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I had annual leave left to use, so I started that on the "if you're off sick with pregnancy related illness from this day your maternity leave will start automatically" date. This means that my actual maternity leave starts when I'm 38+6 weeks, and I'm having my section the following day.

I've added 3 weeks holiday onto the end, which is from my 2023 allowance. This means I'll go back to work the same week my son goes back to school after the Summer holidays.

I need her not to make an early appearance because I've spent hours working it all out to get the best out of my leave 😂

I’ve been off work for four weeks as the sickness and nausea is unbearable, but tried to go back today. Couldn’t cope and ended up coming home at lunch after being sick 3 times. My boss was a bit of a dick about it and basically said that everyone who’s pregnant has the same symptoms because the hormones are the same, but some people just deal with it better and obviously I’m not.
She also seemed to doubt how ill I am as she basically said it can’t be that bad because I’d be in hospital if it was.
I’ve had a rubbish few days with the anxiety after bleeding and with it taking us so long to get pregnant in the first place I am really worried all the time which also doesn’t help. I feel like she doesn’t understand because she fell pregnant easily and didn’t really suffer with her pregnancies.

just wanted a rant really!
Your boss is a twat.
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Honestly don’t, it’s not a fun diagnosis. If you’re given the all clear with this one I’d refuse any more tests.
You're right, I'm just frustrated because it feels like they are looking at me and thinking 'high BMI, must have gestational diabetes' and not interested in anything else like actual test results or family history of big babies (me, my husband and our siblings were all 9 or 10 lbs)
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So exciting not long to go now @catgal and @ChattyMammy ❤❤❤ I know this bit is the hardest, well it was for me just felt in such limbo waiting for baby to arrive! But it will be so worth it xx

How are you doing @Chrisxo
I’m doing okay thank you, not sleeping well at all but have no signs of anything happening so just waiting it out my induction has been booked for next Friday at 9am in a way I’m hoping he waits till then as it’s just easier for the sake of getting a lift to the hospital etc but we will see🙈 hope everyone else is doing okay 🤍
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Baby was moving so I told my husband to put his hand on my stomach, baby then kicked so hard he jumped back as if he'd had an electric shock 😂 😂
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Do you know if he is head down now? Ideally you want the baby’s back to be on your stomach side rather than back to back so if he is in that position you won’t feel the hands and feet on the outside like before. Not downplaying your concerns but could possibly be why.
He’s head down yes! And he started moving again 10 minutes after posting so I didn’t go in 😂 bloody kids. Makes me feel better to why I’m not feeling him much though!
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Does anyone know why the stigma around not breastfeeding is so opinionated and emotional for people? I personally am unsure if I want to breast feed as the thought of it is making me really anxious but I’ve had such negative reactions when I’ve mentioned it. It’s such a personal thing, of course I want what’s best for my baby, but I also want to be 100% in myself. My friend bottle fed her little one and she won’t breast feed her one on the way as she doesn’t feel like she wants to. I don’t see anything wrong with that and I’d personally never judge a woman’s choice.
I'm planning on bottle feeding from the start, not had any negative comments yet but I'm waiting for it. Already bought some ready to feed bottles to go in hospital bag
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Sonographer thinks baby is just big but as his abdomen is slightly outside normal ranges we need the scan reviewed by a Dr so currently waiting in the assessment unit. She also said the dr might want me to do the GTT again 😭😭 what is it going to find that the first two didn't!
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You're right, I'm just frustrated because it feels like they are looking at me and thinking 'high BMI, must have gestational diabetes' and not interested in anything else like actual test results or family history of big babies (me, my husband and our siblings were all 9 or 10 lbs)
A midwife with my second, (I saw a different one every time) said "Oh, your results were normal? That's strange. They're not elevated in the slightest. Maybe we should send you for a retest just incase"
I had zero symptoms. Only reason she was saying that? High BMI.
Same woman also took my blood pressure 4 times, swapped machines twice to "make sure it was the correct reading"
As my blood pressure was normal 😑
Our of all the people I've seen over 3 pregnancies, she's the only person that's every had an issue. Just so I don't worry anyone 😊
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Is it normal in pregnancy to have abit of clear watery discharge? It’s not masses but sometimes do feel like Iv wet myself abit!
Totally normal, I'll be brutally honest it ends up like niagra falls towards the end you don't know if it's discharge, your waters or you've wet yourself.
Carrying and growing a tiny human is the height of glamour!
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Is it normal in pregnancy to have abit of clear watery discharge? It’s not masses but sometimes do feel like Iv wet myself abit!

