but seeing midwife Thursday. I feel so guilty but I don't have the strength or energy to go in and I'm an emotional wreck. Plus side, we find out what we're having on Saturday!
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20 week scan…. Full or empty bladder!! Mines today I’m am absoutely cr*ping myself…. Iv not been able to shake a bad feeling all this week! I feel like I’m not ready to face any bad news
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Just a whinge really, I'm so worn out now (32+2) that everything feels like a massive effort ☹ I'm struggling so much with feeling dizzy/faint which I think is because my iron stores are low but I currently can't stomach and tablets or liquid I've been prescribed to try and fix it. When the midwife listened in to baby earlier in the week she had to press quite hard as I have an anterior placenta and the pain combined with hot hot/faint I already was made me nearly pass out. I then reversed my car into another car (thankfully very low speed so no damage) but I'm just over it now, I hurt everywhere and I'm so tired.

I actually think I'll feel better post c section than I do right now 🫣
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Does anyone else keep seeing those articles come up on Facebook like ‘why I regret becoming a mum, it’s a scam’ 😬😬 (probably because I clicked on one before). I love children so much and I’m not a party girl/big drinker so Im not concerned about ‘mourning’ my youth or anything like that but mentally am I gonna be able to cope if it’s THAT hard that people regret becoming mothers? I’m scared I’m not going to be good enough.
As I'mThankyou said. It is hard.
I've never heard anyone say they regret having kids.
Those articles are stupid.

It's hard yes, but, you can have a sleepless, stressful night, and the second that baby smiles at you, or grabs your finger, or stares at you, you literally forget it in an instant.
It's so worth it.

Just the fact you're worried you won't be good enough, already tells me you'll do just fine!
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How can I be so exhausted at only 5 weeks? How the bloody hell am I going to cope with the rest of pregnancy and then having a child to look after 😂

Honestly dreading work next week trying to manage not falling asleep at my desk.
I was the same. They SAY once the placenta forms it gets easier. I am 24 weeks and naps are still life. Growing babies is knackering work.
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Well today is hopefully induction day! 😬 How do I keep myself from going barmy while I wait for the hospital to call me?! 😂
Have a nice soak in the bath before you go! I French plaited my hair too as I knew I wouldn't be up to washing it after birth for a couple of days. Take plenty to do in the hospital because it can be a long process for some people. Hope it goes well ❤
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Chatty Member
Had my 25 week midwife appointment today! Everything was fine, took my mum this time and midwife let us listen to the heart beat which was lovely! I had protein and glucose in my pee, for the first time so they’ve sent that off to get checked as a precaution, she checked my blood pressure which was normal and she’s put a date in for the gestational diabetes test but still no MATB1 form, not too concerned about it after checking gov website, it says I should give it in within 21 days of the maternity pay start date. She measured my uterus, I’m on track for 26 weeks. At the time I wasn’t too worried about the protein and the glucose but now I’m thinking should I be?!
My midwife just rang, the maternity assessment centre want me to go this morning to get my bloods taken because of the protein in my pee, midwife was lovely and told me not to panic but it’s so hard not too, they’re concerned about preeclampsia 😩
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Huge congrats neo! Hope baby neo is doing good x

on the topic of BF - can anyone recommend a good baby monitor
(going to reply here too with exactly the same 😂)

I would advise not spending too much. I've never spent more than £60 and have always had good ones!
We have this (first photo) at the moment. It's down to £40 at the minute. And it works perfectly 😊 had it for about 2 and a half years now.

We had the one in the second photo previously and was good too. That one is £60 at the minute 😊

Personal choice but I like having the actual monitor and not on a phone so I can look at it whenever/constantly.
Plus if your WiFi goes down, the ones on the phone won't work 😊


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Very traditional

VIP Member
If anyone is looking to buy a Snuzpod John Lewis have them reduced to £127.96 with free delivery this weekend, I bought one last night xx
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Woke up about half an hour ago with THE worst cramp ever in my leg! Literally scared my husband as he thought I'd gone into labour 😂

Went back to sleep and woke up just now with heart burn....I'll nip to the loo and then go get some Gaviscon - shooty bum pain and I can't walk on my leg 🙈

I'm so glamorous right now 😂😂
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My section date has been brought forwards 🎉 I also literally feel like a huge whale waddling around I'm still only 33 weeks 🙈 I have 2 important meetings with clients next week that I was hoping to palm off on my colleague but she isn't in 😫
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anything at all

VIP Member
Had our 4D scan today, as well as cervical length scan this morning.

The hospital was happy with the cervical length, so good news there, was worried after lletz procedure some years ago that things wouldnt be okay.

4D scan was great and lovely to see his face 🥰 though baby boy was very awkward and really did not want to move his hands from his face, took some wiggles lol. also he was trying to eat his knee and saw him yawn 4 times, don’t blame him it has been a long day 😂

I’m not sure how they decided this at this scan but they said and then put on the report that I have a posterior placenta, which I don’t - unless it’s moved? I doubt it has moved though as babies movement seems to be the same place or hard to feel much.
It was the same sonographer I had for the gender scan at window to the womb and they said anterior back then, and the nhs 20w one said anterior.
So maybe window at the womb really are a bit rubbish when it comes to their reports.. got to see baby and get some cute pics so that’s all that matters 😅
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I'm 13 weeks tomorrow going off my dates and have our first scan booked in Monday coming, 14th. We had a miscarriage in June at 7 weeks and I am SO ANXIOUS, I even put off going for an early scan to make sure everything is okay because I'm terrified of being told again "sorry, there's no heartbeat". I took 2 Ibuprofen the other day and have since realized they're not the best to take, I'm now panicking and worried I've done something to baby. I still have all my symptoms and belly is getting a bit bigger and bloated, I'm trying to enjoy it and take one day at a time but feel like I've been robbed of the happiness from our previous loss. Have been reading this thread and it's been a lifesaver; I don't know what the point of my comment is, but I know a lot of women are in the unfortunate same boat as me (ie. previous loss) 👼 💗
I was in a similar boat to you and I'm now 28 weeks. It's completely normal and understandable to feel like that after a previous loss, and there's been quite a few of us both on this current thread and on previous threads that have felt the exact same way. I won't say try not to worry- because I know that's a pointless and stupid thing to say because it feels like all you do is worry. What I will say is try go easy on yourself, take some time every day to do little things that make you feel better. I wouldn't stress about the ibuprofen, lots of women take medication/drink/take drugs etc before knowing they are pregnant, I think a once off is ok, you know now it's best to avoid ibuprofen for the moment and all any of us can do is our best ❤

Sending lots of love for you on Monday, and when you get to see wee baba it will make the stress seem worth it x
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Chatty Member
I'm so sorry. I have a similar relationship with my mum, and she's always favoured/done more for my siblings. I posted a few weeks ago how she was creeping me out a bit with this pregnancy, calling the baby "our baby" etc despite the fact we're really not close it gave me the major ick.

Could you possibly speak to your dad? Good luck moving in, I take my hat off to you. Try lay clear boundaries from the start and have a space to go to get away from her 🤣
Urgh I hate the ‘our baby’ comment, my partners family say it all the time!
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Reminder for those still to get their flu jab- don’t do what I did and get it done in your left arm (the side you sleep!!!) my arm is so sore / dead and I’m dreading how I’m going to sleep tonight 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️
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