This started for me a few weeks ago, there's been a few occasions where I genuinely thought I'd either wet myself without realising or else I was worried thinking my waters were somehow trickling away! I think pregnancy is full of weird symptoms nobody really talks about, but it can definitely be stressful at times when you don't know what's going on with your body.
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Just feel so nervous and keep crying then feeling silly for getting upset
I think I cried for 41 weeks straight pretty much 😂 you are so close now and have done so well! And we are all here to help in the new baby thread (well I’m not much help really but there’s some amazing ladies over there for help and advice and just to cry to) xxx
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Anyone else in the third trimester hit with the tiredness again?😫 I feel like such a slob I’m 29 + 4 and you’d think I was 41 weeks the amount I sit down 😂
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the real mccoy

Chatty Member
my husband met his dad yesterday for lunch, and FIL asked him if he could be the first one to see the baby after me (even before my husband). he was not joking at all and it sent my husband into the biggest rage bc what the fuck is wrong with all our family members!!! husband cussed him out and told him he's literally last on the family list and if anyone were to see his son first it would be him and not anyone else. FIL was so offended and couldn't believe my husband said no. he then proceeded to tell my husband "i hope you know that the baby isn't just your son, he's everyone's grandchild and nephew" and my husband went "i dont give a shit what he is to you, he's my son and that's my only priority"

also got a message from my SIL asking me if i can avoid labour during her exam period, as if it's in my control in any way and as if i give a shit about her schedule.

absolutely can't stand my in laws sometimes, their audacity knows no bounds
Hate my in laws. Hate my SIL. My husband cut ties. Loads of families are weird. Not alone mama! ♥
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Registered my pregnancy and booked my first appointment with the midwife this morning 🫣 feels like a the longest wait and I’m so worried something is going to go wrong as it’s still early days 😩
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Anyone suffer from leg cramps? I had them super early on and now they’ve started again (20 weeks). Think I’m getting a cold too, sneezed about 50 times yesterday and woken up with a blocked nose.

also feeling down about how big I am :( I just can’t stop eating 😞 I’ve always suffered with my weight and was in a pretty “average” place before pregnancy and feel so guilty for eating so much crap but I don’t have the energy to cook meals really, I’m exhausted by 6pm still and never got the burst of energy promised. Being anaemic has really knocked me. Got a scan on Tuesday though and at least get to find out whether mini muffin is s boy or s girl and praying everything is ok with the baby and I don’t get shit about my size.
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Think I just had my first braxton hick! Whole belly went really right and I had a cramp I’ve never had before and within 10 seconds it was gone!
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Before my most recent pregnancy, I used to work out 5 times a week. As soon as I got pregnant, I couldn't even get up the stairs without having to stop at the top to catch my breath!
It never changed throughout the whole pregnancy!
I’m a personal trainer and I have been training 6 days a week for years and years and I can tell you I have been a slob most of my pregnancy apart from work and having to demonstrate! I always told myself I’d train until I dropped HA how wrong I was 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m attempting to go back Monday but I know my limits and if I can’t then it’s totally okay. We’re growing humans at the end of the day x
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If there is a change to your baby's pattern of movements that is a reason to call the maternity triage at hospital for monitoring if you're worried. I think the advice is something like no movements, reduced movements or change in movements then call up and they'll get you in for a check. I went in so many times in my last pregnancy because she just didn't move much at all so I could easily go 1-2 days and feel very little/nothing. They really didn't mind, just said it is always best to check and every 2-3 episodes they would do an extra scan as well. She was fine but she never did move a lot and they weren't sure why so induced me early in the end. Turned out she didn't move a lot as a baby either 🤣 literally the quietest, most peaceful baby in the world - she was just chilling out in there! x
God, how do you get one of those? My first we used to call the whirling dervish because she was (and I do not exaggerate) an ACTUAL maniac both inside and out of the womb. This one seems even more bonkers FML 😂
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Is anyone else feeling majorly antisocial in pregnancy?
I have always loved to be by myself / in silence more than going out or around lots of people but tonight we went to a party and I am so so angry after having to be social for 5 hours 😂😂 Feel like an absolute psycho but honestly can’t control it
I CBA socialising or leaving the house but I'm more clingy to my partner 🤣
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Anyone else really struggling with there sleep? 31 + 5 and my hips and lower back just above my bum are agony 😭 in the day it’s not to bad but at night it’s awful I’m tossing and turning all night
Yeah almost 34 weeks here and I actually dread going to bed because of how uncomfortable I am in the night 😫
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